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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. is beta grid working for anybody today?? :matte-motes-impatient: lol well i was too impatient to wait, beta grid is borked today (at least for me)... got the result i wanted on main grid and only wasted 31 $L to find the solution i wanted hehe no big deal, ....i could have got myself a nice shirt or something with that :matte-motes-not-even: but whatever... i'm off to make birds fly & stuff so I'm happy now :smileyvery-happy:
  2. I just keep getting "Login Failed. Unable to connect to simulator" messages when I try to login... is the betagrid down??
  3. I told one friend about it. he played for one day as the old library furry fox (remember that one?), walked around doing the newb duck walk for a bit, crashed a few times & then never returned. Lost him there I guess, he thought it was really dumb. I wouldn't bother to bring it up again. That was years ago. Nowadays with the better starter avs & smoother sign up where he's not stuck forever with a dork last name like Poddledum or whatever lameness he got stuck with, who knows..... he just might have stayed. I don't often talk about SL to friends, as it just is not their kind of thing. A lot of my friends aren't hardcore gamers at all, as far as they might go is playing something casual like Angry Birds. The ones that are more into games? They could easily get into it if they could buy SL for $29.99 as a console game --- or if they could download an SL app for $4.99 to their phone/tablet. If SL was free download from App Store I would almost certainly have a few friends signing up :smileyvery-happy: Regardless of Second Life being downloadable free off the net, being tethered to a desktop/laptop to play anything is thought of as kinda unattractive in my circles.
  4. yes Phillip, thanks for clarifying that.... a very good distinction to point out!.... still worrisome to me as every word the president says is carefully chosen. it would be based on all the knowledge they have on hand about the storm. historic is a very strong word, perhaps one of the strongest he could use to indicate how bad this could be... hopefully it turns out to be much milder outcome.
  5. Definitely! In my mind at least, that word has very specific connotations -- all very bad -- and he has every reason to do the reverse -- not make this sound overblown or exaggerate things.... not wanting to cause mass panic & all that. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14686497
  6. Yes, please be safe everyone! I heard this on the news today & now I worry for my SL friends who live down in America (I'm up in Canada). I don't know which all of you from the forum here live in the affected regions (cause people don't share RL location so much) but I know its supposed to be affecting millions & millions of Americans soon..... I wish you all safety in the face of this "historic" storm as Obama calls it.
  7. No problem... I hope something likable comes along soon for you. It would be a real shame if anyone leaves SL because of this transition. I imagine some third party viewer dev will fill the gap real quick. There's a wide open chance for that so somebody should. I'd do it myself for everybody, but I don't know have a clue how to code viewers. It's not like Second Life will all change to mesh overnight so there's lots of time for everyone to find new viewers. Edited to add: btw Rodvik says he wants to lose the sidebar if that's tempting.... :matte-motes-delicious:
  8. @Ishtara: LOL no that is not what I meant at all, you misunderstood me. The development of Phoenix is the dead end. The customers themselves are not the dead end :smileyvery-happy: These poor people are now stuck at the dead end of the road if they insist to continue using Phoenix. I think I am just saying best thing for them. Move on guys, pick another viewer because it is not supported any longer. The longer these people try to stick it out with an unsupported viewer, the more their Second Life experience will deteriorate. I am powerless to stop that process. Even if I try to cater specifically to them by never releasing a mesh item, SL will slowly become a mesh world & they will not be able to see it. I think highly of my customers & so I try to warn them what is happening.
  9. I wasn't aware all the Phoenix people will never be able to see mesh... well Lindens gotta do something about that then... & I can only think of one option :matte-motes-evil: but they will never be so bold I think, so this deadend will just end up hanging there forever. Since Phoenix has ceased development & will never have mesh.... what a sad world the people that insist on clinging to Phoenix will end up in... eventually they will literally be sitting blind in the dark unable to see the world around them. Time to switch guys, sorry
  10. @Ashasekayi: yeah i can see the difficulties, i'd want to do sensible stuff with it, just LSL really, but I think you are right people would abuse it as you describe. Even a minor limit raise would probably just lead to all kinds of horrible applications popping up around the grid.... its cool i can get by quite fine without it too Thanks Daniel! Raytrace is it eh I see... I've done it for logo and stuff outside of SL and yeah the renders took forever just to get a few seconds of video outputted. Guess that idea is out..... at least until maybe someday in future when we see major new technology change of graphic processing :smileyvery-happy: Could "Index of refraction" ever be added you think, or is that also too sluggish for a real time environment?
