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MarKenn Tatham

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  1. Thanks for the advice, tried playing with that, no joy once again. I try slotting different things in different places and nothing works. Just can't get my head around this atm lol
  2. I did take a look yes, and I really don't know what to do with it if it's not gonna plug into what I got already so, unless one of you fine scripters wanna take a crack at it and pass on any successful results, I'll have to let it go for now till I can find time to learn how to script from scratch. shudders... lol thanks for taking the time tho folks, preciate it
  3. have tried a few simple things with no effect really.. the main thing I saw to change was the sensor repeat line... which as the above says.. screwed it up lol.. like I said.. don't really know what I'm doing here so...... integer Scan = TRUE; string avKey; integer list_pos; list key_list; integer key_chan; //Key channel is generated randomly and passed to the scan ball integer die_chan = -9423753; //Hey pick your own channels and be sure to paste them into the scan balls too! integer key_rem_chan = -49222879; default { state_entry() { llSetObjectName("3D Radar"); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if (Scan) { llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION, []); key_list =[]; llListen(key_rem_chan, "", "", ""); llOwnerSay("on"); Scan = FALSE; } else { llSensorRemove(); llRegionSay(die_chan, "die"); llOwnerSay("off"); Scan = TRUE; } } sensor(integer iNum) { integer p = 0; for (p = 0; p < iNum; ++p) { avKey = llDetectedKey(p); list_pos = llListFindList(key_list, (list)avKey); if (list_pos == -1) { key_list += (list) avKey; key_chan = (integer) llFrand(-1000000) - 1000000; llRezObject("scan ball", llGetPos(), ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, key_chan); llSleep(.25); llRegionSay(key_chan, avKey); } } } listen(integer c, string name, key id, string msg) { integer r = llListFindList(key_list,[(key)msg]); key_list = llDeleteSubList(key_list, r, r); } } oh and here is the other part if that's needed for the scan ball as well..... string avName; integer avDistance; key avKey; integer avListen; integer key_chan; integer die_chan = -9423753; integer key_rem_chan = -49222879; vector avPos; vector rPos; default { state_entry() { llSetObjectName("scan ball"); } on_rez(integer start_param) { rPos = llGetPos(); key_chan = start_param; llListen(die_chan, "", "", ""); avListen = llListen(key_chan, "", "", ""); } listen(integer c, string n, key id, string msg) { if (c == die_chan) llDie(); else { avKey = (key) msg; avName = llKey2Name(avKey); llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION, []); llListenRemove(avListen); } } sensor(integer n) { avPos = llDetectedPos(0); vector avDivPos = (avPos - rPos) / (96 / 1); //Scan range/Radius of large sphere avDistance = (integer) llVecDist(rPos, llDetectedPos(0)); llSetPos(rPos + avDivPos); llSetText(avName + "[" + (string) avDistance + "]", <1, 1, 1 >, 1); } no_sensor() { llRegionSay(key_rem_chan, avKey); llDie(); } }
  4. Hi folks, I'm attempting to create a 3d radar that is able to detect av's in an entire region using the llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION, []) code simpley because the standard method is limited to 96m. However I'm not much of a scripter and need help. I've got a copy of the 3d radar code from the wiki.. located here ... and I've tried to use it as a base to use the new code, it'll accept the changes I make, but doesn't function. Any ideas?
  5. Hi, I'm trying to setup a script that will change a prims sculpt map when the prim is sat on. I have a script that works on touch, and works with the uuid's, but I can't figure out how to make it work on sit.
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