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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. A couple things to try - first, try disabling voice and see if it helps. I hear the servers for voice have been having problems today. Also, as far as graphics, go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and unselect "Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects."
  2. What kind of video card do you have and how recently have you updated your drivers? Second Life uses a graphics language called OpenGL and the viewer was re-written to use newer versions of OpenGL because recent video cards and drivers were failing with the old viewer. However, now older cards and drivers have problems. The entry in your task manager saying CCC says to me you've got an ATI card and they don't work as well as Nvidia cards with the new drivers.
  3. I"m roughly 5'-3" by Linden Labs' viewers which measure agent height or 5''9" measured by a prim. I wear a "teen girl" shape and it was about that height when I got it when I started. Most "teen girls" in SL are somewhere in that height range, especially the ones who are "eighteen." As far as men's shapes go, I find that most of them look ridiculous. Many, many men are about eight feet tall and for some reason set their head size so that it looks like a walnut in comparison to the rest of their bodies. When I slow dance with a lot of male avatars my feet will be several inches off the floor. All shapes are based on the default shapes and sliders except for the handful of mesh shapes available. When you buy a shape you're basically paying for the maker's labor and manipulation skills - "materials" are free and the same for everyone. I've been noticing that some newer manufacturers are coming out with furniture that's scaled smaller than older furniture - Fuzzy Bee, what's next and LISP come to mind.
  4. It sounds like you're doing everything right and I tested it with the current viewer to make sure that it's not broken. Did you click the green arrow-shaped button in the upper left? That's the save button but it's not obvious. Also, make sure that your textures are full-permission (can be copied, modified and transferred.)
  5. See my reply to Marlette immediately above. It looks like you have exactly the same problem.
  6. The current SL viewers are using fairly new versions of the OpenGL graphics language. Previous versions used older OpenGL commands that were causing serious problems with recent video cards and drivers. ATI cards seem to have problems with the changes in the new viewers, especially if their drivers are old. Check what OpenGL version the computers are supporting in "Help" - "About Second LIfe." The version should be at least 3.3. If it's an earlier version try updating your video drivers. Also, many ATI cards seem to be having problems when the "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects" (VBO's) setting in "Graphics" - "Hardware" is selected. Try turning that off.
  7. Try to get updated video drivers. Second Life uses a video language called OpenGL that's an evolving standard. The latest versions of OpenGL do things differently from older versions and the mesh viewers were re-written to use the new techniques. Your system is reporting OpenGL version 2.1 - the current version is around 4.2 and major changes were made around version 3.
  8. Given that you're looking for a new Mac I assume you're currently using an old Mac. I've heard people who are still running Leopard have this problem. Try getting the latest available graphics drivers for your computer. You might also just roll back to an older viewer until you get a new Mac. The new versions of the Linden Lab viewer and Firestorm were recently re-written to improve compatibility with newer video cards and drivers, but they now have problems with older cards and drivers.
  9. Hoshi Kenin wrote: I get the above error when trying to read profiles in v3. This is especially annoting because - much to my surprise - v3 is actually fast and good to use.......... but is spoilt by truly abysmal search and not being able to read profiles!! come on Lindens....you almost have a good viewer. Fix it so search works as good as it does in TPV's and profiles can be read without waiting an age for the error message in my header. I've had that problem in the past but it's always gone away on its own. Do you have anything blocking your computer from accepting "cookies"? You need to accept them from SL for the new profiles to work, I think.
  10. Do you have voice enabled? I've been seeing reports of people having problems with it recently.
  11. In general, try lowering your cheekbones and make your lower cheeks comparatively "well fed." It's all the lighting though. LAQ and other shops offer tips on re-setting the lighting to be more flattering. That's the way it works in the real world too a lot of the time; your brain sort of edits out the shadows when you're looking at a person's face "live" but you see them in a photograph so photographers use complex lighting. Also, all Second Life shapes are made from exactly the same mesh and sliders that you have access to when you create a new shape. Bear in mind that many shapes made by skin manufacturers are set up to give a certain look under a very controlled environment and they may not actually look good in the real imaginary world. Personally, I think some face shapes from major skin manufacturers would terrify small children.
