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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. JustineBlogr wrote: Can someone please explain to me why anyone would want to wear a mesh shape as their "permanent" look...they aren't customizable are they? Wouldn't everyone look the same? Do you think regular old slider shapes are going to be come obsolete? Many of the current generation of mesh bodies can be fully edited with sliders from the neck down and use the original avatar head which will behave as it always has.
  2. Isobel Insoo wrote: When I log in I have messages that contain notecards. When I click on the Notecard it doesn't open. Why? I'm using SL Viewer 2. I can't find any settings to make it do this. Are there settings for this? I saw a reply referring to setting in Firestorm. I read a reply from March 2014 that suggested going to the group and opening the notecard notice there. That answer is unacceptable. I should be able to open it from the message. Please let me know what I can do to resolve this problem. It's been going on for a LONG time. Isobel Insoo You can only open attachments directly from the message a comparatively short time after it arrives when you log in. Since the 2/3 series viewers don't make a big deal of arriving messages you may not have noticed they were there until hours later. The same limited time to open an attachment from a notice thing happened with Viewer 1 type viewers but the messages were much more obvious so people opened them sooner.
  3. lucagrabacr wrote: Well guys, I read that using hardware skinning would put the loads off my CPU and put it on my GPU instead, and I do get a lot of frame rate improvement with it turned on. But the problem is, I actually notice that my CPU temperature sometimes get a bit higher with hardware skinning turned on, my GPU temperature also got higher, but I guess it's normal for the GPU temperature to rise since it supposed to transfer the load from my CPU to my GPU, right? But why the CPU temperature also got higher? So, should I use it or not? I'm guessing the CPU temperature went up because when you use hardware skinning it removes a bottleneck from the system allowing everything to run faster, so both the GPU and CPU are working harder. As long as the temperatures aren't abnormally high it shouldn't be a problem.
  4. Splatulated wrote: with out it falling apart on me so i tried changing the texture then slecting both halfs and taking a copy into my inventory i then rezzed a copy of the copy and started sailing and got this i dont think this is supposed to be how it works ... also please dont suggest i link them because apparently i get this I suspect that ship is built how some complicated older vehicles were where you only rezz the simple hull-shaped object and "wear" the more complicated part with the rigging, cannons and your name board. This was to get around the prim limits for physical vehicles. Wearing the rigging, etc is only necessary if you're actually sailing it.
  5. Maryline Pinion wrote: Hello, SInce 3 weeks, my 3 viewers up to date do the same behavior (official, singularity and firestorm). When i long on , with or without a clear cache, they load all my landscape and avatars and after that do a endless reloading of all the texture around me (landscape and avatar). It's make me crazy. The texture become sharp and stay sharp only if i put my cursor on it but after 15 secondes the endless reloading restart. I tried to update my windows, my graphics cards, changed cache, changed badnwitch, changed graphics Memory used by my viewer. I done much tex refresh and it won't help me... Please i need your help, ty .... Do you use either a Toddleedoo or Wowmeh mesh avatar and if so, do you keep the HUD attached? Those HUD's can hold so many textures that they'll use up all your video memory and you'll get the reloading you see. There may be other types of HUD's that do the same thing. The solution is to only wear the HUD when you need to change clothing, etc. and to keep it detached at other times.
  6. Splatulated wrote: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search%5Bcategory_id%5D=&search%5Bmaturity_level%5D=GMA&search%5Bkeywords%5D=run+speed+faster i feel i move too slow i dont want be running about like Sonic cuz that would be too fast but can change run speed for free or is there a much better one out there ? Would you be moving toward us or away from us? Because that'd make a difference in the advice you get.
  7. TheHusky wrote: The video card was bought few months ago, so it's technically impossible that it's dying. Plus, I have only the issue with a Second Life. Any my mistake, I forgot about "HD" in the card name. It's HD 7790, so it's a quite powerful card. My power supply is Chieftec 700w, so it's not a no-name. I can play on this card any game and absolutely nothing happens. It runs BF4 on high details with stable 30fps. Even, when I play SL, it's fine. Everything is smooth, FPS is stable. It happens ONLY, when I log off from SL. I have f.lux installed, but I don't use this so often. It's disabled, when I play SL. Then it's f.lux that's the problem: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-12561 This is from Firestorm but most viewers use similar graphics routines.
