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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. hurrah! :matte-motes-inlove: i just took my IP tutorial and passed first time 10/10 yay! I am all ready to go for mesh now :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  2. Thanks Sonja! This is the first robot vehicle in my newest series. I plan to release more types of robot vehicles & upgrade these robots more in future. By that time, it should be possible to have robot battles & maybe play other games too, competing for points against other robots. Cheers! :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  3. What I do lately is temporarily lower my Graphics setting one or two notch. Usually any stubborn textures (including sculpties) load immediately! Once it loads, I just rachet those Graphics settings (under "Preferences") back up to the max :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  4. Yeh you are correct, probably often this stat works great for people! ....but my situation is more similar to (example only), I'll see an 800L item sells once a week, and a 50L item sell twice a day. Seems like that 50L item is hot and like OMG I should really reduce my price on the other item, but upon closer inspection, I see the 50L item only earned 700L in the same time :matte-motes-delicious: Hence how that stat can give you a very deceptive slanted view in certain cases (perhaps mine is just uncommon fringe case), for me without a lot of calculations off to the side (which sort of negates the whole point of the stat), the "top selling" stat is meaningless.
  5. I would imagine Blizzard is concerned about it & and working to become more mobile ready also. Like it or not, the masses are slowly moving over onto lighter, smaller screened devices, mobile is a must to reach your consumers. The trend is less & less people want to be tied to a desktop or to lug a laptop around, companies that only really exist in a desktop/laptop environment ignore this rising trend at their peril. We at least have to be ready for a touch-screen environment, as the day will come soon enough when every screen is a touch screen --- hence we see "Viewer 2" which is much more easily convertible to a thumb on the screen control style :matte-motes-grin:
  6. they may just expire over time, i thought my deleted marketplace enhancements would never go away either from that report page... but finally they did. what i'd really like to see reported is a "top earning" page. its a very different statistic than top selling. "top selling" alone can be kind of irrelevent info depending on your price spread :matte-motes-grin:
  7. I've read something (supposedly quoting Rodvick, CEO of Linden Lab) saying that they want to get Second Life running on tablets, it is one of their current project goals. Short answer: they are very aware of the shortfall & working on it. I was happy to read that, cause I was sure hoping it was one of their active goals... the problem is mostly I think that a lot of the legacy UGC here makes Second Life hard to run in mobile environments, using thousands of triangles for no reason, and dozens of 1024x1024 textures, where one 512 would do the job. Well-made mesh content will mostly be mobile-ready so that takes care of that issue. I'd expect to see a mobile version (and an online no-application version) of SL pop up soon from Linden Lab. Sometime afterwards, items and destinations may be divided into two classes: mobile-ready -- or not. Just my L$2 :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  8. Try changing the skin you are wearing. In the latest version there is an invisible avatar skin, which you might have accidentally changed into. Another option here is if your connection is slow, your avatar may simple have failed to load in reasonable time frame. try turning down your graphics settings. If you wear hair, or shoes,... can you see any of these kind of wearable objects?
  9. "I don't really see how a new product forum is much different to an events forum, which we now have" Aha! I see a solution of sorts here that'll do for now.... I simply have to run a little event every time I launch something new! I'll have to organize a little party or something to celebrate each new product launch & then hype this up in the Events forum. Brilliant! :smileyhappy:
  10. "Because one large landowner began posting real estate ads here in protest, and going to OH and demanding a place to advertise. Merchants haven't taken any action like that." Heh :matte-motes-asleep-2: probably true! I'd do this kinda thing myself, just because I love taking action as a way to get things done... but for this method to work, it probably gotta be some real big merchant, someone as big as that landowner! Alternatively, it could be a group effort, where a very large number of merchants gather together in one voice to say we want this! It seems kinda silly that there is absolutely nowhere (on LL properties) to share news of our latest creative work anymore? Somebody that can attend OH , please will you add a +1 vote to this issue in my absence? :matte-motes-smug:
  11. Hmph... how not fair is that :matte-motes-stress: I feels kinda disconnected here :matte-motes-asleep: *pouts* oh well, I guess I have probably promoted my SL product the best I can then --- everywhere but the SL website *grumbles* meh :matte-motes-impatient:
  12. I just released a new product and was thinking there is a place still on this forum to shout out new products :matte-motes-not-entertained: Am I just not finding it somehow? I am so confused... Is there no "New Product" forum any more existing anywhere? If not, where, or how do you let the entire Second Life community know about your new releases these days? :matte-motes-impatient: Thanks in advance guys!
