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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. I would love it. I would love to be able to fly over the ocean between continents. It would be fine if I couldn't fly too near to some islands. It would be nice to have ban lines or something similar that were visible at a distance,making them easy to avoid. It would also be great fun to sail between continents and islands.
  2. First, let me thank Penny for posting. I completely agree and am frequently frustrated by no-mod restrictions. Inability to rename is my biggest issue with clothing and body parts. I often have items the characteristics of which can be changed by HUDs or scripts. It is frequently convenient to make copies that are set to different characteristics, e.g., color or texture, that are parts of different outfits that I want to be able to don instantly. If I could rename the items, I could just add "-Red" or "-Black" or whatever to the name. As it is, I have to create a separate folder for each one in order to keep up with which is which. Every time I have to do that, I think unkindly of the creator, who didn't give a s#!t about making things convenient for their customers. Regarding the argument that users might mess up products: If I buy something, it's mine, and I should be able to mess it up to my heart's content. IRL, I can mess up anything I've bought---clothes, houses, appliances, cars, books, even artwork---and it doesn't seem to be a problem. It isn't in SL, either, except in the over-anxious minds of some creators. Most people are not going to buy something nice and then make it ugly; the few that do are not going to affect the creator's reputation significantly. Finally, the real underlying problem is that LL messed up royally by making the no-mod restriction possible at all for items that are sold and not given away; they could have and should have made the sale of anything for any amount greater than zero automatically set the permission to mod. What they did was to make it possible to enforce a legally non-enforceable restriction by technical means. Just my $0.02 from someone who buys a lot of clothing and accessories.
  3. I have a Maitreya Lara body, and I still use a system head. I have Slink hands and feet. Since the Maitreya hands that come with the body now do everything the Slink hands do, and can be controlled by the Maitreya HUD that I'm wearing anyway, I never wear my Slink hands anymore. I still wear Slink feet sometimes when wearing shoes made for them. I have a LAQ skin that has appliers for Maitreya Lara and Slink feet.
  4. In summer, I usually wear shorts, a tank, and either sneakers or flip-flops. In winter, I usually wear a sweater or a blouse and jacket, jeans, and boots.
  5. The whole question is in the title. I have searched help, answers, and the forums, and not found the information I seek. The FAQ is directed at creators and has no information about what materials do.
  6. There are various sliders to adjust avatar physics, and yours need adjusting.. Right click on your avatar, click on "Edit Outfit," click on the physics layer, and then click on the wrench icon. You can play around with the sliders and find setting you like. The sliders' effects are not linear, and some of them seem to have their maximum effects far short of their maximum settings. If yours isn't modifiable, you can make anew one. I'll send you the physics layer that I routinely wear. You can see how you like it.
  7. The post above is an error, but the forum software won't let me delete it.
  8. The difference is that in RL, you can find out about them without having to discover them for yourself by getting knocked out of the air. (Now that I have learned, here about the minimap showing them, I do have an altenative.)
  9. I'll definitely be looking into using the Safeskies HUD. Thanks for the tip.
  10. I was very happy to learn that the minimap shows where I am banned. This is a gamechanger for me. It will make flying so much safer and easier. Thank you sooooooo much. I did discover that, in Firestorm, "show property lines" must be turned on in the minimap options.
  11. Perhaps people feel like they should be able to fly over land because that's the way it it in Real Life. I paid for the land I live on, but aircraft fly over it every day, as is their right, and they affect me a lot more than I'd affect a SL landowner because they shake my house and they are LOUD. Why should it be different in SL? In addition, anyone who does something that makes someone else's life worse that doesn't make their life better just because they can is indeed A JERK. I believe people, in RL and SL, should always do everything they can to make others' lives better when they can do it at no cost to themselves. You minimize the difficulty of "going somewhere else." It is harder than you think. One needs to fly fast to avoid being shot down by security orbs (so that one leaves their areas before the grace period ends), and it's just impossible to navigate precisely enough fast enough to avoid problems. I try to avoid going near skyboxes, but I still run afoul of security orbs sometimes. I was not aware that the minimap shows where one is banned; that may be a very useful tool that will solve my problem with ban lines. If I could see ban lines at a distance, I would gladly fly around then, but I can't see them until I am upon them.
  12. Oh! I guess I must have flown over the same parcel in the past and run afoul of some kind of security script that added me to the parcel ban list. Why do people feel the need to be jerks? It wouldn't cost them a thing to let me fly over their land for a few seconds.
  13. I was flying my helicopter at 1,300 meters over Zindra and was shot down by ban lines. I am used to being shot down by security orbs, but have gotten better at avoiding that by flying fast and not passing close to skyboxes. I purposely fly fairly high to avoid ban lines. How can ban lines be present at 1300 meters? I investigated afterward without the helicopter, and I could clearly see ban lines. I thought ban lines stopped at something like 200 or 300 meters, and I can remember in the past bouncing along on top of areas from which I was banned. Has something changed? Do ban lines now go higher than they used to? What's going on?
  14. Both. I like a folder containing all components of whatever I bought that also contains a box containing them. That way, I have the convenience of immediate access without unboxing as well as the convenience of having a boxed backup copy without boxing it myself.
  15. I am an idiot! First, thanks to Pamela and Chic for some very useful tips. It turns out that the furniture really is gone. The reason that I thought it still showed in area search and in parcel details was that they showed a fairly large number of objects owned by the owner of the missing furniture, and I assumed that it was included. It turned out that (only) furniture that wasn't missing was what was showing up. The silver lining is that I learned a lesson and some useful techniques. Thanks to all who responded.
  16. Pamela, I logged on on a different account with FS, and it looked the same, as it did when I looked at it in Radigast's 3D view with the other account. It also looked the same to a friend on FS. Looks like I'll be heading over to La Galleria!
  17. Some of the furniture in my house is owned by a former roommate who last logged on over three years ago. Yesterday, I noticed that it had all disappeared. When I investigated, I found that it still shows in the list of objects on the land in parcel details, and it still shows in Firestorm area search. There is no obstruction to avatar movement where the furniture was, and when I hit alt-ctrl-T with graphics setting as low as possible, the furniture doesn't show. The owner is not on the mute list, The Firestorm asset blacklist is empty. Can anyone help?
  18. Like others, I would not want to buy a complete avatar because I want to be unique. SL is just like RL when it come to looking nice. You can spend a lot of time and little money or a lot of money and little time. IRL, you can shop thrift shops and dress very well, but you'll spend a lot more time than if you shop department stores.
  19. It is worth noting that making tattoos for Maitreya Lara is really easy using the free kit from Maitreya. I am no creator, but I made some one because it was one I had had for a long time and I wanted to continue wearing it.
  20. It would help if you told us what viewer you use and described EXACTLY what you did, or, better, posted screen shots.
  21. I have a sculptie gate that I put a simple swinging door script in. It works fine except that it rotates around the latch side instead of the hinge side. I understand just enough abouty scripting to change parameters and make minor modifications in scripts. I understand how prim swinging doors work---they are sliced prims and swing around the center---but i have no idea what controls which side a scuptie swings around. Any help will be appreciated.
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