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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi dorielle, There are two possibilities I can think of... First, if you are using a very old computer, particularly a laptop, it may not meet Second Life's System Requirements. Second Life is a graphically intense application, and wants a beefy graphics system. If that's the case, I'm not sure what can be done, someone else may have a solution that fools SL into launching. Second, your computer may have a capable graphics system, but old drivers which don't correctly report the systems identity to Second Life at launch. Make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date. We may be able to provide more help if you come back to your question and edit it (via "Options" over there on the right) to include more information about your computer. In particular, it would be helpful to know what operating system you're using, and what kind of graphics adapter it has, how much memory, etc. Good luck!
  2. I think it's still around. Someone asked about it a few months ago and I visited it to make sure it was still working. It was. It's Here.
  3. Okay, I know who to ask the next time I'm looking for places to visit! ;-).
  4. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: thanks all! How about for walks in country scenery ? Kylie Jaxxon's "The Trace" is a pretty place to wander. It's reminiscent of the outer banks at the moment, but Kylie changes the place up every season.
  5. Perrie Juran wrote: Are we hijacking this thread? So it seems, Perrie...
  6. Hi Sabrecho, Innula Zenovka posted a nifty script, and Ela Talaj found a product in the marketplace, here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/Need-a-script-to-give-objects-out-when-prim-is-touched-like-a/m-p/1333943#M3239 For the bare minimum, this script would work... default { touch_start(integer total_number) { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, 0)); }} The object you wish to give away must be copy/trans, of course. Good luck!
  7. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: nature walks, train rides, anything that shows off SL that doesn't require much SL experience. Hi Berlin, Forgotten City is an interesting place to explore. If you visit, feel free to lounge on the sofas in the lighthouse or balance on the ottoman, they're mine and I'm rarely home. There's a ski-jump, a race track and a mechanical toy store up in the sky. The default landing point will put you at a directory of things to see there. And if you just want to have a quiet, thoughtful chat, I recommend the little table at "The Far Away". Have fun!
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: When I'm accosted by a surveyist in public, I generally demure. That's because I go out in public for a other reasons, usually to get replacement parts for my tractor. If the local John Deere dealership ever invites me to take a survey, I'm in. I found one for you. It's a bit inactive at the moment, but you could add it to your faves list and check it every now and then. Give you something else to think about as you teeter on the edge of despair ;-). https://www.johndeeresurveys.com/R.aspx?a=206 Even better for her....I saw this advertised on TV last night. Only Farmers Dating Woo hoo! There are 151 women in my area. I hope I'm not one of them. ETA: There are 4067 men, so Plan B looks promising.
  9. Dillon Levenque wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: When I'm accosted by a surveyist in public, I generally demure. That's because I go out in public for a other reasons, usually to get replacement parts for my tractor. If the local John Deere dealership ever invites me to take a survey, I'm in. I found one for you. It's a bit inactive at the moment, but you could add it to your faves list and check it every now and then. Give you something else to think about as you teeter on the edge of despair ;-). https://www.johndeeresurveys.com/R.aspx?a=206 You're mean. I am now going place the back of my hand to my forehead, signaling my inconsolable anguish, then hurl myself from the green and yellow cliffs of despair. I hope you're pleased.
  10. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Like OMG - What am I? Kitty litter? I've not received my stern warning either! We're gonna need a support group to help us rise from the depths of our despair, KM. I want a support group that serves root-beer and orange-cranberry muffins. What'll you have? :-(.
  11. Phil Deakins wrote (and I edited): The value in this case was to the student, but not the value that s/he came for. I couldn't have said it better myself, Phil! ;-).
