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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. And the beaters and the bowl and a hug around your neck but only cause I love you a bushel and a peck.
  2. Go to bed tonight on time and don't run with scissors. I'll bake you some cookies tomorrow.
  3. Wow! I just noticed, just a few minutes ago! I can start paragraphs with an indent and they are actually indented after I post. This is awesome! It's so great. But I have to write a lot because i need a few more sentences to make a decently sized paragraph to make the actual indent more evident. No, that was not an intentional attempt at rhyme. It was just happenstance. This will make my foruming experience all the more pleasant than it was before. Now I don't have to worry so much about being frustracted by how the first word of every paragraph is (was) crowding up against the margin as if it's (was) afraid of all the other words. No longer will I post something and worry I will look like I don't know how to write. I won't feel lazy because I couldn't look up how to add indents using forum software that didn't support wysiwyg. Thank you LL, for this improved experience writing and communicating with all my fellow Second Life® residents. That reminds me. A superscript function would be a superaddition. LL FTW.
  4. It's one of our great ironies. We pay money for feet torture. I actually avoid heels for the most part. Special occasions sometimes will warrant a few hours of metatarsal compression therapy.
  5. You must do roller derby, or ice skating. I'll just call you "Iron Ankles" from now on.
  6. We need a "like this a lot" button.
  7. I like how saltine crackers and paper towels have something in common, other than color or shape. I make up words a lot. I talk to myself a lot. I mean, like, conversations. Most of the time, there are no arguments. I've always been an introvert. But I'm getting better. I still have a tendency to keep to myself at parties or other large gatherings of people, I just feel much less weird toward myself about it. I don't follow sports at all. On the off chance I happen to be watching a game, any game, like, suddenly, sitting around, I'll look up and there is a game on, I usually root for whoever is behind. I used to have terrible, atrocious, illegible handwriting. I always felt it was because my brain shot the words toward my hand faster than it could write them, so it operated like a bureaucrat, pretending to do the job, but actually accomplishing nothing. Not even I could read it, half the time. Then my kids went to school and learned penmanship. I thought it would probably be a good idea to learn what they were learning, be a good role model, and avoid potentially confusing them. I succeeded in metering the words. Maybe I built a buffer in my brain. In any case, now I write like a third grader. I prefer fake bacon. Not vegan, just.. the stuff that's chopped and formed and colored with... Never mind, just pretend I didn't write that. I never knew what rap (the music) stood for, as an acronym, until just a few months ago. I don't consider tomatoes to be either a fruit or a vegetable. I hold them to be in a single delicious class all their own, with the heirlooms being the elite jet-setters. I consider language to be a form of magic. I'm not being facetious. I actually believe this. The power of language to convey ideas and meaning keeps me in awe. The capacity of its use to deceive and confuse frightens me. Even so, it's nice to believe in magic. I don't have a favorite anything, other than the color green. There is too much that I like for me to honestly express a firm, targeted preference. I do have moments. I can have a music of the moment (usually a week or two), a book of the moment, a food of the moment. But they fade and change as something new comes along, or something old returns. But green has always been there for me. "What is your favorite....?" This is a question that I actually dislike. I usually like people. When I come across someone I don't like, I do my damnedest to tolerate them and not make my real feelings toward them evident. This is often very difficult. I possess a high degree of empathy and it doesn't always make life easy. Déjà vu always makes me uncomfortable, creates in me an uneasiness that something isn't right. I have a love/hate relationship with popcorn. There is more but I've rambled enough. I want to add that I appreciate the wit, intelligence, kindness, mischief, and creativity in each of you here. Probably none of this makes me weird, it makes me just like many, many other people.
  8. Does keeping the render complexity limit low help against this type of thing? I'm sorry for the necropost. I had Firestorm crash on me a few times during a session at SLB14.
  9. Here is a script that uses a listen from the owner to start a scan for avatars. You could easily dispense with the use of llListen() and owner checks with a simple touch event. Put it in a simple small hud object of your own design, attach it to a hud point, and away you go. I'm not sure about the range thing. The function in that script may try to scan out to 256, but I don't know if that's possible. At any rate, you can adjust the range down to suit your own needs.
  10. It would have been so easy for LL, at the time, to have been more inclusive. To have aspects of the avatar shape settings to have more consistency.
  11. Once upon a time, long ago, in a galaxy very close, I wished I had bigger wabs. Then I got more and more used to them, and went through the time of my life when I used them for their actual purpose. I kind of equalized, realizing that there was so much about my body that I liked, that I really didn't have very much to complain about. Then I came to SL and knew very soon I could make my avatar as buxom as I wanted. But, even then, early on, I saw that really big boobs in SL were very common. I decided then that my avatar would more or less retain my rl proportions, with the notable exception that I can still defy gravity here more than in RL. Also, I love that in SL I can be a natural redhead.
  12. She sits, anticipating the sting of the bath and ready to relax. Once again she thinks... "...It might be time to give up the roller derby.. and get serious about my life. Muay Thai. Yes... Muay Thai. That's what I need. I'll go down to that Dojo on Monday."
  13. /me loses all her blood because slow reading.
  14. Testing testing! @Madelaine McMasters is a clever girl.
  15. There is a post made by @EleanorsRigby in the Vanity thread. I'd love to caption it, but being respectful and stuff, I'd want to wait to see if she adds anything here. (hopes) Also... how do you add someone's name in a post here as a link?
  16. "Apparently, in one of my past lives I was a hat. And I have to say, looking back on it, I had a pretty good view."
  17. "Madam, this is a stickup! Hand over to me all your wry wit and sarcasm at once! Also... that cigar you've got tucked into your.. er.. hmmm.. Anyway, the cigar! I'll have that as well!!"
  18. Establishing a good cache store of some favorite places, while time consuming with a slow connection, should help with problems downloading a lot of content, if I understand how that works.
  19. Dear Lindens: Show me all the Secret Stuff and I promise not to tell. Cross my virtual heart.
  20. "Jump harder! Go higher! Let's see how high we can go!!"
  21. Sometimes when I view all these lovely photos, I get the urge to add captions to some of them.
  22. Green is my favorite color, so in almost all the outfits I try to put together I like to have some green. It's not dominant... most of the time, just there in different places and in different elements. I am a redhead exclusively, but change styles often, recently favoring some of the more tame updos, but otherwise wearing short styles. Also recently, I've liked doing experiments in contrast. My skin is always pale to fair and wearing darker colors creates a contrast I like. In this photo, I've gone for an all black look.
  23. Just picture Pamela as a beautiful, silver haired old lady... with kindly eyes, and a laser pointer.
  24. I'd like to see "Sky Writer proofreading for Dummies." But if I ever did I'd probably fall down.
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