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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Theresa Tennyson wrote: In other words we created "the existence that we know" by learning about it. And I have a pet theory that the unknown is at least the square of the known.
  2. Hi Hope, As with any Mac application, the application's name (when you're in it) is in the menu bar, just to the right of the apple icon. The official Linden Lab viewer is called "Second Life". Firestorm, Singularity and the rest are called by those names.
  3. Ceka Cianci wrote: Just WOW,i never heard her do that song,In fact i really never heard much from her after that one song,but i sure wish i would have and sure don't understand how i didn't.. Such a strong powerful voice she has in that song..:smileysurprised: Oh, then you'll like this. I'll let you figure out what story she's telling. I have my theory... And here she is with Melissa Etheridge...
  4. Ceka Cianci wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Science (nature) may be cooler because it's not limited by our imaginations. Science and nature are two very different things. Science certainly is limited by our imaginations. Sure, sometimes nature is unexpected, but ultimately we only look for it under the streetlamp where the lighting is better. (One might say that nature is limited by god's imagination -- which would say more about god than nature.) I agree, Qie. I was trying to reuse Ceka's "sciency", as I think Ceka was actually referring to nature, not science. Science is the best invention we've ever had (so far) to discover what nature is all about (or to get at the truth of a thing). It's messy, but for the last 400 years or so, it's beat up pretty much every other method. Speaking of god's imagination, as god is often described as omniscient, can s/he even have one? I guess my term sciency stuff was more on the path of things looking to make sense of things.. I always find those conversations very interesting.. The closest thing i come to religion nowadays would be Buddhist which really is not a religion or strangled by one.. no idols to worship,all the freedom in the world to explore,and can even become a Budahh if you reach it.. how cool is that lol Science can put a cold hard edge on things where there is a calming education in those things i find from philosyphers of budism. like death for instance or nothing.. Nothing gave us everything, so maybe it's not such an empty place after all.. black holes have lots of nothing in them..information that cannot be reached has been called nothing.. it makes me curious and this probably sounds silly because i really haven't put a lot of thought on it other than it sparking from this thread.. But, some say the last thing in the universe will be a black hole that has all the nothing in it.. It makes me curious if the last black hole holding all the nothing would explode and start it all over again and if this hasn't just been going on time after time just like everything else in the universe that dies and is reborn in some way. just a thought i kicked around while the flu has me relaxed and thinking hehehehe i don't think i've posted so much in these forums in the last 6 months as i have today and yesterday lol String Theory allows for what you're imagining to be happening all the time. There are several string theories, most of which have converged into Superstring Theory, which posits 10 spatial dimensions (Bosonic String Theory has 26!). We can sense only three of those. The remaining dimensions are so small, and would require such great energies to reveal (it's an irony of nature that the smaller things are, the greater the energy you need to see them), that we're potentially forever unable to prove their existence. This is a problem for many physicists. But it's out of and into those hidden dimensions that universes may sprout and vanish. Last year, I read "The Quantum and the Lotus". I may have recommended that to you, I can't recall. It's an okay book, not something that set my imagination ablaze, but it does show Buddhism to be something I can get along with, just as you do. Your Native American ancestors had a similarly palatable understanding of things. As for science putting a cold hard edge on things, give a listen to NPR's Radiolab. That show consistently gives me the warm fuzzies, and it's all about... curiosity. And I know you're curious! ;-).
  5. Get off your lazy bums, you two! Come bowl with meeeeee!!!... Happy Thursday, Kids!!!
  6. I love that song too, Ceka. Yes, it's not about god, it's about us. Joan Osborne is one of my faves... And my love of music might be another reason I stop just a hair short of full blown athiesm... ;-).
  7. Hi Vivian, It's likely that your local copy of the inventory list was corrupted and must be reloaded. Try the first of the "Common Solutions" described here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss In particular, pay attention to step six, which asks you to wait in place for 5 minutes. Things may go faster/better if you go to a quiet place before starting the process, like Smith or Pooley. Good luck!
  8. Aurail, you may still be experiencing problems because of your connection, as Nalates suggests, or because some local file cache file was damaged during your attempts to log-in yesterday. If you have a viewer that you did NOT use to log-in yesterday, try that. If that doesn't work either, try Nalates suggestions. If that does work, do a cache clear on the broken viewer, or perhaps even a clean re-install. Good luck!
  9. SPF 15 or better? Well, you know my preferred sunblock, and this is SPF 300 (when properly applied, I'm not done yet)... Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  10. Hi Zsignmond, I just checked/unchecked "Play typing animation when chatting" in Me->Preferences->Chat" and that correctly enabled/disabled both the hand animation and the typing sound. Have you tried that? Edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right) to provide an update. Good luck!
  11. Coby Foden wrote: I got interested what 'nothing' and 'nothingness' really mean (because you only defined 'nothingness'). Quick Googling gave these examples: • Nothing is a pronoun denoting the absence of anything. • Nothingness is the state of being nothing, the state of nonexistence of anything. Phil, would you define the words as above? And if you have two hours to spare...
  12. Qie Niangao wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Science (nature) may be cooler because it's not limited by our imaginations. Science and nature are two very different things. Science certainly is limited by our imaginations. Sure, sometimes nature is unexpected, but ultimately we only look for it under the streetlamp where the lighting is better. (One might say that nature is limited by god's imagination -- which would say more about god than nature.) I agree, Qie. I was trying to reuse Ceka's "sciency", as I think Ceka was actually referring to nature, not science. Science is the best invention we've ever had (so far) to discover what nature is all about (or to get at the truth of a thing). It's messy, but for the last 400 years or so, it's beat up pretty much every other method. Speaking of god's imagination, as god is often described as omniscient, can s/he even have one?