  12. Hi sweetangel, The password you use to purchase Lindens is the same as the one you use to log into the viewer.
  13. Phil Deakins wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Actually, your post in yesterday's thread was very good on whole, Maddy. I don't remember every detail of it (that's why i said "on the whole" ), but I do remember you offering a rewrite suggestion for each question. I assume the reason you did that was becuase the student had been shocked by the reactions, and actually asked what he could change to make it right. I'm really only asking about those who feel the need to be just plain negative in survey threads, to the point of being shameful, when is absolutely unnecessary. I did jump in because the student expressed shock, though my rewrites were not so much to show the right way as to illuminate the errors in the wrong way. I'm not there to write their surveys, but to get them to think differently. (Some would say I'm here to get people to think my way, but that's only because I haven't got them to think differently... yet ;-). I also pointed out that the appearance of certainty ("It's a good survey") can throw up unwanted roadblocks. I suffer fewer rude awakenings if I'm not slumbering under a blanket of certitude and fewer still if I remain awake. The survey made no allowance for SL having a positive effect on people. And so even you were reduced to stating that someone who was completely unaffected by SL would be seen as "a positive". To hold that perception, one must make the presumption that SL effects are not positive. What about those people who suffer anxiety or uncertainty in public situations, and use SL to build confidence? Or those with disabilities that limit their opportunities for socialization, who find access to acceptance here? For as skeptical as I am about the overall value of virtual worlds like SL, I do see positives. We ignore them at our own risk. Because of this, I agree with Freya that criticizing the survey is a form of public service. If you are taking issue more with the perceived intent of the criticism than with the criticism itself, I can't say your dismay is misplaced. How's that for wishy-washy? lol. You do know that I love you, don't you, Maddy It's the intent. I see much of it as intending to jump on the student just because it's a survey and we're not "lab rats", and we don't "do your work for you", etc. The very first words in the first response were, " Just the same old <blah blah balh>", and it carried on in the same negative way for the most part. It happens with most survey threads. Occasionally there's one that seems to meet with some approval, especially if there's money attached! A fair number of people commented on the negative nature of the actual questions and I posted a further thought concerning that. You may not have read it (yet). It struck me as extrememly valid, perhaps even important, to question whether or not immersive systems like SL have detrimental effects on every day living. The survey actually addressed that. So I no longer see a bias or pre-judgement in the questions. I see them as being extremely valid questionss to ask in a survey, even when they are the only questions asked. It's absolutely valid to question whether virtual worlds can have detrimental effects. As I said elsewhere, I'm a virtual world skeptic. But what's the value of an experiment that presupposes the result, or doesn't allow for the unexpected? The most grievous question in the survey was something like "Do you become defensive/secretive when asked about what you do in SL?". The presence of that question indicates the student had very little understanding of the survey itself and/or the nature of anonymous polling. Those who do become secretive when asked may not respond to the survey at all, or lie. Errors in design like that annoy me. If the survey was directed at people who've self identified the potential for addiction, the likelihood of deception drops considerably. That's wasn't the case here. Oh, and in case anyone wonders, of course I become secretive when asked what I do here. I become secretive when asked what I'm doing anywhere. Who on Earth would own up my fantasies? But nobody knows I'm being secretive, cuz I'm really good at lying. Love you too, Phil! ;-).
  14. HIya tungfu, World->Sun Position gives you four fixed choices, plus Estate Time.
  15. Phil Deakins wrote: A public service? It's totally beyond me how on earth you could come up with that. I don't think I need to explain why. The founding fathers of my country (America! ;-) considered public discourse (as messy as it can be) fundamental to informing the public, and the proper operation of the nation. I'm not elevating my (nor Freya's) contribution above anyone else's, but participating in public discourse is a public service. Few of us do all we can. Some of us do more than we should. ;-).
  16. Dillon Levenque wrote: So three people just here in this thread, plus at least one other (I got a PM about that one). Not really all that bothersome but it's very strange behavior. Don't despair, Maddy. Maybe he's just working through the alphabet. Well, tell him to hurry up! I'm at the very edge of despair... and about to fling myself over.
  17. Phil Deakins wrote: Actually, your post in yesterday's thread was very good on whole, Maddy. I don't remember every detail of it (that's why i said "on the whole" ), but I do remember you offering a rewrite suggestion for each question. I assume the reason you did that was becuase the student had been shocked by the reactions, and actually asked what he could change to make it right. I'm really only asking about those who feel the need to be just plain negative in survey threads, to the point of being shameful, when is absolutely unnecessary. I did jump in because the student expressed shock, though my rewrites were not so much to show the right way as to illuminate the errors in the wrong way. I'm not there to write their surveys, but to get them to think differently. (Some would say I'm here to get people to think my way, but that's only because I haven't got them to think differently... yet ;-). I also pointed out that the appearance of certainty ("It's a good survey") can throw up unwanted roadblocks. I suffer fewer rude awakenings if I'm not slumbering under a blanket of certitude and fewer still if I remain awake. The survey made no allowance for SL having a positive effect on people. And so even you were reduced to stating that someone who was completely unaffected by SL would be seen as "a positive". To hold that perception, one must make the presumption that SL effects are not positive. What about those people who suffer anxiety or uncertainty in public situations, and use SL to build confidence? Or those with disabilities that limit their opportunities for socialization, who find access to acceptance here? For as skeptical as I am about the overall value of virtual worlds like SL, I do see positives. We ignore them at our own risk. Because of this, I agree with Freya that criticizing the survey is a form of public service. If you are taking issue more with the perceived intent of the criticism than with the criticism itself, I can't say your dismay is misplaced. How's that for wishy-washy?
