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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: irihapeti wrote: if have a good gfx card then max draw distance for static/still views renders faster after all resources have been downloaded and when cache is not full it renders faster bc it culls less. It culls less bc: is this previous known resource within the draw distance? If the answer is yes to everything then it dont need to cull the scene [...] Hmmm. Even in this static case, this would imply that it's cheaper to draw than to cull, which may be true but it's not intuitive to me. In fact, for modern Linden viewers (not sure if Firestorm has yet caught up with this part of the Interest List changes), there shouldn't be much to cull with the shorter draw distance unless the viewer previously had a longer draw distance for the same scene, or somehow otherwise contaminated its object data with lots of objects outside the current shorter draw distance. Unless I'm missing something. Even if there was an initial cull of now-out-of-interest-objects upon decrease in DD, that would be a one-time affair, no? Since culling is done on a frame by frame basis, you'd expect a massive cull to delay the rendering of one frame. After that, for a static view, the new display list would require culling only those things that have moved out of view during the frame (and adding to the list anything that moved in). It's certainly possible that rendering a small object could take less time than culling it. But once culled, that penalty is gone.
  2. kiramanell wrote: Rolig Loon wrote: Only a moderator can remove a post. Nobody else has that power. Also remember that the forum guidelines say We prohibit abuse of our moderation process, including the following: Posts that discuss or re-post material that has been removed or locked by a moderator Posts questioning a moderator’s decision Then it would behoove a moderator to have the courtesy to at least inform me that a post has been removed (and wasn't just eaten by the server). Although I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would remove a simple post with a link to a Jira in it. Also, no offense, but you are not a moderator. So, please don't tell me I can't question a moderator's decision when it's entirely unclear (to you as well) that a moderator was even involved to begin with Rolig did not tell you you can't question a moderator's decision. Rolig quoted Linden Lab telling you that. Here's the entire paragraph from the page Rolig linked you to... Abuse of Moderation or Moderators: Please honor our moderation process and the decisions that come out of it; they are being made in order to provide you with a productive environment for conversations about Second Life. We prohibit abuse of our moderation process, including the following:Posts that discuss or re-post material that has been removed or locked by a moderator Posts questioning a moderator’s decision Posts that discuss the status of any Resident account (e.g., on hold, suspended, etc.) Frivolous or malicious use of the abuse report feature That said, we question LL's (and each other's) wisdom here all the time. As Perrie says, whether action is taken against guideline infractions is hit or miss. It's also unknown to us whether appropriate posts that are reported as inappropriate will get pulled. It was clear to Rolig, and to everyone else who understands the operation of the forum that pulled posts always involve a moderator. That is not to say that pulled posts always involve moderation. ;-).
  3. Hi Dita, Your local inventory list may have been corrupted. It happens. Here's a page detailing the issue... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss I recommend you try the first of the "Common Solutions". Good luck.
  4. Hi Tom, You can upload mesh without real cost on the SL Preview Grid. You get (I think) a L$50K funny money starting account balance, against which the mesh upload costs are applied. Once you've got your model to your liking, you can upload it (with a real upload cost) on the main grid. ETA: Mesh upload costs are not fixed at L$10. They depend on complexity. Have fun!
  5. You're welome, Rhyleas. I think Rolig might agree that llParticleSystem is the coolest call in all of LSL. I don't know if the Africa sim is still around, but it had a termite hill with hundreds li'l termites wandering away and back, all while wiggling. Close inspection revealed them to be... particles! The wiggling was achieved by using "bounce".
  6. Well that's simple. Why did I think the goal was to make them go up, then down? I'd blame the Theraflu, but that was yesterday.
  7. Hi Rhyleas, To make particles go up, then down, you'll have to add some downward (-Z) acceleration. You'd emit the particles upward, as you're already doing, and the downward acceleration would eventually bring them to a stop. If you want the particles to vanish at the top of their trajectory, you'll have to balance the initial upward velocity, downward acceleration and particle lifetime. If PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN and MAX are the same, all the particles will die at the same altitude. If they're different, there will be a spread of altitudes at which the particles will die. You can also set the end alpha so they particles fade out. Your current script has an upward acceleration. It's in vector push = <0,0,1>; Which is an upward acceleration of (I think) 1m/s/s. That's what's sending your particles off into the heavens. Change the vector to <0,0,-1> and you'll see them turn around and fall. Adjust that third (Z) component, along with minSpeed and maxSpeed and life, to get the effect you want. Have fun!
