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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. I'm aware that facebook sometimes deletes av accounts. Some av accounts also don't get deleted. I think it depends on how you make the account.... I'll see what happens They might delete it.... or not. No big deal if they do really, it took 5 minutes to sign up. Anyway, thought it might be a fun way to connect with other SL residents & I'm curious how other avatars use facebook.
  2. I'm curious how people here communicate with Second Life friends on facebook? Feel free to add me ------ :) I'm happy to make some new friends in SL. Edited to change link: I wanted to properly follow facebook rules, so changed my profile to a page, please link to: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wade1-Jya/229503850427872?sk=wall
  3. Oh oh..... yeah, what if my heavy deformation is persistent.... even through relog? :matte-motes-oh-rly: The support ticket would be hilarious :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: That spaceship sounds awesome! What a neat trick, leaving Linden airspace. I wants one! :matte-motes-delicious:
  4. Aha discovered something cool! Avs are invisible at these heights (+2000000) but go into appearance: Yikes! True form revealed.... wonders how my av will look when I reach ground?
  5. Well... it is weekend so understandably Lindens are short staffed, but still.... I have to sympathize with you Josh, as today I find myself in the same situation (probably since competitors didn't like my last JIRA request). Can Lindens even see who flags stuff? I imagine if the competitors/greifers do it with alts the process is safely anonymous. I would hope Lindens have the technology to detect & ban offenders (or just change this system). It is a shame that the marketplace system currently allows for such nasty tactics. *sighs* This instant autoflag removal, yet super-slow manual item reinstatement by Lindens process needs fixing desperately.
  6. 2 million meters high! 2000000 meters high & my av has become invisible! Time it takes to manually fly this high: about 8 hours << I was sleeping & left something locked down on my fly button Distance to be in space from earth: 350000 meters So when do I break out of the atmosphere & reach orbit? I wanna see some zero G up here Edited to add: Well, flying to billions of meters would take weeks.... meh :matte-motes-impatient: So, I just put my av into freefall from up here. I'll report back the state of my av when I reach the ground
  7. 100000+ & climbing! My av is looking crazy! I'll keep flying all while I sleep tonight & see how high I am by morning
  8. Awesome! I bet you are made an honorary Linden if you fly high enough *jokes* :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: I think I made it to 100,000 or something before.... leaving something resting on the fly button is a good method so you're not just sitting there bored. Eventually all that is left is your avatar eyes if I remember right... or something weird like that.... everything gets deformed & glitchy up there
  9. I think this thread is the kind of thing that makes SL great.... sharing egg recipes :smileyhappy: Making breakfast today I thought of this egg thread & tried making my bacon first and adding some grease to start the eggs. Delicious :matte-motes-delicious:
  10. If what I've read is correct, then the trend follows that whenever things get really bad, people start spending higher amounts of cash than normal on cheap & fun escapist entertainment. SL might be that sweet escape which everyone will be looking for when real life just gets too pricy to do anything. So Second Life may actually thrive in harsh economic times. Unless it gets so extremely bad as breadlines.... then everyone who isn't already a multi-millionaire today will be practically dying -- of course there would be not much internet for home anymore, especially data-heavy streaming apps like SL! It all could become too big a luxury for many who need that cash for basics like food, gas & electricity. Much of Silicon Valley (the big guys included... not just Linden Lab) could get wiped out if we went into a severe Depression. If you depend at all on income from internet business (or SL), it is smart to diversify & back this up with a localized income-earner that doesn't require global connectivity, or digital era technology... just in case **** really hits the fan.
  11. Love that wolf :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: so cute hehehe & that rock shading is looking cool too! I've been wondering with all that stuff alongside mesh is there any new ways we can make transparent/transluscent bits? Perhaps like something made of ice? Targas give less than satisfying results for many application. I am hoping there is some new ways to do transparent cutout details without causing alpha sorting issues... Today I worked more on getting some test poses imported to SL to start animating this fox (and made a new Arctic breed).
  12. Yes. I suppose... I could go do that :matte-motes-bashful: I could pull the free unlimited food from each of my animal packages with feed options.... & relist free single-use food each separately in the "Animals" section. I could easily begin tomorrow to dump pages & pages of superfluous listings there. ....that is kinda why I made the JIRA request... (this shouldn't be an acceptable next move) :matte-motes-bashful: Your suggestion might (or might not) serve me well as a personal marketing tool. However, that's beside the point, it's incorrect to categorize items this way, presents less choice to customers & I sure don't want to add to the mess.
  13. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: But to pussyfoot around with a subtle movement to diss the businesses that have a different style...probably shooting yourself in foot on that. There isn't anything wrong with someone that has a business style that either creates or supplies a market or need, and expects to get paid for their efforts. If those are top sellers...and yes, they would be, to keep appearing on front page...get hip. So... getting hip is finding some way -- any way -- to begin charging my customers repeatedly? I never have done this in the past & I don't wish to do this in future... :matte-motes-asleep-2: Not so subtle a movement either (if you look at the JIRA... it is not just me), other major SL animal creators are on board behind this proposed category change. I am "dissing" nobody, it is merely an issue of addressing incorrect product categorization. Animal Food, Health Kits, Passion Pills or whatnot.... none of these items are Animals. These items just sit on top of the "Animals" category. For example: Let's imagine products like "Gasoline", "Batteries", and "Transmission Fluid" begin to appear, sealing off the top several pages of the Vehicles category. As long as there is even a handful of subscribers to "fuel" or whatnot, all vehicles (whether they need gas or not) will be perpetually buried under these non-vehicle consumable items. Potential Customer: Oh... looks like I gotta buy gas all the time to drive a car in SL. This is expensive. Well, that sucks... I don't want one then.... See the way this marketing technique accidentally becomes misleading & confusing to all potential vehicle customers?
