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Everything posted by norajulian

  1. Awe, thank you! I wouldn't be where I was today if it weren't for the amazing creators here! My skin is Insol, but the freckles are actually an applier from the store Oh!Liv for my mesh body. They do have an Omega applier.
  2. Good morning, little muffins. Snag a coffee and come take a morning walk with me (or afternoon, for some of you folks )?
  3. I..er.. Linden Labs is based out of San Francisco, I believe. They might have moved and didn’t tell anyone, though. That being said, it is good to know another language aside from your own, Portuguese and English included.
  4. Taking some photos at another wedding. You can't tell, but in RL, I feel like my eyes are boiling at the back of my head because I'm uber sleepy. <3
  5. No need to retire the audience for smoking - I do believe lung disease does that eventually, eh? Stay or leave, Hacksan. But if you leave, please be sure to retain your land as I think there are a few squatters that might appreciate it.
  6. *throws herself down on the nearest cushion, thankful for her spill-proof coffee tumbler* I don't know about you all, but I'm having one of those mornings where it's hard to wake up!
  7. Feeling pretty Christmas-y if I do say so, myself! ;D
  8. Kanry, I'll send you a message in-world! We have the capability to do a variety of ceremonies at Weddings by Leona, including Hand Fasting ceremonies!
  9. To tack onto everything else, SL is primarily female. There aren't as many men in secondlife for whatever reason, be it that we don't do enough "pew-pew!" guns here or the clothing support for female avatars is better. Also, I think it's fair to say that most women in RL don't scamper around topless, boobs flapping about in the wind. AND I don't have to deal with my monthlies in SL, and I can simply log out if I'm feeling witchy. In Rl we have to hold our tongues and bear our punishments for snapping. As far as the #metoo comparison - no. Just, no. SL is weird, man.
  10. I have just discovered a new-to-me photography location, and if you haven't been there yet, I demand you TP your pixel behind there right this instance. Hard work was put into this sim!
  11. Decorating a bridal studio for photos. I snagged this ottoman by Trompe at Collabor88, and inspiration struck for an update.
  12. There was a steampunk event on the sim that I work at, so naturally I pulled out a hat that hasn't seen the light of SL since nearly 2009, and grabbed the closest dress I could find. Also, somebody gave me a candy cane, so I apologize for snapping with my mouth open.
  13. For clothes, then, you could try some shops like Amitomo (I had forgotten that they did skin, too!), ::C'est la vie !:: , Zenith, and I'm sure there are a few others that I'm forgetting. There are many clothes in SL that you can work into an outfit to give your avatar the desired look, so that one is a smidge harder. For hair, the "style huds" are becoming popular to where you can decide where your hair "falls". #Foxy, Doux, and Entwined might be a good place to start, although i can't recall if Entwined has the style options or not. The hairs at these three places typically fall flat enough that a hoodie would work well.
  14. I'm pretty sure the song that was playing was I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas - so essentially the same thing.
  15. Dancin' in our jammies. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
  16. For skin: Mudskin, VCO, more more. , Hair: You might try anything that is modifiable Clothing: What do you mean by asian clothing? Traditional clothing? Kawaii clothing? Skinny jeans and flannel shirts? business attire?
  17. Definitely try DOE, Wasabi Pills, and Truth. As always, try a demo first. I know that there are also a few sellers that do have resizer scripts in their hairs, so be sure to check for those when you demo. I have an RP daughter who uses these brands to resize for herself. Additionally, a lot of the older prim hairs definitely resize down to the old "tiny" size, so if you can find some of those, that would probably work best for her, if that's how small she is going.
  18. I don't think the boss will go for it, though. but we shall see!
  19. Currently trying to snap a photo that I can edit to submit for a website pertaining to a job I recently accepted in SL. It reads pure professionalism, I know.
  20. There are scripts that string the music together - just edit the sounds to 10 seconds *exactly* per gidget until you complete the whole song, and make sure that the last sound bit is an exact amount of seconds if shorter than 10 (i.e. 9, 8, 7). I can make it for you, too - just shoot me a message in-world.
  21. New hairs on my wee little pixel head! <3 I hope you are all having a fantastic Tuesday! Don't forget to get your Christmas (or whichever winter holiday you celebrate) presents!
  22. Good morning, my little papas fritas. ❤ Yesterday I did a little mini-makeover and changed skins and eyes, and here I am this sleepy morning. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, wherever you are!