  11. Great work, Medhue, that's super cute...... Lovin' those flexi streamers! :smileyvery-happy:
  12. Any furries are welcome to hang out at my sim (The LOLO) all day every day if you want. No discrimination here. Seriously... count the natural spaces, campgrounds, hotsprings, undersea parks, etc, all around my sim as your own private chilling spot, I got tons of open space all around to relax in & nobody will bother you (the whole sim is usually pretty empty aside from people popping in & out of my pet shop). I've set it up just how I would like to live in real life. Lots & lots of nature. Mother Nature is free to us all usually My home is your home & unless you are disruptive & bothering others you'll always be accepted here. I've never met a furry who wasn't just friendly & nice so I can't see any problems. No need to feel lost or displaced in SL. Pass the word.
  13. I've seen stuff done with overlays inworld but not quite what I'm aiming for, i want materials to do something like these (images not mine, its random pics from net): I've acheived sort of fascimiles to this appearance outside of SL, but wouldn't know what these effects are called to say --- hey Lindens please add ______ to the materials project. Sort of an illusion given of internal depth & semi-opaqueness to the core of a semi-transparent object. Is it possible with overlays? Perhaps with the new lighting of Viewer 3.0 it could be done?
  14. I would just like to see something (which to my nontechnical mind) seems like it would be simple to implement. More materials allowed per mesh than 8. Somebody else earlier was asking for this & I disagreed it was useful at the time, but now I'm thinking it would be highly beneficial. Maybe it is just set this way because parametric prims ever only had 8 faces max (and mesh co-opts this), or maybe there is a very very good reason not to implement this, but to me it seems like a good idea now :matte-motes-impatient: I'd also like to see a fuller materials system so we can do things like make realistic ice, snow, frosted glass, diamonds etc (whatever the technical jargon for that part of materials might be). Oh and lava too. I wanna make elemental fantasy animals. Sorry I can't explain what I want better in proper terms... the way I work software I am like one of those weird musicians who can play the song but can't read the music.
  15. Thanks Catwise I'll probably finish loading the animation into SL for these birds today! Wheee...
  16. None yet... but I know there is a ton of savings to be had... just haven't got around to it yet. Replacing all the little 10 meter wooden slats that support my mountaintop shop with 64 meter long solid support beams... easily a couple hundred prims to be saved there. There's significant prim savings by rebuilding things with mesh too. Replacing the geodesic LOLO dome & old propeller engines with better-looking mesh versions will save like 300-400 prims there. Replacing my display kiosks with more interesting mesh displays that use less prims... maybe another 100 or so... All on my to do list for sure... yay for prim savings! :smileyvery-happy:
  17. Yes a great thread idea! I've said it a few times around the site already... I'll say it again :smileyvery-happy: Thank you Lindens for all your hard work and time spent on this project. You've made a great many of us creators very happy!
  18. :smileyvery-happy: Aye! I was going to make a JIRA feature request for exactly this the other day but then I got too lazy to bother.... I wanna see them bring that back too. Affordable banners, exactly the same as Xstreet had in price & style, nicely displayed across the top. Banners which we can buy with L$ directly off the site - bought from Linden Lab, not some bizarro third party group that only works with people who will give them their credit card # upfront to sign up for some gobbledygook about flight dates & you can only choose a banner the size of a postage stamp with horrid proportions.