  14. Oh hey Mickey :matte-motes-smile: Sorry if the communication is awkward, this is not to do with just my product line, when you look at the poor categorization here on SL Marketplace, the issue effects any & all animal sellers who wish to not offer paid-subscription feed systems, and any animal sellers who want to supply low-maintenance animals which do not require food/care. I put it here for General Discussion, due to the structure of JIRA (the more people get involved with this JIRA the more likely we see change). I have no issue with merchants who do wish to offer paid-subscription feed/care packages, it is just not my business style. The issue would be similar to categorizing solar cells and non-rechargable batteries together by sales rank. Any & all non-rechargable batteries would perpetually outsell any & all solar cells, its basic math of pitting consumables against permanent fixtures by demand. The situation also would hide solar cells bottom rank, so consumer has less choice & misses a viable alternative. Obviously, solar cells would need a seperate space to fairly compete alongside. In the real world this naturally happens (usually) because, unlike the SL Marketplace, there is not one master catalog for all products, one distribution node. A "Consumables" category opens up the market again, presenting the customer with more clear-cut visible choices. It is not working against anyone or hurting anyone, it is about creating a fair & diverse market, not an artificially homogenized one.
  15. An excellent idea! & I do :matte-motes-asleep-2: all my animals either do not require food, or if they do, the food is free always. A lot of people in SL like low-maintenance animals that don't need food or much attention even... The appearance now is all SL animals need to eat & are high-maintenance.... so some people never learn otherwise... It is a general assumption I face daily now - oh these animals do need to eat right? where do I buy the food? Many of my creations are wild animals. Humans are not supposed to feed wild animals, they take care of themselves *jokes* :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  16. Right now, animal feed packages bury all choice of other SL animals on SL Marketplace, giving the illusion to customers that all SL animals require food. Animal Food is all you see on marketplace when you look for animals, it appears for almost any search terms & occupies all the top pages. Eventually, I think this could lead to a situation where all animal sellers in SL require you buy food to keep them. Why's that? I predict that -- if categorization on SL marketplace remains as is -- those sellers who want to have your animals eating free food (or not require food at all) will eventually be squeezed out, or start charging for animal feed in order to remain visible on SL Marketplace. Can you comment, watch, or vote for this JIRA (feature request) to help keep animal food in SL free? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4016 The idea here is just to change the way the Marketplace "Animals" Category is organized -- give the animal sellers who don't want to charge you for food a little more visibility :) letting the customer see more diversity of animal choices :) Thanks :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  17. I think this is a problem with only the newest SL update. It may resolve for you if you go to the SL downloads page & download an earlier version of the viewer.... or just await it out, I know a lot of people are affected, so they may just have another update out soon to fix this.
  18. I am not familiar with Jira. I was advised to make a "Second Life Marketplace Jira Feature Request". How does one create a Feature Request on the Jira specifically for Marketplace? I only see choices of "Web" and "Services"... Thanks in advance :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  19. What system are you trying to access SL through? I have had no trouble lately, using both Linden Viewers (1.0, 2.0) on multiple machines. I am using all Macs though, maybe right now the PC version is running poorly? Anyways It runs very smooth & fast for me lately & now I see shadows & prettier water thanks to Lindens hard work.
  20. I've seen something about this system before, I think maybe last year.... As someone who animates polygons, I don't see this floating point system being limited in animation, it has got to be fairly simple to shift those points according to the animator's wishes, given there exists some appropriate software tools. Is there some inherent shortfall to this system I am missing?
  21. Really? I hope so... this would be sweet! I'm gonna go check it out with my fox which measured 1.5 PE on the import screen >> then went up to 2.0 PE in SL :matte-motes-big-grin: Edited to Add: Yes! My fox now equals 1 prim inworld..... & now registers 0.5 prim on the import screen (so real PE must be lower still)! How light is this fox really? I wonder.... :matte-motes-sunglasses-2: Anyways, this rocks!
  22. yes maniac, its a big issue indeed! yikes i hope we see this patched before full grid rollout of mesh. a simple tris limit per attachment could do the trick, maybe cap it off at 256 prim equivelency?
  23. I've had a couple customers this month who let me know they tried to purchase from me, and got no item, just lost money! I check my records & there is no record at all of these mysterious transactions & I receive no L$. So L$ can get lost in transit to us from a sale, and we have no idea (and no record) of attempted purchase until a customer inform us. Luckily, these cases, although very worrisome, seem to be vanishingly rare. What I have been doing is starting a support ticket with Lindens for each & apologizing to customer that the system failed them. People are pretty understanding & happy I do the work to resolve with Lindens for them. I know Lindens are good and will eventually fix any failed transactions, but yes there has been a little of this trouble lately for me also.
  24. Thanks for sharing this Sitearm. Sounds like some really interesting topics. I'll tune in :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  25. "Boxes of rocks beat me at chess regularly" this made me LOL I'd highly suspect that SL users would be found to have a higher than normal IQ on average :matte-motes-smug: It takes a fair bit of smarts just to get in the door, you know, get started up & arrive with your avatar inworld. Then it takes more smarts to "get it" so you stick around to have fun with it! I could be bias but hey :matte-motes-grin: hehe
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