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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. I just discovered that I have many, many duplicate calling cards in my inventory. Dozens of accounts have dozens of calling cards each. I have deleted duplicates through the the ones starting with E, and my inventory has shrunk by over 5,000. Why do I have all of these calling cards? I am positive that I have never been friends with some of the accounts and have never accepted their calling cards.
  2. I just run two instances of the viewer to do that.
  3. Thanks. I'll logon with the official viewer. I looked hard in FS and couldn't find a way to turn it off.
  4. A new version was released. I can't get the old version off. How do I do that?
  5. Probably your best bet is to make your own. Download clothing templates. Make a tattoo layer with them, so you can wear it and see exactly where a point on the template is on your body. Then use a proggram like the free paint.net to erase (make transparent) the part of the template you think you need to. Upload it. Apply it to an alpha mask. Try the alpha mask on. Do it again. Keep tweaking till you have it right, or, at least, as good as you can get it.
  6. Will SL residents be able to take anything with them from SL to Sansar? If so, what?
  7. I would like to have some layered fitmesh clothes. I am thinking of, for example, a jacket and shirt that woirk together, so I can wear the jacket over the shirt and can take the jacket off. It seems like that it would be possible for a designer to make two garments, one just slightly larger than the other, and make this work, but I have not seen it. Surely I am not the only person who wants such clothing.
  8. I have a Maitreya Lara mesh body, and I love it. I also love how (the best) fitmesh clothing looks---indescribably better than the old system painted-on clothing. I like to wear tops and pants or skirts as opposed to one-piece outfits. There is no problem with bare-midriff outfits, but there has always been such an overabundance of those in SL that I don't want too many of them. The problem arises when I try to put together two-piece outfits with the midriff covered. If the top is loose and the tail is worn out, it usually works OK. Otherwise, it is very difficult to find top and bottom combinations that work well together. I would like some suggestions, please.
  9. Thanks for the useful tip. I have posted a feature request for a solution to the specific problem that the OP describes. You can see it here. Please vote for it. I asked that creating links to other outfit folders within outfit folders be enabled, and that tghe contents of the linked folder be allowed to change without breaking the link. If we could do that, we could have one folder for the basic avatar contining mesh body, mesh hands and feet, shape, skin, etc. Then, when one component gets iupdated we can just change it in one folder and be done.
  10. I have some prims that must not impede avatar movement, i.e., avatars must be able to move through them, that are phantom prims. It would be convenient if they could be linked to non-phantom prims. If I could make the physics shape type none, I think I could link them to regular prims without problems. Would there be any disadbvantage to doing that?
  11. Alwin Alcott wrote: sorry to inform you we're not all in the US Really? I didn't know that. Thanks for educating me. Seriously, the reason I limited my comment to U.S. law is that I don't know enough about copyright laws other jurisdictions to comment. If you, or others, care to describe the case law regarding copyright in other jurisdictions, I would be interested in learning more about it.
  12. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Not to mention that even in the US the "Right of First Sale" doesn't apply to electronic goods that are endlessly copiable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Records,_LLC_v._ReDigi_Inc. From the article you linked: "On March 30, 2013, Judge Richard J. Sullivan ruled in favor of Capitol Records, explaining that the transfer of digital data from one storage medium to another constituted a violation of copyright, because the copy was ultimately an unauthorized reproduction, and therefore outside of the protection of the first-sale doctrine." (emphaasis added) and "The court explained that, '[h]ere, a ReDigi user owns the phonorecord that was created when she purchased and downloaded a song from iTunes to her hard disk. But to sell that song on ReDigi, she must produce a new phonorecord on the ReDigi server. Because it is therefore impossible for the user to sell her “particular” phonorecord on ReDigi, the first-sale statute cannot provide a defense.'" The court ruled that the First Sale Doctrine did not apply because the material was copied, not because it was electronic, or that it was copyable. We are discussing sellingthe same copy of digital merchandise that was bought, not making a copy and selling it.
  13. "There's also the copyright... those are mostly seen as personal agreements, not transferable. So also not by selling a account." Wrong. Under U.S. law, the buyer of a copyrighted work has unlimited rights to resell it. Look up "Right of First Sale."
  14. It was from a pair of shoes that I had rezzed in my closet just because I like to have clothes visible in it. The strange thing is that when I looked at them in edit mode, there were no contents.