  19. Yeah I am seeing what you say, past a certain point there is no reason to cut further corners. The PE count rounds up so much that hyperefficiency is a futile effort & it is better to rachet up the quality instead. After working lately mostly on mesh assets for mobile use, I love working with mesh in SL without quite such tight constraints. The PE is set up very reasonable now, there is a lot of freedom to build great looking ultralight stuff without going too crazy. I got my bird inworld (you might have seen it on before) & I got them animated! So far just with walking, stand, sleep, beak open/close & blinking. I still have to add in animation for pecking ground & flying.Each animated bird in this picture is 1 prim each -- script included. I can calculate ahead now that the final birds on release will be 3 prim each. If I scale them up as big as my avie, they become 3 prim, so I think any animal I make now will be under 9 prim.... except dinosaurs :smileyvery-happy:
  20. Yay! Here's my first mesh creation imported inworld. Totally puts my old prim birds to shame! These new birds here are fully animated inworld blinking, beak opens, sleeps, stands & walks... the unbelievable part is each bird is only 1 prim! When I finish up flying and pecking behaviors they'll be 3 prim each. This is the biggest improvement to SL since I joined up back in 2006. Thanks again Lindens for helping make Second Life a better world.
  21. Whoa nice this is freakin awesome looks like they erased scripts adding to PE too, I got a scripted test object here with 24 frames of animation, only 3 prim! *Thank you* *Thank you* *Thank you* Lindens its working perfectly now to get something real uploaded more than a rainbow jumpy cube :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  22. LOL at Josh's search Okay I can't take it any more, I think I waited long enough, I'm at least gonna jump in there with this on main grid now. No more beta grid residency for me! If I like what I see, I guess I'll be releasing something soon :smileyvery-happy: Time to get busy with this as soon as my Viewer 3.0 here finishes downloading!! ...oh its done yay! byebye guys *runs off to play*
  23. Sweet! I am super-stoked its here finally. That said I still will force myself to wait a little bit more for the dust to settle (for much the same reasons which Toy states). I don't know how patient I can be to not just rush my stuff off to market (it is almost irresistable, so I might jump the gun! :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:) ....but it seems the responsible thing to do. I want to do this the smoothest & cause no issues for customers, nor endlessly be repeating to customers "Sorry you can't see this item, I can promise you you did not just buy some broken triangles, please go download the viewer... blah blah blah". To which they may reply "I want my money back cause I love my third-party viewer X, Y, Z or viewer 1.0, etc... and I refuse to switch viewers for your product.". So I will wait just a little bit more.
  24. Yay! I am ecstatic it has finally arrived! I'm also happy Lindens took the time to get it right! I'll wait at least a couple weeks before I release my stuff, in case there is any surprising pop-up issues with this first launch of mesh, & to let most people have time to realize mesh is here & to download the mesh-compliant viewers. Thank you for your hard work Lindens in launching this new creative tool for us in Second Life. Lots of kudos to all the guys on the team who worked to make mesh a reality! Cheers, WADE1
  25. @Ceka: I too came from a background of nothing. It is hard but makes one a stronger person & see realities of society clearer perhaps. My childhood was mostly spent in a house that was condemned to be destroyed as it was literally falling down. At least I had a home though, others have surely had it far worse than me. Although I have experienced some degree of poverty, I never have experienced an active warzone & don't think I could handle this at all! If it ever happened around me I think I would just die. I am not that strong. @WilhiamMesh: I guess this is the part that bothers me too, the disjointedness of it all. I feel happy to be so fortunate, but realise my happiness is intrinsically tied to others suffering. That really sucks. I'd rather have a lot less & see everyone treated fair & peace to reign. We have everything so very good here exactly because outside of our peaceful bubble the one thing that makes our lives so very excessively good (oil) is being forcibly taken from others. So much things destructive & wrong happening all the time to keep our lives full of easily accessable commodities. It isn't the first time I thought this, but I find myself getting snapped away very suddenly sometimes to realize this again & again & each time it feels shocking. In our bubble world with so many entertaining distractions it is easy to forget sometimes (at least for me). Maybe some of you have this weighing constantly on your mind. Our world is so much like the dystopia of Metropolis that seems a utopia from inside & outside it is not.
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