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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. I'll take that offer up! I've been waiting for these heads to upgrade mine. I decided some time ago that my next head would be Catwa because Skell is so knowledgeable and helpful, but I wanted to wait for the new generation before investing the money, time, and effort it would take to change heads. It is VERY important to me to retain the same facial appearance; I want to look like the same person, just, hopefully, a better version. I am posting pictures of my system head because, while I came close to having my current mesh head look like it, I didn't achieve as close a match as I wanted, and it is what I'm shooting for: Which of the Catawa HDPRO heads should I buy? Thanks.
  2. My issue with SL cars and similar vehicles has been unrelaistic gearshift operation. With the ones I have tried, gear changes affect only speed, not torque, so that, instead of downshifting to go up a hill, I need to upshift. Are there any with realistic gearshift operation?
  3. There are some things that I think are interesting about the message from LL. One is that they are requiring documentation of a date of birth, but when people open new accounts, they just take their word for it. Another is that it says "Our Terms of Service requires that a Resident provides their true date of birth when registering a Second Life account." I searched the TOS for "birth" and got no hits. When I searched it for date, the only occurrences were unrelated to date of birth. Finally, the account was opened in 4/07, so for the account holder to be under 18 now, they would have had to have opened it at age five or younger. How likely is it it that someone opened an account at that age?
  4. My avatar shares my character, but her personality is quite different from mine. She has the personality that I wish I dared to have.
  5. I have been paying LL via a PayPal account funded by an AMEX CC a long time. Since at least April PP had categorized payments to LL as something like "money transfer." I can't see it now because they have changed them all to "Digital Media." AMEX never charged me extra fees. PayPal gave me a substantial credit to cover the extra fees ANEX didn't charge. I could use a lot more of this!
  6. How does that make sense? I used to travel a lot and access SL from hotels. Presumably, if I had offended someone and gotten banned somewhere, all other guests of the hotel where I was staying when it happened would have been banned. Surely, it would happen to thousands of (innocent) people. Can that be good? Plus, as I understand it, even mildly sophisticated hackers know how to easily evade IP bans, so they aren't a significant impediment to the bad people, anyway. So why would LL use an almost useless tool that inconvenienced innocent hotel guests?
  7. The next step after the subject of a DMCA notification files a counter-notification, a simple one-page document, is for the accuser to seek a court order against the alleged infringer, or not. If they do not do that, the host must put the material back up within 10-14 business days. In either case, they can file suit in U.S. District Court. There are penalties for filing false DMCA notifications and counter-notifications. You can read all about it on page 12 of this document from the U.S. Copyright Office.
  8. I have been puzzled about what's going on with Genus since I first heard about it. As I understand it, the DMCA process works like this: Someone files a takedown notice with a host alleging that content infringes their copyright. The host takes the content down. The owner of the removed content files a counter-notification with the host saying that the content was not infringing, or not. If they do, the host restores the content. If the content was restored, the original complaining party files suit in U.S. District Court, or not. So, my question is, if content wasn't infringing, why would it be offline more than a day or so? In addition, if it was taken down because it was (alleged to be) infringing, why weren't all copies removed, including those in users' inventories. I remember years ago that LL replaced copies of unwittingly-acquired infringing items that were in my inventory with placeholders.
  9. Huh? This is nonsense. I have occupied a house on the Mainland that fronts on a Linden road since 2009, and I have seldom seen one. They hardly "dominate all sims and all roads." I "live and work on the Mainland," since 2007, and I've never had a problem with them.
  10. It turned out that the prim wasn't really disappearing. It was part of a linkset of large prims that formed floors and walls. As it happened, the walls in the area where the floor appeared to disappear were not part of that linkset. One of the prims in the linkset had a swinging door script that responded to a touch by turning the linkset 90 degrees. What was happening was that errant clicks were causing the linkset to rotate 90 degress, but that wasn't obvious because when it was rotated, it was not visible to an avatar standing one the floor that seemed to disappear, as it was well outside the building. I don't know how i managed to put that script in that prim.
  11. I found the problem using the method recommended above, and I thought my posting about it might help someone else. There was a large prim cube that was hollow and had been path cut so it formed a U shape. It was used for three walls. The barrier was located in the area between the two sides of the U. The physics shape type had originally been prim, but had been changed to convex hull. When I changed it back to prim, the barrier disappeared. I did not make the detailed observations that would be needed to prove it, but I suspect that the two surfaces that resulted from the path cuts formed the barrier.
  12. Of course they do. In SL, we can look the way we want to; our appearance is totally within our control. Therefore, it expresses more about us than RL appearance, which we cannot control nearly as much, does. There are plenty of avatars that I can glace at and know that I want nothing to do with. OTOH, looking attractive, in the sense of having an appearance that the observer thinks indicates that someone has the attributes they seek in friends, does not mean that the observer will like them once they become acquainted. But it does make it more likely.
  13. My house in made mostly of prims with a few meshed and sculpted prims. Recently, an invisible barrier to avatar movement has appeared in one area. It remains invisible when transparent objects are highlight, and I can see no clues in wireframe view or when bounding boxes are made visible. When all rendering types except avatar are turned off, the barrier is still there. It seems to be a one-way barrier; avatars are stopped when they try to walk through in one direction, but if they teleport past it, they can walk back in the other direction. Any suggestions about how to deal with this problem will be very much appreciated.
  14. I can easily get rid of the neck seam by setting both head and body to BOM and wearing a total-body skin. The problem is that I have not found such a skin that had no issues with my head. The problems are mostly around the inner corners of the eyes.
  15. Still, it must be rare, and it would be better to have rare confusion in exchange for common clarity.
  16. Is anyone interested in creating such a script and offering it for sale on MP?
  17. Yes, two avatars can have the same display name, but I'm pretty sure that I have never seen two avatars that were in the same sim at the same time who did. If scripts used display names when they referred to avatars in chat, the number of times it would cause confusion would be non-existent to minuscule, and it would very frequently make things easier to understand, and more pleasant.
  18. I think LL had the right idea when they tried having a "basic" version of the viewer for new users. However, they executed it poorly because they didn''t understand what new users want. Nobody wanted to use the basic settings because they couldn't customize their avatars, so new users would change to the advanced version as soon as they could figure out how. If LL did something similar again, but paid attention to what features new users want, I think it could help. I recently made an alt just to see what the account creation process was currently like. It was the same as it's been for years. You make up a username, and, if it's anything that would be reasonable to have as a name, you see, "username exists." The is no help, like a suggestion for similar names that are available like some sites have. There is also no hint that it will be anything other than a login ID, or that it will be as visible inworld as it is. It seems that scripts always use usernames. Would it be hard to have them use display names? Then, we wouldn't have to figure out that maddog1228 is the avatar we know as John Smith. How could it be hard? Both the server and the viewer can know display names. Maybe eventually Firestorm will have an option to "replace usernames in chat with display names."
  19. For many people, of whom I am one, keeping our facial appearance the same is extremely important, because we, and others, associate that face with this person. That's what made changing to mesh heads hard for many of us. It's easy to have a nice-looking face with a mesh head, but it's very difficult and time-consuming to have a particular face. I spent countless hours fruitlessly attempting to get various demo mesh heads to look like "me.": Finally, a very generous person volunteered to help me, and even gave me a shape that was close. Even with that much help, I spent a full day with my new avatar standing next to an alt that was identical to my old avatar tweaking shape sliders. Now that we are getting another generation of mesh heads, I realize with dread that I need to do it all over again, and that I will need to repeatedly in the future.
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