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KarenMichelle Lane

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Everything posted by KarenMichelle Lane

  1. Now if you want help with your lack of ability to log into SecondLife, please update your post with the message you are receiving. This way we can help you further. However, should the world end tonight please note that a response may be a long time coming.... Take 2 Prozac and call us in the moirning!
  2. Please also read... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mac-and-Linux-General/Window-creation-error-starting-viewer-with-nVidia-driver-195-36/td-p/308361 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mac-and-Linux-General/Window-Creation-error-Ubuntu-10-04/td-p/163494 These can possibly help...
  3. Chaos, You can't sell or resell your Linden Home. It is not yours to sell. You may abandon your Linden Home parcel and select another Linden Home that suits your needs or you may apply your 512sqm parcel allowance to the purchase of a parcel on the mainland. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103 Specifically: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103#Section_.3 Of course if you mean your home located on Cyprus Creek in Linden, Tenessee then contact a local realtor. http://www.lindentnrealestate.com/
  4. Regions where traffic is low and slow - Violet - Waterhead - Aich - Hatton
  5. Dog, When you install SL it installs a MIME/Protocol instruction in your Registry. The protocol that needs to be defined per each internet browser you have is named .Secondlife. This instructs the browser as to what program to launch when you click on a SLURL link on a webpage. It appears that the install of your the SL viewer of choice failed to create this protocol in your PC registry. Try to re-install your viewer to have it correct this issue.
  6. Duplicate of http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/Sim-Blocked/qaq-p/1774303
  7. Stair, It should... Do you have the 32-bit compatibility environment installed? Can you share what error messages you are receiving? https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/ Specific to your situation: Linux Minimum Requirements Recommended Internet Connection*: Cable or DSL Cable or DSL Operating System: A reasonably modern 32-bit Linux environment is required. If you are running a 64-bit Linux distribution then you will need its 32-bit compatibility environment installed. A reasonably modern 32-bit Linux environment is required. If you are running a 64-bit Linux distribution then you will need its 32-bit compatibility environment installed. Computer Processor: 800 MHz Pentium III or Athlon, or better 1.5 GHz or better Computer Memory: 512MB or more 1 GB or more Screen Resolution: 1024x768 pixels 1024x768 pixels or higher Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600, or better OR ATI Radeon 8500, 9250, or better ATI: 4850, 4870 OR NVIDIA: 9600, 9800
  8. Burgundie Here are the possibilities about what happened to your items. 1) If they were rezzed on a LL Sandbox then after a specified amount of time they will be returned to your Lost and Found folder Please look for them there. 2) If they were rezzed on a parcel not owned by you, then the parcel owner may have returned them to you in-bulk and they will be found in your Lost and Found folder. Sometimes they will be grouped together as a coalesced object. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_retrieve_coalesced_items 3) If they were rezzed on a Parcel/Region you owned then follow all the steps in this link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Finding-lost-objects-and-attachments/ta-p/1316943 LL Server Updates do not rollback regions. A rollback to an earlier state needs to be requested by a Region owner. What can happen is that a Region may have its Server Code Level backed out to a previous version. In rare instances this can affect rezzed objects. Usually you will see a notice from LL stating that you should minimize the rezzing of non-copy objects when a problem is active.
  9. Chiara, I have looked at your Profile in SL and it displays correctly. You need to do on2 the the following: 1) Clear all you caches using the Viewer Cache Clearing options. 2) Perform a Clean install of your Viewer - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231
  10. Califlower, You are using a Satellite Internet Service provider. It has been my experience with many friends that this is a very hit-or-miss way to communicate to SL. Here is why: 1) SecondLife is one of the most communications intensive applications you will ever use. - Rendering of Regions is being performed on your PC and all the information comes from LL Servers as you move about. Each new Region you enter needs to be sent to you. - Your position and viewing direction in the world is transmitted to LL Servers constantly. The status of your Avatar is also coordinated via the SL Viewer. 2) Satellite Communications to consumers does drop a lot of packets. Usually this is corrected by a retransmission of the dropped packet. However, the SL Viewer may no longer care about late arriving or out of sequence packets of information as it may have moved to another rendering activity by the time it arrives. - If this is part of an Inventory list this can be disastrous. My friends needed to get on the phone with the Satellite Internet service support staff several times until their connections were operating at the best possible speed and reliability possible. Even with this, SL reliability is still iffy using this communications method.
