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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. Say Brooke when would you say mesh products are safe for consumption inworld? I don't want to sell stuff that might later break due to Linden changes or whatnot to how meshes are handled, and I've seen the warnings on the mesh-enabled beta test sims on main grid. I have some mesh creations basically ready to go.... but I get the feeling it is a little premature to put mesh items out for sale, is it? I want to give this responsible approach. Most residents cannot see meshes or interact with & this is a big issue for the seller & the buyer of mesh until rollout completes. Where & when might we see a solid "ALL CLEAR!" from Lindens to know it is okay to release mesh works for sale? Only when I see some message like this, then I will get my stuff released on marketplace! :matte-motes-grin:
  2. hmm... not sure why your items would be disappearing. What version of magic box are you using? If it is too old, or something is wrong with it, your listings may not appear. A new magic box might resolve the problem...
  3. Is that good Keli? I should try it sometime! I think it might be too greasy I dunno cause the bacon I use has a lot of leftover grease in pan... I make eggs first & add avacado oil usually too, forgot to mention that bit... its delicious with eggs :matte-motes-delicious: Love the cute egg pic Charolotte! So cute :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  4. I don't think this is possible under normal curcumstance, if the landowner has taken appropriate precautions. If this has been done to these people, it is because object entry to parcel is allowed and they are sliding the fake store in from an adjacent parcel where rezzing is allowed.... easily resolved, just set appropriate land permissions. A fake store built on their land could also be instantly removed by the landowner... no serious problem. Avatars who placed a face store could be banned from the region by the landowner... no serious problem. I suspect since Lindens banned all involved there is more to this story :matte-motes-impatient:
  5. Você ainda tem o cabelo aparecendo em seu inventário? Se assim for, não deve ser um problema para usar o item novamente. Às vezes os itens vai aparecer em sua "Lost & Found" pasta, se você não vê-lo em qualquer lugar. A rápida de logout e login, que pode recuperar itens perdidos e tal. Se isso não ajudar, tente limpar seu cache (no SL MainMenu>> Me>> Preferências>>
  6. I like my eggs sunny side up -- lightly peppered & salted -- with a side of bacon, maybe some toast & coffee... thats a great way to start anyday :matte-motes-delicious:
  7. Latest update on my fox: all that is left to do is animate now, so next I share on this is probably video to capture the action Over on Aditi, these foxes were curious to meet their creator:
  8. Could you give us more detail as to the trouble you are having? You haven't given any detail of what exactly is "horrible" ....or how SL could possibly be "turning in to" real life.... so I don't understand this, sorry....
  9. I maybe can solve this! Its a great little script idea. Here is what I think might be going wrong... I think what you need to do is add an attach event, so the object detects when attached, and if new owner, resets the script. Attachments cannot normally establish, or even notice they have a new owner, unless reset on attach. There is workarounds, but a reset is easiest to accomplish in your case. Failure to detect new owner may be why it is giving the id of the other person (the original owner of the object I assume) Hope that helps!
  10. Great pics! Thanks for sharing!! I used to not be able to see shadows, but then Lindens got them running good for Mac finally. Love the experience!
  11. Thanks for the offer Opensource! I added you cause I've been using the feed thing & its good to have friends to talk to there. Same applies to me really.... anyone want to add me as a friend, go for it :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  12. Sounds like SL could just be overwhelming your machines. Try opening SL & before you login go to Me >> Preferences. Set your graphics slider lower... this may help avoid crashing out. Good luck anyways...
  13. I may be wrong, but I think Lindens can recover yout transaction period greater than 30 days. Try asking them for help by filing a support case here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  14. What kind of computer are you trying to run SL on? I run it on 3 different macs, it runs fine except on the oldest laptop, which is admittedly a little old now.... only problem there is overheating more than I'd like to see, so I just use SL on the other two. No tweaking required. If we know more about the machines you're trying this on, it may help...
  15. I think an attachment vehicle can still be a vehicle, as long as it has some sort of engine base used in conjunction with the attachment. If it has no engine, that is cheesy yes! :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: I've made some proper two-seater vehicles that (if you do not use the attachment) appear invisible while driving. Using an attachment is a handy way to bust through that vehicle prim limit. Without this technique many vehicles designs would be impossible, or enormously simplified to the point it becomes a sorry reduction of original concept.
  16. I had this same problem before. turned out i needed a new modem. my isp provided this for free, hopefully yours would too... :matte-motes-stress: the way SL works you need a constant connection, so if your modem is even skipping out for 0.01 ms (which it shouldn't be doing), chances are you'll be logged out. anyway i suggest call up your ISP and go through the modem help, if they can't help you, ask for new modem sent.
