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KarenMichelle Lane

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Everything posted by KarenMichelle Lane

  1. Casey, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/IM The limit is 25. When a Resident is offline, up to 25 messages will be stored and delivered at the next login. This limit includes inventory offers, group notices, group invitation and IMs. All messages above this limit will be capped and not delivered. However, there is an IM to Email feature, which sends offline messages directly to the mailbox connected to your account. To activate it, go to Edit > Preferences (or press Ctrl-P), go to the Communication tab and check the Send IM to Email checkbox. Press Apply and close the window with OK. When an offline message is received via Email, this message can also be answered via Email again. These mails will be converted back to IM and sent to the right Resident. Note that the Email to IM feature expires 5 days after the receival of the IM. Messages sent afterwards won't be received anymore. Also note that the length of properly delivered Email replies is limited to 1023 bytes/single-byte characters. Messages exceeding this limited will be truncated to fit the limit. Advance Information When using the IM to Email feature do understand that the IMs from individuals and groups with attachments always follow the 25 message cap rule. Even if you see the message later in your email. After 25 messages [in-world capped state] those attachments are lost to you. In the case of an attachment from a Group you are a member of, the attachment can later be retrieved from the Group Info page under the Notices tab. Simply look for the notice from the date it was sent and then you can manually request the attachment. In the case of an attachment sent to you by an individual, please contact that individual the next time you are in-world and ask for the item again explaining that you got capped. For purchases from the MarketPlace, always be sure to be logged in or at worst, log in immediately to allow the purchase to be received if sent by the old Magic Box system. The new MarketPlace system sends purchases directly to your inventory into a special folder. YAY! Lastly, you can also set your preferences to automatically accept attachments. In this case though, you have to keep cleaning your inventory to stay ahead of the plethora of Club Invite LMs, various free [junk] items etc. Regarding No Messages Showing Up at Login Time. Please let us know which SecondLife viewer you are using. You may have inadvertently set an advanced option in FireStorm or Phoenix as an example which has sheltered you from seeing messages in the Public Chat channel. ::edited: to add Advance Topic Information
  2. Don, I took a look at your profile for clues and all I can think of is that this business owner has a policy, stated or unstated, in regards to avatar accounts less that a month old. Still you may have broken some other scripted detection policy as well. Those that I know about are: 1) Being able to respond too quickly to a Magic Chair letter 2) Active in the zone for more than 24 hours 3) A pattern of popping into the zone and collecting a win and then popping away quickly. All these behaviors are red flags to free zone operators.
  3. This was answered in the following link a few months ago... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/How-to-start-a-charity-event/qaq-p/1535283 Also be wary of in-world promoters that offer to host or arrange your charitable event on your behalf. As in the real world, many if not most of these individuals are out to promote themselves, not your cause. An in-world promoter with a real life business that has the licenses and reputation for this kind of work may be trustworthy but always do your homework. Please also read this article about all the scams that have started since this tragedy. http://consumerist.com/2012/12/17/scammers-spammers-try-to-cash-in-on-sandy-hook-shootings/ Working as a private funds collection effort with an established charity is the best way to proceed. ::edited: for Spelling errors
  4. Charley, I'm sorry you are having issues with your PC and the SecondLife Viewer. If you would please give us specific information like: 1) Your PC Make and Model and upgrades you may have made to it. 2) Your Internet Service Provider and the speeds you are achieving. 3) Which Viewer you are using. Pasting the results of the About [Viewer] option from the help drop-down menu here will help us help you.
  5. Você precisa ligar para o seu provedor de serviços de Internet. Você está perdendo "pacotes IP". Além disso, não use uma conexão sem fio ao seu PC ou laptop.
  6. Purple is so totally my favorite color! OK - look here and follow the suggestions in this forum: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?filter=location&location=qanda-board%3Asla_technical&q=pink
  7. Easiest way - Search for it in the Dashboard Search Feature. Hits will show you a Region result. Example below.
  8. When using a 3rd party exchange, always always test your ability to receive lindens in-world with a test transaction 1st - A small transaction. - Especially if you opened the account with a different avatar account than you currently use. I no longer use 3rd party exchanges because of inconsistent performance.
  9. As well as Rolig's excellent answer if you still have this issue, try this weird trick: 1) Install one of the text only viewers 2) Login on a quiet or relatively empty region like Violet 3) Immediately go to the Current Outfit folder and remove all your attached objects, hair included. 4) Logout ~~~~ Then try to relog using the main Viewer [in a private area since you are most likely nude] and put on only trusted source skins, hair and clothes. I had put on a gift hair product from a stranger [turned out it had weird scripts in it] several years back that took my session down and my friends as well.
  10. Riff, We're you told the Chromebook has a real Operating System? It;s in the same class as a iPad or Android based Tablet. It runs off of applettes from of all places Google. Enough said? I use Metabolt & Radegast on my low end PCs with excellent results.
  11. Slarrry, Yes there are Groups of many Native American tribes and associations in SecondLife. Pop on in and do some keyword searching using the terms you are looking for. e.g. "Apache" or Native American" or "Hopi" - You'll get a number of groups and LMs to locations either selling American Indian goods and/or groups offering American West and Earlier experiences. I attended a beautiful Native American Indian wedding replete with the couples fire walk together under a woven blanket, with traditional offerings to the spirits and gifts to the wedding couple.
