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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi jmt, As Pamela says, you can file an Abuse Report against anyone who reveals RL information about you in-world or in the forums. That is prohitibed in the Second Life Community Standards. 4. Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. And adherence to the community standards is required by the Terms of Service. 6. CONDUCT BY USERS OF THE SERVICE You agree to abide by certain rules of conduct, including any applicable community standards for the portion of the Service you are using) and other rules prohibiting illegal and other practices that Linden Lab deems harmful. As the Terms of Service only cover behavior within LL's services, there is nothing you can do if such revelations occur elsewhere. Good luck!
  2. markkemp wrote: So I see the idea of a facelight is not a new one.....:smileylol: They certainly were ahead of their time. Those cantilevered heels look awfully familiar as well. Not only did the headlight anticipate facelights, but perhaps Redzone as well. ;-).
  3. I suppose it's possible the collar has left the viewer in some odd state, even though it's unlocked. Disable RLV, restart the viewer, then detach the collar and anything else he gave you. The RLV switch is at the top of Preferences->Firestorm->General tab. Once you've removed everything, you can re-enable RLV if you wish and restart the viewer again. Good luck!
  4. I don't have a lot of time tp spend in-world these days, but I might be motivated to find more if the promise of an exciting new wardrobe were dangled before me... Oooh! Swish!! I bet there are folks who'd pay top Linden for that headlight. Me? I just want the candy. ;-).
  5. Hi DIEGO, I think Lindal's on the right track. As I understand it, LL recently (months ago?) changed their policy regarding prepaid cards to only allow those that support recurring payments. If your card doesn't support those, that would explain why it's no longer working.
  6. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Breakfast today is hosted by Pablo and Libz! Breakfast starts at 8 AM SLT and all are welcome! It is a beach picnic! Peace! Once again, I was too busy to attend, but I do thank you for saving a leftover for me... Happy Sunday, Kids!!! Monday's on deck!
  7. Sassy Romano wrote: /me rezzes some "Group Hug" poseballs... I see you waiting in the shrubs with a telephoto, Sassy. There's no way all those poses are hugs. ;-).
  8. That's quite a witch hunt you're on, Drake. I think you've placed yourself at a disadvantage though, by shooting yourself in the foot with the Blunderbuss of Hypocrisy™. You cast unfounded aspersions at Stefanosje and then turn around and complain when you think a little Martian has tossed one at you. That's the kind of whining we've come to expect from the back seat on long road trips.
  9. Hi Kali, I'm no expert, but what I've gleaned from mesh discussions is that the rendering cost for a well designed mesh is lower than for curved prims and many sculpties. If you're careful, you can create realistic curved surfaces with far fewer polygons than are used in prim tori, for example. Poorly designed scuplties can tie the renderer in knot. Poorly designed meshes can do that too, but we can hope the Land Impact calculator will give you some warning. I suspect that, if you design well, you'll be able to support greater visual complexity via mesh than you ever could via prims and sculpties. But I don't know nuffin. ;-).
  10. Dillon Levenque wrote: irihapeti wrote: can turn the whole vampire thing upside down. Make the vampire the victims sell a HUD that lets the slayers hunt the vampires across the grid and stake them. Like the vampire HUD broadcast where they are on teh grid. Whoever stakes the most number of vampires wins any vampire what takes off their HUD to avoid a staking gets turned into a chikken on the Kill a Vampire website but vampire dont have to be totally helpless. If a slayer appears then the vampire can attack them. Like bite their throat out but the vampire has to wait until the slayer makes the first move. Like the HUD tells the vampire when the slayer pulls their stake out. Then is game on. like a combat Because of the somewhat minimal road system in SL and the way the sky settings can vary from sim to sim, I'd have to think the "...at a crossroads at midnight..." could be waived: a stake through the heart should count anywhere/anytime. On the other hand, there's no reason a person who nailed the time and location shouldn't be awarded a big bonus. That might even be good for business. People might start hanging out at crossroads, most of which (at least where I live) have a lot of shops nearby. I'm starting to like this. I'm liking this too! Would we get extra points for slaying a vampire with a flaming stake? Or a flaming steak? I can do either.
  11. So, inside every naked eyeglass and necktie wearing hippie, there's a forlorn businessman yearning to break free? That's a unique turn on Walter Mitty, Hippie! ;-).
  12. joal Oddenfen wrote: I find sl1 only has the mentaly ill left, all the good people have gone. Came here for fun marigold, not to form a way of life but fun, it is no longer fun just a headach. Joal, these unfounded characterizations you make, are they for fun, or are they a way of life? Either way, I think you're doing it wrong.
