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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. Today I was kinda bummed earlier, stuff in SL wasn't going well, there was delivery troubles, stuff i was trying to work on kept breaking... and my real life today... well let's just say that wasn't going so hot either. Nothing really awful but just a lot of little annoyances that got me feeling out of sorts & grouchy. I went out for a walk & this huge TV screen caught my eye. There was a street scene, much the same as the streets I was just walking down with cars & shops and all that... except down the middle of the street is coming men with machine guns spraying gunfire everywhere... It was Libya. Cars & some people were panicking & some people in the background just sort of milling around, maybe just trying to get... who knows... some basic necessities like food or fuel, or some little need met for the day. I was just like wow... I felt terrible for these people & thought why am I not happier with what I have today? Libya's not the only place. Much of the world right now is in utter hell... war, hunger, death, disease. If you're reading this it means you are very likely to be in a safe place, not just with food, water & shelter, but you have extras like internet & more. We all have it so good. So very good. No matter how bad our problems seem to us, its mostly all ridiculously trivial, we all have it amazing. Please take a moment to think about that.
  2. Ooh I didn't think of that! I was thinking some weird new kind of greifer or bot. I guess they could have been Lindens! I have heard Lindens can travel the grid undetected.... oh oh maybe I shouldn't have pushed them around :matte-motes-bashful: @Sylvia: hehe that would be so cool if it was ninjas :matte-motes-big-grin: @Willow: LOL nobody better be skinning my crocodiles :smileymad: That might be it though.... somebody was aiming to make boots or purses out of 'em & Linden was investigating the illegal hunting! ...and then I came along and messed up the whole operation :matte-motes-crying:
  3. Now they are gone. There was one here yesterday too, but I ignored the first one thinking it must just be a wierd glitch & never tried interacting with them.
  4. At my sim, I see two avs on my map. They only appear on map, not mini-map. I can push the invisible avs around, so they are not ghosted. They don't respond to local chat. I can't click on them, or see their names, so I can not IM them. They aren't detectable through any Advanced Tools or Region Tools. What are they? Is it just a glitch or are they people who want to be in SL completely undetectable? Are they likely up to no good or is this some random wierdness, nothing to worry about? Never seen something like that before.
  5. I noticed that too... you can link to profile pages on facebook (which technically shouldn't exist for avatars) but not pages (which are what avatars are supposed to use). Linden Lab got it backwards I guess.... its okay though, most people in SL seem to not want to connect facebook to SL anyway. There is little overlap between the SL crowd & facebook crowd, and not many want to enmesh these two things. Facebook apparently has lost 30% of active users recently. I'm one of them, I deleted my facebook because its boring and I worry for my privacy, there is very little I want to share with everyone (including companies, government & future employers). Social network fatigue has arrived.... who knows, maybe SL will benefit as ex-facebookers look for some new fun thing to do
  6. That's a very cute kitten, haven't ever seen this one around Second Life before! Tried to locate it on SL marketplace first -- no luck. Then I did a bit of quick google-fu to find it for you. (This is a perfect example of how marketplace search does not work. Often the only way to find items is to search the site externally.) Anyways, here you are, enjoy! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/mischief-kitten-americanshorthair/1172074?page=1
  7. Thanks for posting that video Chris! It's good to pay close attention to where these plans are trying to lead us & encourage others to think critically also. I think the global plan now is to erase the middle class everywhere & have us all live in "austerity" forever for imaginary reasons -- reasons that really amount to smoke & mirrors. Sure looks like the top 1% has begun a class warfare against the rest of us.
  8. Ah Lycans are powerful but they can be killed. If any furry or neko didn't know how to do it, they could quickly google it & find Lycan's weakness. With Lycan's weakpoint as common knowledge amongst the group, hordes of Lycans might be as easily slain as hordes of vampires... you just have to work together, be clever & know how to attack them Nekos & Vampires have.... opposable thumbs! Big advantage there! They can easily grasp & manipulate objects (like weapons). Furries don't got thumbs & Lycans don't either.
  9. Great Idea! Look who just showed up.... No more additions now, a fourway battle will be crazy enough!
  10. lol what a great idea *jokes* i can just imagine one of your fabulous kitchens chugging down the tracks.... all aboard! :smileyvery-happy:
  11. An epic battle begins! Vampires got sharp teeth, hypnotic ability & transformative power.... & well some of them maybe just sparkle... Furries also got sharp teeth, plus claws, all sorts of animal reflexes & cunning.... friendly but they could obviously fight if needed... Nekos... let's add them in the mix, they have similar abilities to furries, yet also cat abilities & wisdom... Edited to add in Lycans: Lycans got super strength, hard to damage & some scary transformative powers too! Imagine large groups (of equal number) collide in raging combat! Who wins?
  12. @Chris: Rumor has it that ex-Lindens worked with the companies which first began to virally distribute those pay-per-play "breedable" type of animals which are now so common everywhere across the grid. So maybe they kind of ended up doing that by proxy. @Melita: You like roaming dinosaurs? hehe you don't have to wait for Lindens to do it. I made some already :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  13. If you like it quiet... contact these guys to build the perfect room for you :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  14. @Fenimore: It is actually based on review & merit. You do not pay to be in showcase, no fees apply. It is Linden selected.
