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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. DeeDee Waydelich wrote: my wife and i play together on SL. we spent the whole day fishing at Fish Hunt. We bought the most expensive fishing poles and worms. after she signed up for Jupocash to cash out her winnings Jupocash would not allow me to signup. theyre excuse was "only one account per IP is allowed" thus i can not cash out my winnings. they do not warn player of this before they spend thousands of lindens on their junk and waste their time. this is by far the biggest scam ive seen in SL so far and is unjustifiable. Fish Hunt - Jupo Cash or whatever their name is owes me a lot of linden. Okay, now I'm completely confused - Fish Hunt and Jupocash are completely different and unrelated companies as far as I can tell, and Fish Hunt rewards are redeemable in Lindens which can be cashed out in exactly the same way as any other Lindens. What exactly did you do?
  2. Cyndy Nicholls wrote: A dress with lacy, semi-transparent sleeves looks like black blobs all over my arms of my mesh body. Its supposed to look like semi-sheer (smooth grey) with black lace details, but it just looks like a bunch of black splotches all over my skin. This particular applier only lets me wear the clothing layer. I've tried changing graphic settings, not sure what else to try. Help anyone? Depends on what body you're using. Many offer an option to use a "1-bit" alpha on some of the clothing layers, which will prevent issues of interference with other semi-transparent mesh such as hair but will cause what you're seeing with a texture that needs many different levels of transparency ("1-bit" means that pixels can only be either completely transparent or completely opaque." The 1-bit mode may or may not be optional on that layer.
  3. Pawsia wrote: Ok so how it went was that I was in the middle of editing my avatar's attachments and like it usually does it crashed from trying to modify the texture, being a common thing I thought nothing of it and left it to calm down for an hour like I would usually do, however upon coming back it decided to update and when it was done and I was back in SL I got spammed by errors like items missing from database and some gestures completely failing to load. Crashing from editing attachments is not normal. How often does it happen and with what attachments? You may have a corrupt attachment. It's also not uncommon for a gesture to have some sort of corruption as well and I believe gestures load independently of the rest of your avatar so changing avatars wouldn't help. Remove all your gestures and see if that helps.
  4. Nero131 wrote: I just started Second life today and im trying to Fix up my Avatar and i cant get rid of this Hair called "Blank Hair" Even if i put on an other hair it stays there. Can anyone help me out with this? What you're seeing is a throwback to the first days of Second Life that's still around. Originally hair was a sort of painted, modifiable helmet. This is the wearable item called "hair" which looks like a head in profile in your inventory listing. It's been long since replaced by much better looking hair but the way the avatars are set up you're still required to wear a "hair" wearable, which is now only used to set the shape of the eyebrow portion of your face - the helmet-hair portion is normally shrunken down inside your head. You may safely ignore the "Blank Hair" object or you can replace it with any other "hair" wearable.
  5. Deltango Vale wrote: "I think we are just having a little bit of a language problem here on this point, not understanding each other. I hope this clears it up." -------------------------------------------------------------- Semantics: the biggest problem for communication. I am also able to "Increase Credit". This is how I bring $US into my SL account. It's standard procedure. I have been doing it for eight years without a problem. Perhaps there is a generational issue here. Today, SL is all about free free free - about 'playing' SL without spending any money. This is due to LL's promotion of a free-to-play culture, the company's attempts over the years to convert SL into 3D Facebook, avatar Minecraft and cellphone Candy Crush, and the exodus of money by people of my generation who became disillusioned by the direction of SL and the compound errors of LL management. The cynicism toward SL/LL and the disparaging of virtual everything as expressed so often in the fora is a symptom of these changes. I must admit that if I had discovered SL today (as it is today) instead of 2006 (as it was in 2006), I would not invest a single cent. SL today is a sad and restrictive world, a kind of mini-California + Disneyland theme park. No one in 2006 imagined such a terrible future for SL. Perhaps you should have rephrased the bolded statement to say, "No one in Second Life imagined such a terrible future for SL", because in fact almost everyone else in the world realized that building an imaginary world out of digital LEGO wasn't an investment grade opportunity. Two words: Beanie Babies.