  13. Ceka Cianci wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Sorry. You're right. I'd forgotten about that tree Don't take what i say too serious in that area,I'm just hanging out until this flu passes over.. It's always an interesting topic in both respects.. I love the sciency stuff more i think,that's my fav.. Because to me it's soo much cooler hehehe Science (nature) may be cooler because it's not limited by our imaginations. Religion is. ;-).
  14. Hi Aliciain, I think you are entering your e-mail account password in the "Current Password" box on the Contact page. The wording could certainly be clearer, but you are supposed to enter your SL account password there. That's the password you used to log into the website and the viewer. Never enter your e-mail password anywhere other than on your e-mail provider's log-in page or your e-mail application's account setup page. There is no reason for Linden Lab to know your e-mail password. To send you e-mail, LL only needs your e-mail address. Be careful!
  15. Welcome to Second Life, Maegren! I think ParnellMike is probably right. Some venues don't allow avatars less than 30 days (or some other limit) old. This prevents them from being griefed by freshly minted avatars. If you are able to visit adult regions, you are correctly age verified. There's nothing that can be done about region owners denying access to recently registers avatars, that's entirely within their rights as owners. There are plenty of places without such restrictions, so you should find plenty to do until your avatar is seasoned enough for entry everywhere. Have fun!
  16. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: You have this backward, You don't get paid, you have to pay strippers or escorts to do this. You might get a job in a strip club as a host or male stripper, but have to be at least 30-90 days old and have a good looking avatar to be hired in most of them. Although singlematt might plausibly expect payment to watch Carole Franizzi strip, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't cough up so much as a farthing to even the most appreciative viewer.
  17. Lindal, did you grow your cats from seed, or get them potted, from a greenhouse?
  18. SaraCarena wrote: The Linden gods are angry tonight and broke our pixel dollies in their wrath. I think Hanlon's Razor and Murphy's Law apply here. I don't think the Lindens are angry. Murphy caught them with their pants down. ;-).
  19. Feynman (he's in my profile) is one of my heroes. My favorite answer to other's deep questions may very well be "I don't know". Not knowing gives me something to do. I don't worry myself much with god/no-god/chicken/egg/turtles-all-the-way down philosophizing. I don't know that it's ever been terribly productive. I'm an engineer, I like stuff that works. I'd be athiest if that didn't require the kind of dogmatism that peeves me in the highly religious. So I have to settle for agnostic. I have, in the past, thought of myself as a sort of spirtual agnostic, and I've religious friends who were shocked (some dismayed) to discover I'm agnostic. But it's worse than that. "Spiritual" is the wrong word for me. I experience awe, a sense of connection with the cosmos and other people, a sense of place, just like the religious. But I don't attribute that to spirits or the supernatural. That these feelings I have could all be the result of nifty neurochemistry is no less amazing than the idea of supreme beings, or the reality of puppies. I had to go back to my first post in this thread to fix a sloppy mistake I suppose I make all the time, replacing "believe" with "think". Maybe think isn't even the right word. There are people who don't think I do that very well. But belief doesn't require evidence and I'm really fond of evidence. So I must try to avoid believing in stuff. I am currently unaware of any evidence of a god. I am aware of evidence to back other explanations for why people believe in them. So, I don't believe in god, and I don't believe in evolution. But if you asked me to pick the one most likely explanation for where we're at, I'd pick evolution in a heartbeat. There's a mountain of evidence for it, and it's growing. Are there things we cannot yet, or maybe ever know? I think that's possible. We went a good long time without knowing about germs. But I sure hope the possibility there are things we'll never know won't keep us from enjoying... http://www.amazon.com/The-Pleasure-Finding-Things-Out/dp/0465023959
  20. Coby Foden wrote: Not a reply to anybody really, but... Urgent message to Linden Lab: We need last names back. Thank you. :smileyhappy: :matte-motes-big-grin: Coby, wouldn't that have resulted in (for example) ILIKEPIEPIEPIEPIEPIEPIEPIEPIEPI McMasters? ;-).
  21. Given that scheduled maintenance happens almost every Tuesday, unscheduled maintenance would have no choice but to be between 1 and 6 days before. Unscheduled maintenance of one sort or another has been happening since the day I arrived. I've not noticed, either directly, via the grid status page, nor via queries here, that the system is increasingly unreliable of late. Here's the last six months of grid instability info... http://taterunino.net/statcharts/instability182.jpg Last week's outage is shown, as is a slight increase in the worst outages recently. But the overall instability isn't markedly worse. And your missing inventory was more likely a viewer issue than a server side issue. So your week of missing inventory may have been the result of a viewer code glitch or connection error that lasted a fraction of a second. The grid itself was probably operating "normally" during that time.
  22. Kumi, you seem to be missing the "un" in "unscheduled". When something unexpected happens, you don't immediately know exactly what's going on, nor how long it will take to fix. And you're even less likely to know if the unexpected happened to Linden Lab services and you (like me and the rest here in Answers) are residents, not insiders. Today seems to have been a hot mess, but I don't think SL has been particularly less reliable than I've experienced over the last six years. Depending on my mood, I vacillate between wondering how SL survives the incompetence of Linden Lab and wondering how those LL magicians make something as wonderful and mysterious as SL work at all.
  23. I believe think that gods (across the 7+ billion of us on Earth, there appears to be belief in more than one), and the idea that we were created by them are constructs of the human imagination, driven by an evolutionary benefit to creatures who associate cause and effect, even if sometimes incorrectly. But we are just residents here, like you. If you want to know what the Linden Gods think, this is the wrong place (and certainly the wrong day) to ask.
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