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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Bebejee, That's happenind because you are uploading your image into the avatar place, not the badge place I got rid of my little avatar by uploading a transparent image to it. Then I only have my badge image to worry about. Griffin posted links to pages discussing both the avatar and badge areas earlier in this thread. Here's what he posted... ______________ Well, there's the forum "avatar" (mine is currently the "equal" sign, yours is the generic default "avatar") and then there's the forum badge, which is the larger picture. Avatar: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/personalization#icon Badge: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/How-to-create-a-cool-forum-avatar-badge/m-p/707025 You need to upload any images used to your Image Gallery. ______________ Although you can't see it, there is a transparent image right below this text. Right click an inch below this line and you should see a pull down option for "Save image as..." or something like that. The file name is "Blank.png". Save the image to your PC, then upload it the same way you uploaded your image a little while ago. Your tiny avatar image will vanish. Now you can concentrate on Suella's guide for creating your own forum badge. Once again, as Griffin posted, that tutorial can be found here... Badge: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/How-to-create-a-cool-forum-avatar-badge/m-p/707025 Good luck!
  2. bebejee wrote: Is the Member bit only for paying members? The appellation under your resident name is called your "rank". You needn't be a premium member to scale the ranks, You simply need to participate here. Here's more than you probably want to know about how it all works, or doesn't... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/ranksroles#ranksroles Note that the color of the "bowling pin" changes with rank. Red, the international color for danger, is reserved for... "Helpers". Sometimes Linden Lab gets it right. ;-).
  3. Good morning, Hippie! I've been helping my boarder work on his car... He wouldn't stop swearing, so I bit him. Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  4. Hi Yaliu, If this other someone violated the Second Life Terms Of Service or Community Standards, you can Abuse Report them. If you can upload your screen capture to a place like Flickr, and give Linden Lab a link to it, you may include that evidence in your abuse report. I recommend that you mute or block anyone who harasses you. As long as you are a little careful, nobody can harm you in Second Life. Sometimes people can be very mean here, but most of us are not. I sympathize with you and hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Maddy
  5. Good morning, Hippie! Someone doesn't share my love of Mondays. And that makes me love 'em all the more. Happy Monday, Kids!!!
  6. Voo Oompa wrote: [not sure why this thread was deleted previously -- musta said something bad?] [...aaaaaaaaanyway...] EVIL HENCHMAN AVAILABLE! Or henchperson. Whatever. If it involves hench-ing, I'm in. Experienced in wacky hijinks and zany antics. Also available as a flunkie, lackey, sidekick, minion, compadre, hatchet man, stooge or toady. Can fill in as a stalker occasionally, though it's really not my thing. If we get along well, I may work my way up to Arch Nemesis, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Apply this thread. Thank you. Stalking is so very easy, Voo. Just tell people you've been doing it and let their imaginations do the rest. You need only refresh the claim when you see their paranoia flagging. The beauty of other people's imaginations is that you can co-opt them against their will with almost no effort. It's much harder to do that physically. This is the true beauty of SL, where even the physical is imaginary. My World, Their Imaginations.
  7. Hi Sliding, It may be that you've got a mix of an iffy internet connection to SL and an avatar that's burdened either with a lot of clothing or is sitting on a busy sim. Nalates Urriah has a comprehensive guide to improving the quality of your SL connection here... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Keep that link, even if you don't want to look into it now. There's not much one can do to stop SL from trying to dress your avatar in whatever you were wearing when you last logged out, but you can redirect your log-in to a known quiet sim like Smith or Pooley. That may give your viewer the breathing room it needs to fully rez your avatar, after which you can start digging into the cause(s) of your trouble. When you launch the viewer, select "<Type Region Name>" from the "Start at:" pop-up and type in either "Smith" or "Pooley". Good luck!
  8. I've a gall bladder you're welcome to have. It's mounted on a necklace. I'd tell you where I got it, but who doesn't like a little mystery?
  9. Pamela Galli wrote: This is an IM I received today, verbatim: "Hello Pamela Welsh convenience store a few days conce. I want to ask you to solve this problem milkings. I lined inside he gave this lime. Have you cheated on me this is not fair looking at the people who are taking these photographs home" The lime belongs in the...
  10. Hippie Bowman wrote: Voo Oompa wrote: greetin's and stuff ^__^ how joo ish? Good morning Voo! Doing good! Woot! Happy weekend! Peace! Hi Kids!!! Voo, if Hippie is Jewish, it's only a li'l bit. He went to church on Easter Sunday. ;-).
