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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I still hold strongly to my view that the whole mission was money badly spent, simply because, I adopted that view about this project when it was thought that the whole thing would accomplish all that was intended. I found some interesting piece of information about the Rosetta mission and dogs. :smileyhappy: • The total cost of the Rosetta mission during its 21 years lifespan is: €1.40 billion ($1.74 billion) According to: http://www.americanpetproducts.org/press_industrytrends.asp • In the USA for dog toys (yes, dog toys) the money spent yearly is: €1.87 billion ($2.32 billion) :smileysurprised: So, ESA was able to make this very exciting space mission with less money than what is spent on dog toys in the USA, in one year. Looking in this perspective the mission was not expensive at all. And where exactly is this Rosetta now? Interesting solar system animation showing planets and their trajectories up to Jupiter. Rosetta and the comet with their trajectories are included too. http://sci.esa.int/where_is_rosetta/ (There have been some tweets that "scientists are confident that Philea will wake up from hibernation when the comet gets closer to the sun" [somewhere in the spring 2015].) That's a lovely animation, Coby! I enjoyed watching Rosetta slingshot off Earth in March of 2005, then off Mars in February of 2007, then off Earth again in November 2007 and finally again in November 2009. At that time it gets flung out towards Comet 67P it what I can only describe as a brilliant toss. I am truly in awe of our ability to make stuff like this happen. I will now blame you for my failure to get in-world because I've gone cam-crazy out in the Solar System. ;-).
  2. Hi Slayer, You're experiencing a bug in the latest release of the viewer that's been vexing quite a few people. Some are finding that reverting to a previous version, switching to a project channel viewer or switching to a third party viewer gets them going again, though reverting isn't quite straightforward. I'm going to recommmend you download the Firestorm Viewer and use it until Linden Lab fixes the bug in the official viewer. You'll find Firestorm here... http://www.firestormviewer.org/downloads/ If you don't wish to use Firestorm, you can find the project channel viewers here (the last two of the five viewers available for download)... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers Note that the project viewers are not released, and so may contain other li'l problems. Caveat downloader. Other third party viewers can be found here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Good luck!
  3. Hi Sushie, welcome to Second Life... sorta! You're experiencing a bug in the latest release of the SL viewer that's been vexing quite a few people. The most expeditious solution to your problem is to abandon LL's official viewer and run to Firestorm, which is quite popular. You'll find that viewer here... http://www.firestormviewer.org/downloads/ If you're a glutton for punishment, you could try one of the "project viewers", which are "almost ready" versions of the viewer that don't seem to have this problem, but might have others. You can find the project channel viewers here (the last two of the five viewers available for download)... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers Good luck!
  4. Hi Cloey, Marcoy is half right. The size of a prim does not affect its linkability. It's only the distance between the centers of the prims that's important. All prim centers must live within a 54m sphere. And you cannot link more than 256 prims.
  5. Hi Brandon, welcome (almost) to Second Life! You haven't given us much to work on, but I'm going to guess that you're experiencing a bug in the latest release of the viewer that's been vexing quite a few people. This is hardly the kind of Second Life welcome you were expecting, is it? People are finding that reverting to a previous version, switching to a project channel viewer or switching to a third party viewer gets them going again, though reverting isn't quite straightforward. You can find the project channel viewers here (the last two of the five viewers available for download)... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers Firestorm and other third party viewers can be found here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Natates Urriah discusses the recent viewer problem and potential fixes here... http://blog.nalates.net/2014/11/11/second-life-main-viewer-failing/ Since you are new to Second Life, I'm going to recommmend you download the Firestorm Viewer and use it until Linden Lab fixes the bug in the official viewer. You'll find Firestorm here... http://www.firestormviewer.org/downloads/ Firestorm is not exactly the same as the official viewer, but it's pretty close. Good luck!
  6. Hi Jene, Like Rolig, I've been a basic member for almost 7 years. I do spend a little money to rent a home, but that's not necessary to enjoy SL. There are plenty of places to visit, things to do, and freebie clothes and accessories to buy. I was here in SL for months before I spent my first penny, and I still spend very little compared to other forms of entertainment. So, grab your sweetie and look through the Destination Guide for places to explore. Have fun, you two!
