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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Viborilla, There's a thread in the forum about this. Trin1 heard this from the Lab..."There seems to be an issue with them (stipends) being delayed and we are advising to wait until Thursday. At that point, if it does not show up on your account, to contact us back." Hang in there!
  2. Japan may have trailed us for a li'l while in quality, but they were out ahead of us in other areas. I can't hear "Sapporo", "Asahi" or "Pokari Sweat" without remembering these on the streets of Tokyo... But it's not too late. We can regain our supremacy with... ;-).
  3. Hi again, Brittany: If creating clothing isn't daunting enough, marketing it might be! Once you've got some things to sell, the easiest place to market them is the Second Life Marketplace. I've no experience with selling in the marketplace, but there's a forum for Merchants... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/bd-p/Merchants and here are some related pages... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-objects/ta-p/700143 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-market-your-products/ta-p/700181 I'll caution you to have modest expectations. Making money in SL is probably harder than making it in RL. But if you love fashion design and want to gain some experience, the cost of entry here is low. You don't need seamstresses, fabric, warehouse space, or fire insurance (do have a backup plan for your computer though!). All you need is your own time and passion. But if you're looking to make money, I'll turn you around to face RL and give you a gentle push. Okay, as for tools, I recommended two in my response to your first question here. For creating the textures to paint on the avatar system layers, or to paint on the surfaces of mesh or prim items you create, I recommend the free GIMP program. Many here use it, so you're likely to find answers to questions. I use Photoshop, but that's prohibitively expensive for most people. GIMP can do most everything you need. I'd be using it if I hadn't invested in Photoshop during my professional career. I'm sure there are other low/no cost image editing/painting programs out there, many of which would be suitable for SL texture creation. If you choose to create mesh clothing, get ready for an SL like learning curve in a 3D modeling program. I think the most popular tool amongst SL creators is Blender. I've never used it, but the price is right and you'll find people in the forums who can answer Blender questions. Again, good luck!
  4. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning Val! Oh yes! Please do help us. Maddy and I are basic painters and we could use your artistic abilities! Peace! What? I don't need no artistic abilities! I need the garage painted! ... pours another gallon of paint on the garage floor, tosses in a squirrel, and goes off to lunch.
  5. valerie Inshan wrote: I was thinking about something more artistic, but since you two seem to need help... I think I'll join you! Happy Hump day guys! You're no help with a brush that small, Val! ... rolls you in Hippie's paint and tosses li'l French treats about the garage.
  6. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morming all! Happy Hump day! I thought I would come over and help you with the painting Maddy! Peace! ... puts the brush away, pours the paint over you and starts throwing balls around the garage. When doing a large job, I always use the biggest brush I can find. And if the brush is cute? Bonus! ;-). Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  7. Hi Brittany, Being a basic member has no affect on your fashion designing options. Fashion design requires a few talents, but creation in SL is a blast! You'll need to develop a working knowledge of an image editing tool like Photoshop or the free program GIMP. The most basic clothing is the system layer stuff, which is painted on the avatar and requires no 3D modeling, just image creation. Here's a LL wiki page with numerous clothing creation links... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials I recommend Robin Wood's Avatar clothing templates, as they're higher resolution (1024 x 1024) than the textures you'll load into SL (512 x 512) allowing you finer control over your creation. If you want to do mesh clothing, you'll need to learn Blender or something like it. You should also acquaint yourself with the Fashion and Building/Texturing forums. They're not very busy, but are specific to your interests. Have fun creating!
  8. Hi Hunter, If you own a Linden Home you may not place a skybox above it. If you really like the skybox, and the idea of living in the sky, you'll have to purchase or rent a plot of land with a covenant that allows skyboxes. As a premium member, you get your first 512m2 free, either with a Linden home or without. Either way you'll have only 117 prims to work with, so make sure your skybox doesn't eat them all up, or obtain either sufficent land (117prims per 512m2) or rental space to accomodate the skybox and any furniture/decorations/working space you think you'll need. Mainland can be rather cluttered with skyboxes, so you may have to hunt around to find a chunk of sky that gives you a clear view. You can derender other objects that block your view, or you could set your draw distance low to avoid seeing your neighbors. Good luck!
