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Monti Messmer

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Everything posted by Monti Messmer

  1. If you want to block everyone and allow certain to rezz there is no other way than deed the land to your group. As far i know changing the owner does not return rezzed items under the "old" group. But still best would be to re-rezz all items under the new group so you can check items you do not want anymore with the SL Land Tools. Others might explain this deeper but i hope thats a little help. Monti
  2. Kurz gesagt, dein Shape und möglicherweise auch Skin ist noch nicht geladen. Versuche erst mal die üblichen Verdächtigen wie clear cache neustart.... Dann gibts noch die Möglichkeit einfach mal einen anderen shape "anzuziehen". Einige finden sich in der Library die allen Nutzern zur Verfügung stehen. Dort gibt es komplette Avatare die man sich herauskopieren kann. Nicht ADD sondern REPLACE. Wenn der Avatar geladen ist einfach wieder deinen Shape, Skin und die Klamotten anziehen. Monti
  3. Versuch mal nach der Anleitung von Rolig vorzugehen. Clear cache .... Möglicherweise hat sich auch einfach die Sortierung in deinem Inventar geändert, kommt bei einer Neuinstallation schon mal vor. Eines ist sicher, Lindens löschen kein Inventar. Gruß Monti
  4. Hello this sound much like being an SL-DJ. What you need is an Internet-Server that allows you to stream Video (Shoutcast can do that). Then you connect to this server from your local PC, the ones with the webacm and with a Streaming-Software you send your video to this server. Using 3rd party sites isnt really reliable and usually dangerous cos everyone on the net can view this cams. Monti
  5. Pardon me, but what have pre-rendered or not to do with the deploys ? Nothing. Having more than 2 versions of the serversoftware running across the grid doesn´t sound stable. Maybe there was no restarts this week but then there was no deploy, right. Anyway i find it very confusing to get this "different server version..." all the time, TPing around. Test new things on limited land and when it runs fine release to the world. My opinion on that nothing to discuss but as it´s not my choice who cares.
  6. That is an old topic coming up again from time to time. We had this "in RL i can sell old things why not here" but never forget that clothes won´t 'age' in SL and they usually only cost a few pence. Anything said so i only put one thing into: I want to see a new more complex permission system for SL. And please fix this bug where you loose mod rights on stuff you build yourself ! copy/mod/no transfer Monti :smileywink:
  7. Used it on release and it was fun back then. Now when i go dance it would kill the mood when talking "over" the music. When im working on things i even put the music off. Alot people love voice and keep asking to join but i´ve set mine off. Wanna talk to me ? You can have my phonenumber or MSN or Skype or ... no problem. Monti
  8. Agree to that. Restarts all over, day and night, but no real improvement that would explain them. If field tests are needed why not limit them to selected regions and do an update for the rest once a month. Well, Lindens really love this weekly deploys so i *zipppp it* Have a nice time, Monti
  9. Reden ? Also da gibt es nur die offiziellen Hotline-Nummern, auch eine für Deutschland. Allerdings bezweifle ich dass dich das weiterbringt. Sorry hab die gerade nicht bei der Hand aber sind sicher nicht soooo schwer zu finden. Hast du auch den spam-ordner gecheckt ? Manchmal gehen meine Linden-mails dorthin ohne dass ich weiß warum. Es wäre unüblich dass du ohne benachritigung gebannt wurdest aber nicht ist unmöglich ... Drücke dir die Daumen dass dein Problem schnell gelöst wird ! Gruß Monti
  10. Hi do you mean: list my_list = llParseString2List(my_string,["A", "a"],[""]); You have a list of separators, so you can provice upper- and lowercase in at same time. Monti
  11. I guess that is deep into scripting and you would have to discuss that with the script-maker. Sure you can skip one stage with a chat command or a HUD and you can show the needed time after the script calculated a random it ... but again to help you either you need to post the script and mark the important parts or discuss that with the scripter. Monti
  12. Didn´t you get a notice, email why they have been unlisted ? Sometimes it´s just a simple word or quite often last times it´s the wrong category. I know this is annoying especially if you have lots of goods - but thats the SLMarketplace rules :smileymad:
  13. Adding to Darkie; you say the times are random then it´s impossible or can only be a guess what will happen in ..10...15 minutes ? Monti
  14. Hello, first you could look under all the categories offered here and try to spot the right one. Or you click on the tab "Answers" left of the "Forums" one and just type it there... Good luck Monti Oups Brynn was faster, sorry
  15. If it is against how the group is run then a notice, that goes out to all VIPs too, is the wrong way and sure get you into troubles. Speak to the Owner/Manager/Office and tell them about your opinion. Shouting out things in public never does any good it only sounds like begging for attention.
  16. Well, because the owner of the prim is the "shop-owner". Without beeing offense it would be easier to have a place for separate boxes. If the amount of contents in a single box reach a certain limit you need to wait for hours to edit/add/remove items.
  17. Hello, for a few days now the "no-reply" emails from marketplace are in french :smileysurprised: The SL Client and homepage are set to english (even so thats not my native language). First i thought it´s the customers language. Anyway it´s no big problem just a little nuisance, so anyone having an idea to set this back to english? Thanks Monti
  18. Haven´t tried this but can you put several magic boxes into a "standard" prim ? The only need to do is about prim count. Either you have an army of alts or very limited prims :smileywink:
  19. A shape describes the measurements of your avatar: armlenght, headsize ..... There are no textures involved, its only numbers. Only skins use textures. Usually you get skins in different colors or makeups but never the textures to apply. It is premade skins to wear. The texture might be a photo of how the shape will look when you wear it? Greetings Monti
  20. Sind die Items - no transfer - und bei bestimmten Dingen - no copy - sollte der Händler kein Problem haben die Lieferung zu wiederholen. Normalerweise mache ich das dann ingame mit IM zur Bestätigung. Einige Händler haben Kioske an denen man einfach eine Ersatzlieferung beauftragen kann. Leider gibt es in SL wie in RL "böse Buben" die angebliche crashes ausnutzen und darunter müssen dann alle leiden. Grüße Monti
  21. Hallo, wichtig wäre herauszufinden woher die crashes kommen. Wenn and dem PC alles in Ordnung ist könntest du mal einen anderen SL Browser benutzen der besser mit deiner Hardware zusammenarbeitet. Grüße Monti
  22. Hello, have you tried other parcels on the same SIM and they worked ? Put the desired URLs into an external Music-Player like Winamp or Windows Media Player and see if its working there. Ask for SIM restart (probably allready done with the weekly restarts) Last, can others listen to the stream on your parcel ?
  23. Hello, have the person wear it and take a screen. Alot people here on the forums are fashion-addicts :smileywink: and can then point you to the shop or the Marketplace loaction.
  24. Sorry OT but sex-hud is your fav ? :smileyvery-happy:
  25. Gosh if its rollback then this is really awkward. Lindens are very straight if you ask them for a rollback even you provide a serious reason why.
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