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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. Check for a number in the object info labeled PE. No meshes count as 1 prim. Unfortunately, the smallest they can be is 2 prim. PE = number of prim the mesh is equivalent to. Meshes can equal any number of prims from 2 upwards, primcount increases with scale too. So smaller things are always less prims than big things.
  2. WADE1 Jya

    Car Scripts

    Scripts like this will need to be custom written to match a car's build. You will not find them ready-made to match your project, although there is many examples floating around the internet (LSL wiki, google, etc...), where you can find all the bits & pieces you need to piece your project together.
  3. Yay! That is funny, I would have never imagined. I'm happy to hear it I guess.... big apple fan here :matte-motes-inlove:
  4. Sorry to hear of your loss... only Lindens can help you now. Best of luck on recovering it! :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  5. Are you sure Kolby? How come then it says "Please check back here for updates." and there is no news of completion yet?
  6. Grid Status Update: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2011/07/29/post1356/ Have you seen major disruption to your Second Life today? I logged in no problem, but I'm getting news of TP trouble from customers, and transactions were failing all morning :( Here's hoping this fixes soon :matte-motes-stress: It doesn't say maintenance complete.... so I highly get the impression Lindens are still banging on things :matte-motes-impatient:
  7. I did stick a script in there just today! Surprisingly, it added nothing to PE. Earlier iterations of this same model, adding a script would cost 1 or 2 PE. I guess I'm learning this new system pretty good! :matte-motes-grin:
  8. I still wanna know why, on my importing screen, I can get models as low as 1.5 PE there, but it magically raises to 2 PE once inworld? I'd like to see PE display the true mesh weight, but maybe this is impossible for whatever reason... How can a 4 triangle mesh count as 2 prims, when some prims variations are over 8000 triangles? I get how fractional prims might just want to be avoided, a base unit makes sense. Yet..... surely it should be possible to make a 1 prim mesh, no? :matte-motes-bashful: BTW I just did it for my first time.. added a script to a model & it didn't add anything to PE! :matte-motes-grin: It looks like in my application, scripts will typically add 0 PE... Yay! :matte-motes-smitten:
  9. oh ouch that really sucks.... mesh count don't seem to work good at all for big objects. i'm just making little things & its awesome for that. for larger stuff might be better to continue scultpy & prim only? :matte-motes-confused:
  10. Sure do. I just was testing it. You can add dozens of scripts to each part of a linkset, and it still equals just plus 2PE. At least they didn't make each additional script also counts as +2, that'd suck... this I can deal with. I don't mind really, cause you can still have a very detailed model equal to just 2PE + add 2PE for scripts.... meh... Its still only 4 prim, beats any non-mesh option easy :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  11. Beautiful fans you made, Madeliefste! Thanks again for the tips, Medhue, your advice combined with some other tweaks, I got my fox down to be counting as just 3 prim now (I'll hit 2 PE yet :matte-motes-grin:)... and funny thing is it looks better now too, looks just like my render from outside SL.
  12. Solved it! TPing out of Mesh Sandbox 15 fixed the issue. I'm in Mesh Sandbox 1 now & everythings normal there. Yay! Avoid 15 today I guess :matte-motes-impatient:
  13. I'm at Mesh Sandbox 15, tried logging in, logging out, can't get "Model" to appear as an upload option? What's up? I could upload models yesterday no problem.... I wanna test out my latest fox iteration for PE.... come on come on come :matte-motes-evil: *stamps feet & waits impatiently*
  14. WADE1 Jya