  17. What i think is a potential solution is something like this. Its tempting to think oh throw out the marketplace, its competing with inworld places/experiences... Yet what is missing is only the connection between the marketplace & all that great missing inworld experience. we simply need to better connect the marketplace to all that social & rich content that is only found inworld. right now marketplace is muffling the inworld, yet in future i think lindens will set up the marketplace to be used as a voice to amplify the inworld experience! Reading some of linden's stated future goals for marketplace - i see a point in future where marketplace & inworld enmesh together ....not appearing as two seperate places... it will all join. A seller without an inworld presence would need one to compete in this scenario, much to lindens benefit.
  18. Why not ask Amaretto for a replacement of your purchase? ...I don't think this is Linden Labs responsibility much. Have you tried resolving this with the Amaretto company already? I replace lost pets for customers of mine as long as we can recover some proof of purchase together, most animals I sell copyable, so you could just rez another one.... a lost animal is rare this way. Most SL animal sellers have similar customer-friendly set up, I know the other major suppliers such as Zooby, Wynx, Alpha Dogs, VKC, etc would help you... ...so I'd imagine Amaretto gives customers this same quality attention as well :matte-motes-asleep-2: This might be the best route to resolution for you :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  19. The style of operation does seem like it is using a bot, as it seems to have a little more capabilities then an inworld LSL-scripted item could do as a stand-alone... I would be unsure the account is hacked, but yes perhaps it could be at risk. Keep in mind that the bot needn't access her account to do this (simple to execute through access to friends list data in conjunction with an inworld scripted object renaming itself to name-match). The fact it is promoting a web store makes me think of some organized malware-bot operation, not an individual hacker. Please do mention this issue to Linden Lab support, you can file a support ticket here at SL support.
  20. Mesh seems to be really neat on this angle. If exportable at all, it is a different format so not worth copybotting (can make original work in same time it takes to rip & reformat) & allows creators like me to more freely collaborate with the community while maintaining a cohesive body of work. In a prim & sculpty only environment, such collaborative options were not possible. I really can't wait now until mesh is unfurled grid-wide :matte-motes-grin: I disagree with Ralph's rabidly anti-collaborative sentiments, but the one point I agree is it does hurt creators of original goods when dirivitive works are sold alongside with no distinction between these and originally crafted offerings. It is a volume issue that buries & discourages many a good creator, even knocking a lot of talented people out of the game. IMVU has the perfect solution (here only does it shine, IMVU sucks otherwise), they have two market categories: dirivitive & original. I would like to see SL adapt similar, as there should be a clear distinction.
  21. The "Non-Breedables" Option: What about non-breedable pets? There are lots of excellent non-breedable pets in SL also. They have been around SL since before breedable offerings. One big advantage to these pets is they are low maintenance, they don't need to eat your L$ to be happy. Also they don't replicate so you have an easy to manage population. (AKA: your land doesn't need to look like a puppy mill, overcrowded with too many animals in too small of a space.) Many people in SL much prefer these pets to the new-school "breedable" products. For example, there are cats in Second Life that have been alive for 2 or 3 years (real time) under good care of a kind-hearted resident. If you are interested on a discussion about these pets for your show, hit me up, I don't know for sure if I'll be around at the right time for a skype talk, but could provide you good info for your show :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  22. Then there's always the people that think 1 star = best. Really! Believe it or not, the 5 star rating system is not universally understood among all the world cultures! I love the new system of customer must post written review along with star ranking. For example, I see somebody ranks my item with 4 stars, saying item is awesome except for something about feature X wasn't top notch. Generally, I can quickly drop a slightly modified item to them that fits their needs exactly, & then see this review change to 5 stars (if they remember to go back & change the rating) :matte-motes-grin: With the old Xstreet system, we could just get an anonymous 1-star & be powerless to help resolve with customer --- because we had no clue who even left the review! :matte-motes-stress: The new set up is much improved!
  23. Yeah that game is looking too cool! I got a chance to UV map mine & loosely rough out the textures today. So I took a couple process pics: Hurrah! My fox is 2 PE niaow! :matte-motes-dead: Nice to have all the technical stuff done... tomorrow is time to get real artsy with this! :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  24. When you look just at painting meshes there is a lot more freedom. I could for example offer that people can paint their own style of fox using the UV map of my fox, and then they'd have a one of a kind pet. In future, I might run such a service for the creative minds out there :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  25. I think your only option might be sending them the .dae file outside Second Life, then they could work with it in their own 3D app of choice.
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