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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. I expect to be spending essentially all of my time for the next one to two months on an institutional campus that has public Wi-Fi. I am able to connect to the Wi-Fi network and logon to Secondlife.com using my Windows laptop, my iPad, and my Android phone. I want to use my laptop to logon to Second Life. Because it is so much less expensive, I would prefer to do it over Wi-Fi instead of a cellular data connection. Whenever I try to logon to SL, using either the LL viewer or Firestorm, it fails to connect and goes into an endless loop trying to connect. I can connect with the laptop with no difficulty via the cellular network without changing any settings at all. I cannot connect using Pocket Metaverse on my iPad over Wi-Fi; it times out. The iPad is not capable of using the cellular network. I can connect without difficulty using Lumiya on my phone over the cellular network, but it times out when trying to connect via Wi-Fi. I am baffled. Can anyone offer an explanation for the observed behavior, and, hopefully, a solution that will allow me to access SL via the Wi-Fi network here? Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. I think by far the best option is to use Slink feet, shoes made to work with them, and stockings made to work with them.
  3. I will be taking an extended trip during which I will have a lot of time during which I just be waiting soon. Because of that, I want to get a laptop that is suitable for SL. I prefer one that is easy to carry, so I'm considering 13-14 inch models ( I could live with a 15-inch one, but don't want to.). I have been looking at high-end laptops that are presented as "gaming laptops," and in other ways their specs are impressive (4th generation Core i7, 8-16 MB DDR3-1600, full HD). Many of them use Intel integrated graphics instead of discrete graphics. I'm wondering if Intel integrated graphics have improved to the point that they would be good (not just adequate) for SL. I would appreciate any input, but would especially appreciate input from people with actual experience. Thanks to all who answer.
  4. The biggest news I know: LL has a new CE#O who sems to be a breath of fresh air. We noiw have the capability to have fitted mesh clothing that fits much betyter than previopus mesh and has all of its advantages.
  5. Community Linden wrote: We've just blogged about Changes to Our JIRA Implementation that will go into effect next week. We think these changes will make for a better, more transparent and more productive experience for all of us, but if you have additional ideas on ways to improve our implementation, feel free to share them with us in this thread. Wonderful!
  6. I can't completely answer your question, but maybe I can help. I have had my cache on an internal SSD for a long time. I don't worry about wearing it out because it has a three-year warranty, and by the time it expires I will probably be ready for a better one, anyway. I have tried putting the cache on a flash drive, and it was slower. I also have tried a ramdrive, and it seemed no faster. I don't know a lot about the technical details, but I wonder if an eSATA external SSD would not be better than a USB 3 one.
  7. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Anyone can request a sim restart, I do it all the time and am not premium and never have been. How do you transmit your request? Can you file tickets and/or use chat? I thought that basic members could do neither.
  8. Where can I find my secret question and answer? After reading this thread, I thought I better review mine. It's been so long since I signed up that I don't remember having one, and I sure don't know what it is.
  9. hazeonelove wrote: From what I know, from friends, most (if not all) of all of their available prims are used up by one simple house, without furniture. An advantage of a Linden Home is that the prims for the building don't count against your allowance, as they would if you had a parcel somewhere else the same size, i.e., prim-wise, the hoiuse is free.
  10. hazeonelove wrote: Thank you for that break down. I'm a numbers guy, so that's exactly what I needed. If possible, could you tell me some if the benefits or "support" you were speaking of, that comes with the premium subscription? You can politely request a sim restart via chat, and they'll usually do it. If you are a basic member, you have no way to ask. A few years ago, I had a self-replicating-object griefer attach on my house, and a Linden came there in world to help with it, though I doubt they would go to such lengths now. Once I had some obscure setting set wrong, and chat support helped me figure out what was wrong when I was at my wits' end. Worth $10 a year to me. I've also submitted several tickets over the years, but I don't remember why.
  11. In the past, both Dell and HP let you "build your own PC" on the Web and then they built it to order. A few years ago we boght an HP laptop that we ordered that way. It came 10 days after we ordered directly from Shanghai via FedEx. I think that's a very good way to do it because it lets you see what the tradeoffs are .
  12. I would strongly consider getting a premium membership and paying by the year, which costs $72, equivalent to $6 per month. A L$300 per week stipend comes with it, which equals L$15,600 per year, worth about $62, making your net cost about $10 per year, about $0.20, or L$50 per week. That's hard to breat. I, personally, think that the support that comes with premium membership is valuable. I don't need it often, but when I do, it can be a (second) lifesaver. Because of the severe limitation on prims in Linden Homes, if you want to furnish it at all nicely, you will need to spend some money on very-low-prim furniture.
  13. Another issue, I bought items before all these other grids came along, thus, I have to track down the creator and find out what their current TOS are. If everyone standardized, it would be so much easier to do business. The TOS/license that is binding on you is the one that existed at the time you bought the item. Any changes made later don't affect your rights. A license is a contract, and changes that one party attemps to make after the transaction are not binding on the other.
  14. A lot of mesh clothing comes with a HUD to change the color or texture. Most of it is no-mode. I like to make outfits so that I can change quickly and conveniently. If I want to use different colors of an item with different outfits, it is most convenient for me to keep multiple copies set to different colors in inventory. Since I can't change the names of no-mod items, the only way I can keep up with which copy is what color is top keep them in appropriately-labeled separate folders. If they were modifiable, I could just append the color to the name and keep them all in one folder. Designers, will you please stop making these items no-mod?
  15. My personal observation is that a lot of people don't use Advanced Lighting Model, and, on their screens, invisiprims work as intended. They just don't realize what other people see. I have had to explain to several friends what their feet looked like and send them snapshots to help them understand. Once they saw the snapshot, they were eager to fix the problem.
  16. I'll send you some shoe alpha masks inworld. If there is interest, I'll put a box of them that people can take for free in my front yard.
  17. I am very pleased to see that a mesh clothing seller is including the alpha mask texture, which makes it so much easier if the alpha mask needs a little adjustment to be just right. I'll be checking out your store, for sure.
  18. I have spent a lot of time looking for nice add-on feet to fit sculpty shoes that were made to fit size 0 avatar feet, which was the standard for years. I have a lot of nice shoes that I can no longer use. I'll bet there are thousands like me who would leap at the opportunity to wear such shoes AND have nice-looking feet and ankles.
  19. If some will and some won't, how can I tell the difference? I don't want to buy clothes that I can only use for a few months, but I don't want to have to completely stop shopping, either.
  20. "...my hair goes through my chest or through my neck..." That's the reason I usually wear mine short or up.
  21. I changed my shape to be Standard Size Small, and it doesn't look enough different from before for anyone, including me, to notice. In addition, some of the most noticeable characteristics of avatars, such as height, are not limited by standard sizing. I don't feel like I look like a lot of other avatars. Sure, certain shape sliders arte the same for me and thousands of others, but I have yet to meet one that anyone would confuse with me, except an alt that I purposely made identical.
  22. Many sellers of no-transfer items have redelivery terminals where you can get another copy fror yourself. Many others would, I imagine, give a customer another copy if requested. You might also consider filing a ticket with LL.
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