  11. Tug, Mainland land sales are all final. You are now the owner of this parcel. Your choices are to: 1) Abandon it [losing your Lindens used in the purchase cost] 2) Sell it quickly at a discount. If you own it across the tier due date you are going to be charged the monthly tier rate. Also remember to reset your tier contribution level back to the default value after disposing of the parcel.
  12. Pheonix, 1) Take 2 aspirins for your headache. 2) Please upgrade to the latest version of Firestorm using the clean install method. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall 3) Test your editing capabilities in-world again. Let us know how it is working now.
  13. Look here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-conhecimento/Guia-r%C3%A1pido-do-Second-Life/ta-p/1246331
  14. Bee, Essa placa de vídeo tecnologia chipset é mais de 8 anos de idade. Para executar SL você vai precisar de um cartão de vídeo mais recentes. https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/
  15. JWow, 1) Unpack the AO from it's container box. Rez the box and select Open. Then Copy to Inventory. 2) Look for the new Folder in your Inventory - It will have the same name as the rezzed box. 3) Attach it. It will be placed on your HUD in the default location for that brand AO. Read the included instruction NC in the package folder before proceeding...
  16. Firestorm has a chat anti-spam setting. It is off by default. You can access these settings as follows: Preferences / Firestorm / Protection Uncheck - [ ] Enable Spam Protection Also make sure that you Preferences / Chat / Firestorm Uncheck - [ ] Disable ALL Group Chats
  17. Doc, Another possibility is that you may have a griefing object on your parcel spawning objects, thus filling up your parcel. If this seems to be the case doe the following: 1) Preferences / World / Parcel Details / Options / - uncheck [ ] Everyone in the Build & Object Entry fields. 2) Preferences / World / Parcel Details / Objects / - Set the Auto return to 1 [minute] to cause all intruding objects remaining to be returned in 60 seconds. This sends the objects in the parcel that are not owned by you or your land group back, including the original griefer object.
  18. Shhhhhhhhh. The answer is "yes"! Newer Win8 PC's with high end Graphic Cards with Win8 certified Video Drivers are working. Older PC's with legacy video cards may have some issues. For my money, bypass Win8 and wait for Win9.
  19. Dear Spit, I'm sure you can find a culture here into the Dolcett phenomena and experience. I got 103 hits when doing a search on "Dolcett" so that community is alive here in SecondLife. Mind you because of the subject matter you will need to be Adult Verified to visit most of the venues. Please take some time to learn about SL - these tutorials are recommended. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 & http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-restricted-content/ta-p/700021 Also, you'll probably want to invest in a higher priced skin and other visual aids like body makeup tattoos to round out your experience. Good luck!
  20. Scardog, I'm making the jump that that text is seen in the script error window. It sounds like the script that this "Vendor" object is using has a few bugs. SL Server Code and SL Viewer code has protections build in to prevent repetitive activities that will cause a region to perform poorly and/or crash. Read more below. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Scripting/The-Grey-Goo-Fence/td-p/458685 Did you write the script? ~ or ~ Are you trying to interact with a Vendor object? Please give us some more details in regards to how you receive this message. Just click on the options drop-down menu item to the right of your question and select Edit Question to add more information. If you are writing and testing this script, please post the query in the following forum for help. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/bd-p/LSLScripting
  21. Mr. Krystian, On a parcel you own and manage where the visitors expect an Adult Earful Musically, you can play almost any music you wish. I DJ as one of my careers in SL and the Mature Clubs love the racy music selections occasionally. If you are going to advertise your club to the general population of SecondLife, then make sure they all know that Mature Entertainment will be heard at it. With Music with Very Explicit lyrics you may want to have a disclaimer in your event announcement. Remember, some sound entertainment has specific prohibitions in the LL TOS, specifically Hate Speech and the like.
  22. Michaela, There are in fact names that are no longer allowed [aka banned] in SecondLife. As far as I can tell, this is not officially documented as to why. My own name "KarenMichelle" was banned from further use back in the days of First & Last name selection. I wanted to get an Alt avatar named with my 1st name and the same name as my then SL Partner which was still being offered. - In all cases "KarenMichelle" as a 1st name was on the no longer allowed list. After chatting with many Lindens about this, and that was when there were a lot of them to chat with, I was told off the record that name retirement does indeed occur but none ever told m the criteria for a 1st name being added to the list All I can say is try contacting LL through the official channels about this to see if any solution is available. P.S. I will say being the only KarenMichelle in all of SL does have its advantages
  23. Whoever told you that, please make a note in their profile that they are a Joker. Too funny.
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