  8. TheHusky wrote: Hello. I have a really serious problem with any viewer for Second Life. The game works absolutely fine. But when I log off, I got this: http://i.imgur.com/9km667Q.jpg And it doesn't want to go away. I had to reinstall completely my video driver to repair my screen. I have AMD Radeon 7790 on Windows 7 64-bit. I have installed the latest drivers. I don't have any viruses, malwares and other stuff. I don't have any other trouble with any other application, game etc. like this, so it HAS TO be a software issue. Is there anything I can do? Do you use the "f.lux" screen color editing program or something similar? What you see is known to happen with f.lux custom color profiles.
  9. Woofiedog wrote: it uses twice as much memory as viewer 3, that's why I needed to change Firestorm and the LL viewer are 99% the same under the hood. It's likely that you can configure Firestorm to use very nearly the same amount of memory as Viewer 3. Go to the settings page of the LL viewer and see what it's using and then try to duplicate them in Firestorm. Go to "Help-About Firestorm", copy the info and paste it into a reply in this thread.
  10. Woofiedog wrote: I use viewer 3 but I want a radar like the one in firestorm. Is there any on the marketplace? thanks!:manlol: You seem like you want a lot of Firestorm features - is there some reason you don't just use Firestorm? I'd be the last person to push Firestorm on anyone but if there's a specific issue you have with it someone can probably fix it for you.
  11. sheena797 Navarita wrote: ok please explain this ...here is the ruling on moderate sim Moderate Second Life's Moderate designation accommodates most of the non-adult activities common in Second Life. Dance clubs, bars, stores and malls, galleries, music venues, beaches, parks, and other spaces for socializing, creating, and learning all support a Moderate designation so long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities or content and do not use adult search tags. Groups, events and classifieds that relate to this broad range of activities and themes generally should also be designated as Moderate. Residents in these spaces should therefore expect to see a variety of themes and content. Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search. NOW HERE IS THE QUESTION >>>> If linden labs set fourth the ruling on what a moderate sim can do than why are there places as nude beaches.....pole dancing....open sex and the like on these sims??? is this not inforced?? and if not than why i have the ruling? and what if my 16 year old was to join and goes to these places as they are deemed moderate but yet open to everyone?? please please someone explain Your 16 year old couldn't go to Moderate regions if they put their age in honestly when they registered.
  12. Splatulated wrote: Dora Gustafson wrote: You can have multiple attachments on each attachment point :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: but this breaks stuff if its scripted for my pelvis and i move it to my foot some stuff just becaomse weird static and doenst line up right also i have so much equipped i cant actually equip more stuff unless i take something off It looks like some of those items are repeats - for example, you've attached a "hood", "shirt ruffles" AND a "hood and shirt ruffles." If you're using the combined item you don't need to attach the separate items - they're only for if you want to use the hood OR the shirt ruffles separately.
  13. Annalise Ember wrote: Well, thank you! Another idea would have been if "Witless Wonder" would have called the "Favorites" folder something like "FavoriteLMs". Unfreakinbelievable. lmao The "Favorites" folder is hidden in the Linden Lab viewer so you can't put anything in it by mistake. The only reason you're seeing it is you're using a viewer that chooses to un-hide it.
  14. mathewmacambridge wrote: you said If you didn't try a demo before purchase, you took a risk. If it didn't work out you have only yourself to blame for not trying a demo first. If you did try a demo, why did you buy a product that didn't fit your avatar? thanks myself to blame not the designers, we never used to have this in 2008, you are blaming me, treating he like an idiot in public, i could use some choice words but how dare you say that? got me? Your initial post was the exact equivalent of your saying (in 2014), "Nobody should ever buy one of those newfangled horseless carriages - when I put oats in the place where you feed it, not only didn't it go but the blacksmith said its innards were now messed up and I'll have to pay thousands to get it fixed." Most people who have been on SL since 2012 know how mesh clothing works and your "warning" just made you look silly.
  15. Cincia Singh wrote: Do you have, or can you point to, documentation of this? I'm not trying to be snarky, I just don't accept explanations without documentation because that's how misinformation gets spread and becomes accepted truth regardless of a lack of basis in fact. You can use the texture console and memory use statistics in the "Develop" menu. I should also point out that the LL viewer (the only viewer written by the people who wrote the basic graphics engine) doesn't allow you to set a LOD over 2 in preferences. Also, when the "Set your LOD to at least 4" advice originated there were only sculpts used. Since 2011 this setting also affects mesh, which changed the playing field radically.
