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Monti Messmer

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Everything posted by Monti Messmer

  1. All this only works for prim-clothes. SL clothes can only be taken off by others via RLV.
  2. Hello, prims can communicate in SL or Open Sim same way. If they are in the same sim its done via - llRegionSay and llListen Not the same sim: llEmail or via http (but this functions are maybe not same implemented than in SL). There are very good examples for this commands in the Wiki. Hope that helps, Monti
  3. Hello, as more prims as better. While building ur home u will run out of very soon. If you allowed for Linden trees u can fake a forrest with this one-prim plants. They aren´t pretty but ok. But soon you will want a nicer house, more furniture more animals, nicer trees bushes .... Maybe you get the smaller land first, without a long term contract and see if thats enough, then you can allways upgrade to a bigger parcel. Usually more prims = bigger land. One thing to keep in mind. Alot people have awesome homes but spend all their time in clubs or somewhere away from. I started with a tiny plot and ended with a quarter sim. Now i´m homeless because i only come online to work.
  4. Little add-on to Ron. If the land is group-owned the radio need to be deeded to the group. If land is avatar owned the radio must be owned by this person. Now i get off and shut up :smileywink:
  5. Hello, nice lastname :smileywink: He can hide from search and even so from groups, not all groups show members ... I guess this is a mainland plot, then if he is suspened so unable to pay the tier the plot will be for sale one day. I doubt Linden will reply to you about the avatar status but you can try sending a mail or open a ticket. sorry not much of a help but i couldn´t resist to reply to "family" :smileyvery-happy:
  6. Hi, the only difference i can see is that the first link offers a 90% sale, special offer then. So far its the same as No2. You allways take a risk in using 3rd partys "tools" but the loss you would have on this seems little; 110 L$.
  7. Exactly Darren. We all know the history of windows try to stay compatible to MS-DOS ... It is time to move forward and cut off old ropes. Not that i am a big fan of mesh but it´s the future.
  8. Isn´t this the same like calling a submenu ? You need to stop the listener start it new before call the textbox ? Something like this gave me a headache long ago but i can´t remember the exact problem/solution.
  9. Gibt es da nicht einige österreichische Anwälte die das sozusagen als Hobby betreiben und nachdem sie etwas gefunden haben mit den jeweiligen Firmen Kontakt aufnehmen? Zumindenst in der Vergangenheit lief da so einiges im Bezug auf Musikdownloads. So richtig hab ich das aber nicht verfolgt ...
  10. Personalausweis oder Führerschein müsste gehen. Wieso Rechnung ? Dauern kann das von mehreren Stunden bis zu 1 oder 2 Tagen .... und verlass Dich nicht darauf eine Benachrichtigung über den Erfold zu bekommen. Einfach immer mal wieder versuchen die Optionen für Adult im SL-Browser einzuschalten. P.S. meine Verifizierung ist nun schon ein paar Tage her :smileywink: vielleicht hat sich da schon was geändert? Auf jeden Fall haben einige Probleme mit dem Prozess.
  11. Hallo, nach wie vor wird nichts geduldet oder ignoriert. Aber frei nach der alten Weisheit "Wo kein Kläger da kein Richter" reagiert Linden Lab nur auf Verstösse, wenn die Ihnen gemeldet wurden. Im Allgemeinen erfolgt das nur von dem Inhaber der Rechte. Nun kann man jahrenlang darüber diskutieren ob jemandem geschadet wird wenn diese Firma ihre Produkte nicht selbst in SL vertreibt aber im Endeffekt ist der finanzielle Schaden für Konzere wie Warner oder Sony und Co. doch im Bereich "Peanuts". Nichtsdestotrotz, Markennamen + Markenrechte haben ihre Gültigkeit auch in SL das nichts anderes ist als jede andere Onlineplattform.
  12. Check if you wear an alpha layer. Locate all stuff you wear, alpha layers have a white shirt with a grid on it as icon. In Phoenix Viewer this is under the worn tab in inventory, Linden Viewer locate the Current Outfit folder then remove everything u can with right click and detach or take off
  13. Well this complains will never stop until Lindens find a way to deal with properly. I had one delisted for the keyword "stripper" in it, the outfit itself was pretty lame, a short sleeved top and hot pants. ALL covered :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: You can be sneaky and just put it back to what it was, whereas with bad bad keywords this would not work.
  14. Just a little sidenote to that silly "word" flagging. In german the word - dick - means fat but i got troubles for use it..... blah
  15. Rezz, Drag and Drop the boxes from inventory on ground, right click open and - copy to inventory. Then u can locate the demos and wear. Check first that ur on a sim with rezz rights Wearing boxes is a common thing, bet we all did that or still do sometimes lol
  16. Just a little thing to add. To keep the informations about other sims updated, you need rezz rights AND the right to keep ur "probe", scripted device, on the sims. I don´t know any way to get this information from outside a sim but i´m no SL god :smileywink: Oups, we got new emos on here ?
  17. Not that i am aware of this feature and not that i see the need. If you don´t want others to bother you do not friend them or just make an alt to have time off
  18. All payment methods are stated on the official website and you allready listed them. You can search for trusted pages to buy or sell Lindens but please check the official SL homepage to only use these trusted stores, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Buy_Linden_Dollars
  19. Hello, first if you are not happy with the product that doesnt mean other arent too. Matter of taste. BUT ! If the merchant is lying about the product then you can file an AR, right ?
  20. Damn new IE ! 5ht try to reply I know you can set a split for your products on the marketplace, not sure if you can do for a complete inventory but worth a check. Still, your bizz-partner won´t have admin-access...
  21. Hello, because the store is linked to your avatar, why not remove all listings, empty the inventory-boxes and resync. Then you can change and add whatever needed.
  22. Honestly even with focus on the boobs it took me a while to realize what you talking about. Yes i can see the problem and it is just one more to add with what designers have to cope. Maybe there is a way to avoid it but i like the new physics. It adds a tiny bit more reality to the avatars. Removing the puppet look when they walk or dance ... But good you pointed it out ! Thanks, now back into the designers box and work on it, i will :smileywink:
  23. Not sure this is the right place to post cos the scripters might want to kill me for ... Everyones moaning about lag in SL but on the other hand we have 8 prim vendors for 7 single items, heavy scripted to select the item in focus, give notecards, sell it .... where a single box with a picture and set to PAY give a copy could do the same with build-in fucntions we have resizer scripts in a single-prim cufflink or the leg attachments for pants ... scripts to unpack boxes and workarounds to give no-copy items where the build-in functions allready resolved that problems without a single line of code While all these scripts have their right to be used in the right place and time everyone should be more careful and thinking about if there is really a script needed for the job to be done. I know vendors send email notifications are important, resizer for hair and shoes .... ! Ok it´s noon and i am hungry, bored and in a bad mood for some reason - wanna kill me for this ? feel free :smileywink:
  24. Why do you need it to be a touch-action ? After your script collected all the needed information just add the commands you now have in the touch event right thereafter. If the touch_event is in another script of the same prim then you end up with using messaging function like llSay, llListen or Linked Messages...
  25. AFAIK, the eyelashes are defined in the Skin (texture) and usually they are black, What you can do in Edit->Appearance is change the length. Check if you changed your skin lately, maybe there was a version with white eyelashes too. And check if you wear any Tattoo-Layers or Attachments (prims) that might cover urs that came with the skin. Right now i´m not sure if you can hide the skin eyelashes with an alpha layer but i will try that later this day.
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