  9. I'm glad you put "real" in scare quotes. ;-).
  10. Golly, I'm behind the times. I had no idea that these new starter shapes break a decade's worth of SL clothing. What the hell is LL thinking?
  11. Hi rraspberry, I'm going to guess that at least some of the clothing you purchased contained "mesh" and/or "prim" attachments. Clothing can either be "painted on" your avatar, just like your skin. Such clothing items have clothing symbols on the left indicating which type of clothing they are. Attachment clothes and accessories are actually objects that are attached to various points on the avatar, allowing clothing protrude beyond the avatar shape, as cuffs or shoes do in real life. Attachments have box icons. Newer mesh attachments deform with the avatar as it moves, older prim attachments are rigid. Unfortunately, mesh and prim attachments may also protrude into the avatar shape as they do not know about shape modifications made by adjusting the avatar geometry sliders in the Appearance Editor window. If you purchase a skinny pair of mesh jeans, but have a rotund avatar, the jeans may vanish entirely inside the avatar shape. You avoid this problem in the extreme by purchasing the correct size of jeans. Even so, a correctly fitted pair of jeans might still fall inside the avatar shape in certain circumstances, like an extreme pose. To avoid the avatar skin poking out through a mesh attachment, clothing creators supply "alpha" clothing layers that erase the avatar in those areas where it's likely to protrude through the mesh. These are the clothes that don't show up. Actually, these are the clothes that make your avatar now show up, or out. So, when you don a mesh clothing item, make sure you also don the associated alpha layers as well. And when you're done wearing the mesh clothing, make sure you also remove the alpha layers, or you'll be partly invisible. I hope that helps "clear" things up! ;-). And if it's the case that clothing layer stuff that should be visible isn't showing up, your avatar isn't "baking" and you might want to read this... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-have-tried-everything-i-know-to-get-my-avi-to-rez-no-luck-help/qaq-p/2719378 Welcome to Second Life! Good luck!! Have fun!!!
  12. Hippie Bowman wrote: BTW Dillon I am another Navy Man. I remember it being so dark out on deck that you could not see your hand in front of you. And the stars!!! Fantastic! Peace! Dad was always a night owl. And he loved the ocean's wide open vistas. Couple those and you've got the genesis of Dad's interest in astronomy. I grew up thinking that everybody must have a 12" telescope in their kitchen, ready to drag outside at a moment's notice. Love the story and the link, Dil! I love watching the boats on the lake on the 4th of July, all lit up for show. I'd love to see that writ large by the Pacific Fleet!
  13. Hi Luvi, If you are referring to the slider numbers for your shape, the only way to save them is to save the shape, which is exactly what you do after you're done editing. If you want to experiment, make a reference copy of the shape before you start, so you can throw away any failed experiments. If your goal is to copy the numbers from a no-mod shape to new shape, writing them down and retyping them in is the only way I know.
  14. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Back to work for many of us! Peace! But not all of us! Unless you consider painting a garage to be work. I'll let you know when I'm done. ;-). Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  15. Hi Karabella, Maybe your edit window has flown off the edge of the viewer screen. Here's a guide for reining it back in... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/missing_windows Follow the instructions carefully. You'll want to change the Built/Edit window settings only. Good luck!
