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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Lab, I've never heard of this problem before and I've no ready explanation for it. I do know that Second Life web properties don't play well with Internet Explorer. If you're using that, you might try an alternative browser like Chrome or Firefox. Good luck!
  2. Hi Alisa, This thread might hold an answer for you... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/my-avi-and-back-round-wont-load-everything-is-pink/qaq-p/2643852 Good luck!
  3. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Good morning, Hippie! Happy Wednesday, Kids!!! I can see Monday from up here on the hump! Oh yes! Monday on the horizon! Kind of blue today Maddy. You may know this already, but Ever Dreamscape has passed away in RL. So sad. Lots have paid tribute on her feed. Check it out @ https://my.secondlife.com/ever.dreamscape Big love and hugs to ya! Peace! I did not know this, Hippie. And hearing it makes me sad. My best wishes go out to all who knew her.
  4. Good morning, Hippie! Happy Wednesday, Kids!!! I can see Monday from up here on the hump!
  5. You've probably run into a simulator involved in today's rolling restarts. Whenever you get that error message, you should check here... http://status.secondlifegrid.net ... to see if there is maintenance underway. Try again in a few minutes.
  6. Hi again CleverMeeroos, I think the best you can do is to continue to AR offenders. When LL receives a DMCA take down notice or an AR for copied content, if they act on it, they generally remove the offending content as well as the offender. Many people have had things go missing from their inventory when copied content is removed by LL. However, once a texture or shape has been exported from SL, it's possible re-import without detection. There's currently no way for LL to catch it. I suppose they could do some sort of content analysis like YouTube does to catch copied music, but that's a big effort and not something your ARs are likely to induce. I wish there was a better solution, but content theft has been a perennial issue in SL.
  7. Hi CleverMeeroos, I don't know how you'd know all the alts of any particular resident. There are no tools available here to determine that. If LL banned a resident for content theft, I suppose it's up to them to determine (if they can) whether the account holder runs multiple avatars. If you catch another alt advertising or wearing stolen content, file an AR.
  8. Hi Angeline, Go to secondlife.com and log-in if you aren't already. Then select Land Manager -> My Mainland. Here's a direct link... https://secondlife.com/my/account/land.php? Launch your viewer, then click the SLURL to your Linden home, which should should be visible there. If your browser is properly configured, it'll send your viewer a TP request. Good luck!
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: I live in the real world. What?! Didn't you tell me you were once a musician?
  10. Don't waste that day off, Voo. Get into some trouble! Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  11. Hi carlll, Others have complained of this problem. Here are some things to try... If you are using Internet Explorer, go to Tools then to Compatibility View Settings. Add Secondlife.com. If that doesn't work, try a different browser, SL doesn't like Internet Explorer Disable any ad blocker software extension your browser may be running Sometimes the buttons are invisible. You might catch their outlines by doing a "select all" on the web page. Good luck!
  12. mobiusonemasterchief Infinity wrote: the proverbial last straw that breaks the camels back will soon rear it head . mark my words ... If I've marked them correctly, you believe straw has a head it can rear. ;-).
  13. Hi blake, I'm going to presume you're thinking about those curly characters you see in other people's display names. That's done by using unicode characters, and I don't recommend doing it. Your name becomes difficult to read and impossible to search. Inserting the wrong unicode characters into your display name can bork your profile or even prevent you from logging in. But, if you're hell bent on annoying people, here's how to do it... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/TNT-Second-Life-Tips-Tricks/FUN-Awesomize-your-profile-with-Unicode-and-ASCII-art/ba-p/652364 ;-).
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: I'm reminded of something I believe it was Pep who said it, "The moment you sign up for Second Life you lie." We could change that to say, "The moment you sign up for Second Life you begin to Role Play." "Quod fere totus mundus exerceat histrionem (because almost the whole world are actors)" - Petronius (27-66AD) " For what else is the life of man but a kind of play in which men in various costumes perform until the director motions them offstage?" - Erasmus (1466-1536) " All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts" - William Shakespeare (1564-1616) The author of your quote was a bit late to the game and may have been unaware that appearing to misunderstand it makes one look naive. Second Life is simply another wing on the stage. I believe that neither lying nor role-play are necessarily, or even often, bad things. Those men may have been late to the game also: "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons." Personally I would maintain, "While all lieing is role playing, not all roleplaying is lieing." We run the risk of miring ourselves in semantics if we continue, but both lying and role playing are things we all do, and are often necessary and helpful. Intent surely colors their use but, even if we can discern it, we're not out of the woods. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I've paid good money to be deceived, and will do it again. I've paid good money to avoid being deceived, and will do it again. I'm comfortable with the knowledge that my money probably could have been better spent. On the delivering end, I've deceived both myself and others. I've often enjoyed it and believe others have as well. Unfortunately, it has not always gone well. Live and learn? ;-).
  15. I hope Magnus feels as good about the direction this is going as we do...
  16. Magnus Brody wrote: he's no spring chicken (thanks Madelaine!) You're welcome, Magnus! If it makes you feel any better, we both look like people I find dreamy...
