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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Well, even the context doesn't help! Could it mean Verified Age? And call me Maddy, I can't spell Madelaine. ;-).
  2. Welcome to Second Life, Kitsunex! I'm not famliar with "VA". Would you come back to edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right) to give a little context? Here's a glossary of SL terms... https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Glossary
  3. Hi KAIN, It's possible that meeting the minimum requirements won't get you better performance than that. Without knowing more about your situation (is the viewer really crashing, or are you getting logged out), it's difficult to offer advice. We'll, it's difficult to offer good advice. I can easily offer potentially useless advice, which I'm now going to do. Presuming your PC is up to the task, it may be that your internet connection is not. SL is fussy about the quality of the link more than the speed of it. So if you have a super duper fast link with a high error rate or long ping time, you may have troubles. Nalate's Urriah has compiled a bunch of things one can do to improve the quality of the SL connection here... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ If your PC really is laboring under the load, cut back your graphics settings in Preferences->Graphics. Reduce your draw distance, decrease the number of non-imposter avatars (but make sure the Avatar Imposters checkbox is checked under Avatar Rendering, or you'll simply start erasing people). Good luck!
  4. Hi Xendoras, Yep, a group can have multiple owners, though that's not necessary for a group to own land available to the members. If you want to keep control of the group, set yourself and an alt as owners. If you haven't an alt, here's a reason to create one. Groups must maintain a membership of two or they'll be disbanded. If the only owners are both you, you're safe. Any others you wish to have administrative powers can be assigned the role of Officer or another role you create. I don't mean to appear cynical, but Second Life isn't quite like real life. Half of the people in SL are... me, and therefore can't be trusted. Here's more about groups... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Group http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Creating-managing-moderating-and-disbanding-groups/ta-p/700111 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Joining-and-participating-in-groups/ta-p/700117
  5. Dillon Levenque wrote: You can be the first to escape this bubble. None yet has ever flown high enough to pop through the 'skin' that limits us, and observed the world of Second Life from outside (or at least none have done so and returned). We know the stars are there, we can see them in the sky each night. But try as we might, we have yet to reach them. The Scholars say the absolute height limit is a bit over 2 billion meters: 2,147,483,647, to be exact (those who are mathematically inclined will no doubt find this number fascinating, based on this Wikipedia reference). I say to Linden Lab, "Who dares to tell us of limits? Did you think we were but pawns in your game? Think again! We are strong! We are mighty! (manages to not say 'hear us roar') We don't gotta show you no stinkin' limits!" PUNCH it, Chewie! Okay! And the name's Maddy! I taped an M&M down on the up arrow key years ago... Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of SL, And danced the skies on laughter-silvered flight feather; Sunward I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth of artificial clouds - and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of - (See, bebejee!) wheeled and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence. Hovering there I've chased the shouting wind along and flung my ugly avatar through footless (damned invisiprims) halls of air. Up, up the long delirious burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with an M&M on the up arrow, where never lark, or even freenis, flew; and, while with silent, absent mind I've trod the high untrespassed sanctity of space, put out my hand and touched the face of Philip Rosedale. ;-)
  6. MB-Creations makes very cute flats and mid-height (by SL standards) sculptie heels. I haven't shopped there in years, so don't know if the shoes have been updated to alpha from invisprim. A sign in the store says the creator is busy with family issues in RL, and so may be slow to respond. Nevertheless, cute is cute!... I don't find MB in the marketplace, but here's the SLURL http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Monevole/120/41/26
  7. Hippie Bowman wrote: Happy weekend Maddy and Voo! Lady and I went for a ride today. Warming up nicely here in FL! Peace! Peace! Where are your helmets?!
  8. Vista's "Perfect Girl" AO seems to straddle the line. I'd say its a sort of professional woman look. It's an old AO (I've had mine for maybe five years), but I still like it. As for looking like the alpha female, I find that difficult to do in RL, as I'm 5'3" on a good morning. It's a lot easier to be sneaky to get what I want, which includes coaxing a 6'2" 230 pound young man to walk me along downtown streets late at night, simply for the price of a pizza.
  9. Hi kwajkid, All messages send by avatars will appear in white (or whatever color you select in Preferences) while text chatted from scripted objects will be in another color. That is probably the "brown" you're seeing. Some of that text may appear to be coming from a live person because there's a repeater script in something being operated by a person who types messages to the object, which then repeats it across the venue. Because all script-sent text is the same color, you can't easily separate repeater messages from those of other scripted objects.