  18. Hi Romina, Without a picture, it's hard to envision the problem. SL avatar ankles are just plain ugly, no matter what you do, except replace them by wearing new feet. I will guess that you're wearing prim shoes with an avatar foot reshaper, so you're seeing the result of the already ugly foot being reshaped to make it even more ugly. Come back to your question and edit it (via "Options" over there on the right) to include a picture of your broken ankle. You can take a snapshot via the viewer's camera, or a screen shot via your PC's native facilities, then post it in your question using the little "tree" icon at the top of the "Post Answer" text entry window, where you composed your question originally.
  19. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Thursday! I think the painting went well! I am ready to help in the garden Maddy! Peace! I hadn't thought about planting chickens this year, but what the heck! Did Lady dress you this morning? You're certainly dashing with that cap and shovel, but I did my nails this morning and I think I can outdig ya... Happy Thursday, Kids!!! Good morning Maddy! Yep. She always dresses me. She is more fashion minded them me. If it were up to me I would wear nothing. But I don't want to scare the neighbors! Peace! As you can see, I'm naked... and halfway to a hole deep enough to make that inconsequential. Get digging!
  20. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Thursday! I think the painting went well! I am ready to help in the garden Maddy! Peace! I hadn't thought about planting chickens this year, but what the heck! Did Lady dress you this morning? You're certainly dashing with that cap and shovel, but I did my nails this morning and I think I can outdig ya... Happy Thursday, Kids!!!
  21. My response to this question in yesterday's thread vanished along with it. Now I have to make up another one. The reason I posted a reply in yesterdays thread is exactly the same reason I often take these student surveys. I have an interest in the education of people. It's not such a great interest that I reply to every query in the forums, but when the express purpose of a thread is education, I give it more attention. I hope my criticism is constructive, but it is criticism. I'm usually accused of letting too much fly under my radar. I take any survey I see here that seems reasonably well constructed, which is a substantial fraction of them. I don't worry so much whether the students have taken the time to get to know SL in-world. If they did, they'd probably not have time for the class ;-). When I find problems with a survey, I often point them out, sometimes in the survey (if there's a comments section), sometimes in the forum. This survey was not well constructed and it was destined to produce useless if not harmful results. So I commented. When I'm accosted by a surveyist in public, I generally demure. That's because I go out in public for a other reasons, usually to get replacement parts for my tractor. If the local John Deere dealership ever invites me to take a survey, I'm in. It's different in the forums. I'm here to interact with others, sometimes to their dismay, but hopefully rarely so. So I'm much more inclined to take a survey or comment on it. And further, because the surveys are the work of students, and I can imagine a class discussion resulting from their analysis, it's harder to suppress my vanity. I could make a difference! Phil, you can fight human nature, but you can't presume a win. ;-).
  22. I'm miffed. I'm the censor here. Where's my PM?!
  23. Hi Hypatia, Welcome to Second Life! Ah, you remind me of my early days in SL. Now you know that you're visible all the time, even when changing. For that reason, I advise replacing clothing, not taking it off. That way you're never actually naked. One outfit simply displaces another. If you "Wear" an article of clothing or an attachment, it'll bump off anything occupying the same clothing layer or attachment point. If you "Add" an article of clothing, it'll layer be added to anything already there. If, after "Wear"ing or "Add"ing all the articles you want, you've got something you'd like to remove, do it then. There's no need to remove clothing before you wear something else. And if you do want to go naked, say to evaluate skins, find a quiet spot to do so. The map will show you places that are unoccupied (no green dots). I used to change under a barge in a canal! As for being banned, it happens. Explain your mistake to the sim owner and maybe you'll be allowed back in. If not, move on. SL is expansive and there are plenty more places you can accidentally be banned from! Good luck, have fun, don't worry too much! ;-).
  24. Hi LVanda. Presuming you've figured out how to build navigable roads in the sky, you'll need two sections of roadway, one in each sim, that extend 10m or so into the other sim and overlap each other. The extension of each roadway section into the other sim gives the sim you're currently on time to hand you over to the other one before you walk off the end of the roadway section. Now that prims can be 64m long, you can extend a road nearly 32m into another sim, giving the servers lots of time to perform the handoff, unless you're really zooming along. Good luck!
  25. Duplicate of: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/I-have-Premium-accont-for-about-two-years-but-out-of-the-blue-i/qaq-p/2734874
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