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KarenMichelle Lane

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Everything posted by KarenMichelle Lane

  1. Here is Torley's QuickTip article & video on this feature: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tips-and-Tricks/QUICKTIP-The-Quickest-Way-to-Teleport-Where-You-Can-See/ba-p/892143 Happy Double-clicking. P.S. Many 3rd Party Viewers have this implemted as well. Firestorm - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRc4ZMfHjrs Phoenix - http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix_preferences_tab Imprudence - http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/Imprudence:Features#Navigation_.2F_Teleport
  2. Once you deed a mainland parcel to a group, the group members who have donated some % of their land tier level fee sqm allocations to the group are totally responsible for the mainland parcel. If you as the Owner left the group, you have no rights to the land any further. If all members of the group who donated some % of their land tier level fee sqm allocations have left the group then the parcel will fall in arrears soon. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079 HOWEVER Sooner or later the creator/founder of the group will be contacted by LL when the paid to land use fees due from the owning group are found to be in arrears. This is seen as Excess Group Land. Excess group land If at any time a group owns more land than they have land contributions for, Linden Lab contacts the founder of the group. Groups members must contribute more land tier credits to the group or release land within 72 hours, or the group risks losing some of their land. I'd start now by filing a Support Case with LL ASAP. NOTE: If the group has any remaining members in it with the Owner Role, or if you created a Role that allows members in that Role to assign Roles beyond their own, contact them to have yourself added back to the group as an owner. NOTE: If your group is devoid of members, it will also be scrubbed [deleted] from SL use soon. Unfortunately, once this happens,it can never be used by anyone again.
  3. Look here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Es gibt Chat-Anwendungen für Android & iPhone.
  4. You access it the same way as your primary avatar. 1) Launch your viewer. 2) Type in the ALTs Name [ ????????? ] Password [ password ] and login. Note: Other Viewers may require this format - First Name:[ ????????? ] Last Name [ Resident ] Password [ password ] 3) Wait for the new avatar to complete it's initialization and then start spiffying it up
  5. Kitty Management Tool Solution to prevent future accidents...
  6. Kimber, The MeeRoos in the Linden Lab Data Center grabbed them and are nesting in them in the yard outside.... Charolotte & TK are both right. Relogging will grab them back and place them in your Receive Folder. ... Bad MeeRoos - Bad Bad... Maybe I'm being too harsh. The MeeRoos are actually helping to fix the problems. Thank you Valerie for the update! :cattongue:
  7. Lisha, OKies we found your mind under the pile clearing your caches made. Per Valerie - LL I fixing things.....again. Hang in there!
  8. Seu marido provavelmente deeded a parcela de terra para o grupo. Se ele [X] marcou a opção "Lista de Pesquisa" a opção - você está pagando 1.2 do L $ 30 taxa / semana. Se a sua terra não é para negócio, desmarque esta opção como segue: About Land / Options / [ _ ] List in Search
  9. Helen, If you purchased the new skin and put it on, then remove all your other avatar layer articles of clothing AND any prim attachments also. The easiest way to do this is via the Current Outfit folder in your inventory. Be sure to remove any "Tattoo" layer items as well. P.S. - You did rez your new skin package in-world, Unpack / Copy it to your inventory and then right-clicked on it and selected wear? Yes?
  10. KarenMichelle Lane [aka DJ Divinity] cues up the song "I'll Be Watching You" by The Police. All the answers are spot on Ana. Not to worry, this is Social Networking a la SecondLife. You can totally control if people who find you interesting are allowed to follow your updates by updating your MySecondLife settings.
  11. Oh good. I wonder if this last "server rollout" was to correct the Age Checking Update from yesterday? @ Valerie - TMI - TMI - * giggles * /me whispers: [what fun places are you being naughty at?]
  12. Here is a Wiki article on this topic http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Music_streams This list was compiled a while ago and a few of the URLs may be no longer valid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To update your parcels Music URL follow these steps for the SL3 Viewer: 1) Right-Click on the parcel somewhere and select About Land / Sound 2) Copy and Paste the Radio station URL&Port into the Music URL field. Ta Da!!! :catsurprised: - Music! Enjoy
  13. This is such a weird issue. I use both the Phoenix & SL3 Viewers - This has been happening for quiet a while. I've made it a habit to log onto both viewers at the end of my online day/evening to make sure all my messages are viewed. I've not seen any pattern as to why some messages only can be seen with the official SL3 Viewer.
  14. It seems some rolling restarts are happening... Try again in a few minutes. Also, if you can also post the exact error message you are getting it woudl help us to further aide you. Updated] Second Life Main Channel Rolling Restart Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 [updated 5:26am PDT, 10 July 2012] We will be beginning rolling restarts for regions on the main Second Life server channel shortly Posted 2:35pm PDT, 09 July 2012] We will be performing rolling restarts for regions on the main Second Life server channel. They will begin on Tuesday, July 10th at approximately 5:00AM PDT. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects, making inworld L$ transactions and remember to save all builds. Try again in a few minutes or login onto another region rather than your default.