  7. It's possible that there's an underlying, invisible mesh that's used as the physics model for the entire structure. This is done to keep Land Impact down, as using the high resolution mesh of the visible structure for the physics model would cost (in LI) a fortune. If this is the case, you cannot move any navigable openings in the structure without editing the physics mesh to match. Here's a basic explanation of mesh physics... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Making_Mesh_Physics
  8. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy weekend! Making a flying machine today in class! Peace! I AM a flying maching, Hippie... Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  9. Hi Calcutta, The latest viewer release seems rather a mess for many. People are finding that reverting to a previous version, switching to a project channel viewer or switching to a third party viewer gets them going again, though reverting isn't quite straightforward. You can find the project channel viewers here (the last two of the five viewers available for download)... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers Firestorm and other third party viewers can be found here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Natates Urriah discusses the recent viewer problem and potential fixes here... http://blog.nalates.net/2014/11/11/second-life-main-viewer-failing/ Good luck!
  10. LL asks for your e-mail address and birthdate. They only get your RL identity once you've registered payment information.
  11. Hi Crysstal, If LL were to wait until everything works fully for everyone, SL would yet to have opened its doors for the first time. That said, the latest viewer release seems rather a mess for many. People are finding that reverting to a previous version, switching to a project channel viewer or switching to a third party viewer gets them going again, though reverting isn't quite straightforward. You can find the project channel viewers here (the last two of the five viewers available for download)... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers Firestorm and other third party viewers can be found here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Natates Urriah discusses the recent viewer problem and potential fixes here... http://blog.nalates.net/2014/11/11/second-life-main-viewer-failing/ Good luck!
  12. Hi Playboy (or Bunneh? ;-), Because the TOS is effectively a contract between the account holder and Linden Lab, it's not legal for two people to share it, nor for one person to transfer it to another. When you clicked "Agree" to the TOS upon logging-in to SL, you "signed" the contract. Of course there's no way for Linden Lab to actually know who "you" are. As Yogi Berra so sagely observed: "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." It's easy to create another account, so either you or your girlfriend could do so, and then develop separate personas. It's also easy to avoid detection for doing as you're currently doing, though outing yourself didn't help! I've explained my tenuous understanding of the legalities. I'll leave you do work though the morality. I'm quite occupied working through my own. ;-).
  13. Hi again Britt, You may be describing what we call "bake fail". This is often caused by an iffy connection to SL from your viewer. Here's the Firestorm team's recipe for fixing that problem (if it's the one you're having). It applies to other viewers as well... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail And if you experience this, or other odd/laggy behavior, I'll recommend that you peruse Natates Urriah's little guide to troubleshooting your SL connection... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  14. Hi Britt, While a Macbook Air can run SL, it'll whirr the fans and burn up the battery doing so. You won't be able to run "ultra" graphics for anything other than the occasional snapshot, but you should be able to get around well on "low" to "mid". SL is a graphics hog and really wants a dedicated graphics adapter. But you're not going to find such a thing in something as svelte as a Macbook Air. The best way to find out how well it's going to work is to log-in. Good luck!
  15. Who's more clueless Perrie, the residents who come complaining during maintenance (or us, who you just gave a heads up) or Linden Lab, who's always been in a position to issue warnings/explanations in the viewer during login?
  16. irihapeti wrote: some people from Whatwg probably argue that Microsoft did it deliberately. Like slowed it all up so they could get 2012/13/14 version apps and Win8 out the door before agree to HTML5 standard Microsoft executive most likely go: I am offend. That anyone would think such things of us. Whatever is the world coming to these days. Cant trust anyone to think nice things of you anymore. Is terrible !!! (: I've a few colleagues who share my theory that, if Microsoft had never existed, we'd be a decade further into the future of computing than we are now. I have an ex-husband who, if he weren't such a sweetie, would theorize that he'd be ten years further into the future of his family life if I'd never existed.
  17. TDD123 wrote: Kanye West whines : 'She no assteroid .. she no hobbit. ' - climbs to the top of her basement stairs to announce that you can hide wrinkles around the mouth by kissing a rabbit... ...if you're allergic to rabbits. The pouty lips are a bonus!