  15. You might be catching some of these showcase places at the tail end of a long transition so some things are looking a little outdated perhaps. With mesh coming so soon, updating or remodeling stuff pre-mesh seems kind of a waste of effort (since its kinda outdated again as soon as mesh goes gridwide), so I suspect a lot of places are kind of frozen in time -- quite some time has passed since the first news arrived that mesh was coming to Second Life & that news has been a big incentive for developers to just wait on things. Check back in a couple months & I suspect these places will mostly look entirely renewed & you will see all new product lines popping up.
  16. Yeah Dartagan, your idea (or anything similar to it) is much better because it creates a distributed network. The current style which marketplace uses: one single node of distribution with a linear stack of goods -- is inherently weak. It forces the huge diversity of UGC through the eye of a needle, guaranteeing that a very large portion of goods will never be seen. Structural issues aside.... it is kinda broken in some respects. I think Lindens still don't have Lucene set up properly yet, or perhaps Lucene is just not appropriate for this application. Specifically I think they are misusing the WildcardQuery builder, as you see listings that contain only the word "category" show up when you are searching for cat & numerous other similar relevancy problems. Anyway, the one node style here, it cuts off what is called "the long tail" so best Lindens could hope for is 50% of potential gains. Also, marketplace directly competes with what is offered inworld, reducing merchant's need to own land, so less people will build & offer these experiences-- & less people will go inworld to see these experiences. It ain't the best possible setup here yet.... Luckily, we could presume the current state of marketplace is not its final form
  17. WADE1 Jya

    Help PLEASE

    If your home is there too that is convenient! You can use Ctrl+Shift ⇧+H anytime to teleport to your home location directly. Maybe this advice comes to you on time that you are not late for your first day? Actually, I've been late before on first day for real life work. It made me feel bad at the time, but I didn't get fired at least... Hopefully you will have that same good luck! Employers are sometimes surprisingly understanding about this kind of thing for a new employee.
  18. Non désolé ce n'est pas encore possible de jouer sur iPad SL. Le PDG de SL société veut faire une application iPad SL ... mais jusqu'ici, il n'est pas ici. Beaucoup de gens sont impatients de l'arrivée de cela, alors j'espère qu'il arrive bientôt! Jusque-là, vous pouvez profiter de Second Life sur le bureau ou ordinateur portable.
  19. Nope, marketplace is the only game in town. All we can hope for at this point is Linden keep improving marketplace to make it work awesome. I think it will keep slowly getting better, it has improved a lot already There is a couple alternate web stores existing. Against forum rules to mention them by name I think. Anyways, they are tiny & if someone set up another one today, it would struggle to capture even a fraction of that tinyness. Remember Linden are doing direct delivery soon too. How does any new alternate compete with direct delivery + there is 99% of the market already captured by Linden?
  20. ok... :matte-motes-zipped: *zip* /me whispers ever so quietly.... what is this thread about?
  21. what kind of issue are you seeing when you purchase linden dollars? perhaps with a little more detail somebody can solve these problems for you.
  22. Hehe I hate Blender cause it is just too ugly to look at. I know it is a very powerful software but I just can't stand staring at the hideous screen and horrible UI design. Also hate the Blender workflow -- I find it very unintuitive & stumbling... everything just feels in the wrong place or backwards to me. of course.... if you learn Blender first, you probably feel like all other 3D softwares are backwards & wrong. My preference is to use anything non-Blender. Especially if it has cute colorful icons, so every software function is accessible with one click.
  23. yeah you can upload mesh at some points on main... for troubleshooting this beta has less potential complications. maybe try a different mesh sandbox? i actually made a similar post as you a while ago (although I could upload meshes, I seemed to lose rights) when I tried on beta mesh sandbox it would not let me upload. on another mesh sandbox (which i only attempted later) all was fine. some of the sandboxes are reserved for specialized use... or something. if all attempts fail try contacting Linden support with a case ticket. They can tell you more about your current status and fix if there is error here with your account.
  24. You gotta go to the beta grid. You also must go to a mesh sandbox, so search for that on the beta. To get to beta grid you must switch on your SL login screen from Agni to Aditi (Aditi = Beta)
  25. I feel the exact same way about cars in real life. it's visual spam and it should stop. For this situation, it is probably up to the vehicle maker to make these things derez when not in use. I do this with my vehicle creations, make them so they clean themselves up whenever someone jumps off the thing. It's a very simple function to add to a script. If you contact the vehicle maker & tell them your feelings, who knows, they may take heart & change the design. I have heard other residents also voice concern that they do not like seeing these things. If many residents similarily petitioned the creator, I'm almost certain they would redesign this as most creators prefer to do things that make the community happy. Perhaps this creator could at least make the vehicles remain stationary when not in use, it is kinda unrealistic to imagine the vehicles have their own destinations & errands to attend to all alone. You could always tell Lindens about it too, I believe they supply this automated driving script free to use (might be wrong here). If that is the case, perhaps they have some direct control over this issue.
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