  13. Marigold Devin wrote: joal Oddenfen wrote: Hi, no i have left sl1, might look at sl2 when it comes, but i find sl1 only has the mentaly ill left, all the good people have gone. Ouch. I wouldn't mind finding some of the following people in SL1 or SL2. http://www.nami.org/Template.cfm?Section=Helpline1&template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=4858 ***** I am sad to see this thread has degenerated into personal comments. Everyone in Second Life and in Real Life could, at any time, fall prone to mental health issues. Another reason why its better to try and be a bit more tolerant of others that share the world(s) in which we live - which, admittedly, can be very hard at times. Add Robin Williams to the list. SL can sometimes seem a refuge for the distressed. If it's so, then we should be doubly tolerant. ETA: distressed ain't the right word. SL is a refuge for more than that. Even if it's a refuge from RL for many, doesn't tolerance seem like a good idea?
  14. Hi Nate (stay away from my dock!), Unfortunately, you cannot change your log-on name. You can change your display name once a week, and you can reset it to your log-on name at any time. To do that, go to this page... https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile Click the "Display Name" tip down and enter your new display name there. People will still be able to see your username, but they'll also see your display name. Personally, I like your current name. You sound amusingly dangerous. ;-).
  15. Hi Moonlight. As Ohjiro says, NVIDIA graphics cards seem to play better with SL than AMD/ATI. Here's a table of GPU benchmark data that will allow you to compare the performance of video cards in the computers you consider... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php The Radeon HD 8670D scores 797, which is on the low end for a "gaming" PC. The integrated GPUs of current Intel chips are approaching that score. In that same chart, I find an NVIDIA GT 750 card for USD$99.99 that scores 3240. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to find a low end PC with a high end graphics card. SL works the GPU much harder than the CPU, but most manufacturers reserve the top end graphics cards for top end machine. Sorry if I've just added to the confusion. SL does that to a person. Good luck in your hunt!
  16. There are some intractible reasons for the relatively poor graphics performance of SL compared to other computer games. Others have delved into some of these reasons. I'll discuss some others. Unlike MMORPGs like WoW, or single player console/PC games, the interior of SL is not built by a single design team. If you watch those other games carefully, you'll discover that there is extensive re-use of textures. You'll see the same brick textures all over the cities and the same plant leaf textures on flowers and in the trees. This re-use is carefully coordinated to evade your detection, and is how such games can cram the game's entire texture library into the GPU memory/DVD/disc cache. In addition, as noted by others, the textures will have no more resolution than necessary. That's not true in SL. People have painted the smallest objects (jewelry) with 1024x1024 textures. In SL, it's a free for all. Everybody uploads their own textures, at whatever resolution they wish. So, every time you enter a new sim, or perhaps even walk across a single sim, you encounter hundreds of megabytes of new textures that must be downloaded to your computer's cache. The de-fuzzification of the car you witnessed was the result of the progressive loading of the car's textures. To quickly give you some sense of the scene, SL first downloads low resolution versions of the textures, bringing in additional resolution over time. As the download progresses, the car becomes more sharply defined. Note that you can set SL's cache to be twice the size of a DVD on which entire rich-experience games are shipped. And even then you'll see SL downloading new textures everywhere you go. On the server side, everything in SL is dynamic. Users can come and go, their creations can too. Scripted objects can move on their own and collide with each other and with avatars. As none of this can be "pre compiled", the servers must constantly re-calculate the entire scene to update the viewers, detect collisions, etc. In more cohesive games, much of this work can be anticipated by design, so the computations are far less onerous. There are things you can do to improve performance, as others have suggested. Keep your draw distance down, don't turn on fancy rendering aids unless you want to take photographs, turn down the maximum number of non-imposter avatars. Imposters are 2D poster renditions of avatars that are updated far less often. This reduces rendering load, particulary for avatars with very high rendering costs caused by massively complex hair and attachments. Much of the peformance penalty is the unavoidable consequence of opening SL to creation by others. I think the benefits are worth the costs. ;-).
  17. Rolig Loon wrote: Oh, I hate it when someone poses a fascinating puzzle on a Friday. Sure you do.
  18. Marigold Devin wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: So, you are going to equate taking pictures of your close friends to taking closeups of Random strangers? You notice he never asks them if they want their picture taken. There is no way to tell, if you have silent snap shot on, that anyone took a picture. And no, you took a video of a show. Totally different from someone taking pictures of random children. I also take closeups of random strangers - in real or in Second Life - if they look interesting enough. They look to me like they are begging to be noticed anyway. https://www.flickr.com/photos/42317687@N07/sets/72157625631047521/ And it looks like the OP and I are not alone in our "hobby" https://www.flickr.com/groups/936226@N21/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/900285@N22/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/2150666@N24/pool/with/8473004163/#photo_8473004163 I really don't know where people get off being so precious about someone capturing them on virtual film in a virtual world. I think Sassy put it best. What gives you or anyone else the right to judge anyone's look in SL? And going back to the short video I took of the Punch and Judy Show at The Beach, it was pointed out to me that I looked like I had followed one particular little boy as my camera panned around the whole beach scene. It was totally unconscious on my part. But if I had been a single childless male, rather than a single childless female, taking that film, and zooming in etc., would that have made me more of a perv? People see what they want to see, do you see? Begging to be noticed... Wow. That sounds vaguely familiar.. I know I have heard that before. Something about attire and asking for it.. Nice choice of words. So much for being who you want to be without judgement huh? B*ll*cks, Drake. Judgement can sound like such a negative word. And a cat may look at a king - and photograph them if they so wish! Thank heavens there are people who wander around taking photographs of other people... http://www.vivianmaier.com I imagine the vast majority of folks who do so are not pervs. I've got a friend who does it from kites.
