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KarenMichelle Lane

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Everything posted by KarenMichelle Lane

  1. Well in SL it's easy to stack up objects. So to put movies "on" your black box, just rez them close to the Black Box and Edit / move [ with your grabbing tool ] them until they stack up nice. Now to put movies "in" your black box, ask the merchant that you purchased the black box from.
  2. Airon, Simple answer - Do not use any tools or methods to copy someone else's builds. This is not only a violation of the SL TOS it is also a DCMA Intellectual Property rights violation. If you like a land design and the layout of the buildings, you may do a similar design of you own on your own property. You can look at the buildings and see if they are available for sale. This way you can license the builds you like. If you like a specific design you have seen in SL,you may try to emulate it by trying building it yourself. Building is 1/2 the fun in SL as it is. To be sure you'll make your own adjustments when you layout your floor plan. Food for thought: A Cape Cod Cottage looks like a Cape Cod Cottage. The look is not per se protected.
  3. Try this, 1) If using Vista or Windows 7 - Go to the Network & Sharing Center and make sure that your Network Type at each connection option is not set to Public. Make it Home or Work. 2) Uninstall and/or turn off Trend-Micro and try it again. You can always reinstall it with your license information. 3) Also know that some modem/routers used to include a Trend Micro firmware feature that integrates with the Trend Micros software on your PC or Mac. So NOT recommended. I'm sure some of our Mac experts will be chiming in soon as well.
  4. 3rd Song request... ~ "Blood on the saddle" a la Disney Country Bear Jamboree ~ There was blood on the saddle and blood all around And a great big puddle of blood on the ground A cowboy lay in it all covered with gore And he never will ride any broncos no more Oh, pity the cowboy, all bloody and red For the bronco fell on him and bashed in his head There was blood on the saddle and blood all around And a great big puddle of blood on the ground
  5. This may be hard to believe, but this has been an ongoing issue since September 23 of last year! JIRA Link is below. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4154
  6. Rolig is spot on Pudenta, BTW - [P**** M****] has been selling these silly things for ages. There are many more of them available from other merchants as well in the MarketPlace and in-world. There are whole regions out there when people play with the more grievous of these toys because that's what they want to do. Go figure. Griefers in Training. Defenders in Training. He even sells the Defender version of these toys for 2 times as much. The scripts for doing these claimed things have been publicly available for as long as SL has been in operation. Many of them or similar scripts are employed in some advanced combat systems. Well designed combat systems allow for a degree of talent and skill in their use because level playing field competition is the goal with them. Using them in a grievous way is a TOS violation. This is a good time to remind people how to secure your parcel using just the standard SL options: ~ SECURING YOUR HOME SWEET HOME ~ WHAT YOU CAN DO AS A PARCEL OWNER [This works only if you were allowed to purchase the parcel as a part of the leasing process] Being smart in regards to your own parcel and region security pretty much renders all of these toys useless. Parcel Security Steps include: 1) Deeding your parcel to a Group you own then making sure the Security Options are all specified on the Land Settings and specifically overridden using the Roles and Abilities options in the Group. - About Land / General / [ Set ] / select the group to own the parcel / press [ OK ] - About Land / General / [X] Allow Deed to Group / [ Deed ] About Land / Options 2) Controlling who can Build on your parcel - About Land / Options / Allow other Residents to: / Build: [ ] Everyone [ X] Group 3) Controlling who can push objects [Object Entry] onto your parcel - About Land / Options / Allow other Residents to: / Object Entry: [ ] Everyone [ X] Group 4) [X] Safe (no Damage) - About Land / Options 5) [X] No Pushing (Region Override) - About Land / Options About Land / Access Normally you don't need to specify anything here unless you want to have ultimate privacy. In this case you can just limit access to your friends in your land group or update the Parcel access list 1) Don;t allow Public Access - About Land / Access / Uncheck - [ ] Allow Public Access (unchecking this will create ban lines) - About Land / Access [X] Allow Group Access: [group name will display here as a reminder what the land ownership group name is] ~ or ~ 2) Don;t allow Public Access - About Land / Access / Uncheck - [ ] Allow Public Access (unchecking this will create ban lines) 3) Update the Allowed Residents / Banned Residents lists manually
  7. I didn't get the memo about Firestorm... So i'll just stick to my unusual mode of operating in SL - Phoenix or SL3 - Weeeeeeeee :cattongue:
  8. Bonjour Melusine, Nous sommes les seuls volontaires assiting gens avec des questions. Voici le lien pour modifier votre profil. https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile Si vous n'êtes toujours pas en mesure de modifier votre profil à la nouvelle page Web, puis ... S'il vous plaît déposer une demande d'assistance avec "Linden Lab". https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  9. Head on over and take a look: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Second-Life-Marketplace/ta-p/700189 If you are thinking of creating and selling in the Marketplace read this: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193 giggles and yells "Jinx" with Roseysun
  10. Ivyta, Please don't panic. You need to call during the operational hours support is open. Contact Support Concierge Support Phone Numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 877.236.0711 Long Distance 703.286.2738 8am to Midnight PST, M-F; and 8am to 8pm PST Saturday and Sunday Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646
  11. Samarra, [Spoiler: Private Region Solution Only] First of all, you can not do split billing for any Private Region. Only a single contact avatar per organization is billed by Linden Research per Region or Estate. Therefore, my recommendation is to have your friend pay you the 1/2 amount due in equivalent Lindens which you will then sell to fund your USD balance for your region payment due LL. You, of course, must supply the remaining USDs. Now to the mechanics of parcel ownership... 1) make sure that that parcel is set for sale to her exclusively. You can sell it this way to her for L$0 2) Have her create a Land Group that she owns and make sure she has it as her current Group. 3) Have her World / About Land / Buy for Group Now the parcel is under her control. Note: Do remember, as the official owner of the Region you have full owner permissions and can assign her Estate Manager status to allow her to aid in managing your Virtual Home.