  11. Syn Anatine wrote: I just change my shoes and because of slink they will never look wrong Did you know that, in SL, you never have to change your shoes because they don't wear out, and your feet never get stinky? I think I'm entering my fourth year of wearing the same pair of sandals. Efficiency for the win! ;-).
  12. Hi Estrellita, I think you might want to reconsider your definition of friend! Here's are the official instructions for reporting a compromised account. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Password-and-account-information/ta-p/700017#Section_.5 You file a support case here, where you select "Account Issue" and "I believe my account has been compromised" Be prepared for a dialog with Linden lab during which you'll be asked to prove your identity. Good luck!
  13. Hi Countess, We're residents, just like you. And so we can't dig up transaction records. Your dashboard transaction history only goes back 30 days, but Marketplace purchase records go back forever.
  14. Hi Jaz, If the light is present even when there's no furniture in the room, then the kitchen itself contains a light source. When I'm trying to hunt down a light source, I rez I set midnight, rez a sphere, then drag it around the area and watch how its illuminated. I'm usually able to find the source fairly quickly. Without knowing how your house is constructed (prim, mesh, sculptie, etc.) it's hard know where the actual light might be with respect to the visible part of any prim that contains it, so even if you find the light, you many not yet have found the source prim. "Highlight Transparent" (Ctrl-Alt-T) to make sure there isn't an invisible light prim linked into the structure. If the light source is in the house itself, and if the house is "mod", edit the prim that contains the light source and turn it off. Remember to check "Edit linked" at the top pf the edit window so you select only the prim containing the light. You'll find the "Light" checkbox in the "Features" tab of the edit window. Good luck!
  15. If you're using Firestorm, go to Preferences->Graphics->Rendering, check "Limit Framerate" and set the FPS to something less than 60FPS. Your computer's screen probably refreshes at 60Hz, so there's no point in letting SL draw more frames than that per second, it's a pure waste of energy and compute time. I've got my Mac set to 24 FPS, which is plenty fast for me and keeps the fans off.
  16. Sing Sing Sing is the Battleship of Swing. It can hurl a beat at you from 24 miles out and the only way to avoid being hit is to dance like this...
  17. Hi James, All SL things have three kinds of permissions, Copy, Modify and Transfer. In order to purchase a thing to be transferred to a friend, the thing must have Transfer permission. It's been my experience that most clothing has copy or copy/modify permissions, but not transfer. The things that do have transfer permissions don't have copy permissions. And that's because you could just copy the item, then transfer the copy to someone else. So, if you purchased clothing that's only copy or copy/modify, I'm afraid you can't transfer it to your friend. The SL marketplace does allow you to purchase no-transfer items as gifts. Rather than selecting "Add To Cart" you select "Add To Cart As Gift". You specify the avatar name of the recipient, and the item is delivered to them in-world.
  18. Hi Nina, There is a known incompatibility between Flash and the SL Viewer. Adobe has decided not to address it. Some people have had success by going back to Flash 11.7 or older. Mac OS might block older versions because Flash is riddled with security vulnerabilities. The Adobe community forums are down at the moment, but you might find more information there. You may also be able to find Flash 11.7 on Adobe's site. Good luck!
  19. Hi Scoy, Mari's given you a link to everything you'll need to know about groups. I got control over my title by creating a group and populating it with my main avatar and an alt. (Groups with only one member are retired, and the name can never again be used). Have fun!
  20. Alejandro, Second Life has always been ugly. It's also always been beautiful. And I doubt you and I would agree on which is which. This is what happens when you set people's imaginations free.
  21. Good morning, Kids!!! No coffee for me, Voo. That stuff keeps me awake during conversations. I'll have root-beer. ;-).
  22. Here's where you find out the current status of the SL Grid, Bubbles... http://status.secondlifegrid.net As you'll see, LL still hasn't figured out what's vexing us at the moment.
  23. Good morning Hippie and Val. Welcome to the campfire, Voo! Hi, Kids!!!
  24. Hi Todd, Rez a cube, make it the same x/y size as the table or bar, but about 2 meters taller. Co-locate the cube with your table/bar, then set it transparent. Now, when avatars unsit, they'll hit the invisible cube and be bounced backwards, behind their chairs. If the bar or table is too narrow, avatars will be bounced to the far side of the cube upon standing, because the avatar center will be on the far side of the invisible cube's center of mass. The only way to know if this will work in your particular situation is to try it! Good luck!
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