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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: I don't know that there is any real way to measure the trickle down effect. There were a lot of things already in development. NASA's need for the technologies may have and probably did expedite their development. There were advances in medicine also, especially in the treatment of heart disease. Again we may have eventually learned what we did but we did learn it sooner because of the Space Program. Of course you do have to measure return on investment. Theoretically a ball bearing manufactured in space would outlast one manufactured on Earth to the nth degree. Still what chagrins me is this: We can reprogram the Mars Rover a hundred million miles away from us but we seem unable to program a dependable Voting Machine right here on Earth. Not only is it not easy to measure the trickle down effect, but there's another effect that's largely ignored when money is spent on anything, and that's the lost benefit of spending it better elsewhere. We never see what doesn't happen. While the "New Deal" poured money into the Tennessee Valley Authority, what didn't happen in Montana? The Congressional Budget Office once projected the total cost of the Iraq/Afghan wars at $3 Trillion. We'll never know what life would be like if we'd spend that money elsewhere. Dad designed things for NASA's Apollo program. He was a huge fan of going to the moon, but became disillusioned with NASA, saying that the level of bureaucratic incompetence he encountered there was approaching that of the Navy. Here's what Burt Rutan has to say about the future of space flight...
  2. Hi Peaches! Drop in to one of Hippie Bowman's Sunday Breakfasts. A whiningwinning attitude like your's will fit in just right! Just drop him an IM in-world and he'll send you an invite. ;-).
  3. Parhelion Palou wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hi Val and Hippie. Mom's not completely enjoying her convalesecnt stay with me. Although we think her fractured ankle will heal just fine, she seems wary of my cooking... I thought it was common knowledge that chili is good for what ails ya. Happy Tuesday, Kids!!! Your mother probably hasn't heard of putting chicken juice in chili -- she's wise to be wary. Happy almost Hump Day! Keep this up and I'll cook for you, Par.
  4. valerie Inshan wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hi Val and Hippie. Mom's not completely enjoying her convalesecnt stay with me. Although we think her fractured ankle will heal just fine, she seems wary of my cooking... I thought it was common knowledge that chili is good for what ails ya. Happy Tuesday, Kids!!! I'm sorry about your Mom Maddy, and i hope she gets better soon despite your cuisine... Seems our elder ones tend to live dangerously lately. My Dad fell all the way down the stairs last night. Spent the whole night in hospital and came back with stitches all over the head. Not very aesthetic in my opinion since he has no hair anymore... Give your Dad a gentle hug and some chicken juice for me. At 86, there's the worry that Mom's ankle won't heal quickly or well, but we're optimistic. She's driven over other traffic cones on life's road before and is in reasonably good spirits, but I can see this worries her. Our Summer road trip plans are on hold, so we're amusing ourselves by double hen-pecking our boarder. The poor fella's gonna be sooooo happy to head back to college. ;-). Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  5. Hi LND, It appears that (once again) Linden Lab has screwed up stipend payouts. You may add your (probably unheard) voice to the growing chorus right here. Hang in there!
  6. You're welcome. I'm glad I helped!
  7. Hi Santinha, Oooh, a bug that's pulling you under the ground. That sounds like a great Saturday night sci-fi flick! Right click your avatar to Edit->Shape (or whatver the hell, it's called in the various viewers). The first pane of the shape editor is the "Body" pane, and at the very bottom of it you'll find a "Hover" slider. That should be near 50, and sometimes gets goofed up. Drag it back until you're comfortably above ground again. Good luck!
  8. Dillon Levenque wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Some day, it will be much more feasible, and we'll have many more toys to do it with. Does technology develop just by itself - we just sit and wait long enough for some magic to happen? Of course it does not work like that. To develop something lots of research must be done, experiments need to be made, stuff needs to be built. That's how new better and more advanced things are invented. Often that costs enormous amounts of money. But the money is not lost nor wasted. The money will just change hands, part of it goes here, part of goes there, part of it goes somewhere else. Often high technology research has many spin off inventions which appear in our everyday life - just like has happened with space exploration. http://www.universetoday.com/37079/benefits-of-space-exploration/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA_spin-off_technologies https://sites.google.com/a/scasd.org/website-design/Space-Program/positive-effects-of-the-space-program http://www.problem-solving-techniques.com/US-Space-Program.html .. and so on and on.. Somehow it appears to me that the money used on space exploration has brought forth many good things. Your post reminded me of comments back in the Apollo days complaining about all the money the government spent on the lunar missions. "They could have spent that money right here on Earth!", they'd say. I could hardly keep from yelling, "They DID spend that money right here on Earth, you idiot! Plus all the technologies developed for that program have been really helpful in our everyday lives." Over time, I've become less of a believer in the trickle-down technology of NASA projects. I think the Space Shuttle was a tremendous waste of resources. There were surely less expensive ways to get stuff into orbit. I read an article some years ago debunking the myth that the space program brought us integrated circuits, the microwave, etc. Those things were already in development for commercial purposes, and were ultimately co-opted for the space program. Yet I'm still a huge fan of space exploration. When done right, it's inspiring. And if there's something we really need to trickle down to us from somewhere, it's inspiration. Your "spend that money on Earth" story reminds me of my favorite clueless comment... "Let the government pay for it!". At least people who proclaim belief in Martians (sorry Perrie) know they believe in Martians. Those who'd have the government pay for things are unaware they believe in extraterrestrial taxpayers.