  13. Myself, I don't mind this new social networking deal in SL. My friend's list here is very long already but I wouldn't mind adding a few more people :matte-motes-big-grin: Agree though, on those anonymous friendship requests with no message at all! Almost as bad as the out-of-the-blue teleport request! Excuse me, why are you teleporting me? So confusing :matte-motes-confused: I like better when people let me know what's going on. I don't just jump in a taxi off to some unknown location either :matte-motes-bashful:
  14. Thanks Pamela! I'll ask Dakota about it then, not so much for the recovery of funds myself, as for the debug purpose, it must help to know which transactions are failing. I wanna see this one patched! :matte-motes-not-entertained:
  15. The last two days, my sales have been solidly up, up & up! Yay! Delivery seems very smooth and consistent. Yesterday however, I got an isolated case, potentially a new type of delivery issue.... something that really made me think. I got a customer complaining about inworld delivery issue... hands me transaction data for item purchase inworld, money went somewhere, but this transaction is NOT on my pages. No record. This person is either a very dumb fraudster (as I will be getting Linden Lab to trace this & they don't take kindly to fraud!) or we have very serious transaction issues now, even inworld, with product and L$ not being delivered. Anyone else seen a similar issue lately? Even if this is only happening very rare, its a big issue! :matte-motes-stress: I haven't seen any marketplace delivery failures at all, but then again I have the most-paranoid-ever high-redundancy system set up. Proud to say it appears fairly robust, breezing through these glitchy days :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  16. Try lowering (or raising) your Graphics Slider in Preferences. I am on a Mac but have been seeing strange artifacts from some transparency, becoming solid, or shimmering dazzle patterns! In my case it is reversed, they are becoming visible without highlighting! This happened after updating to latest Viewer 2.0. It is so odd looking! However, once I moved Graphics Slider all transparency behaved normal again, this only was happening on the "Ultra" setting :matte-motes-bored: on every other setting there is no trouble with transparency. Hope maybe that fixes your trouble also :matte-motes-grin:
  17. Sell Rate is actually 249 now. Trades run at 250 occasionally (I guess just when people need money pronto!) but you can sell at 249 (just needs a little more patience to receive that better price!) and most trades each day lately are moving at this improved rate :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  18. Thanks for your votes on this issue, people! Keep 'em coming! 191 votes so far :matte-motes-smitten: Hurrah!
  19. "I want to know why he is still smiling." I am not so sure..... kind of an oblivious fellow isn't he? Maybe he just decided to not let life's little problems get thim down :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: At least it is nice to see he is not in pain from this unfortunate mishap! @Willow: Thanks for the suggestion! I'll get in touch with Gucci and the lot today. I will not allow illegal poaching of my customer's crocodiles! :matte-motes-evil-invert: Grrr...
  20. Typically avatars can move faster than any scripted object and the fire's ability to sense you will likely have a limited range. So..... my suggestion? :matte-motes-smitten: Run Away! If you can get more than 40 meters away from the fire, it will probably become blind to your location & will not be able to relocate where your avatar is. Unless the scripts inside are openly mod to all, there wouldn't be any way to trick the fire into attacking your friend instead, and even if this is openly mod, it would take a certain degree of coding skill to accomplish this trick :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  21. Oh I should mention that Edus are an exception. Those are typically just stand alone sims or a small cluster of set size, was thinking of them in a different category, separate from the "grids" like the one above, which I suggested approaching with caution. If I can verify there is a genuine university, college, or institution of some reputable sort behind a grid, that is something infinitely more trustworthy & worthwhile I am quite happy to do jobs for Edus & Non-Profits & have worked with these groups before in the past.
  22. Welcome Abigail! ...to me there aren't really annoying newbie questions :matte-motes-asleep-2: I am happy to help new people understand SL and do that all the time. Feel free to ask me a question or two inworld or here on the forum, if there is something you want to know about :matte-motes-grin: I will try my best to find answer for you. I might not answer right away but will answer soon! :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  23. Second Life Glitch Creates Super Rare Pet: Bodyless Crocodile Appears in Second Life! Please vote on this bug report on the jira & watch it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2683 The more people watch & vote here, the more it will be seen as priority to fix :matte-motes-grin: Has this ever happened to you? It isn't just affecting crocodiles! Read on.... Apparently, this can happen to any scripted SL object. It is the root prim missing, which has vanished on rez! Its a rare bug, so if anyone has seen something like this, and can report some details to this jira page of how it happened, it helps us out in a huge way. Your information can help Lindens patch this bug so it will never happen in SL. Please do not worry about your pets! It is like a one in a million chance, this is only the second time in 5 years that I have seen this happen --- within a population of thousands of pets! :matte-motes-asleep-2: I am keeping my bodyless crocodile as a collector's item! I know how valuable a rare pet can be in SL! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: Thank you for reading!
  24. If anyone knows for sure about if or if not TPVs could easily be collecting data, logins, credentials, etc, I would like to know. No insult meant to any of these group of course! They are probably cool. I am just a cautious person.... & perhaps overly so :matte-motes-silly: I am just contemplating the privacy & security situation here and feel unsure, so I follow my gut feelings & do not proceed to make use of any of them. True, I am aware the majority of all users perhaps do use TPV systems. It is smart to view creations with the leading TPVs pre-release. ....on another machine & not with main account :matte-motes-stress:
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