  12. Caitlyn Dyszel wrote: Hi everyone, I need some help understanding the workings of the V2 beast as I am trying to get optimal graphic settings to take pictures. A few observations; 1. When I turn on AA in SL itself it seems the 'further end in depth of field ' ( top 50% of the screen for example) suddenly has a light but ever so annoying blur. Any idea how this can be removed? 2. With all hardware settings set to 0 / off in preferences I noticed that SL V2 viewer seems to ignore the graphic driver (NVidia panel) settings, in particular regarding AA. Is this expected behaviour or am I doing something wrong? Running on a 4 gig quad core and a 460 GTX Any help is much appreciated:matte-motes-big-grin: Do you have depth-of-field (DOF) turned on? Depth-of-field would intentionally blur distant objects to simulate how a cameral lens focuses. As far as hardware settings and the video card goes, have you set your Nvidia preferences to use software settings or to override them? I think this is where you determine whether the Nvidia settings are used instead of the viewer settings. When you turn AA off and the Nvidia driver is using software settings, that'll mean you won't get anti-ailiasing even if your card normally gives you it.
  13. Tommy Mulberry wrote: This is wierd but, ever since I put on a Hard Hat near a mine to check it out, I've had a yellow sliver on the back of my head. Someone pointed it out the other day. I've looked all over my inventory to see if I'm still wearing a portion of the hat but no. I zoomed in really close to see if maybe I can grab it, that didn't help but what I did see is that I zoomed all the way inside the avi's head, and there is a giant yellow blob in the head it'self, and a portion of it hangs out the back of my head. Does anyone know how to get the avi to re gen from screatch?, or to replace it wholesale? I have no way of getting to the blob to get rid of it and I cannot figure out what it is. Until I figure it out, I have to wear hats!.. Any help is appreciated. Tommy Mulberry It's your avatar's brain. Most avatars have very tiny brains, but you've probably figured that out already. Okay, sorry - I'll be serious. When SL started people used very simple hair that looked like a sort of helmet, but it could be resized using sliders under "Edit My Appearance." This is the thing all avatars wear called "hair." Over time, much better looking hair has been introduced and the old "hair" is only used to control the shape of the eyebrows. So the retro hair doesn't show, the helmet is usually shrunken so it doesn't appear outside the skull. The thing you see inside your avatar's head is that retro hair thing. You can make it disappear from outside your head by going into "Edit My Outfit," go down to "Body Parts," go to "Hair" and make sure that all sliders that regulate anything other than your eyebrows are set for 0 size. The eyebrow sliders are in their own section that's pretty well labled so you don't have to worry about messing them up. Or you could put on another "hair" meant to represent a bald base like others have suggested. "Hairs" have the symbol of a little head in profile with brown hair on it.
  14. Second Life hs been having problems with ATI video cards since the OpenGL calls in the viewer were re-written. Make sure you're running the latest drivers (not just the ones that came on your installation disk). Second Life works differently than most graphical games so optimizations for other games may actually hurt performance with SL. They're still working on the graphics on the viewer so the beta version may work better for you. If the viewer lets you, go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and try turning off "Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." If you copy and paste the information from "Help - About Second Life" into a reply here someone may be able to figure out other problems (you can access the "Help" menu without being logged in.)
  15. Your video drivers look quite old. Try to get updated drivers from the Nvidia website. Both Viewer 3.2.4 and Firestorm had their graphics routines heavily re-written to use current driver technology and your video drivers may not support them right now.
  16. Open up the viewer and before you try logging in, go to the "Help" entry in the top menu and go down to "About Second Life." Copy the text that appears and paste it to a reply in this thread. This may be a problem with old video drivers and/or hardware and that information will let us make some guesses and suggestions.