  15. It seems some rolling restarts are happening... Try again in a few minutes. Also, if you can also post the exact error message you are getting it woudl help us to further aide you. Updated] Second Life Main Channel Rolling Restart Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 [updated 5:26am PDT, 10 July 2012] We will be beginning rolling restarts for regions on the main Second Life server channel shortly.
  16. Paco, This is a Resident / Resident dispute. Linden Lab will not get involved in this unless it involves a clear case of fraud. You say you purchased a [big Property] of land. Do you mean a Parcel? If you do, then the owner of the Region may have published a Covenant with the rules that you as a tenant have to follow. Many Region Owners do not allow re-selling or sub-letting of parcels. Also, if the land is located on a Private Region then all you did was buy the parcel in order to have it placed in your possession. You still have to pay the expected weekly or monthly lease amount to the owners. Please check the covenant in effect on that region for details. Many Region Owners indicate that a violation of the Rules in their Covenant will result in immediate eviction with no refund. This is why you need to read a Covenant 1st and ask questions before leasing. Not afterwards. Private Region owners always have access to all their leased parcels. If you were locked out for no reason then just move on and make sure you and the next parcel owner you lease from see eye-to-eye on your plans for the parcel. Next, you can't move around? Why? Scripting has nothing to do with your ability to move.
  17. Gergthor, Please describe any messages you are getting. Possible Quick Fix: 1) Since many people are behind in applying updates to their Windows PCs and especially to Internet Explorer, try installing an alternate Internet Browser like Google Chrome or Firefox. 1a) When you get time, DO run the Windows Update or Microsoft Updates and apply all Important and applicable Optional updates.
  18. Ricky, Have you tried using the Destinations Guide of SL? https://secondlife.com/destinations?lang=en-US Is is also accessible from the SL3 viewer. As for free clothing, head to the Marketplace and select the Apparel option then the 0-10 Linden Price range. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ Enjoy
  19. Perri, We are just volunteers here in Answers. Assuming all age related criteria [avatar & real life] are met, then your player will need to open a Support Case with LL. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Perhaps you have the exact no access message they are receiving so we may advise you further. P.S. Important - please edit your question and remove the avatar name you included. P.S.S. Oh Well - Since we have her name I looked up her profile and don't see any particular reason for her to be banned from your G Rated Region. We'll need the exact access denied message she is receiving.
  20. What an interesting development. To be sure this will save LL some pocket change. Payment Provider Services have been looking for ways to charge more for their services, especially here in the US. I imagine that the various 3rd party services that LL used to query for proof of age status started to become less product differentiated and more expensive to utilize if you didn't also use one of their mainline payment processing products. A number of my real world clients have been making credit processor changes due in part to the new regulations passed by congress a few years back. The pricing of these services has been rising as a result.
  21. Harry, What GC are you planning to purchase? Your Amd Anthlon X2 64 4200 is a very old PC - circa 2005. You would be better served by purchasing a new PC.
  22. Bitte führen Sie eine "saubere" Neuinstallation. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 Haben Sie versucht, mit einer alternativen Betrachter?
  23. Viewer 3 Instructions: 1) Select the People Button 2) at the bottom press the Options Gear and then select the Show Blocked Residents & Objects option 3) Locate the blocked object in the list 4) Unblock it. Ta Da!!!!! :catsurprised: P.S. - Yeah, this option is NOT in the most conspicuous place.
  24. Really? The uninstall is missing from the Programs Control Panel? ~ or ~ is it just "Borked" Since the Emerald viewer does not integrate deeply into Windows at all, force deleting the directory in the Program Files directory is safe to do. Then use a good Registry cleaner to remove any last broken registry links. Once that is done you can use the Tools option of a product like Spybot Search & Destroy to remove the no longer useful Emerald Software uninstall.
  25. Way 1 - You logged onto your Avatar account from their PC and forgot that the default option to save the password is turned on with several TPVs. Way 1a - They have on of those password memorizing utilities for folks that hate to remember their passwords and you used their PC to login in once to SL. Way 2 - They really know your password. Way 3 - They really know YOU. [Guessing is easy when some kind of knows you well] Way 4 - They've created incredibly complicated password intercept software using the directions found on a slip of paper dropped by a Russian Mafia member. Way 5 - The SL server code totally screwed up and mis-directed the Avatar Updates to the wrong PC & Mac Address on your home network.. Way 6 - You shared a password with a really trusted friend in SL who you have never met. Or worst, you created a password named "password" or some such simple thing. Pick the most likely...:cattongue: P.S. Vanilla's postulation is interesting however I believe this shows up when your session disconnects [either by you or a error on the PC] and your avatar stays in-world "disconnected" from a session. In this case subsequent login attempts then force the avatar offline and you can connect again afterwards or the avatar remains locked in-world - In that case until either a in-world time-out or in the worst case, a region restart is needed. You did say they just rezzed next to you in-world yes?
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