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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. "Beta" means the viewer is maybe not quite ready for primetime yet. Unless you want to be part of debugging & testing the very newest versions of SL, you should avoid using the beta viewers and just use the regular download (use the big orange download button above where you found the betas listed). For regular play, a beta viewer can sometimes be quite frustrating. Most people find the regular download a lot more fun!
  2. It says "Delivery Failed" there, so at least the system seems to be aware that you paid & got nothing. I'd expect you'll see a late completion of the transaction, or else an automatic refund of $L given back to you within 24 hours. However, if the issue fails to resolve itself in reasonable time, you should fill out a support ticket to Lindens here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Dakota is the name of the Linden that usually sorts these things out for people. In my experience, any transaction issue of this type is speedily resolved once you contact support.
  3. heres some snapshots I took recently with iPhone of local sights yay fireworks
  4. I think I'll be sitting next to Wade and Poenald ... pushing buttons and random keystrokes. If enough of us did this, would not the Infinite Monkey Theorum apply? Eventually we'd make the perfect Second Life, the best virtual world possible! :matte-motes-silly:
  5. Agreed Paladin! I'm on Macbook too & it runs SL awesome even on Ultra with shadows & stuff, no problem. Macbook is sweet :matte-motes-inlove:
  6. Thanks for sharing the photos! Living in Vancouver I forget to travel.... I am too spoiled for beautiful scenery here... ... i look out my window here & see mountains, the pacific ocean, and forest.... love it :matte-motes-inlove: so happy I moved to this city :matte-motes-asleep-2: I'd really like to TP over to Europe & check out all that too! Never been there before. I've been around Thialand (like in the above pic) & that was pretty amazing! @Ishtara: I only feel that way traveling through American airports, most other nation's airports (at least ones I've experienced) are annoying yet much more tolerable!
  7. Does not exist yet for iPad, sorry to say. I've heard the CEO here says they want to launch an iPad app version of SL, so check back from time to time on that. They might go mobile-ready anytime.
  8. You just encountered some of those people (sometimes dubbed "greifers") who like to harrass newcomers, they do it out of boredom... or something... It is against the ToS (Terms of Service) to bother others, so these type of guys get banned quickly. You can click on any avatar or object and choose "Mute". This will shut up something (or someone) bad. Also if something that seems seriously harrassing, uncomfortable, or wrong is happening, you can choose "Abuse Report..." from the Second Life menu to report the abuser to Linden staff (they'll investigate to ban/suspend the person or do something to help you). The bad ones maybe only try to hang around orientation areas & are not very common elsewhere (they don't get very far).... Anyways, I wouldn't go back to Orientation for a more advanced issue. The area is really just meant for newcomer orientation, so maybe just contact Linden Support with a ticket or check the Knowledge Base for the info you were looking for! Or ask here the info you wanted to find out, maybe someone here can help you?
  9. I say its not a hack so don't stress about it... but looks like something went wrong there with your account somehow. You can contact Second Life support & they'll help you! Just make a ticket explaining what happened here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  10. I was gonna mention that Catwise... I've thought that too a bit & maybe sometimes it is the case -- for the times where several sales come in a rapidfire cluster -- from a product that usually sells rarely, that may be due to "What customers are buying now". But I think marketplace search has too much amnesia to boost a selling item's popularity for more than a few minutes - if a bump up lasts for days or weeks that probably means you're getting some good word of mouth spread
  11. Yeah Chelsea, I see these same patterns happen too! I get people contacting me directly from right-clicking something inworld. They see my name on it & wanna know where they can buy it. Sometimes customers bring it to my attention when they are back for a return shopping visit and they tell me they told some friends about my place, sometimes they have their friends right with them... always I am very grateful for that I think it can be the service you provide just as much as (or even moreso than) the products that they fall in love with too. Since you are paying such close "granular" attention you are probably catching every little thing you can do to assist your customers.... & they notice that extra effort!
  12. Free Software: For freebie softwares there is Blender and Meshwork (mac).... probably a few others out there if you search google. If you don't like the look of the free programs, for less than the price of a month's groceries, you can pick up some pretty decent 3D software. UV mapping: UV mapping is a more convenient way of texturing. Instead of loading dozens of textures onto various prims and then fudging around to align them, a UV map just lets you unfold your model into 2D so all your texturing is straight forward on one map. It makes work easier for the texture artist & saves a lot of stress on server, since these textures now take up less space. If you've seen the SL avatar templates, these are examples of UV maps, since the SL avatar is mesh, same as future SL content creation will be.