  18. Hi Kay, We're residents, just like you. Lindens don't come here, and live chat support is only available to Premium members. Quite a few people are having problems with the latest version of the official viewer, and we can hope Linden Lab fixes that shortly. Until then, you could try using a third party viewer, rolling back to a previous version, or trying one of the Project Channel viewers. Nalate's Urriah discusses the problem here... http://blog.nalates.net/2014/11/11/second-life-main-viewer-failing/ Good luck!
  19. Hi Midnite, No, the only mechanism for reporting abuse is the Abuse Report.
  20. Freya Mokusei wrote: Enjoy your respective weekends, and thanks if you read the whole thing. You're welcome, enjoy your weekend too! And I hope some of that weekend enjoyment comes from the arts, which I believe are as necessary to our survival as science and are often subjected to the same ridicule. Science will make our future possible, art will make it desireable. I believe Philae's landing on Comet P67 was both.
  21. Ceka Cianci wrote: I heard today in the news that one of the big companies,can't remember which.. AT&T or Comcast maybe,was putting the brakes on their fiber optics plans until they know what direction this will be going.. So to me that says this has been in the works for a good while now by these bigger companies.. Get everyone and their lives hooked up to the internet,then reel them in when the time is right to where they are needing it like a crackhead with an empty pipe.. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/13/att-regulations-internet-idUSL2N0T238020141113
  22. Phil Deakins wrote: Thank you Coby. That pretty much confirms that my objections are very well-founded. Their list of things that the project has/will achieve are:- 1. Engineering knowhow - like how to land a probe on a comet. Yeah, right. That'll be sooo beneficial to mankind. 2. Knowledge of cosmic origins and other things ( like could our water have come from comets) That's really going to benefit mankind, isn't it. 3. The inspirational value of this audacious feat in which we can all share. Truly wonderful. That's just what mankind needs - some inspiration. It does actually. It need some inspiration to actually deal with the important things and to stop spending huge amounts of money on frivolous projects like this one. 1.4 billion euros might well only buy 4 aeroplanes, but at least the aeroplanes have long lives ahead of them, during which they actually perfom a useful function for people. It may well only have cost 3.5 euros per person, but just think what that 3.5 euros per person could achieve that is truly beneficial. Things like all the needed health equipment in the hospitals, enough hospitals, etc. etc. etc. I'm sorry, Coby, but I won't change my view of this project (any more than I will change my view of the UK's HS2) You're sounding like a grumpy ol' man, Phil! If you only explore where you expect to find something useful, you've needlessly limited your future. I have soured some on NASA, as I think it's become as self serving and wasteful as the defense establishment, but I remain a fervent believer in exploration on all fronts. If it hadn't been for the curiousity of noodlers like Newton, Lavoisier, Faraday, Maxwell and others, you'd be hunkered down for the winter in a hut heated by burning wood and lit by candles. It's only because of unfettered exploration that you're able to have arguments about unfettered exploration with people like me! In the long arc of history, I think it can be shown that searching everywhere has been pretty productive. As for spending money on airplanes, the US is going to spend $1.5 Trillion (over the life of the program) on the Joint Strike Fighter, a machine designed to fight past wars, not future or even current ones. And if the test flights are indicative, it wouldn't even do well in past wars. That's nearly $5000 per man, woman and child in the US or more than $200 for each human on Earth. If you want to cut waste, exploration ain't the place to start. ;-).
  23. Hi Timothy, It seems there's a bug in the latest SL viewer. People are finding that reverting to a previous version, moving ahead to a release candidate viewer, or switching to a third party viewer gets them going again, though reverting isn't quite straightforward. Natates Urriah discusses the recent viewer problem and a fix here... http://blog.nalates.net/2014/11/11/second-life-main-viewer-failing/ And this has been discussed on other answers threads... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/i-am-getting-really-frustrated-with-this-updated-softwa... Good luck! ETA: Apparently the release channel viewers are buggy as well. The project viewers are thought to be safe to use. You can find them here (the last two of the five viewers available for download)... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers
  24. Hi Crysstal, Natates Urriah discusses the recent viewer problem and a fix here... http://blog.nalates.net/2014/11/11/second-life-main-viewer-failing/ And this has been discussed on other answers threads... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/i-am-getting-really-frustrated-with-this-updated-software/qaq-p/2864112 Good luck!
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