  15. Bobbie Faulds wrote: "You can't legally change the system clothes you have into appliers because the original texure/template is owned by the creator." Yes, the original texture may be owned by her, but she sold me a copy, and it's my right to do with that copy as I please. "To convert without their permission could be constured as a DMCA violation though as long as it's just for personal use, probably wouldn't be pursued." It could also be construed as not a DMCA violation. I bought a system layer garment; I took away the system layer; I added the texture that remained to an applier. I did not copy anything; I just deleted a part of what I bought and added the remainder to something. I am within my rights to alter a copyrighted item that I bought, e.g., I can tear pages out of a book, write in the margins, black out passages, add the remaining pages to pages from another copyrighted book, have them bound together into one volume, and then sell it
  16. Now, I almost always wear a Maitreya Lara mesh body and buy almost no clothing that not fitted mesh designed for this body or regular rigged or unrigged mesh that happens to fit it well. I prefer fitted mesh underwear, but will buy applier underwear, since fitted mesh that actually works with clothing is very hard to find (So far, I have one pair of fitted mesh panties that works under most skirts and dresses.). I make an exception for mesh clothing that has both long sleeves and long legs, such as BDUs and flight suits, since there's no reason for it to fit the mesh body well. I still usually wear flexi hair, as I think it looks better than most mesh hair. I am in the process of going through my inventory identifying the mesh, and occasional sculpty and prim item (mostly shoes and accessories that are carried, jewelery, and hats), that work with my body and deleting the rest. So far, I've deleted about 10,000 items. One thing I don't understand is why no one is selling a device that can turn system layer clothing into appliers. I'll probably end up deleting pretty system layer lingerie because I can't use it. I'd love to make appliers from it. Under U.S. copyright law, a consumer has unlimited rights to modify the copy of a copyrighted work that she bought and, even, to sell it after modifying it. It seems to me that, since the viewer knows what it needs to know to render a clothing layer, it must know what it needs to know to make an applier. The user of such a device would simply be removing a part of the article she bought, the clothing layer itself, keeping the remainder, the texture, and adding it to an applier. It would be the equivalent of removing the cover that came on a book and replacing it with one you liked better. For the foreseeable future, I will continue to prefer prim buildings, because I want to be able to modify them.
  17. Whenever I am on the mainland parcel where I live, and I walk, I can hear a walk sould. It is like heels clicking on a hard surface. It pesrsists even if I am wearing nothing but skin, shape, eyes, and bald head. Others can hear it. I think it must be coming from some object that is rezzed on the parcel. The only way I can think of to find it is to divide the parcel in halves, see which half it's on, and repeat until I have localized it to one 16 square meter parcel, and then search that till I find it so I can remove it. Does anyone have any other ideas about what might be causing the sound or for an easier solutiuon?
  18. Do you know of a proxy server that works with SL?
  19. I believe that the only way a third party can get your IP address via SL is for you to access some kind of media that comes from their server. Therefore, if you access no music, video, web content, etc. except from sources you know you can trust, he should not be able to get it. I don't know about other viewers, but Firestorm makes it easy to whitelist trustyed servers while not accessing any others. I'm no expert, but I believe it is a federal felony in the US to mount a DOS attack.
  20. Now that I have a mesh body, mesh hands, and mesh feet, maintaining outfits is getting more complicated. I have been a heavy user of outfits since they becam available. Sometime in the last several months, new limitations on what can be done with them have appeared in, at least, the LL viewer and Firestorm. Why anyone would add new limitations is beyond me. I have rountinely stored my out-of-season outfits in a storage folder outside the Outfits folder just to make the number of outfits more manageable. I just found out today that, while I can still drag an outfit folder to another folder, I can't drag it back into the Outfits folder. I know that this behavior is new, because I have routinely done just that with dozens of folders each spring and fall in the past. There are also other limitations compared with other folders that I don't know are new, but that are irritating. I can't paste a link into an Outfit folder. I can't copy a link from an outfit folder. What I wanted to do before I found these limitations was to, e.g., create a folder in which I would keep the latest version of my mesh body, and place a link to that folder in outfits, so that all I would have to do when a new version came out was to replace the copy in the folder, istead of updating outfits themselves, which can only be done (since I can't paste links into them) by wearing them, changing what needs chganging, and saving them. Anmy ideas for worarounds will be very much appreciated.
  21. I was in exactly the same position you are in now a few weeks ago. I tried some of the demos, biut that didn't help me very much. Based on various reviews, I decided to get the Maitreya Lara body. It takes a little fooling around to get comfortable with the HUD, but not that much. The documntation could be more thorough. It looks great. I used my own shape, tweaked to make the body look as much like my usual shape as possible---I'm just a better quality version of the same person. There are two accessories (free) that I really like. One is a script that you can put in an object you wear that will automatically set the mesh body's alpha mask to what it needs to be for a particular piece of clothing---it really makes changing clothes faster and easier. The other is the developer kit that lets you make appliers from your own textures. I had a couple of tattoos I had made myself that I wanted to use with the mesh body because they were just part of my SL persona; I made appliers for them. The best fitted mesh clothes designed for the particular mesh body are fantastic, and I plan to be very particular about quality as I expand my new wardrobe, buying only good fitted mesh clothing. I don't think much of the appearance of most applier clothes, except for some underwear. Most of the unrigged mesh clothes I already had (that I have tried to date) don't work well enough to suit me; a few do. If you are more patient than I am about tweaking shapes to make particular clothes fit, you may fare better, but I've decided to take this opportunity to clean out my SL closet, which I've needed to do for years. Since Slink feet work with this body, I was able to salvage my nice shoes for my Slink feet.
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