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Josephine Carissa

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Everything posted by Josephine Carissa

  1. Went over to "Chloe's coffee shop" its so pretty and peaceful....thank you @Chloe Bunny
  2. Greetings Everyone, I know its summer time and alot of people are very busy right now.....keeping that in mind i figured that you might be in need of a cup of ice brew coffee or a frosty cold root beer, (Maddie). Here is hoping that you are all well. Kind Regards, Josephine
  3. Hello LilChanel, you will want to check out @FairreLilette she has some very light skins in her store.....she is right here in the forums or you can contact her inworld. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/200258?search[category_id]=371&search[maturity][]=General&search[maturity][]=Moderate&search[maturity][]=Adult&search[page]=1&search[per_page]=12&search[sort]=created_at_desc&search[store_id]=200258 Have a great day!! Josephine ps. you may want to post this up in the "Avatar" section you will get more replies : )
  4. You know i don't have a linden home but i am really looking forward to the decorating thread for this new area. There are so many talented decorators here : )
  5. ASPARAGUS........ Chic this was a tough one for me.....the pants i think are close and the top uses the same color in the print.
  6. Greetings Dana, I would prefer to shop inworld......but i have a older computer and it seems like 9 out of 10 times i try to visit the stores i want to see i crash : ( Have a great day! Josephine
  7. Hello Schatzi, @Orwar has a item that i think will help you: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Furlgrimr-SOL-Professional-Photographers-Ambulatory-Lighting-Apparatus/16240366 he is kind to put it out for 0L Kind Regards, Josephine
  8. try ISON they have nice things: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/74396 Happy Shopping! Josephinee
  9. Hello Misha, is something like this in the ballpark: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WINGS-HAIR-TO0109-Brown-Pack/21354836
  10. "Powder Blue" it seems the colors change per lighting and per texture
  11. Greetings Jovanique, Here is some information you may find useful: https://go-dutch-with-roodvosje.blogspot.com/p/free-and-cheap-mesh-bodies-heads.html Have fun shopping! Kind Regards, Josephine
  12. Sylvia, Thank you for letting me visit your cafe...... Kind Regards, Josephine
  13. WHITE thank you to @Sylvia Tamalynfor letting me visit her cafe, "Mind your own Biscuits"
  14. Hello Liia, you may want to check out "S@bbia" depending on the style you are going for: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/49599 Best Regards, Josephine
  15. Greetings Sam, I believe that a few years back "live performers" and "DJs" were paid by performance from the venue owner and also keeping their tips. As of a couple of years ago folks were being paid "tips only", so if you have been performing here in SL for any amount of time you have seen your wages/tips go down considerably. So to answer your question i can see that ticket thing happening here in SL. Best Regards, Josephine
  16. Greetings Everyone : ) saw this while checking some blogs, (she is giving away some mesh heads i thought you might be interested). https://theglamoursauce.com/ https://theglamoursauce.com/2021/05/29/win-a-mesh-head-with-the-glamour-sauce-6th-anniversary-giveaway/ nope i don't know this lady, just enjoy her blog. Kind Regards, Josephine
  17. Here is something similar to the look: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/VCO-Narin-002-Risizer-Sky/21475781
  18. Hello Hazel, Here is Izzie's marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/40543 Here is Poema: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/154903 Have fun Shopping, Josephine
  19. INDIGO and thanks to @Maitimo for the heads up on some vehicles in one of the linden home threads : )
  20. you know who i miss and think of often, "Candace Morgwain" her label/store "Sweeter Than Candy" was very nice....and she had wonderful customer service, always spot on with a tip or some assistance when you needed it.
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