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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Abigail Longmeadow wrote: Does anyone ride the trails in 'The AKK Horse Ranch' sim? I have sometimes. The trails aren't the most detailed except for the "fantasy" area that I'm not too interested in, but it would be a good place to meet people who like horses.
  2. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Actually, I hadn't really thought about this. I still wear shoes/boots with invisiprim...is there a reason not to? Do the new viewers see something different? :smileysurprised: The latest Linden Lab viewer and the new version of Firestorm don't hide things that used to be hidden by invisiprims if "Lighting and Shadows" is turned on. This was intentional because invisiprims cause a lot of rendering weirdness but there's a chance this change may be reconsidered,.
  3. I have a wearable AKK horse. I ride around the Calas Galadhon sims and Raisin Ranch in the Fruit Islands - it has an area for racing and also a beautiful mountain/island area you can teleport to. The Wolf Mountain ski resort has nice riding trails if you like wintry conditions.
  4. Your viewer might be set to a very high level of anti-aliasing like 8x or 16x. Some video cards end up anti-aliasing the text if they're trying to run anti-aliasing at that level.
  5. Do you ever switch to a different viewer between sessions with 3.2.8? If I run Phoenix it completely resets the menus in 3.2 series viewers for the account I run Phoenix with. My "Places" menu always resets after I make a change that is a "Viewer must be restarted for change to take effect" change like anti-aliasing.
  6. Second Life viewers are open-source cross-platform applications so they use OpenGL as a graphics language instead of DirectX, which is what most Windows games. Tweaks designed to maximize DirectX performance may actually hurt performance in Second Life. Many people have problems running the most recent versions of the Second Life viewer (Linden Lab 3.2.4 and higher, Firestorm 3.2 and higher, and Exodus) with ATI video cards. Make sure you've got the latest drivers and Catalyst version and try going into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and turning off "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." If you copy the info in "Help" - "About Second Life" and paste it into a reply someone might see something else.
  7. Store cookie/biscuit would have to be Oreos, although they were better when they still had trans fat in them - the filling doesn't shear away from the cookie part properly when you twist them now. Time-no-object coolkie would be chocolate chip from the recipe on the NESTLE chocolate chip bag (no other chocolate chip may be substituted), preferrably still warm, not too well done and made with margarine or a Crisco/butter mix.
  8. I wouldn't. I'd accumulate pieces that interested me and put them down myself, gradually working on my building skills in the process, or work with a friend who loves to build and who'd be excited by the possibility of an entire sim to play with. If you have commercial interests you could hire someone to lay things out. I doubt there are many sources for pre-made simwide themes because it would be a tremendous amount of work for a very small market and most people with the resources to buy something like that would want a custom environment rather than a prefab. Linden Lab does offer a few pre-built themed sims if you haven't got the land already.
  9. Both of those laptops use automatic graphics switching between using the main processor to do graphics (which saves power) or a separate dedicated graphics chip (better performance using more power.)That kind of setup has been known to cause problems for SL. Make sure any computer you get with a system like that allows you to force it to run with the dedicated graphics chip. Between the two, if SL is your priority I'd recommend the Dell because Nvidia cards currently perform better for SL than ATI/AMD cards. When you buy any laptop you're paying extra money for engineering to make things light, compact and thrifty with energy and this engineering will actually make them perform worse than a much less expensive desktop for graphically intensive programs like SL.
  10. From what I've seen on the forums and JIRA's and my own limited experience with my ATI-driven laptob vs. my Nvidia-driven desktop, any viewer glitch that makes a Nvidia card sneeze will give an ATI somewhere between pneumonia and tuberculosis. Translation: ATI cards HAAATE the updated viewers. It appears to be problems with OpenGL usually. Do you have the latest video drivers for your card? THe OpenGL calls in the new viewers were recently re-written to work better with newer video cards and drivers. I have Nvidia GT 430 that's very happy with the latest viewers. I typically run my graphics on "High" without lighting and shadows but I haven't had probems with lighting and shadows when I turn it on. How much system RAM do you have? The current generation of mesh viewrers have problems releasing memory so in a crowded area they will gradually use more and more memory until they crash at about (for me) 1.5 gigabites of memory used by SL. The higher my graphics are set the faster this point is reached.