  12. That specific hair style is either a 20's [think flapper] style or a 60's [pageboy] style. You need to visit one of the Vintage Look stores to find it. Unfortunately, hair designers don;t always use the first name associated with a particular hair style. The whole look is not unlike the Monokini look of 1964. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jiriruzek_net_2010_Vinohrady.jpg The hair band looks like something a Flapper or Flower Child would wear. - Try... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PinkieHippie-Look/2466006 for the hair band teamed with any quality hair from a reputable merchant. Use Blonde Hair as the search term in MarketPlace. Tuty's also sells hair in-world - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/93753 In-World: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ubunil/185/157/1004/
  13. Por favor, conte-nos sobre o seu computador e seu serviço de internet. Isso vai nos ajudar a saber como ajudá-lo.
  14. OKies... Right-click on that black splotch and select edit - then detach it. You may have worn an object that was designed to be seen by your Viewer HUD - That will remove it from view. It may be legit but for some reason it is oriented incorrectly for your viewer session. (( <----- gets out the monitor cleaner and does my magic... ))
  15. You know........ I've been looking behind the curtains to see if "The Matrix" is really here but the performance is just not there. [solution: Everyone pony up .22 cents please] - Sorry, tongue very much in cheek. The System is not out to get ya - LOL The answers before my post cover it perfectly..
  16. Here you go... http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/19/patterns-could-be-the-next-minecraft A new offering from the LL team so to speak.. If there's one thing Linden Labs has always been good at, it's giving their users tools and setting them free. The studio did this with the long-running Second Life, and are now attempting it again with the studio's new game, Patterns. Outside of that core design philosophy, though, Patterns bears absolutely no resemblance to the studio's prior work. Patterns isn't about creating an alter ego and living a new life in a world similar to our own, it's about taking control of your creativity and using it to help determine the future of the game's development. Patterns wants to set free the architects among us and see what they can make, and embrace the child-like side in all of us that still remembers what it's like to play. (( Yells "Jinx" to Peggy - ))
  17. Simon, That looks so familiar. OKies, If using an older AMD/ATI or nVidia card, please do this, uncheck [ ] Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects Some older GCs did not implement this feature well. While you are at it also uncheck [ ] Anisotropic Filtering (slower when enabled) ** wink wink.
  18. Yann, Start with a clean install this time... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 This should help if clearing the cache doesn't work
  19. 우리는 Google 번역을 사용하여 한국어를 이해할 수있다. 그거면 될까요? "SecondLife"에 대한 질문을 작성하시기 바랍니다.
  20. Answered in the original post in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/hi-can-you-help-me-out-i-m-having-trouble-telleporting-back-to/qaq-p/1757589
  21. Answered in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/hi-can-you-help-me-out-i-m-having-trouble-telleporting-back-to/qaq-p/1757589
  22. Duplicate of - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/hi-can-you-help-me-out-i-m-having-trouble-telleporting-back-to/qaq-p/1757593 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/hi-can-you-help-me-out-i-m-having-trouble-telleporting-back-to/qaq-p/1757593 First - Please don;t pose multiple requests for help! Next, if you suspect that your region is "down" or "Offline" open a Support Case with Linden Lab Use this link: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ You say you are having problems teleporting back to your region. OK when said this way, we all assume that you can login successfully - Is this correct? Please edit your question here by selecting the Option Down Arrow and select Edit Question and add the response to my question.
  23. Congratulations, Please read and become familiar with the following information. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-Private-Regions/ta-p/700115 This gives you the basics... Basically you'll be reclaiming all the parcels and returning all the objects. After that is done, you can use Edit Terrain to join all the parcels together and then start to teraform you new island.
  24. If you bid L$370, you won. Congratulations and are now the proud owner of 2 mainland parcels. The one next to the one you put a bid in for ~AND~ the one you won the bidding war for. Remember your monthly tiers are now set for the total size of these 2 parcels combined.
  25. Uno, Always be sure that you include the complete Music URL when updating your Land Music URL field. Test using these well know and established Music Sources: o Slow Radio (Love Songs & Easy Listening) - Love/Romance, Easy Listening, Pop http://streams.slowradio.com/mp3/128 o America's First 80s Station - STAR 107.9 If you are told that the station feed is using a SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Server, you can check its status by using any web viewer and pasting the stream feed into the Address bar. The station current status will display if it is up and running. Standard IP Address are always 4 numeric numbers separated by a period formatted as follows - nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Please notice that IP addresses and URLs can optionally end with a specific port number - This is the ":10001" part of the URL address. In fact, all URL addresses utilize a port. If a specific port is not provided then :80 is the defaulted value. Formatted as follows- nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn{colon}ppppp or blah.something.com{colon}pppp Alphabetic URLs are translated into numeric IP addresses by your SL Media Player using DNS Servers. I hope this clarifies things. If both of these test URLs work, then the one you were supplied is just not functional. Radio Stations change their streaming providers all the time.
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