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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I also have several alts, whose activities, in addition to being quite limited, also only occur in-world. One of them is a tree as well. I use the others for testing, for extensive avatar shape and skin trials, and for falling from great heights. I also made them all premium. They give me their tier and stipends because they are helpless before my beguiling will.
  2. It used to be beauty sleep. Now it's keep-myself-alive sleep. Sometimes I say to myself "I'd like to go back to being 25 years old, knowing everything I know now." But then, this hard won wisdom kicks in and I realize I'd have a hard time fitting in with people my own age.
  3. Also, at least in my case, the ability to stay up really late, having fun.
  4. While this would be a handy feature, there is no way to get this with a script.
  5. In planar texture mapping mode, the units are texture repeats per half meter. You could use llGetTextureScale to get what the current texture scale is for each relevant face, and then, when scaling your house (object) use some math to modify them by the object scale factor. This is already complicated, but it will get more complicated when used in an object where some faces are default and some are planar. Even after that, you may have some offset(s) issues where edges and corners meet that I don't think scripting can fix. We seriously need llEyeballTextureAlignment().
  6. What is the functional goal of having the user cause these changes in HUD element scale, position and rotation?
  7. I'm afraid that in the old forums, when I did post, or participate, I may have seemed a bit businesslike, reserved, or sterile, in my efforts to avoid drama. I tended to steer calmly away from rocks I perceived in the forums. It was, early in my SL, also how I approached being in-world. I became close with only a few people, some of whom with which I am still friends. I rarely ventured outside the borders of that realm. Since those times I have become less shy; bolder in all my explorations and interactions. I'm a lot less introverted than I used to be. This change has also occurred in my real life, whether as a result of my socializing in SL or of just getting older I don't know. I believe SL has been good for me and for my life. If you are reading this, there's a good chance that in some way, you have been a part of that, probably transparently, maybe unwittingly, certainly vitally.
  8. It occurs to me that it could be an awful lot of work. Or did each of the subforums have its own mod?
  9. I'm happy with it too. I'm posting more than I used to. Partly because of the improvements to it, partly because of all you quality people, who have always been here, and partly because one of you in particular once told me I should post and participate more. So, I am.
  10. If you unlike something you've liked, I wonder if it subtracts 1 from the reputation of the relevant forumite.
  11. What effective measures does LL have to protect its customers when it comes down to an individual who repeatedly circumvents muting/blocking with a ceaseless series of alt accounts? Are even IP bans effective against a determined social parasite?
  12. On the marketplace, in the comments section of a review, perhaps you can ask for assistance from another customer in getting it working again.
  13. I just now noticed the difference between the avatar badge thingies Of Maddie and Snugs. It's obviously a complex relationship.
  14. This is a nonsense post. It's getting dusky outside. I'm about to have dinner. Tomorrow is Friday.
  15. Officially, alcoholic beverages are not allowed. We make do with concessions. As it turns out, a vanagon camper (weekender) is ideal for taking a family of four to a drive-in, as long as we park in the back somewhere.
  16. Newberg Oregon. We have vineyards all over the place. And a drive-in cinema.
  17. Also make sure your friend is trying to get this thing to work on land in which he has the ability to run scripts.
  18. Sometimes I forget how many brilliant people there are, always making cool things in SL.
  19. Why on Earth would they make the houses phantom? A part of demoing a house is to see that (if) the house's physics are well done. I suppose you could enable that metadata rendering, but it's no substitute for standing on the floor and making sure you're standing on the floor.
  20. I'll get wild and make welsh rarebits sometimes. At the moment I'm exploring non-dairy dietary options.
  21. Demos that self delete after a set period of time. I'm going to have a bunch of animations I might want to test against a demo. What if I get a phone call? What if the door bell rings? What if my toast is done toasting and I want to put peanut butter and honey on it while it's still hot? What if I just want to take my time looking in the mirror?
  22. I like that my login cookie is so sticky. It's as if it's full of caramel bits.... and I guess preservatives.
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