  8. Regolus Decosta wrote: thanks a lot for your reply. Do you think that to add a line on that table will be enough to let SL recognize the GPU? It's generally been that simple in the past. And the official releases will come along with updates as well. They're just a few months behind.
  9. Hi Regolus, Many people run NVIDIA GTX GPUs with very good results. I'm running a 680MX, though on a Mac. The 8xx family is too new to be in the viewer's "gputable.txt" configuration file, so your friend may have to do some minor file editing to make a viewer run, but I imagine everything else will be fine.
  10. Hi Gigi, If you're trying to post an image from either in-world or via Internet Explorer, the browsers may be to blame. People have had trouble posting pictures to their proifiles for some time. If you were trying in-world, go to your web profile and try from there, first with IE if you've never tried it. If that doesn't work, try Firefox or Chrome. Good luck!
  11. Have fun in the pool, Hippie. The fields in my neighborhood look soooo inviting. I can't resist... Have a jumpin' Saturday, Kids!!!
  12. Hi ExGeeEye, All Linden Homes are located on M rated sims. If you are adamant about living in a G area, you'll have to search out a 512m2 parcel of land and locate a house on that. Unfortunately, any home you place will eat into the 117 prim allowance for a parcel that size. Linden Homes do not count against the prim limit for the parcel they're on. :-(
  13. Hi Medusalight, Whenever I hear of words going missing, it's turned out to be gestures. Are you sure you've disabled/removed all of them? You may have attached an AO or something else that loaded some, although it seems unlikely that any gesture would be triggered by "yes" or "no".
  14. I'll guess (and it's only a wild guess) that the notecard window is hiding off the edge of the screen, or behind some toolbar buttons. Here are instructions for getting the window back on screen. You're interested in the line in the table for the Notecard window... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/missing_windows Good luck!
  15. Rolig's got you 99.9% of the way there. I'm here for the other 0.1%, if you need it. As Rolig says, HUDs are tiny things, and hard to find visually. But there's another way to find things. If the HUD hasn't been return to your inventory's Lost and Found folder, return to the place where you rezzed it, go to the "Build" menu and select "Pathfinding->Linksets". A window will open listing all the objects on the sim. Click the "Owner" column heading to sort all object by owner name, and go looking for yourself in that column. If your HUD is still on the ground, it will appear in the list. Click on it and you'll see the "Return" button light up. Click "Return" and the HUD will be returned to your inventory. Good luck, kikikidkikikid!
  16. Hi Maddie, All accounts are independent, so deleting one has no effect on the others. If you have a group that's populated by only two avis, both yours, the group will vanish two days after the closing of either one. All groups must have two members to stay alive. All inventory for the deleted avi will vanish, so if there are any Transfer items you want, bring them over now.
  17. Marigold Devin wrote: I've heard so often about people who have burned their bridges. And yet I've never seen a bridge actually on fire. To be honest, this isn't quite a compendium of bridges on fire (though you can find those if you'd lift your damned fingers and google "burning bridges"), but watching it does make me purr...
  18. Dillon Levenque wrote: Tex Monday wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr. (I learned that from watching Eartha Kitt.) ;-). Great Scott! You ARE old lol Streuth. I six word post, inlcluding the 'lol', and there was still a typo in it that needed to be edited. I'm absolutely useless at typing. And, unfortunately, she's not even my favorite Catwoman. Nor mine: Julie is the one for me, too. It's nice to know I'll have no competition for Michelle...
