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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. llWhisper = 10 meters llSay = 20 meters llShout = 100 meters You can also avoid conflicts if you assign the chat channel number randomly when the HUD is rezzed. It all depends on whether you really want localized influence, or the ability to run multiple HUDs without conflict. Bookmark this page.
  2. Hi Shelteringsky, I've never heard of this happening, and I've no idea what could cause it. But, could it be that you're seeing a group tag and mistaking it for a second username? Change your active group, perhaps to "none" and see what happens. Good luck!
  3. A recent version of the official SL viewer had a bug that, for some people, popped up the crash logger upon quitting. Make sure you're using the latest version of the viewer. You may also benefit from doing a clean install. Pay attention to the instructions for saving chat logs if you wish to preserve those. If you're using a different viewer, I'm not sure what's causing the crash logger to launch. Good luck!
  4. Olá Monique, Estamos todos residentes aqui, assim como você. Então, a gente não sabe nada do seu caso 01921561and pode fazer nada para resolvê-lo. Este é um fórum público e eu sugiro que você editar a sua pergunta (via "Opcões" no lado direito da página) para remover o seu endereco de e-mail. Boa sorte.
  5. Hi Darann, It's not uncommon for inventory to go missing. It's often a local cache problem. Here's the official page for dealing with such issues... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss I recommend tying the first of the "Common Solutions". Good luck!
  6. Hi Laertes, The unicode symbol for a lemon is (in html)... ? Which looks like... Whether that character will be allowed where you intend to use it, I cannot say. I found this character by googling "unicode lemon". You could also google UTF-16 in place of unicode. Unicode (UTF-16) characters are 16-bit, which allows for more than 65,000 different symbols. The older ASCII character set (UTF-8) allows only 256. UTF-32 (not supported anywhere in SL) allows more than four billion different characters. Good luck!
  7. Hi CharlieMack, I'll guess the HUD's script is no-mod, so you can't directly reset it. Did you try detaching and re-wearing it? That might reset the HUD script. If the HUD is driven by a notecard, you might also try dragging the notecard to your inventory, deleting it from the HUD, then dragging it back again. That might also reset the script. And, on the off chance the script is mod, you can right-click it (in Firestorm) and select Object->Reset Scripts. In SLV, you right-click the HUD and select Edit, then go to the Edit (or is it Build, I'm not in-world to check) menu and select Scripts->Reset. Good luck!
  8. It takes some effort (your post here is a good start), and a bit of a thick skin, Gabby. I think I understand the "MONEY!" in your profile (who's not interested in it!) but wonder if that's helpful. "Why don't we keep things in SL? " might be seen as presupposing everybody is interested in crossing that divide. I don't believe that's true. Hippie Bowman's circle of friends trade hosting duties for Sunday Breakfast each week. Look him up, join the breakfast group and stop by for some bacon and silliness. You like music. Find clubs that play your favorites, frequent them, and watch the local banter. If it's too quiet, find another venue. After a couple weeks of watching, you should begin to get a feeling for the regulars and their relationships. Don't be afraid to contribute dribs and drabs to the flow of the conversation. Relentlessly perv profiles, and use what you learn there in local chat, to show that you're curious and thoughtful. People love to be appreciated, including you and me. So, if you want appreciation, you've got to give it. And It's not obvious to me that your RL profile photo isn't actually you. I know some very clever dogs. I don't say whether I'm Anne Francis or the cat in my RL photo. For those who don't know that Anne passed away, there might still be some uncertainty. Good luck! Rawr! ;-).
  9. Googling "second life abuse report" returns this... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065
  10. Hi Alyson, The screen of an iPhone would, I think, be frustratingly small for SL. Android (4 and later) phones can run SLGo, which is rumored to be coming to iOS someday. So watch that space. Until then, Pocket Metaverse (a text only viewer) might work, but support seems iffy. Good luck!
  11. I grew up with pin-up girl calendars on the walls of my Father's workshop (they're still there). I love the look, but none of the girls ever wore the impossibly high heels you see at places like N-Core. And heels ain't just for the girls. I've a cookbook titled "660 Curries". Tim is not one of them, but still looks yummy... ;-).
  12. It did look like you two were having fun, though Lady appears to be a bit of a hotdog. Happy Sunday, Kids!!!
  13. Hi Sabryel, Yes, that's possible. Just open your friends list and click the little icons over on the right edge of the list. The one farthest to the right, a li'l eyeball, toggles your online visibility to friends. Be prepared for potential drama. Some people get upset when it appears friends are hiding from them. If you want uninterrupted time in SL, as I once did when building, it's better to either turn on the busy response, or log-in using an alt. Although it was uncomfortable for me to set myself to "busy" when building, I found that all of my friends were quite understanding. Good luck!
  14. my.secondlife.com has been causing fits for people since the beginning. I hope you and your sweetie are able to find a way to partner!