  6. Deltango Vale wrote: "Again, you can no longer deposit cash into Second Life." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can purchase US$5,000 worth of L$ in a 24-hour period to a maximum of US$10,000 every 30 days. I have been able to do this since 2006 (45 days after joining SL). If you choose not to believe me, well, I guess it puts an end to the conversation. I certainly gain nothing by lying. You can buy $5,000 worth of macaroni every day too but it doesn't mean that your pasta stash has value as a financial instrument. If your neighbor opens a day-care center and you start selling it to them as art supplies? The money you get for it then has value as a financial instrument and is taxable.
  7. Deltango Vale wrote: "The only people being required to provide the information are those who cash out (have an income). So I don't understand your problem here." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cashing out does not equal income. If I deposit $5,000 into a bank account then later withdraw $2,000, the $2,000 is not income. Very few residents generate an income in SL. Most treat SL as a hobby or entertainment expense. Most simply wish to withdraw some of the money they had previously deposited. If you deposit money into a bank and then withdraw it, the money never changes from "money" to "something else." If you're considering buying a region or paying tier to be your "deposit" then the money is changed from "money" to "imaginary island", and then if you then cash out Lindens that your imaginary island brought in it's changed to "money" again and it's money that you most assuredly didn't have before - you couldn't pay real-world debts with your imaginary island. If you buy a taxicab for $20000 and you only make $5000 in fares, that $5000 is still taxable income even though its less than your expenses. . The cost of the taxicab is probably deductable as an expense, but that's between you and the tax man.
  8. Maike2004 wrote: Hi, i deleted my account by accident and want to keep it. How can i change that back? Pleaase help! Regards, Maike If you were using a viewer that saves multiple login names on the login page and you deleted a name from there, you didn't actually delete the account, only the saved name in the viewer. You should be able to type your name and password again for that account with no problems. If you actually did delete your account you have a few days before its official and you should be able to contact Linden Lab to get it reinstated.
  9. Etalia Cristole wrote: Who came up with these standard mesh sizes? XXS is NOT XXS. I guess the majority of this world is now overly fat and so apparently we all have to be in the virtual world too. My AV is 5'7" tall and 118 lbs according to a body scanner in a high end developers store; that's not an abnormal size, in fact it's 6 lbs under ideal weight for that height by Dep of Health standards. Apparently though in second life it's even smaller than XXS mesh as every single piece I try makes my ass look huge. I adjust sliders but it doesn't matter, mesh clothing is made for fat asses. There has always been an issue in SL with the average height of people being 8+ feet tall [most people have no idea they are unnaturally tall in SL, as it's the norm and I blame LL for not putting a hight in numbers on the slider], but this new giant ass trend is terrible. Every piece of mesh clothing is made for giant asses and disgustingly large breasts. I'm sorry if I don't find stretchmark ridden giant balls of flabby fat on my chest and ass attractive, but if you want my $L it's time to start developing clothes for non-fatass avatars. So disgusted. I am done shopping in SL, I will keep my money thanks. I leave second life for a year and come back to empty sims, great clubs all shut down, most AAA devs all gone, items with script errors that now don't get updated because most of the great devs have left, and all of my LM's to once packed sims no longer work. The virtual world now feels like the final days of an MMO game. All the money spent, time put in to make a perfectly proportional avatar, and these mesh abominations are what we get for "standard" sizes? Keep your mesh clothes, I will keep my normal sized (jagged) ass which LL should have fixed years ago before people gave up waiting and jumped ship. Full mesh bodies are even more of a joke, with their giant asses and flawed implementation [Qarl's mesh deformer project ignored instead they use some garbage system of "standard" sizes]. I understand how mesh works and why regular clothes don't play nice, but why am I going to spend the outrageous kind of money these mesh clothing devs are asking to re-buy all of my outfits when non-backwards compatible SL 2.0 is six months from beta and about a year away from release? To make my ass huge? No thanks, mesh hands/feet added to normal/prim clothing is good enough until SL 2.0 comes out. I have such a love hate relationship with SL, and the love is waning like the world itself. What happened to you Second Life? 2007 Was my first AV and in 2009 I made this one; I have seen the virtual world peak in 2009-2010 and then start crashing down. I had a prem membership for years to try and support LL with development costs. With all the amazing things that have been added, it still feels like a patchwork mess. I hope LL learned their lesson and SL 2.0 fixes these issues. Not holding my breath. Your avatar's height is actually 6'-2", as your scanner told you - the "agent height" is the size of the bounding box which stops at about eye level. 6'-2" and 118 pounds is anorexic. Your bottom is "normal size"? Seriously? Have you ever even SEEN a woman's bottom?
