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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. Wouldn't it be simpler to put the script into the clothing itself and not add another prim to contain it? Let me make another plea for making mesh clothing mod. There may be future improved versions of the auto hiding script. If the clothes are mod, your customers can replace the script with the updated one. If they are no-mod, they are stuck with what's there. I have some nice fitmesh clothes with the previous version of the script that does not unhide when the item is removed. I can't update them with the V4 script because they are no-mod. Grrrrr!
  2. Are you "adding" the clothes and other attachments, not "wearing" them? Adding does what it sounds like; wearing can make other things detach.
  3. An easy, low-tech way to do it would be to change to location of the logs within the viewer to a flash drive and move it between computers.
  4. I wish I'd known a long time ago. I've deleted many, many system clothing items, some of which were quite nice.
  5. I know that this thread is old, but I just found it, and I think I can add useful information. It is quite possible to run a viewer on a USB flash drive; I have done it many times. The reason I did was that I wanted to use different computers and have the whole experience carry over from one to the other. I used a Windows batch file to copy the files from C:\Users\Username\Appdata\Roaming\Secondlife(or appropriate folder for other viewers) to the flash drive at the end of a session and copy them back at the beginning of the next one. I tried putting the cache on the flash drive, but that made the viewer run very slowly, so I ended up copying the cache back and forth, too. The default location for the log files is C:\Users\Username\Appdata\Local; it worked fine to just change the location to the flash drive from within the viewer, but it's necessary to always use the same drive letter for the flash drive if that is done. When the drive letter is always the same, it's even possible to have shortcuts work normally; you just have to install the viewer on the flash drive from each computer you run the viewer on. I used both the LL and Firestorm viewers this way. If you didn't care about preserving data when you moved between computers, you wouldn't need to copy files, and, if you didn't care about other users or administrators seeing the files, and didn't care about the disk space they occupied, you wouldn't need to delete them from the hard drive. In that case, you could just run the viewer from the flash drive without doing anything special.
  6. I had long forgotten about invisiprims. This old thread is a reminder of how much clothing has improved.
  7. I wear a Maitreya body, and I have a lower tattoo applier that I made. I would like to also wear a lower tattoo that I bought. Is there any way I can do that? I doubt that there is, but I think there is a small chance that there is software to combine two tattoos. If not, does anyone have a suggestion, other than to get the creator of the tattoo I bought to sell me the texture so i can make a tattoo with both textures? Thanks for any help.
  8. This thread perfectly illustrates my reason for residing on Zindra. To my knowledge, I don't do anything that wouldn't be permitted in a Mature sim. However, by residing in an Adult sim, I just don't have to worry about it. I don't know why my text is underlined.
  9. Another thing you can do pretty easily is make a copy of your shape (if it's copyable), and tweak it so it doesn't poke through your dress. To do that, right click on yourself, click "edit shape," and then play gingerly with the sliders on the torso tab. It appears that the neckline of the dress cuts through your body, so I don't think you can get a perfect result with an alpha.
  10. I'm thinking I may log an alt wearing my system shape on and put us both on posing stands side by side.
  11. I have put off getting a mesh head because I thought it would make me look like a different person, not just a better version of the same one. I have had the same facial appearance for a very long time, and it is a very important part of my SL identity, so I do not want to look like a different person. However, I would love to have one, if I could make it look like "me." Is that possible now? If not, will it be in the future? Are some heads better than others in terms of the customizability off facial features? If so, which is best? I was recently turned down for a gig because I didn't have a mesh head, so I'm rethinking the idea. Any advice will be appreciated.
  12. While you cannot "name and shame" here, you can IM me and everyone else who responded to your post the name.
  13. Thanks for the helpful advice. I'll try turning WiFi off.
  14. Maybe that's my problem? I have a wired connection because I want the most reliable, fastest connection. I have WiFi on because I want Miracast to work. Should I really expect to turn the WEiFi on and off according to what I'm doing?
  15. I call BS. I am running Firestorm and the LL viewer on a one-week-old Windows 10 Pro machine with only a few apps installed. It has a Geforce 2080 Ti Graphics card, an AMD Ryzen 2950X CPU, and 128 GB RAM, and has a wired Ethernet connection. My viewers are installed on a 64 GB Ramdrive along with the caches; I tested my connection, and it's over 70 Mbps up and down. Nevertheless, SL is really slow to load tonight. I don't see anything like as bad as what Prok describes, but it's still quite unsatisfactory. The stats bar said my data received rate was less than 100 Kbps tonight while I waited and watched a lot of gray. I have done all that I can to improve my SL experience. I bought a really good PC; I got a really fast Internet connection; I've even put all SL program and data files that I reasonably can on a RAMDrive (a lot of files are not on it because there is no easy way for me to relocate them from C:\Users\Jennifer|Appdata\Roaming, but they, as well as the operating system, are on a fast SSD) and, still, SL is slow to load content. Oh, and yes, I do run with graphics set to the maximum settings; if I can't do it on this PC, then the maximum settings are unrealistically high. and essentially no one can use them. Maybe I need two or three 2080 Ti's to use them? Is that my problem?
  16. SL varies a lot for me in how slow it is to load initially when I logon. Tonight, it was unusually slow, so I looked at the data received rate in the statistics bar. It was less than 100 Kbps. I then checked my connection speed. It was over 70 Mbps, both up and down. I routinely download files at speeds much faster than any speeds I ever see in the statistics bar. My conclusion is that the SL servers are slow. Is there some other explanation? I never see data received in the stats bar over around 1500 kbps. Why don't I see. at least, a few Mbps? Maybe because I limited it to 1500 Kbps because Firestorm told me to? Also, why does Firestorm warn me to limit maximum bandwidth to 1500 Kbps when I have 70 Mbps available? Isn't more bandwidth always better? Any help with understanding this will be appreciated.
  17. I am interested in buying a rideable horse. I know next to nothing about them. I would appreciate recommendations. Thanks.
  18. Recently, the edit window has become larger so that the bottom part of it is off the scree and inaccessible. I can't make it smaller, and I can't move it up. See the attached photo. It is the same on two different accounts and on the LL and Firestorm viewers. This problem makes building difficult toimpossible. Can anyone help? Thanks.
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