  15. Well, even the context doesn't help! Could it mean Verified Age? And call me Maddy, I can't spell Madelaine. ;-).
  16. Welcome to Second Life, Kitsunex! I'm not famliar with "VA". Would you come back to edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right) to give a little context? Here's a glossary of SL terms... https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Glossary
  17. Hi KAIN, It's possible that meeting the minimum requirements won't get you better performance than that. Without knowing more about your situation (is the viewer really crashing, or are you getting logged out), it's difficult to offer advice. We'll, it's difficult to offer good advice. I can easily offer potentially useless advice, which I'm now going to do. Presuming your PC is up to the task, it may be that your internet connection is not. SL is fussy about the quality of the link more than the speed of it. So if you have a super duper fast link with a high error rate or long ping time, you may have troubles. Nalate's Urriah has compiled a bunch of things one can do to improve the quality of the SL connection here... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ If your PC really is laboring under the load, cut back your graphics settings in Preferences->Graphics. Reduce your draw distance, decrease the number of non-imposter avatars (but make sure the Avatar Imposters checkbox is checked under Avatar Rendering, or you'll simply start erasing people). Good luck!
  18. Hi Xendoras, Yep, a group can have multiple owners, though that's not necessary for a group to own land available to the members. If you want to keep control of the group, set yourself and an alt as owners. If you haven't an alt, here's a reason to create one. Groups must maintain a membership of two or they'll be disbanded. If the only owners are both you, you're safe. Any others you wish to have administrative powers can be assigned the role of Officer or another role you create. I don't mean to appear cynical, but Second Life isn't quite like real life. Half of the people in SL are... me, and therefore can't be trusted. Here's more about groups... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Group http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Creating-managing-moderating-and-disbanding-groups/ta-p/700111 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Joining-and-participating-in-groups/ta-p/700117
  19. Dillon Levenque wrote: You can be the first to escape this bubble. None yet has ever flown high enough to pop through the 'skin' that limits us, and observed the world of Second Life from outside (or at least none have done so and returned). We know the stars are there, we can see them in the sky each night. But try as we might, we have yet to reach them. The Scholars say the absolute height limit is a bit over 2 billion meters: 2,147,483,647, to be exact (those who are mathematically inclined will no doubt find this number fascinating, based on this Wikipedia reference). I say to Linden Lab, "Who dares to tell us of limits? Did you think we were but pawns in your game? Think again! We are strong! We are mighty! (manages to not say 'hear us roar') We don't gotta show you no stinkin' limits!" PUNCH it, Chewie! Okay! And the name's Maddy! I taped an M&M down on the up arrow key years ago... Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of SL, And danced the skies on laughter-silvered flight feather; Sunward I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth of artificial clouds - and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of - (See, bebejee!) wheeled and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence. Hovering there I've chased the shouting wind along and flung my ugly avatar through footless (damned invisiprims) halls of air. Up, up the long delirious burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with an M&M on the up arrow, where never lark, or even freenis, flew; and, while with silent, absent mind I've trod the high untrespassed sanctity of space, put out my hand and touched the face of Philip Rosedale. ;-)
  20. MB-Creations makes very cute flats and mid-height (by SL standards) sculptie heels. I haven't shopped there in years, so don't know if the shoes have been updated to alpha from invisprim. A sign in the store says the creator is busy with family issues in RL, and so may be slow to respond. Nevertheless, cute is cute!... I don't find MB in the marketplace, but here's the SLURL http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Monevole/120/41/26
  21. Hippie Bowman wrote: Happy weekend Maddy and Voo! Lady and I went for a ride today. Warming up nicely here in FL! Peace! Peace! Where are your helmets?!
  22. Vista's "Perfect Girl" AO seems to straddle the line. I'd say its a sort of professional woman look. It's an old AO (I've had mine for maybe five years), but I still like it. As for looking like the alpha female, I find that difficult to do in RL, as I'm 5'3" on a good morning. It's a lot easier to be sneaky to get what I want, which includes coaxing a 6'2" 230 pound young man to walk me along downtown streets late at night, simply for the price of a pizza.
  23. Hi kwajkid, All messages send by avatars will appear in white (or whatever color you select in Preferences) while text chatted from scripted objects will be in another color. That is probably the "brown" you're seeing. Some of that text may appear to be coming from a live person because there's a repeater script in something being operated by a person who types messages to the object, which then repeats it across the venue. Because all script-sent text is the same color, you can't easily separate repeater messages from those of other scripted objects.
  24. Hi Maggie, Your symptoms are not quite like those described in these threads, but nevertheless... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Controls/Camera-goes-crazy-when-trying-to-focus-or-go-into-mouse-look/qaq-p/2070841 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Mouselook-issue/qaq-p/2310453 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Mouselook-once-mouse-is-moved-all-i-see-is-the-ceiling-spinning/qaq-p/833067 Good luck!
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