  11. As the SL viewer is open-source and runs on Macs and Linux as well as Windows it uses a graphics language called OpenGL instead of DirectX. The viewer was recently re-written to avoid using old OpenGL code that had been causing problems with newer video cards, especially Nvidia cards. Those changes were released in Viewer 3.2.4 and also the "release" version of FIrestorm. Many ATI cards have been having problems with the newer viewer OpenGL (ATI has a reputation for not running OpenGL well.) Many people with ATI cards have been getting better results by going into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and turning off the option labled "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." You might also try the current beta as they're working on addressing some of the ATI issues.
  12. Original post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/I-m-not-able-to-fly-properly/m-p/923757/highlight/true#M8802
  13. In the SL viewer, go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and if "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects" is checked, de-select it. This is a known problem with ATI cards running viewers newer than 3.2.4 and the release version of Firestorm. I believe Phoenix turns VBO's off by default.
  14. 1) Phoenix uses the "bridge" it creates and attaches to your avatar for both online-friends functions and the radar. Try forcing Phoenix to rebuild the "bridge" (I'm not too familiar with it but there should be instructions on the Phoenix web site.) 2) Try doing a character test or otherwise completely changing your avatar temporarily. 3) If possible, try logging in your account on another machine. If it works that would suggest the problem is somewhere in the files on your computer.
  15. Older non-"mesh" supporting viewers tend to perform better on lower-end hardware, but as more "mesh" items are used there will be more and more things you wont' be able to see properly over time. Upgrading your graphics system is FAR more important than your internet connection, especially if you already have DSL. Second Life doesnt' really need extreme internet connection SPEED, but it needs the highest possible RELIABILITY and CONSISTENCY. That's why it tends to work better on a wired connection than on wireless.
  16. 1. There is a pause button for streaming music in the upper right corner of Linden Lab viewers or in the lower right corner of Phoenix. 2. Phoenix is based on an earlier version of the viewer that many older residents have a strong preference for. It also offers some features not offered in the official viewers and tends to run better on older hardware. However, there are features in newer Linden Lab viewers that Phoenix can't support due to its older technology, and it may eventually become obsolete. The same developer offers Firestorm, which has many of the Phoenix special features with newer underlying technology. 3. The logo over your head is called a "group tag". You can choose to display group tags or not in either viewer by going into preferences and finding the appropriate option. You can also turn it off temporarily by finding your "groups" menu and set your active group to "none." There are certain activities that require you to have a specific group selected as "active" to participate in.
  17. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: All three RCs on the same new code? That's a courageous decision. Most of the changes were running on Magnum last week.
  18. Many, many bulids that appear to be on the "ground" are actually in the sky. One reason for falling through the ground is that objects made from sculpted prims aren't "physically" that shape. A sphere sculpted to be a banana will still interact with the world as a sphere. To get around this a lot of sculpted prims are made "phantom" (no physical existence i.e. you can't bump into or walk on them) and have simpler invisible shape hidden inside them as a walking surface, etc. Sometimes this step is forgotten and you may end up stepping on a phantom sculpted prim and fall right through because there's nothing to stop you. Also some regular prims may have been made phantom accidentally.
  19. The RMS Titanic sim might be something you'd like. Don't worry, it's strictly pre-iceberg.
  20. Go into "Help - About Second LIfe" (it can be from Phoenix), copy the information to your clipboard and paste it into a reply. The LL viewer and the Firestorm release use later versions of the OpenGL graphics language that SL uses. People I've seen having similar problems often don't or can't have video drivers that will support the current OpenGL version.
  21. With mainland you have no control over what is built next to you, so a neighbor could put up an unsigtly build. Your neighbor could also put up something that draws heavily on the sim resources unless you own the entire mainland region. Also, with a private region you can request to have it restarted when necessary and have much greater terraforming options than most of the mainland.
  22. You can filter the inventory window so it only shows files added in the last hour/day/etc. and then can move items within that filtered window.
  23. Instead of putting the animation into the pool water, try "playing" the animation with your avatar - find the animation in your inventory and double click it and then select "play in-world" in the dialog box that will pop up. It may be meant to work like a walk or dance animation and not be part of an object.
  24. While in the "Recent" window mode you can open a second inventory window (click the "gear" icon in the lower left corner) and drag items from the "Recent" window to your preferred locations in the second inventory window.
  25. You can't prevent someone from camming in but you can make yourself invisible to your neighbors. It's under "About Land - Options." Turn off "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel." As far as clicking on things you can set the menus in your items to "Group" and create a household group so people outside that group can't bring up the menus.
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