  16. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: I have loved reading each and every post in this thread, thanks all. I would like to say a little about my dad here. My father, Lecil, was a Marine in WW2. He was an infantryman on the first wave to the Marshall Islands. He would never talk about the war and I always wondered why. After his passing in 1993, I went to the Veterans Administration and applied for and received his military records. I wish I hadn't. The only thing he ever told me was about the time his best buddy was blown up just feet away from him. The things he saw and went through are things beyond what my brain can process. At some point during this campaign, he took some shrapnel to the skull and was shipped back stateside to the San Diego Naval Hospital and spent a year undergoing rehab. My father was my hero, and I am so proud of his sacrifice to keep us free. Dad was absurd, silly, wickedly funny, kind, and a gentle but persistent tease. He told me many stories of his decade wandering the South Pacific, all of them either laugh out loud funny, or full of romance for the cultures of the islands. Most of what I know about his war experiences had to be got secondhand from relatives and books. Dad's twin brother, who also lied about his age to get into the Army in 1937, did not come home. I remember reading about the Corsair and learning that it was called "Whistling Death". When I told Dad about that, he changed the subject. Neither Mom nor Dad ever told me not to ask questions about the War, but it was pretty clear that topic was best left alone. I imagine your experience was similar. Dad was in the attack on Kwajalein atoll and may flown over your Dad's head. He revisited the Marshalls in 1948 for the first A-Bomb test at Anewetok. He once said I must see a sunset on Roi Namur. That's on my bucket list. Dad's best friend was a veteran Luftwaffe pilot who thought Hitler was a (*#^%$ psychopath. He came to the US in the late '40s and lived next door for most of my life. He was equally quiet about his war experiences. I don't think I could wrap my head around what either of those two had to do. Maybe they couldn't either. I recently read an article discussing PTSD in drone pilots. I will take some consolation in the knowledge that even from a seat halfway round the world, the taking of a life in war is still painful. I don't think Dad would have approved of drones.
  17. Six Wetherby wrote: How do I stop this? Someone has an app that shows when Im online is there any way to stop this I have already checked my preferences to keep non-friends from my online status. You can't stop someone from detecting your online status via a script. You can stop caring about it, though that may take some effort. Good luck, Six.
  18. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! I hope you had a good ride Maddy! Happy Memorial Day Monday! Peace! I did, though riding the tandem with my boarder is not like I remember it. I think he weighs twice as much as the last time he was on the bike. The big lug is still afraid of city traffic, so I had to captain for part of the trip. He is pretty strong for being so lazy, but he's got no stamina and a low pain threshold. At least he doesn't get aroused by the bicycle seat, like his mom once (and never again) did. I hope everybody has a pleasant and thoughtful Memorial Day!!! Were you in front or the back? Lady and I tried it with me in the back. It was a train wreck. Well at least he is strong. He can provied most of the torque. My mom once said that motherhood teaches you how to handle pain. Although, she never had kidney stones. (That hurt! Damn thing has spikes on it!) /me laughs at the bicycle seat arosal bit and resists making a comment! Happy Memorial Day Maddy! Peace! We took turns. Intersection traffic unnerves him, so I captained in town and stoked on the bike paths. Mom has been feeling strong enough to go out with me as well, but we don't cover much ground when she does. That's partly due to her age (86) and partly due to stopping to chat, examine something, or find the source of whatever it is that "smells so good, it's making me hungry" so we can nibble on it. I've had neither children nor kidney stones, so I'll content myself with imagining the pain. ;-).
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: Richie Kanto wrote: Min, Sadly, your answer is no, LL will not do anything more to prevent copybotting. You see here the reason why; its users just do not see copybotting as anything LL can or should do anything about. When you show me something VIABLE they can do then I will absolutely say that Linden Lab SHOULD DO IT! It's not that we are saying LL shouldn't do something. What you are failing to see is the technical complexity of Digital Rights Management. You bring up "Ending the open source nature of Second Life" as a solution. But CopyBot happened before the Viewer became open source. Yes, we know it's frustrating for you as a MERCHANT. Give me a workable solution and I'll support it. The SL viewer renders using OpenGL. I know of no other cross-platform (Win/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS) rendering solution. There are freely available content rippers that will capture virtually anything rendered in OpenGL. I imagine the same is true for DirectX on Windows machines and would be true of any rendering system popular enough to run cross platform. No rendering system can achieve traction without debugging tools. The moment those tools become available, ripping becomes reasonably easy. The only way to really put a dent in in-world copybotting would be to abandon the current viewer/server model and stream live video from a proprietary rendering farm. That's precisely what SLGo does. Even in that scheme, some texture rips would still be as easy as snapping a photograph of an oil painting at your local art museum. After seeing what the internet did to the music industry, you'd think people would see how hard it is to stop the copying and dissemination of intellectual property.