  17. jman70 wrote: Can I use a flight joystick to pilot the inworld aircraft? If so, how would I go about it? It's theoretically possible, but SL isn't really designed to be a GOOD flight simulator and the "joystick" routines are set up for a 3D building cursor which acts very differently from a flight controller. You have to change the controller configuration and even after you do it won't behave like a true flight simulator. This is a link to the instruction manual of an airplane I have that includes joystick setup tips - I haven't used them myself though. http://vybox.free.fr/Macchi%20M52/MACCHI%20M52.htm
  18. This sounds like an problem people have been having with ATI video cards lately. Go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" and hit the "Hardware" button. In the next menu, uncheck the box that says "Use OpenGL VBO's."
  19. There's a known, soon-to-be-fixed bug that holds up deliveries when you're offline if you have an empty "mute/block" list. Try blocking a random person or object (right click and it will be under "Manage", I think.) This may release a stream of backed-up notifications and deliveries. Unfortunately if there are more than 25 backed up then you'll lose anything that arrive later. It's actually not uncommon for items to be listed as "delivered" but never arrive for some reason. By "IM" do you mean a regular "spoken" IM or are you trying to post on their feed? Some people (including me) close their feeds to non-friends but still accept regular IM's. Look at the seller's profile and see if there's another way of contacting them, or if they have some sort of re-delivery system or mailbox in their in-world store. It would be very bad practice for a merchant to not have any way of contacting them. If there really is no other way of contacting them this is the one time I'd recommend leaving a comment about it on the item listing.
  20. Unless you're using a "wearable" AO (one that idoesn't have a HUD on your screen) there's no need to get a new AO. There should be a button on your screen that will let you turn the AO on or off so it will stop overriding animations temporarily.
  21. namssab1nad Piers wrote: Word of caution for all you Linden Realms game. Seems like Linden Labs has done it again. There is a part of the game that can break your AO's or your avatar permanently from running certain AO's. Friend and I were playing it and we both got crushed in the cave several times. Last time both of our AO's got broke. Hers permanently including her copies would not work anymore. She uses Semotions AO. Mine was broken as well. Only difference I use Vista. My copies worked. We did all the usual. Took it off. Reset them. Nothing would work for her. Thank goodness my copies did work on my avi. So be careful. Avoid the cave all together or risk having your AO totally borked. Way to go Linden Labs. I noticed that the maker of Semotions AO's strongly urges that AO's earlier than Version 3.8 be updated. Was your friend using an updated AO?
  22. AngelicJHoover wrote: Thanks Clarissa! I forgot to mention I am an elder woman in RL (my children told me about Second Life). I would be very much interested in historical (costume) roleplay. Any suggestions about that would be greatly appreciated. Caledon Oxbridge is the "starter" region for a series of Victorian/"Steampunk" roleplaying sims and also has an excellent walk-through tutorial. You can get free Victorian outfits there too.
  23. Ruby's has shapes and skins for a wide range of ages, including older women. Personally I find that among large skin makers Redgrave has skins with a more "mature" feel to them.
  24. Actually mesh clothing that will automatically fit avatars may be coming very soon. A group contracted Qarl Fizz, a former Linden, to develop a system to deform mesh clothing to fit current avatars and it's coming along very well. It's already part of some development viewers. It won't work perfectly with current meshes because the mesh should ideally start out using the default "Ruth" shape so that it will respond properly to sliders and the plan is to make it the mesh maker's option as to whether the mesh item will follow the sliders or not. When it's released and when clothing makers catch up, though, it should fix most of people's concerns with mesh clothing.
  25. Please go into SL and under the "Help" menu pick "About Second Life" and copy-and-paste that information into your post. Are you by any chance running Mac OSX 10.5 ("Leopard")? I've heard this happening to some Leopard users.
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