  10. Hi Maggie, Your symptoms are not quite like those described in these threads, but nevertheless... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Controls/Camera-goes-crazy-when-trying-to-focus-or-go-into-mouse-look/qaq-p/2070841 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Mouselook-issue/qaq-p/2310453 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Mouselook-once-mouse-is-moved-all-i-see-is-the-ceiling-spinning/qaq-p/833067 Good luck!
  11. Hi SnowAngel, It has been reported that certain unicode characters (which might be invisible) in the SL and/or RL biography sections of either partner's profile can prevent a partnership request. It's also been reported that the built in SL browser won't correctly view the partnership page. So first, use an external browser. SL doesn't like Internet Explorer, so try Firefox or Chrome. If that doesn't work, then you may have to take the icky next step and cut all text from your Biography and Real World Biography boxes (place your cursor inside the text box and type Ctrl-A for "Select All" and Ctrl-X for "Cut") and paste it into a text editor or word processor for recovery later. Save the changes, have your partner do the same, then re-issue the partnership request. If that works, restore your biographies. And if this worked and you or your partner had any of those fancy curly characters in your profiles, you might want to think about abandoning them. Good luck!
  12. Vulpinus wrote: Problem solved. The colours-to-the-edge bit was the clue, but... I had read the link in the second post, and had in fact already done the procedure manually before posting here as the very first thing I tried to correct the issue. Nice to know I had got it right. That's what I meant by putting a red border around the rug. Also nice to have a plugin now to do it for me, so thanks for the link. That however made no difference. The issue was a very simple one, I forgot to remove the layer that I used to generate the alpha channel. Well, not so much forgot but the instructions I read didn't say to do so, and I didn't realise that it was no longer wanted once I had used it to generate the alpha channel. So, it was being flattened with the image and that's where the white background was coming from. Shame it didn't show in the file when reloaded locally; I would have figured it out a lot sooner. Thanks for the help everyone, I now have a nice rug and have learned a few extra things in the process (like not to waste money uploading stuff, lol) Yeah, I know you'd said you flooded red to the edge, but the evidence was against you! When working with alpha textures, it's often the case that it'll only look right in practice if it looks wrong in PSP/PS. It took me years to get comfy with working in the alpha channel. I still wonder if the difference between the inventory view and in-world view of your texture isn't indicative of something approaching a "bug".
  13. Dresden Ceriano wrote: The problem is entirely #2, as you put it. The issue arises because, when you upload a texture with transparency and an alpha channel, then upload it into SL, SL basically turns the image opaque (giving it a white background, by default), then subtracts the alpha channel from it. What results is a "white halo", because the pixels on the edge show through no matter what you do. The fix is to make sure there's no transparency in the image except for the alpha channel, which is why you fill the transparent part with a matching color, then let the alpha channel subtract what it needs to from that. That way, though there will still be (as there always will) a halo, it will match your texture instead of being white. ...Dres I've a tool in Photoshop that automatically expands the edges of object to avoid this problem, which is not particular to SL. I've always designed with this in mind, which is why I've not encountered this problem here after six years of building with alpha textures. What's bugging me about Vulpinus' example images is the mismatch between the inventory view of his texture and its application in-world. You'd expect to see the same halo in both places. Perhaps the grey squares of the preview checkerboard background simply aren't dark enough. It would be interesting for Vulpinus to lay his rug on an approximation of the inventory window background checkboard in-world.
  14. I'm now inclined to think SL is screwing up the texture when it's applied. Your image of the texture in inventory shows that the alpha channel is working as intended. I see a very slight lightening of the grey checkerboard square behind the rug's corner (that's a problem, more later), and even less along the bottom edge, where I see a redding of the white checkboard squares (that's a good thing). Yet we see a very definite white border once the texture is applied in world. It looks to me like the alpha channel is being thresholded. Any alpha channel pixel that's not full transparent is made full opaque. That's not the desired behavior. I'll guess that if you selected a section of your alpha channel and made it 50% transparent (paint it grey?), you would see that section of the rug as translucent in inventory, but opaque on a prim. Also, if you look closely at the lower right corner of your rug in the inventory snapshot, you'll see a bit of white halo on the grey checkerboard square. This suggests the edge of the rug is not flooded with red as you mentioned. Double check that. Absent the alpha channel, your rug should be red out to the edge of the canvas. Dragging slowly into the edge of your rug from outside on a grey checkerboard square, my color meter detects a very slight shift towards white. I can't see it easily until I magnify that area of your inventory snapshot. So, I think we may be seeing a mix of two problems: The viewer is thresholding the alpha channel upon texturing, but not in the inventory view. Your rug image isn't red-filled to the canvas edge. You can fix #2 in PSP. You might be able to fix #1 by switching viewers. There's also a third possible problem. 3. I have no idea what's I'm talking about! ;-). ETA: I see others have linked to something which (I haven't read it) will suggest the problem is entirely #2. I've never encountered this problem myself because I always flood out from the edges of alpha selections to avoid this problem. So it's possible that SL has been doing #1 all along and I've never noticed it.