  17. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Magnus Brody wrote: I'd be grateful for your opinions. It seems to me that you jumped to conclusions based on nothing more than your own assumptions as to the intent behind this person's actions. It's just as likely that they were looking for a father figure in SL as it is that they wanted to jump your bones. While I would have given them the benefit of the doubt, you're prefectly within your right not to have done so. What rubs me the wrong way is the fact that you deemed it necessary to AR this person based on nothing more than a feeling, rather than on any sort of substantive evidence. As such, your AR will be completely unactionable, therefore only serving to clog the system and making it take even longer for action to be taken against those who are actually doing something wrong. ...Dres Dres, Magnus did not AR the 13yo. I see how one could get that impression by reading the responses, which I suppose proves that none of us is immune from jumping to conclusions. Magnus has got rather beat up here, and I think he's handled it with grace. That's pretty impressive from a fella who looks like he does in RL! ;-).
  18. Snugs McMasters wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Monica Querrien wrote: Third, I have noticed how some people are so jaded in these parts that they assume the worse and go to town on some people, making their post count increase in the process so they can get a title/badge for SL forums. And in the above it appears you're being an example of your own claim. Some folks are just chatty on forums. Some love to talk, debate, discuss, and so on. The internet has been publicly availably since 1996 and people STILL don't realize this? This ^^ My eyes tend to automatically start rolling whenever someone brings up post count or forum rank in a discussion in order to use them to try to discredit those of us who have been posting here for years and years. I'm more inclined to believe that spending all that time here would be more of an indication of the desire to interact with the people here and maybe help someone from time to time (if not all the time), than it is of some sort of nefarious plan to gain recognition... especially considering the insignificance of whatever little recognition a high post count or rank actually provides a person. It's frankly no surprise that there are some long-time, forum participants who've become a bit jaded after having to deal with ignorant, nonsensical accusations such as this on a regular, albeit infrequent, basis. ...Dres What are you talking about Dres? Of course it's a nefarious plan to gain recognition. It's a game I won't play, of course, but I'm not the only one in here. Jealous, Member Snugs?
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: Once in a while I play a human too. I've been doing that since birth.
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: I'm reminded of something I believe it was Pep who said it, "The moment you sign up for Second Life you lie." We could change that to say, "The moment you sign up for Second Life you begin to Role Play." "Quod fere totus mundus exerceat histrionem (because almost the whole world are actors)" - Petronius (27-66AD) "For what else is the life of man but a kind of play in which men in various costumes perform until the director motions them offstage?" - Erasmus (1466-1536) "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts" - William Shakespeare (1564-1616) The author of your quote was a bit late to the game and may have been unaware that appearing to misunderstand it makes one look naive. Second Life is simply another wing on the stage. I believe that neither lying nor role-play are necessarily, or even often, bad things.
  21. Hi Esme, If you are trying to download the Second Life viewer, that's not going to work. SL Viewers run only under Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Your iPad runs iOS. Linden Lab's Third Party Viewer Directory lists "Pocket Metaverse" for iPad. I believe that is a text only interface into Second Life and I'm not sure it's still being supported. There is also a remote-streaming interface called SLGo available for iOS devices. It costs $1USD/hr, with an unlimited plan for $10/mo. Good luck!
  22. Another Birthday? You had one just last year, Hippie! Happy Monday, Kids!!!
  23. Magnus, I do think you over-reacted. Though the chat you copied would have raised a hair or two on the back of my neck, I'd have played along until either that hair settled back down or an alarm bell rang. If I was busy, I'd have politely declined the invitation to "do something later". I've had very few visceral reactions to encounters here in SL, only one of which resulted in me filing an AR. And there was no question in my mind that the person causing that reaction was violating the TOS. I'm generally happy to give people the benefit of the doubt. If that benefit ends up being the rope with which they hang themselves, I can ameloriate the disappointment with the guilty pleasure of watching the the corpse swing in the hot breeze of my scorn. ;-).
  24. Hi Mia, Clearing cache from within the viewer may not work. Here's the Firestorm page for dealing with missing inventory... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory The last line on that page takes you to the Second Life wiki page, which you may have already read... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss If I've misunderstood, and you mean that the inventory toolbar button is there, but clicking it does not bring up the inventory window, it's possible the inventory window is lurking along one edge of your display. If that's the case, you can get it back by doing this... Enable the "Advanced" menu if it's not already showing. You can do that via Ctl-Alt-D (Ctl-Alt-Shift-D if that doesn't work) or by going to the menu "Preferences->Advanced" and checking "Show Advanced Menu". Then select the menu item "Advanced->Debug Settings" and type in "floater_pos_inventory_x" and set the value to zero. Do the same for "floater_pos_inventory_y". If there is a "Return to default" button, click that instead of setting the values to zero. Here's the Firestorm page wich instructions for finding missing windows... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/missing_windows Bookmark it, we've been hearing of windows going missing more frequently lately. If these suggestions don't work, come back and edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right) to provide more information if you can. Good luck!
  25. Hi aaminah, This problem seems to be cropping up more often lately. If it doesn't respond to Rolig's fix, try: Advanced->Show Debug Settings, type CameraOffsetRearview, click Reset to Default Advanced->Show Debug Settings, type FocusOffsetRearview, click Reset to default If the Advanced Menu isn't showing, type Ctrl+Alt+D. Good luck!
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