  10. Ravenhill97 wrote: This may seem like a dumb question, but I feel the information around this is unclear. AOs have priorities - usually 1 to 4 . But is 1 the HIGHEST priority or the LOWEST? "First priority" things usually have the highest priority, but reading the documentation gives the impression that in SL "First Priority" is 4. (4 being higher than 1). Thanks! It's actually the animations IN the AO that have priorities and they were set at upload. If two animations are being played at the same time the animation with the highest priority number will be played - i.e. a priority 4 animation will override a priority 2 animation. Personally I find priority 3 the best level for AO animations because they will replace all the default animations properly but special animations like bag-hold poses or dances are usually priority 4 or higher and will override the AO animations so you don't have to turn the AO off as often.
  11. Aries Asbrink wrote: With the Arcade Gacha event for September just beginning I have a question I've been wanting to ask. How do people who rent tables and stalls at the Gacha yard sales get their inventory? I realize people take a gamble and can sell their items but what about people who have the entire cards of collections from creators? Are these copy botted ? Not sure what you're saying. If you're referring to the cards showing all the gacha items, they usually have little boxes attached to them that contain the individual items - the cards are only a convenient map. The gacha resellers get the items the same way anyone else does - they play the machines hoping to make a profit by selling rare items while breaking even by selling common items at face value.
  12. Jwspud wrote: I cant find the download the second life viewer 2 download i got this link https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ but when i downloaded it it was the same viewer i have and i know i dont have viewer 2 "Viewer 2" is a term like "dial tone" or "icebox." Certain SL'ers use it to describe the current SL viewer even though the original "Viewer 2" dates from 2009/2010 and the current viewer version number is well over 3.
  13. catherine Fawcett wrote: I use exodus viewer but see mesh flashes on my screen. I have ask on the internet for answers and even send an mail to the makers only they not answering. can someone help me with it . Exodus hasn't been updated in almost a year and there have been major developments in mesh since then. You should probably find a new viewer.
  14. Splatulated wrote: i tried firestorm and its great until you have 26 IMS and a notice feed you cant turn off which blocks 1/4th of my screen and moving everything out of the way would make the huds just be in way of where im trying to view i usaully have chat feed then space to see then invent / editing window then huds move stuff over and i hae no room to see whats around me I have no idea what you mean about "changing how Singularity views mesh," but this is how you can completely customize how Firestorm handles chat: http://letteponnier.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/all-you-do-is-talk-talk-disentangling.html
  15. Qie Niangao wrote: Chronalis Rexen wrote: I wonder how many of you brainiacs will be so cheerful when they figure out that by definition and the letter of their "policy" gatcha machines have to be moved to gameing regions . . . Personally, I despise gacha machines. They're the Flappy Bird of commerce. But it apparently doesn't matter, according to the lawyer who presented all about the policy (transcript) not quite a month ago. Gachas and breedables and anything similarly veiling the L$ value of outcomes, they're all just fine. (FWIW, I think that explanation is simplistic because, taken at face value, it would permit blatant gambling of all kinds as long as it pays out in an intermediate token immediately redeemable for L$ or RL currency -- and that's wrong enough to earn the gambling machine owner a stay in RL prison.) The difference between gacha/breedables and the tokens you mention is that the tokens would have immediate and fixed values. A rare gacha item only has the value someone wants to give it. Actually most major real-world gambling uses chips instead of cash, and real-world cash itself has little intrinsic value when you get right down to it. There was a counterfeiting operation that was able to make "$100 bills" with newsprint that sent through a household printer and then covered with hairspray to fool counterfeit-detecting pens. If you considered anything that had a random chance of producing something that someone would consider to be much more valuable than your up-front cost to be gambling, then making a grilled-cheese sandwich would be gambling: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/6511148/ns/us_news-weird_news/t/virgin-mary-grilled-cheese-sells/