    I think maybe what they wants to do is make a mesh? Assuming this thread is in correct forum topic :matte-motes-delicious: Most developers in SL use a free program called Blender to make the meshes, that is the most accessible way to get started to do it.... ...or if u don't like the look of Blender (:matte-motes-sick: I sure don't) your only other option is aquiring some pro softwares....
  15. Thanks York! I joined that group too, there is some great work there to check out :matte-motes-grin:
  16. Yay! Thanks for sharing Medhue! That's a great zombie :matte-motes-sick: looks like a cool game! :smileyhappy: I have saves of my models with much lower vertice, really blocky, so it should be easy to reduce this a whole lot more. I did some indiscrimate subdivision with too many passes too, that can be removed & will save lots of triangles. I'll knock out the lowest LOD to something bare minimal as you suggest, that works for me too! I'm aiming to have each of my models be 2PE (pre-scripts) if possible :matte-motes-grin: as long as I only make small things I should be good!
  17. Anyone with photos of mesh they are working on currently feel free to share your pics here... I'll start with my foxes. Prototype, not entirely complete yet. Still haven't textured these either.... but wanted to share them anyways... yay! :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: The above is an earlier render outside SL.... & now in the pic below, here they are in Second Life: 15PE each, which is acceptable I guess.... but I will work to reduce the PE further until they are ultralight.... ....and I'll smooth them out a little more until they look perfect in SL :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  18. :matte-motes-silly: hehe just when I thought the last crystal might be impossible to discover..... ◊ All Five of Five Cosmic Crystals have now been recovered. This hunt is over NOW! Congratulations to Ponder Constantine, the brave pilot & Cosmic Hero, recovered the last crystal today. This find concludes the hunt. Thanks to everybody who participated! Lots of fun! See you all next time :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  19. Congratulations to SpaceCase Munster, brave pilot & Cosmic Hero, is lucky winner of a Robot Cat Suit! SpaceCase Munster recovered 1 Cosmic Crystal! 4 out of 5 crystals have been recovered.... This hunt is almost over! ◈ Cosmic Crystal Hunt Status Update: Just 1 crystal of the 5 lost crystals remains to be discovered. It must be the most difficult one! Maybe nobody will ever find it.... hehehehe :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  20. Thanks Gryphon, I am filing a ticket on this too (preemptively I guess). My region seems okay lately, but not running as hot as its run at other times in the past. If there is a chance everything is not running optimally as it could be, I would like to work to correct that situation!
  21. Is it not true that whenever you do a region restart, your region goes somewhere else system-wise? If you haven't already tried that, maybe give it a go. I've done this before if I see a little bad run of things.... might help maybe :matte-motes-impatient: Good luck anyhow! Hope you do get it sorted out :matte-motes-bashful-cute: BTW Ulrich, do you know how to check if your region is running on the beta-test stuff? I wouldn't like to be on that either, I want my region to always be running on proper channel, that is what I am paying tier for. It would be cool to know how to check status of region, for anytime whenever I am having to debug region issues next.....
  22. Cool! This is first news to me that we have wall feeds... I knew this was in the works, but didn't know it was active already! Yay! :matte-motes-inlove:
  23. OK getting happier here now :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: I'm now managing to get my animals into SL with the final PE of their mesh linksets equal to 2PE.... funny thing here is if I unlink it... every mesh in the linkset also equals 2PE seperately! :matte-motes-impatient: So 2PE + 2PE + 2PE + 2PE = 2PE ??? :matte-motes-silly: That proves the formula makes no sense. Reality looks to be that I am dealing with a fractional PE count for each mesh in this linkset.... & yes I too think this is just crippling mesh a little for no reason. Luckily, even with this double+ counting method, at least it is still possible to make models with superior PE to prim.... although the PE count for mesh sure is looking very fake. Also noticed that with some of my models the importer will estimate the model as 1.5PE or some such on the import screen, but once uploaded into SL PE always equals 2? ....this count is so fake :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  24. Okay guys final clue... Let's wrap this hunt up! :matte-motes-asleep-2: The final 2 crystals are near/in The LOLO Pet Shop structures. The 3 crystals found so far have been recovered from the wider sim area.... so now just these two are left!
  25. ⧫Cosmic Crystal Hunt⧫ Hunt Progress Update: I am back to supervise the hunt, had some things to do & stuff, but returned to see that 1 more crystal was recovered. 2 out of 5 Crystals still remain to be discovered! Announcing a New Winner: Congratulations to our latest lucky winner, brave pilot & Cosmic Hero, the avatar Kitty Pashinin, has recovered one of the Cosmic Crystals. Edited to add: We had a sim restart, so I checked to verify & yes both crystals are still in their hiding places. The last two crystals must be the toughest to recover! I guess I've hidden these two in very tricky places hehehe :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: Best of luck! :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
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