  23. This is not a new issue, by any means, and I'm sure it will continue to be an issue as long as people exist as a whole. The short of it is that there are people who role-play as "children" and purposely go to certain adult places to engage in inappropriate adult activities, and have thusly "ruined it" for other folks who genuinely want to role-play as kidlets in the game and do child things. There is an overall wariness in the human persona regarding anything "different" - and some role-plays just make people feel uncomfortable. Here in secondlife, you can be WHATEVER and whomever you'd like to be. Many of us log in as adult, human beings, who dress similarly to how we would in RL and engage in activities that we might engage in RL. There are some folks, however, who take advantage of the freedom of expression. They participate in role-plays of all sizes, genders, species, ages, etc, etc. And there is certainly nothing wrong with that at all - but some people cannot understand the "why" of it. Why would you WANT to do this, when you could do this instead? Why would you WANT to be this age, when you are actually /this/ age, etc, etc. The BIGGEST hurdle between child avatars and the general SL population is that there is a deep rooted understanding (and justly so), that engaging in adult activities with children is illegal and immoral, be it RL or SL. Additionally, I think it's fair to say that there is a similar regard to "furries" - even in the last couple of days there have been posts made that have been demeaning to people who choose to live their SL as a furry, because of that deep routed belief (again, just), that (b-word with animals that SL muted) is immoral, etc. You hear mostly about the BAD aspects of those "inappropriate child avatars" because that is generally the word that is spread throughout the clubs and the adult meeting places, etc. Most family RP, including children, is a small, close knit community and they don't tend to venture far from where they live because they have been greeted with such opposition and understand that not everyone will understand their chosen form of RP, even in its purest form. Typically, the "parents" don't go out "clubbing" all the time and you won't find them hanging out at brothels or what have you because, again, that "other" world. There are exceptions, naturally, but as long as they are an adult avvie, there isn't a problem. There are those within the family RP community that are angry that they aren't allowed in certain places, but those places are moderately rated, not adult, and with no rhyme or reason as to why, other than the landowner "doesn't like them". However, we rent our land so that we can apply our own rules, and things must be taken with a grain of salt. I'd only like to close with this: I do RP as a "mother" and have since my rezz date. I do have two RP daughters, one of them is a toddleedoo (those tiny little munchkin-avatars) and has been with me as my daughter for over 4 years now. My partner and I also have a daughter who RPs as a teenager. I've been in the "family community" for nearly 7 years and have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of child avatars. This will never not be a topic, because it will ALWAYS exist, as mentioned earlier. Perhaps suggest to your friends that maybe they have better places to go beyond places that don't allow them? SL is a very big place and has many, many options that are family friendly and there will never be any doubt of your welcome. I assure you - these places aren't hard to find, by any means.
  24. I can't say much regarding anything else, because SL is the only "game" I've ever played, and I've been here for around 11 years at this point. That being said, SL is really an extension of RL and allows (and encourages) for unique appearances and "styles", as well as a user-created economics system where folks build and mesh and talk and what have you to support their in-world incomes and shenanigans. Because there is SO much freedom allowed, you will get different interpretations across the board. The best advice I can give you is the take that "Best Selling" option with a grain of salt. Unless they've changed the algorithm, that is based off of the Best Selling of all SL Marketplace existence, which means you're more likely to have some "unattractive" skins up there because back in the 'olden' days, we were all a bunch of unattractive pixel people. One morning, Linden Jesus woke up and launched mesh, which has rapidly excelled and "meshed" to the community in the last couple of years. These days, you can apply a mesh body on top of your "system-blessed" avatar and wear an invisibility cloak over all of SL Jesus' creation. From the mesh bodies came the mesh heads, and from those became the magical Bento rigging, complete with blinking heads, talking heads, wiggling fingers, face-making, and dare I say it - you can even pleasure yourself in SL at this point, I'm sure. For some resources: Skins - https://slskinaddiction.wordpress.com/ <- Skin Addiction is a blog that releases new skins and applier news, and everything related to it. Obviously, there are more resources for women out there, but you can find some men on the grid as well! Mesh Heads/Body reviews - http://meshbodyaddicts.com/ <- I always send this to anybody who is looking to upgrade their avatar. This has a full review on the mesh heads and bodies out, as well as designers for skins and the appliers per body and head, and it can get awfully confusing. Luckily, they have handy charts that try to explain things. This website is usually up to date, and even has the recent women's Vista release (from last week, I think?) on their chart. Those bento heads are the ones that you want as far as expressions, although it's VERY possible to make yourself "smile" by editing your shape and facial features (right click on your avvie, click "Appearance" and there should be an edit shape within that menu.) I wish I could help you out on specifics, but I'm not as focused on the male stores these days like I used to be, as there aren't too many genuine "noobs" floating around anymore. There ARE some very friendly men-folk here on the forums, though, that I'm sure will offer suggestions.
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