  16. Chronalis Rexen wrote: “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object: 1) whose outcome is determined by skill and is not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance; 2) requires or permits the payment of Linden Dollars to play; 3) provides a payout in Linden Dollars; and 4) is legally authorized by applicable United States and international law. Games in which Second Life residents do not pay to play are not within the scope of this Skill Gaming Policy. “Skill Games” are not intended to include and shall not include “gambling” as defined by applicable United States and international law. as quoted from the policy . . . Line 1 states a game, implemented through an Inworld object: 1) whose outcome is determined by skill and not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance. The outcome of a gatcha . . . is pure chance, by the policy no gatcha game legal as your outcome is wholy by chance. If at any time LL decides to get rid of gatchas they can use this policy to do so. Didn't you say a few posts up that they would be legal but would have to be moved to skill-gaming regions?
  17. AONEH Fallen wrote: Not sure if this is the right forum, but I am missing a pet after region restart. I've checked lost and found, objects, trash, everywhere possible in inventory. The land owner has checked the land, and nothing. I paid for this scripted animal a few days ago and day after putting him down/sim reset, he is gone! There isn't an option in help/support on this topic, so just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. Thanks! If a region has to be "rolled back" to an earlier state for some reason no-copy items placed on that region after the time the region was last backed up my disappear. However, many no-copy animals in Second Life communicate with a server run by the animal creator, and can be replaced by the maker after you contact them with details. Get in touch with the maker and see if this is an option.
  18. FitzRaymond wrote: Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me out. I was playing around the other day with my avie's face. Didn't like what I came up with so went back to what I had before. And now, I have these aweful spots just below my eyebrows. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I have tried all of the suggestions I have received from friends, including: 1. Going back to the newbie avie and rebuilding from there. 2. Rezzing the skin from its original box. 3. Played with all the eye and head settings in edit shape.. 4. Deleted all cache and reinstalled Firestorm. 5. Tried a different skin (problem still there on other skins) I doln't know what else to do. I have added the following photo so you can see what I'm talking about. I really need help on this one. I hope someone can provide some guidance. Thank You. Might be a hairbase/brow shaper issue. The "Hair" object all avatars must wear is usually only used for eyebrow shape these days but its actually a sort of "helmet" that was used for head hair originally. Most of the time the "hair" portion has been shrunken to fit inside the avatar's head invisibly but sometimes part of it ends up sticking out. Try wearing a different brow shaper or resize all settings on the one you're wearing to their minimums.
  19. poesraven72 wrote: I understood it was against the TOS to be banned from a public sim without provication. I had someone who didnt care for me talk to a sim owner into banning me when I had never even been on the sim before. I found out through a mutual friend. While I dont plan on going there and spoke to the owner who said they would speak to them but the ban wasnt lifted. Notthat I was going to go but I had heard it was against the TOS to do that. Anyone know and if so what is the clause. I'm not the only one this person has influanced into banning without provication. Thank you! If a sim is owned by someone other than Linden Lab it is by definition a private sim, not a public one, and anyone can be banned for any or no reason.
  20. cibernut wrote: I think you understand exactly where I am comming from unless you are stupid. You're certainly sarchastic... The facts are this! The LH is not free b.c you have signed up for premium membership, yet you can't do anything with the 512sqm tier other than keep and use the home. Bye, bye. The "free tier" that comes with a Premium membership can be used for one of two separate things: 1) A "Linden Home", where you have the ability to rezz up to 117 prims INSIDE a prefabricated structure that doesn't count against your prim total. You never actually own the walls, etc. Linden Homes are only on specially constructed regions. When you "abandon" a Linden Home you're actually abandoning the land INSIDE the structure. OR 2) 512 square meters of "Mainland" in a region other than one of the Linden Home regions, which will be a completely empty piece of land or water which you can place up to 117 prims on and use for any purpose allowed by the Terms of Service. You'll have to find a piece of existing land yourself and pay the current owner a fee to take posession of it at first, but after that it you won't have to pay anything else for that particular piece of land other than keeping your Premium membership current.