  20. irihapeti wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: And I have a pet theory that the unknown is at least the square of the known. you made a comment on the other about lfsr and it made me start to think about random in the universe. Rather than put this on there I put on here bc it goes down the same path I think (: + like is the universe truly random? or is it just to large for us to model at this time. so just appears random? it ties in with are we limited by our imagination. or are we really only limited by the materials and tools available in our own time. For example: if Da Vinci had a fuel synthesiser and a welding torch. if the Egyptians had a bulldozer, etc + if we did have the materials and tools and modelled the universe then what would the starting seed be? Given that it cant be 0. 0+0=0. 0*0=0. 0<<0=0 etc would it be 1? if it wasnt 1 then means that would be some other seed number. which implies that is/can be multi-universes. each with own starting seeds drawn from some larger set outside of the universes themselves if was 1 (or whichever seed) then can know that this/our universe is an arrangement of seeming random events which are not random. only pseudorandom and therefore deterministic. If so then if know the seed and the starting algo (which can be very simple I think) then can know all the past and all the future + the cool thing about the universe algo is that, where life as we know it, is in parts self-modifying code (natural selection/mutation) which can be modelled also bc mutation algo while can seem random is not. Notrandom in the sense it can be modelled and reproduced. Even if each mutation method has own self-modifying algo and own PRNG. the seed of which is fed by outcomes of other mutation algos. bc the seed for them is drawn from the state of the universe PRNG localised in spacetime to them, and also drawn in part from the outcomes of other mutation algos in turn. Which all resolve back to the universe starting seed + just need a really really big computer and fast to compute it. at least as big and fast as the universe is/was at any given time one that maybe grows itself forever as time progresses (which seems unlikely bc this would be a magical property seems like to me) or (which is more likely i think) the computer would be bound by the same physical laws as the universe it contains. Meaning is some actual space limit to the computer itself. Which means that the universe itself is finite. So maybe when the sum of the universe hits the upperbound limit then kaboom !!! game over. reset and ready player one (: or maybe never reset after kaboom! and thats all. game over forever + is not enough to just/only have a seed at the start tho. Need a starting algo as well i think that start algo is maybe: universe = seed = 1; while (universe += seed / (seed + universe)); so what happens with this algo? as universe grows larger it divide itself by the magnitude of itself. (is how cells work? life?) they multiply by division? at some time the universe computer runs out of spacebits and eventual end up divide by zero. kaboom !!! maybe (: And your comment reminds me an old joke I've retooled to comingle a few semi-groundless memes and a personal fantasy... A male philosophy student and a female engineering student volunteer for a university experiment. They find themselves placed across a room from a cute female bisexual French major lounging seductively on a bed. Each student has an instruction sheet in hand which reads... "A bell will ring every ten minutes. At each ring, walk half the distance to the girl. The first to reach her gets her attentions." Upon reading the instructions: The philosopy major throws up his hands and storms out of the room, shouting "What kind of experiment is this? You expect me to do nothing but walk towards the girl, at exactly the same rate as my competitor, knowing I'll never reach her?" The engineer winks at the French major and says "Pucker up, sweetie. I'll be close enough show you a good time in well under an hour. Until then, let's talk naughty." In my college days, I routinely engaged in (as Dillon calls them) "forever conversations" about topics such as how it all started, where it's all going and what it all means. Since then I've taken a step back. Well no, I haven't taken a step back. I've simply fallen victim to my theory. The more I learn, the larger the unknown becomes. When I was 16, I suppose I thought I was in a position (college) to figure all these things out in the esteemed company of my friends. Now I realize I've got to depend on literally millions of others to reach even a rudimentary understanding of almost anything of interest to me. Could a computer simulate it all? I was terribly impressed by Conway's Game of Life when I first coded it on Dad's Apple II. That was my first hands on experience with unexpected complexity arrising from simple rules, and it set my imagination on fire. Is the universe truly random? This is akin to the free will question. From a practical perspective, we may not be able to tell the difference between a truly random universe and one that's deterministic if we are unable to completely analyze it. But, from a practical perspective, we needn't completely analyze a thing to make good use of it. Until we get close enough, we can always talk naughty. ;-).