  16. Muletta wrote: Maybe a silly question, but I need to be sure before doing anything...and I can't find info in forum or knowledge base: I have 2 parcels deeded to the same group. They are sharing a border. I know how to join empty parcels. But one these parcel has rezzed objects, the other is empty. When I join the 2 parcels, will it affect the rezzed objects in any way (which is set to group/not deeded)? Thank you in advance for helping with this question (too) Shouldn't affect the objects at all if the lots still belong to the same group they do now.
  17. Dillon Levenque wrote: Pirates actually had a quite ordered society. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_code The code is more like what you'd call guidelines, than actual rules. You had to know someone would do that. TY for the straight line. Go ahead -- tell a pirate, "Oh, your rules? Well I think they're just guidelines." I'm sure you'd get a response pretty quickly.
  18. insilvermoonlight wrote: Bought this running lizard..supposed to start at point A, run to point B, pause and then run to point C. I followed directions 1 through 7. Damn thing disapeared and I can't find it now. It's still in there, I checked LI before and after. Tried cntrl/alt/T, nothing. How do I find a lost scripted lizard in my shop? [20:16] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): Click for Setup [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 1. Position the animal at the starting position and point them in the direction they will run [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 2. Click the animal and select StartPos from the menu [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 3. Move the Animal to the 2nd Spot and select MidPos from the menu [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 4. Point the animal toward the 3rd spot (don't rotate until AFTER setting the MidPos spot) [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 5. Move the Animal to the 3rd spot and select EndPos from the menu [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 6. Click Start to begin the cycle [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 7. Click Show to make the animal visible [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 8. Click Reset to start the setup process over againover [20:17] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): 9. Click Options to set the frequency of runs and length of pause at the MidPos [20:19] Tree Lizard (Two-Path): Click for Setup Go to the "Build" menu, select "Pathfinding" and hit "Linksets..." That will show you a listing of all the objects in the area that are yours or you have the ability to move. You should be able to find it there and have multiple options for dealing with it from the dialog.
  19. Benson Gravois wrote: I have an akeyo ao that I want to customize. When I open it up and transfer the animations to my inventory, that is the end brcause when I try to take them from my inventory to drop into a vista AO I get " no transfer." The same thing happens when I try to put animations frommy vista into a blank akeyo hud. How does one make a custom AO, if the animations are all "no transfer? " "No transfer" only means you can't transfer them to another avatar - you should be able to use them in both AO's if you're the owner of both.
  20. Splatulated wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Splatulated wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Splatulated wrote: i want toss a fir ball in there to help sink a sink or ship a shield to protect my own But that's cheating! Your boat should not be protected by shields like Starship Enterprise. No. well not the entire ship but the part around captain wheeler thing ? and is has be ways make it balanced ? only allowed sue boats with like 3 hps or less ? and spells do as much damage as cannon ball but look cooler or more damage and take longer to get to target ? Generally you have to join a group to be included in sea battles. Most RP groups probably won't allow you to use spells. You need to ask before you use them. If you want to battle other ships you have to follow the rules of the group or risk being booted and banned. If you don't join a RP group and just sail around attacking random ships then you will probably get AR'd. Combat has to be mutally agreed upon. whats point of pirating if you has to go about and diplomatically ask if they can be pirated ?? Pirates actually had a quite ordered society. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_code
  21. Cincia Singh wrote: I've never heard that having LOD set above 2 or 2.5 causes video memory issues ... do you have documentation for that? I run with LOD set at 4 all the time (LL and Firestorm viewers) using a GTX 560 Ti with 1GB VRAM and I experience no memory issues. when I run with LOD set lower lots of things don't rez properly. Elevating your LOD causes everything to hold a higher level of detail from a longer distance and that uses memory - so much that it can make your viewer freeze when it has to dump cache. If you don't have memory issues you don't have memory issues. However, people who DO have memory issues can be helped by turning their LOD down. Personally I keep my draw distance fairly high because I use a lot of vehicles and want extended sight distance and can live with minor detail pumping in comparatively distant objects. Things that fall apart with lower LOD's are a symptom of sloppy building. They can be unavoidable but I see no reason to encourage bad practices in general.