  12. Hell GBH, Yeah that is an annoying problem. Here are a few ways to fix this issue. 1) If you own the land directly - About Land / Options / Change the Teleport Routing to Anywhere. This allows you to TP in friends & partners to any place in the parcel at any height.
  13. ICY, The Online / Offline status process is amazingly complex. The server supporting the region that your friend is in at logout time needs to route a status message to each online friend that shows online front their friends list. All those transactions queue up and need to be forwarded via LL messaging servers to each online friend, wherever they are located in SL. On receipt, the server where you are standing will pass that transaction onto your viewer software and to you If either region is experiencing lag or the LL message servers are backlogged, or your internet connectivity is experiencing delays or packet loss this low priority transaction can be lost. Many times I find that my previously online friends have already logged off when I try to message them because their online status shows them still online. Don't read too much into a online / offline status. -
  14. Sami, I'm sorry, here at Answers we are not suppose to make specific recommendations on in-world products. You should post this questing in the people forum. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/bd-p/YourAvatar
  15. for all the current population.... and for those yet to visit our world...
  16. It's a shame you didn't actually ask that question in an open fashion.. Instead you filled this opening gambit with bitter thoughts and short alleys you want the conversation to wander down.... Lets try this again shall we?
  17. Parthenna, No. Paying with Lindens does not pass on your Account Real Life name to the Merchant. This is very simple. 1) If you have lindens on account and you purchase something from the Marketplace, at check out time, you have the option of paying with your 1) Lindens ~ or ~ 2) your PayPal account. 2) If you have lindens on account and you purchase something in-world at a scripted vendor object you only have the option of paying with your 1) Lindens ~ or ~ 2) a Merchant Gift Card ~ or ~ 3) a balance on account at that Merchants store. 3) If you have insufficient lindens on account and you attempt purchase something in-world at a scripted vendor object you will get the SL pop-up offering allow you to purchase additional Lindens with your payment method on file. Only after you have sufficient Lindens on account can you then retry to pay for the desired object in-world.. If you pay with Lindens, your purchase is registered with your Avatar Account Name and both your Transaction History and the Merchants Transaction History will reflect this. If you pay with PayPal, your PayPal Account Business & Real Name name is made available pursuant to the PayPal terms of service to the Transaction History for both you and the Merchant. Therefore if you require real life anonymity, please always make sure that you pay in Lindens. https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=en-US Please look at your Transaction History. You will probably find that you used the last default payment option and paid with a PayPal account at lease once for a particular item with that vendor. It is possible that your particular merchant has a high end customer database implemented. If you paid them just once with PayPal, then YOU associated your Avatar Account with your Real Life Name via that single transaction. I'm not sure that this is in anyway a violation of any LL Privacy Rules as long as they do not disclose this information publicly.
  18. Alecia Please follow this link to create a Support Case. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Be sure to select the appropriate categories and supply all pertinent information when documenting your issue. You normally log into your SecondLife.com account and then: 1) Select the Help drop-down Menu 2) Select Support History 3) Scroll down and select the Submit a Support Case option on the right side.
  19. I Googled your problem and came up with this link to an old issue using Phoenix: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/PHOE-788 Someone suggested "It can happen if you have voice chat enabled but no voice executable installed. Try turning voice chat off from the Preferences window." ..still looking for other solutions P.S. - Can you please post the exact error message and what viewer you are using as well as your PC and internet connectivity information. We need PC name & Model information, Your Graphics Card information, We know your OS is Windows Vista and we would like to know how you are connected to the Internet. Launch your viewer and do not try to login. Go to HELP and then the About SecondLife. Please copy to the clipboard and then paste it in a update to your question. Thank You. by jolie Lupindo on 07-12-2012 07:47 PM My laptop is Vista home premium 64.. My connection is wireless ( which I never had any problem to log into SL before)... I am using SL beta and firestorm and both have the same blank SL and on top it says " connection refused" and now I get the typical message saying " Login failed, despite our best efforts, something unexpected had gone wrong. Please check the grid to see if there is any problem and if you continue to have this issue please check your firewall or network. I have checked and rechecked and re rechecked my firewall and network. And I still have the same problem! OK - lets have you try a "wired" Connection for now and please do a clean install of the current released version of SL3. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 Please post your results.
  20. But if wee didn't have Bad Habits, how would we know that Good Habits ones were really good?
  21. Daika, If the previous Region Owner has defaulted on his payments to Linden Lab, you have to file a Support Case immediately detailing this information in the report. You also need to be available as LL will many times arrange for a temporary re-activation of an island to allow tenants to recover their items during a short window of time. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Your Lindens you paid in good faith are lost. You have no recourse except to IM the previous land owner / Landlord to ask for a refund. Don't hold your breath however. This falls into the area of a Resident / resident Dispute and LL will not get involved except in the case of demonstrated fraud.
  22. I'm so sorry for all the little poo presents my kitty leaves in your Japanese Sand Garden... :cattongue:
  23. Harry, Lag is incredibly complicated - A slow PC will see lag even with a fast GC.
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