  15. Hi Zydenja, Theresa is most likely correct. Here are some other threads dealing with this issue... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Is-there-away-to-use-Second-Life-with-out-me-haveing-to-Undate/qaq-p/2410429 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/why-is-everything-pink/qaq-p/1814583 Good luck!
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: irihapeti wrote: if was a bit weird then i usual sit on it again just to make sure is actual really weird and not just me (: I think there's some law of self observation that applies here, insuring that you can't actually know whether it's the thing, or you, that's weird. It requires others telling you for the truth to be revealed. ;-). Self Aweirdness? Perfect!
  17. bebejee wrote: Its amazing I cant think of anything this place lacks, can you think of anything new to add here? Your current inability to think of anything this place lacks says nothing about this place. Just as a mental check, imagine people looking back on SL 50 years from now. Does that answer your question? Get to work! ;-).
  18. irihapeti wrote: if was a bit weird then i usual sit on it again just to make sure is actual really weird and not just me (: I think there's some law of self observation that applies here, insuring that you can't actually know whether it's the thing, or you, that's weird. It requires others telling you for the truth to be revealed. ;-).
  19. Hi Dresella, Here's how you make yourself invisible/inaudible to those outside your parcel... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Hiding-avatars-and-restricting-avatar-sounds/ta-p/999779 There is no method beyond that to make yourself or your property invisible/inaudible to others. You cannot prevent camming, and you cannot prevent interception of local chat, other than by insuring that unwelcome avatars and chat extenders cannot get within 20m of those in your conversation. Restricing parcel access to whitelisted individuals solves the direct listening problem, blocking rez and object entry on your parcel takes care of chat extenders. Of course, you must take care never to wander within 20m of the parcel boarders to retain voice/chat privacy.
  20. Hi Ricky, If this is a sound you imported, return to the tool you used to snip the clip and examine it. The tool should have some sort of waveform viewer that shows the clip in a timeline, bounded in time by the start and end, and bounded in amplitude by the range of the digital encoding. If the visible audio occupies only a small portion of the available range, you'll need to amplify it. Look for a function called "normalize" and apply it to your clip. Normalize finds the loudest passage in the clip and turns up the volume for the entire clip so that loudest passage is as loud as the digital encoding can go. The normalize tool may have a "headroom" adjustment that allows you to set the normalization to something less than the maximum possible loudness, allowing you to mix the clip with other sounds in the future without causing excessive distortion. If you do see such a parameter, leave it at the default value or set it to zero dB (dBs are a logarithmic means of measurement, well suited to the logarithmic nature of human hearing). If you can't find a normalize function, then manually apply gain, perhaps 3dB at a time, until the loudest part of the clip jams up against the encoding limits (the waveform will clip off at the top and bottom edges of the waveform channel display). Once that clipping happens, undo the last 3dB gain increase and then apply 1dB of gain until it happens again, then undo the last increase. Yeah, that's all techy and fiddly, but I think that's what you need to do. If you don't actually have an audio processing tool, I recommend Audacity. Good luck!
  21. Good morning, Hippie! Happy Saturday Kids! Get ready for Monday, it's almost here!!!
  22. I'm baffled, Vulpinus! I'd get behind the .PNG/.TGA suggestions, except that you said "I see a thin white edge all around the actual rug, nicely antialiased with the rug edge". Saving as JPEG would leave no transparency in your rug at all and you'd see a crisp, straight, white border right to the edge of the prim. I do highly recommend Chic's suggestion to use local textures. The beauty of local textures is that they update automatically when you save new versions. You needn't keep uploading, just make your change in PSP, save it, and watch it magically appear in-world. Have you opened your exported image in PSP to examine it? I'd expect the issue to be apparent there. I've never seen SL mangle a texture. What I see before upload is what I see after. Good luck!
  23. Voo Oompa wrote: Niceness doesn't cost a thing :smileywink: You're soooo right, Voo! I steal mine from other people when they aren't looking. ;-).
  24. Hi Jennika, When SL is down for maintenance (;-) you'll generally hear about it here... http://status.secondlifegrid.net I was in-world just a few moments ago, so I believe it's up and running. You might try waiting a few minutes, or doing the usual dance of resetting your router/modem/PC. Good luck!
  25. Ranaeisthebadest wrote: how to put in your religion to go places -Ranae It wasn't until I took out my religion that I was able to go places. ;-).
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