  19. Phil Deakins wrote: Born in the 70s and raised in the 40s? You were born old and progressively grew younger? Either way, it's me that's old. I remember Eartha Kitt when she was a young woman at the time. Considered by some to be the sexiest woman on the planet and yet, according to her, and to her regret, she was always sleeping alone. Everyone else was getting men but not her. Mom and Dad were fairly old for first time parents in 1970. They got rid of their television when I was born, thinking TV was bad for children. They home schooled me for the same reason. Feel free to blame them for the way I turned out. I do. Thank you for explaining why I sleep alone. It hadn't occured to me that I might be the sexiest woman alive, but I think you're onto something.
  20. Phil Deakins wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr. (I learned that from watching Eartha Kitt.) ;-). Great Scott! You ARE old lol Streuth. I six word post, inlcluding the 'lol', and there was still a typo in it that needed to be edited. I'm absolutely useless at typing. As my profile says, I was born in 1970 and raised in the '40s. My family never had a TV. I first encountered Eartha in engineering school, were the local rerun station played 24/7 in the student lounge. There are some things you never forget. Eartha's growl is one of them. (Her rendition of "Santa Baby" is another.) And yes, your typing is atrocious. ;-).
  21. Hi Melissa, This has happened to quite a few people. I don't know why you can't log back in, but once you do, this should help... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/wearing_entire_inventory You could try selecting a quiet sim in the "Start at:" box when you log-in. Select "Type Region Name" and enter "Smith" or "Pooley". Then follow the instructions in that link. Good luck!
  22. Tex Monday wrote: I don't know how true both yours and Phil's points are. We don't jump down the throats of new forum members who post looking for friends, piggies, sugar daddies or things like that. It seems to be directed entirely at students using us as "lab rats" for their Bachelors/Masters thesis papers. It's the idea that, maybe, they're not contributing to the forums or SL in general that upsets us...I don't know..just grasping at straws here... The "not contributing" angle meshes with my "out-group" theory. The rest of us are SLers, they aren't. As you and others have pointed out, we may believe they're unlikely ever to become one of us. We act on our beliefs, ya know. And sometimes we make our dreams come true! Could it also be that bashing surveyists has become a bit of tradition, so we're more comfortable doing it? Or a bit of monkey see, monkey do? That's how I learned to peel bananas from the bottom! But I'm also still in agreement with those who are annoyed by bad science and lazy students. I don't spend much time trying to imagine how we become the targets of these surveys, but I don't think it's because professors the world over are aware of us and send their students into the wolf infested woods with survey baskets in hand. I think we're generally picked by the students who (and we should be happy to hear this) are aware of SL. So, while I'd love to heap scorn on professors (or any authority figure, really), I can't sufficiently absolve the students. I certainly can't discount the possibility it's us and not them. Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr. (I learned that from watching Eartha Kitt.) ;-).
  23. Good morning, Hippie. If the young man ever gets out of bed, we're going bike riding... No tandem today, I can't trust him to pedal when he's stoking. Happy Friday, Kids!!!
  24. Phil Deakins wrote: I agree with you about, if actual SL users posted a survey, and about how easy it is to be anonymously nasty to people. It's a shame. Tex Monday wrote: I would like to think that we could, Phil. But I think the truth of the matter is that we know these people are never going to come back to the forums after they get their results..so what's the point? The point is two-fold. One is simply being pleasant and polite with strangers, as we are in RL, and the other is simply not being nasty to, and not jumping down the throats of, strangers, as in RL Both are nice things. People not being very likely to start using SL isn't a good reason, or an excuse, for being unpleasant with them. It may even be that, if they received pleasant and friendly treatment here, they might think that SL is a friendly and pleasant place, and start using it. It seems almost certain that the treatment that survey posters get in this forum just about guarantees that they won't become SL users. Maybe we're seeing the out-group downside of the oxytocin we all release when cuddling with each other in the forums. I've now heard/read several stories about how the "cuddle drug" is double edged. When it's released, we treat in-group members better and out-group members worse. And I've another pet theory. Perhaps picking one of those scary pre-fab avatar icons for your forum badge can have detrimental side effects. Who wants to be nice to one of those monster/robot faces? I do recall being amused when someone comes here saying they're shy and looking for friends while their avatar icon is... ;-).
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