  19. Hi Aangle4U, You haven't provided us much to work on, other than you can't change your e-mail address. The most common problem people encounter is caused by a misunderstanding on the page on which you change your e-mail address... https://secondlife.com/my/account/contact.php Due to careless design by the Lindens, that page appears to be asking for your e-mail account password. What it really wants is your SL account password. The only place you should ever enter your e-mail password is in your e-mail program or web-page. Now, if you've been entering your SL password and are still being rejected, you may be experiencing the same problem as the fella in this thread... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Password-always-considered-incorrect-when-trying-to-change-email/qaq-p/2796686/comment-id/24948 I don't know if Darkinian got a resolution from LL on the issue. If you're experiencing the same problem as he, you could IM him and see if his problem was resolved. If I've missed the boat entirely, come back to your question and edit it to provide more information. You can do that via "Options" over there on the right. Unfortunately, you can't contribute another post to this thread, once again due to careless design by the Lindens. Good luck!
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Stefanosje Sellers wrote: Monti Messmer wrote: According to the second part, i wouldn´t say you can use their names and the part of "recognizable", even without the nametag showing, is a tricky one. RL photographers know about this funny law, it´s exact same there just no one has a nametag or walks around as a giant furry ;-) If the main part of your picture shows a crowd of people in a public venue, without focussing on single avatars, that should be safe. Monti Hi Monti, I'm partially aware of the real laws to photography and the requirement of handling the people present in the picture. However I am going to stick with the Linden Lab rules, as this is the environment the picture was taken in, and Flickr only serves as a displaying utility. No where in the Snapshot and Machinima policy does it say it is ok to take pictures of people. It specifially states 3D content which is defined as “3D content means any objects, primitives, or other creative works or works of authorship that are three dimensional." The way I read the ToS is that LL has made a clear distinction between Machinima (video) and snapshots (pictures). They seem to free-ward all rights on snapshots, which pretty much leaves no boundaries other than following sim/land covenants. What is your call on this? As with many LL regulations it creates a lot of controversy and room for different "interpretations". Stef (b) Avatar Consent for Machinima For machinima, you must have the consent of all Residents whose avatars or Second Life names are featured or recognizable in the machinima. This includes avatars who are featured in a shot, avatars whose names are legible, and avatars whose appearance is sufficiently distinctive that they are recognizable by members of the Second Life community. Consent is not required if an avatar is not recognizable and is merely part of a crowd scene or shown in a fleeting background. Consent is not required for any snapshots. That sorta says "it is ok to take pictures of people", doesn't it?
  21. Wake up, ya lazy bum! There are places to go and things to do... Happy Friday, Kids!!!
  22. Stefanosje Sellers wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: You should point then at that ToS section and ask them to point out which bit they feel you are in breach of. Or you could just tell them that they are "talking out of their arse" Pick one of the above, both work. For maximum effect, Stefanosje could tell them he's going to photograph them talking out of their arse. That'll show 'em! ON POINT! Hahahahaha. Chuckled. On a serious note though. I do respect their point of view, just their approach is wrong and if they are so paranoïd about appearing in pictures, they need to consider finding a more secluded/private club. It's like taking a **bleep** in the park and complaining that people are looking at your naked butthole. I agree. You could inform the club owner of the relevant clauses in the TOS. They might respond by altering the land covenant to forbid photography, but that would be a self harming act. Who wants to go to a place where one couldn't take a snapshot if something memorable happened? As for individual avatars getting their undies in a bundle over being photographed, show them the TOS as well. Then recommend that, if they truly don't want to be photographed, the only effective recourse they have is to wear a full body alpha. You can't photograph what the camera can't see. You might also ask them if they've ever taken a photograph of another avatar in SL without asking permission. If so, why all the hypocrisy? This may not help the situation, but the feeling of moral superiority it produces is pleasant. ;-).
  23. Sassy Romano wrote: You should point then at that ToS section and ask them to point out which bit they feel you are in breach of. Or you could just tell them that they are "talking out of their arse" Pick one of the above, both work. For maximum effect, Stefanosje could tell them he's going to photograph them talking out of their arse. That'll show 'em!
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