  22. vixtris wrote: Sorry to revive a kinda old topic but I am having the same issues... heres my pc specs: intel core i5-2500 cpu @ 3.3ghz 8 gb ram windows 8 64 bit graphics: nvidia geforce gtx 650 Ti I have a new house, decorating with mesh furniture, mesh landscaping. pretty much everything in the house is mesh, including the house. my fps doesnt drop nearly as low as the OP but it drops significantly enough to tick me off. Ive ransacked my house looking for high-poly items and removing them... It may have helped only very little, but not enough. However, lowering the viewer texture memory buffer setting does reduce the fps lag (who knows why??), but it ticks me off in another way, which is textures keep loading over and over when i am moving my view around and it just looks like crap! So its either deal with crappy textures, or deal with crappy fps. cant have best of both worlds i suppose. I have been playing with maybe another solution ... if someone else is having this problem perhaps they can see if it helps them any. On my computer, im always running second life graphics on the 'high' notch. I lowered the notch down one, the notch before 'high' which all it really does is just change the water reflection down to 'all static objects.' I keep the LOD at 4 though. I noticed a reduce in fps lag, for now. This is with the texture memory buffer setting on max as well. Maybe its because i am surrounded by water at my house, i dont know really. I do want to add more memory to my computer (at least to 16 gb) but i am really unsure whether it will actually help the problem or not. Reduce your LOD to the minimum you can run without having issues with bad sculpts and mesh. That's what's chewing up your video memory. Ideally you should be able to run it at 2; mine is at 2.5 because of a few specific problem items I have. If you have items that give you serious problems at a LOD of 2.5 you should think about replacing them.
  23. Murmis wrote: I´m new to all of it and as a new premier member I was trying to buy land on auction . when I put bid it´s saying to update account ? and want let me bid I think there's a waiting period after you become Premium before you can place bids in an auction. In any event, there's a much simpler way to buy Mainland. Go in-world, pull up the World Map, turn on the "Land Sales" option and all the land that's currently being offered for sale will show up in yellow with a price tag showing how much it is. You'll have many more choices of lots and don't have to worry about bidding.
  24. Qie Niangao wrote: I do, very much so. I suspect, however, that "land" will be a somewhat different product than what we've come to know. Or maybe just a wider variety. Actually, I have no idea what I mean by this, it's just a sense I get from how extraordinarily cagey everybody has been about Land -- but that spooky secrecy started years ago, on the night of long knives when Jack and his boss were simultaneously terminated. It's worth bearing in mind that the land model of Second Life was originally intended for a completely different animal than what Second Life is today. It started out as a small, interconnected area used by a limited number of subscription-paying users, some of whom were accessing it on dial-up connections. There was no in-world economy and the objects in the world were childishly simple and had no real-world value. At that time, someone decided the best way of handling the physical "world" was the "simulator" - a server doing physics calculations for each of a series of discreet, fixed chunks of land, with users connecting to the simulator that represented the chunk of land they were on at any given time. However, when you look at what Second Life became, that system is horrifically inefficient. Even empty regions need to be simulated constantly and a region with one avatar in it uses the same resources as one with forty to eighty avatars in it, with more than eighty avatars in that region being effectively impossible. Any given region needs to have a potential connection to tens of thousands of other regions and each new region increases the potential connection needs of all the others. As anyone who travels the Mainland knows, moving from one region to another is always an iffy proposition and there really isn't any way to solve this permanently for everyone - imagine all the times you've been browsing the Net and any given web site has a delayed response. This is the same thing that happens moving from one region to another in Second Life but the data requirements are far more complicated than the average web site. People who have been calling for Second Life to reduce tier in the current world say that it will pay for itself with more people buying more regions but everything I've seen suggests that the Lab would rather do anything but add regions to make money. The economy of scale is reversed and having more regions is less efficient than having fewer. With a new platform the Lab can try other ways of simulating the world that would be much more efficient as far as infrastructure needs, which would allow them to reduce prices. With the current platform? Never going to happen.
  25. Foxy Kimono wrote: I know by LAW, that as my brother's guardian, I am allowed access to his accounts, including but not limited to, 'PASSWORD RESETTING". Please cite the relevant laws which give you this access. As far as I can tell, you do not have this right strictly through your status as a guardian, and there are laws forbidding internet services from giving out passwords to people other than the account holder without authorization. Foxy Kimono wrote: Long story short, I'm just trying to help my little brother get his password reset for his account. He is a minor, and in the USA, anyone under the age of 18 IS STILL CONCIDERED A MINOR! I'm curious - why can't your brother do this for himself? Anyone capable of using a Second Life account should certainly be able to reset his own password without "help."
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