  21. Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: We still haven't discovered anything common about those who can't get in the sim. Perhaps it really is to do with not having entered payment info relatively recently. My main account's payment info was made many years ago - not updated since then. My alt account's payment info was made yesterday. Both can enter skilled gaming regions. So I guess it's not dependent of when the payment info was made. [Edit] I noticed that Whirly Fizzle has made a bug report: Provide clearer reasons for entry refusal to avatars who cannot access skill gaming regions The problem appears to be accounts that dont' have a real-world address on file as a location. If you added payment information recently (within the last couple of years) your billing address was automatically recorded in SL but the earlier system of adding payment info didn't record your address. I have some alts that can access skill game regions and some that can't due to this. There's an option for adding your address manually as well but Whirly's alt seemed to still have problems.
  22. cibernut wrote: Right, so the Buying or selling of land is prohibited clause only applies to the Linden Home and the land that it's on, not buying and selling land generally - I'm ok with that, however, if I was to abandon the home in the future and so just have the 512 sqm plot or tier, then what? What could I do with it? Isn't it the case (or so I've read...), that either I can have a LH on it but then not be able to sell it, or if I don't have a LH on it then I can sell it. If the answer to that is also 'no', then I don't see the point seeing as I've paid for a premiun account. On commercial activity, I can't sell anything in it directly from the estate but I could sell items through the market place. Seems fair to me, so I'm ok with that. I'm glad the last point is just legal wrangling, although tbh I hope I do end up with the one I selected... If you use your free tier on land you buy instead of a Linden Home you can do anything with that land that you could do with any other mainland - that includes selling it or running a (tiny) business. Note that you'd have to "buy" the piece of land you use your free tier on but after that the "rent" is included in your Premium membership.
  23. Annie Rubanis wrote: Does anyone know if Linden Labs has any intention of fixing the COCOA bug that has such an awful impact on Macs? Apparently, the COCOA bug is some huge flaw in their code that makes SL almost unplayable because it sinks the fps so low that you can barely move or type. I know Mac users are of less value to LL so I'm curious if anyone knows anything about this. The Firestorm team is extremely responsive and helpful about this but they can only do so much because it's a LL based bug and flaw. Thanks for any info on it!! "Cocoa" is actually a development language/environment written by Apple which they want developers to use instead of the old "Carbon" development language which the previous viewers were written under. Apple is planning on phasing out Carbon. All versions of a viewer have largely the same code. It's very possible that Mac problems are more an issue with Apple's Cocoa environment itself - Macs aren't exactly known for their game-platform abilities. I know Electronic Arts isn't immediately suppporting Macs for The Sims 4 despite supporting them on previous releases.
  24. BibiNoire wrote: Hi, It's crashing always when I try to upload something (otherwise seems to work very well). It happens on SL official viewer and Firestorm (both SL and OS ver.) aswell. Spec: OS X Yosemite v.10.10 Processor 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Startup disk OSX_240_SSD Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB There's a known incompatibility with Yosemite and the viewers when you're picking files - here's a Firestorm JIRA about it: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-14225?jql=text%20~%20%22yosemite%22
  25. Pia Atisso wrote: Hello all, since the last update of the Firestorm Viewer, i have the problem, that derendered objects i add to blacklist, coming back all the time... I see the objects in the blacklist, but its like i only derendered them temporary. Anyone else has that problem and maybe knows how to fix that? I didnt have that with the older viewer and also never before. Thanks Pia Atisso The new Firestorm viewer is built on revised scene-rendering code from Linden Lab and the Firestorm developers haven't been able to get the blacklist fully functional with the new code yet.
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