  9. Hi Crystal, You could follow the sage (and wildly overcomplicated) advice given by Lindal and Rolig, or you could do what I do... Pick one hairstyle and toss the rest! ;-).
  10. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: Got a suggestion from another forum to try removing/replacing the word "excited". Try that? () If it's not that, I think LL flagged the idea of playing Jazz in Church.
  11. Hi immasub, LL does not accept most (any?) debit cards. There are authorized Linden resellers. I imagine some of them will accept payments from debit cards... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_%28L$%29_Authorized_Reseller_Program If you try trying to use the card to pay LL tier, it may be possible to attach the card to a PayPal account and then use PayPal to make the payment to LL. I am not certain of this. Good luck!
  12. Hi tequasi, There is no longer a "rebake" command. What you are suffering is probably "bake fail". Here's a page with suggestions... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail If you have this problem often, it may be the result of connection problems. Here's a page you should bookmark that addresses ways to improve that connection... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  13. Hi Val and Hippie. Mom's not completely enjoying her convalesecnt stay with me. Although we think her fractured ankle will heal just fine, she seems wary of my cooking... I thought it was common knowledge that chili is good for what ails ya. Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  14. Hi Robin, I'm not sure I understand your question. The 745m is compatible with SL. There's no way for us to know whether your PC contains an additional integrated graphics processor, but if it did, that GPU would probably be much slower than the NVIDIA chip. If you're getting some kind of incompatibility message from the SL viewer, go to the NVIDIA website and get the latest drivers for your 745m. Good luck!
  15. Perrie Juran wrote: SaraCarena wrote: /me whispers to Perrie and Maddy...pssssstttt...get a room! I didn't see her advertising C.O.W. seeks C.O.M. ... glares at you.
  16. Hi Lloth, I would be helpful to have more information about your inability to log in. Do you see any error messages? At exactly what point in the login process do things hang up? When did this start happening? What kind of network connection do you have? Stuff like that. You can provide that information by editing your question via "Options" over there on the right. Until then, I'm going to guess you've got some kind of connection problem and throw you my default response for that... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  17. Hi Winshara, It's probably that you belong to one or more groups that have "group liabilities". Belonging to such groups makes you liable for a prorated portion of group expenses. A record of such charges will be shown in your Transaction History. If the charges are unexpected, unwarranted or unwelcome, you can either address the issue with the group owner, or leave the group. Good luck!
  18. Hi Summperphlox, It sounds like you've fallen into the dreaded "Wearing entire inventory" problem. Here's a link that may help... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/wearing_entire_inventory Marigold Devin supplies another potential solution as the first answer in this thread... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Somehow-wearing-my-entire-inventory-and-crashes-on-log-in-what/qaq-p/1304525 Good luck!
  19. Coby Foden wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Oopss... :smileysurprised: wrong aim! :smileyfrustrated: :matte-motes-bashful: But no worries, aim corrected! Shoot! :matte-motes-whistle: Thank you, Coby! I need all the help I can get! ;-).
  20. Hi Electro, I'm in complete agreement with Rolig. I just pinged SL and get a round trip in 64ms. That's via a typical terrestrial internet link. By going through a satellite, a ping must make two complete trips to the satellite and back, one for the outbound packet and another for the reply. Geosynchronous satellites are 22,236 miles up. At the speed of light, a round trip takes 240ms. Two of those is nearly half a second. That's in addition to the ping delay on the ground, which might be more than my 64ms, depending on where the Huges data center is. I'm sure you've been annoyed by the real time delays in TV news conversations conducted via satellite. SL often shows its annoyance by simply refusing to work.
  21. In addition to Rolig's link... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-Wilderness-Frequently-Asked-Questions/ta-p/1327093
  22. I realize our genders are important to us, but having 58 descriptions to choose from makes me wonder if we won't always wonder if we could have picked a better one. And if you now layer sexual preference on top of that, do we have 58^2=3364 possibilities? That's a lot to chose from. I was already having difficulty picking between hetero and lesbian. And while "SWF seeks Same" may have been a little too nebulous, SWN-B seeks SWT-S seems overly narrow. So maybe we'll settle on SWO seeks, SWT-S/SWGN/SWGQ/SWGF/SWF? But with seven+ billion of us about, surely there's someone (or two!) for everyone. I look foward to seeing how this all plays out. ;-).
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: Are you drunk? She specifically said she is Female. Though if Male and Female were the only gender choices I would have had only a 50/50 chance of guessing it. Facebook now has 56 gender options. You'll never guess correctly. Personally, I think I might be a quart low on Gender Fluid. I wonder if there's a synthetic version. One could change half as often!
  24. I've always been under the impression that Bryn Oh is a woman, perhaps because of her art, or perhaps because I've heard someone refer to her as "she". I just checked her profile, and it seems s/he's actually a cat, though her SL photo seems female. A bit of web research provides confirmation of my impression. Bryn Oh is not only female, but horror of horror's, she's one of those damned Canadians that make us in the US look uncivilized by comparison.
  25. Perrie Juran wrote: Oh and Maddy, why are you impersonating a Martian? Well, I could ask why you are trying to kill my bowling pin. But I'm not one to turn down free (and cute!) help.
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