  21. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! I hope you had a good ride Maddy! Happy Memorial Day Monday! Peace! I did, though riding the tandem with my boarder is not like I remember it. I think he weighs twice as much as the last time he was on the bike. The big lug is still afraid of city traffic, so I had to captain for part of the trip. He is pretty strong for being so lazy, but he's got no stamina and a low pain threshold. At least he doesn't get aroused by the bicycle seat, like his mom once (and never again) did. I hope everybody has a pleasant and thoughtful Memorial Day!!!
  22. Welcome to Second Life, llamoon! Here are some links you may find helpful... The quick start guide... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 The User's Manual... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User's_Manual A Knowledge Base article about "Controlling your avatar's appearance"... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Controlling-your-avatar-s-appearance/ta-p/700709 Caledon Oxbridge University... http://www.caledonoxbridge.org Good luck... and have fun!
  23. Rolig Loon wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Vulpinus wrote: Just adding that it's defintely an issue on my parcel, not with the viewer (I think, lol). I've logged in with my wife's account and looked at myself from there, using both firestorm and SL viewer, and see the same erratic behaviour. This reminds me of a couple folks (one in the last few days) that have mentioned a severe fps drop in certain places, and only when facing certain directions. Does the problem get better/worse depending on the direction you're facing? I've no solution if it does, I'm just curious. That's normal, Maddy. When you look in a new direction, your viewer has to download and process new graphical information, so it slows down. If you keep looking in the new direction, your FPS should increase again in a few seconds, especially if nothing new is happening (no new avs or objects, no new signs, particles, etc.). Open your Statistics Bar (Shift + CTRL + 1) and watch FPS as you turn to face a new direction or when you TP to a new sim. It will usually drop like a stone. No, I'm referring to a case in which the FPS drops and remains low when facing in a certain direction. About a year ago, someone had a problem on their parcel, where facing a certain direction dropped their frame rate into the single digits. I went to that place and experienced it myself. I flew all over the sim trying to identify the cause and was unable to make sense of it. There was store nearby with a great many textures displaying the various items, but nothing else. Looking at it dropped my frame rate. I could fly past it and the FPS would recover, but if I turned around and looked at the store from the opposite direction, FPS did not drop. It was completely baffling. A couple days ago, someone mentioned a similar problem.
  24. Vulpinus wrote: Just adding that it's defintely an issue on my parcel, not with the viewer (I think, lol). I've logged in with my wife's account and looked at myself from there, using both firestorm and SL viewer, and see the same erratic behaviour. This reminds me of a couple folks (one in the last few days) that have mentioned a severe fps drop in certain places, and only when facing certain directions. Does the problem get better/worse depending on the direction you're facing? I've no solution if it does, I'm just curious.
  25. Good morning, Hippie. I'm off for a bike ride this morning, so I'll be burning calories while the rest of you are sitting on your bums eating virtual bacon. ;-). Say "Hi, Kids!!!" to everyone for me! And for the rest of you... Hi, Kids!!!
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