  13. Thanks for the link Knowl. I was just customizing my avatar a little too. This link has some great info on the ins & outs.... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?q=forum+badge It's tricky to edit but there is some fun things you can do with it. I just added my own custom stat to track "Meows" hehehe
  14. Is there a way to hide post count here or move it? Post counts are in the way of the profile pics
  15. :matte-motes-tongue: :matte-motes-delicious: :matte-motes-silly: :matte-motes-tongue: BWAHAHA now thats a brilliant plan! I would probably just stand around confused & have no clue what was going on. Maybe I would try pressing some random buttons somewhere just to see what happens: Oh look this button here turns the lag OFF! Presses another button: [You've just given every avatar L$1000000!] Yay this is fun! What does this button do? ....... *click* [Now deleting grid..... 1% complete] Oops...... sorry guyz :matte-motes-bashful:
  16. Check out inworld search dude... I typed in "Toronto", and got a group right away you can join & talk in called "Toronto in Second Life", and tons of other Toronto-related listings of people & places. The first group has 230 members from your city! BTW greetings from Vancouver Oh about that lag? Yeah :matte-motes-bashful: Lindens are working on it, its one of their core focus areas of improvement.
  17. I have a weather system inworld which may partially meet your needs. If you can find someone else who makes puddles & rain splatter, you're all set. no rain splatter on ground or puddles with my system, but it is true-to-life-size rain falling from clouds & textures was best I could do. You can check it out inworld as I have a demo constant running where visitors to my sim (The LOLO) can test out & play with the weather settings. Just press the buttons on the console there to see the effects.
  18. I may be wrong... but I believe if you delete your magic box inworld then no trace of your store will remain eventually. It just takes some time to completely de-index you from the system.
  19. Is it time for a lolcat yet? I think this thread desperately needs one....
  20. There is quite a few people trying to avoid the pay-to-feed SL animals & inadequate information out there to help these people. A short list of animal sellers who don't charge for food/care of Second Life pets & animals seems like a good resource to add here. Some content creators who sell animals with no costs after purchase are: The LOLO Pet Shop Zooby's Alpha Dogs VKC Wynx Whiplash Animania Paradise Pets This is not a complete list whatsoever, anyone please feel free to mention more such places! 
  21. I really like Dartagan's idea of parallel websites for different sectors. This would be much stronger system! If everyone had more space there would be far less infighting, blaming each other, unrest, & complaints (it proven in experiments, crowd the rats together and they will fight). One issue I introduced was the 2D linear structure of marketplace & how this is unnaturally hypercompetitive by design. Separate websites, as Dartagan suggests, would allow parallel success channels (or if Lindens are clever enough -- they just overlay these channels to inworld as an augmentation), & it gets away from the vertical stack of buried resources we see at present. Also, the relevency of Lucene needs a huge overhaul, you shouldn't search "pet cat" & get two solid pages of dogs and pet food listings. Nothing to do with freebies there, that is just ****-poor relevency! 
  22. I agreed with a post here, but I don't share the viewpoint of the entire thread. Freebies -- the good quality original ones -- likely do encourage retention rates... & probably do more to help SL than hurt. Obviously, Second Life needs a good selection of affordable goods... I like to find a good deal myself! OFF TOPIC: What I ended up doing was not what you intended I guess, but this is a virtual pet with built-in health system. The cat can be fed at zero cost forever with this health system, so the keyword fits nicely & clears up any confusion people might have... thinking they have to pay for food separately. I misunderstood your advice I guess... but thanks anyways, its a happy accident.
  23. Actually this kind of mess isn't in the pets category... I've noticed it when clothes shopping, hair, shoes, in other categories it is kind of hard to miss... I did take some of your advice on keywords, thanks again! ... my cats are now findable by typing free cat food, free pet food etc.... :matte-motes-asleep-2: Otherwise though, I'm not really interested in further tricks, like making my customers run around "buying" freebie food from marketplace over & over... devolving a convenient free feed system & into a marketing gimmick just so I get personal benefit of being up on first page. I'm also just not terribly interested in making pet accessories to be front page. I just love to make animals.... so that is what I do. If I was here for maximum profits, I'd probably make skins & sexywear :matte-motes-grin: All things considered, I think I'm doing okay & I'm having fun as a merchant, but regardless of my personal situation, I still see how marketplace could be vastly improved & I see things could be better for everyone. Interesting specific keyword to bring up though & you said you like the results..... :matte-motes-stress: Do you see any cats at all on the first two pages typing "Pet Cat"? I see some nice quality dogs & lots of miscategorized breedable game components, but not one pet cat to be seen on first two pages. I've got some nice cats, they sell fine inworld, they sold fine on Xstreet. On marketplace they are difficult to discover. That's a different set of problems demonstrated in the pet category: poor relevancy & rampant miscategorization.
  24. Rowan hit a bit more on the issue I think, its the combination of full perm + freebies/cheapies = people endlessly trying very hard to resell tired old freebies/cheapies. As long as there is potentially pennies to earn they will each play merchant. Endless loops of reselling bury all else given enough time. Adding to this, in Second Life there is no distinction at all between derivative & original goods (this is the one & only thing IMVU gets correct)... there's the trouble with marketplace! Marketplace Structure: Structurally, the marketplace has a big problem too. It is a 2D website -- so it is a 2D vertical stack of goods. It is one node of distribution where everything must fight furiously to be on top & get seen at all. There is only one top position on marketplace. Such a one node structure will only benefit a very few people & by nature this wastes resources of creative efforts. Contrast that to inworld which naturally is a fully developed network containing many distribution nodes. This more advanced structure allows for many parallel successes -- success which marketplace needlessly denies.
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