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KT Kingsley

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Everything posted by KT Kingsley

  1. Yeah, according to the wiki PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS is so deprecated it doesn't work at all any more, since version 1. Please tell how you got your effect. It's not something I've ever needed, but I couldn't come up with any ideas, and it's always good to learn a new trick.
  2. Anyone with 110 alts able to test this? I wonder if the wiki caveat was written based on the old maximum region capacity, and not updated, or if it's a limit hard-coded into the function (in which case it could probably do with an update too).
  3. This short auto-close delay does seem a bit off, so I can't help wondering if there's there some sort of configuration option, like an editable notecard or some text in the description.
  4. In Firestorm Alt+H opens the TP history window, which is just a tab away from Places. I pretty sure it's the same in the SL viewer.
  5. A quick search suggests that both The Sims 3 and SL clients use OpenGL, and that The Sims 4 has moved to Metal. OpenGL might be likened to the brand of paintbrush used by an artist. The brush is used to apply paint to the canvas, but it's the artist that decides the shape, colour and location of the pint blobs. Apple is deprecating OpenGL on its machines, and Linden Lab (who own Second Life) are investigating what to replace it with. I've no idea what possible replacements they're looking at, nor if they'd also apply any such change to their Windows viewers. I believe one Linden Lab CEO did previously hold a senior position at Electronic Arts.
  6. I guess there's not much point in mentioning it in this thread, but this issue has returned again in the last few days. JIRA.
  7. In the SL viewer there's the log and transcripts settings in Preferences/Chat (Save, at the bottom of the window). Not sure what the default setting is.
  8. Firestorm has a "Restrict maximum texture resolution to 512px" setting in Preferences/Graphics/Rendering which I've been using, though I haven't noticed any dramatic change in performance. I don't know if other viewers have this.
  9. There's this SL project viewer in the pipeline: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer.html >> https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ that's called "Project Custom Key Mappings", which may be relevant sometime in the future.
  10. Maybe you could use a script to send local chat out via HTTP to a server (maybe local on your machine) and have that relay the chat to stdout. But I'm not an expert, and I'm just guessing here.
  11. Like Rolig says, those clothing items have been made with an extra layer just above the fabric that consists of a series of square(ish) faces, shaped and rigged to conform to the fabric, on which the letter textures are displayed. (The letter textures are likely a grid of letters that get offset and scaled to show only an individual letter.) If you buy the demo, then edit it and click on "Select Face" in the build window, you then click on various parts of the demo (especially the text) to see the individual faces. And in conjunction with "Edit Linked", you can see how the various components have been brought together to make the whole item. So, to do something like this yourself, you need to start with clothing items that have been designed to be used like this: that is, a base that takes the basic fabric texture, and a second layer divided up into individual faces that can display individual letters. Given that an object can have only eight faces, it's inevitable that it'll have to be made up of several linked items to accommodate the likely number of letters that'll be used.
  12. If you have a viewer with RLV you can use that to set a specific rotation for your avatar. The RLV command is @setrot:<angle_in_radians>=force. You'd probably want to put it in a changed event, perhaps in a dedicated script or just slip it into some other script that you're always carrying and which you can modify. default { changed (integer changes) { if (changes & CHANGED_TELEPORT && changes & CHANGED_REGION) llOwnerSay ("@setrot:0=force"); } } This will point you north whenever you TP into a new region. Change the 0 in the setrot command to the actual direction you want (remembering the value is in radians). Add an extra test, && llGetRegionName () == "My Region", to the if statement if you only want it to work in a specific region.
  13. I do seem to remember that there was something in search that returned a list of named objects from all over the grid. Most things were sold in-world from prims that were named after their contents, so finding specific things was possible, though not all that convenient. Though this may have been fading out by 2008, with the advent of the XStreet marketplace.
  14. May I suggest the in-world group SL Grid Status, which uses a bot to send the status updates out as group messages, the email subscription option on the Grid Status page, and the RSS feed at https://status.secondlifegrid.net/history.rss.
  15. Have a look at llSetCameraEyeOffset and llSetCameraAtOffset. These set a camera view for a sitting avatar that locked to the object's rotation. But that's about all they do. (Like Wulfie says.) If you do need to use llSetCameraParams, try it with the lag and threshold, and behindness angle, parameters set to zero. This is from my boat script, and seems to work ok for me (though you'll probably want to change the distance and pitch values): llSetCameraParams ([ CAMERA_ACTIVE, TRUE, CAMERA_FOCUS_LOCKED, FALSE, CAMERA_POSITION_LOCKED, FALSE, CAMERA_DISTANCE, 3.0, CAMERA_PITCH, 8.5, CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.0, CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0, CAMERA_POSITION_LAG, 0.0, CAMERA_POSITION_THRESHOLD, 0.0, CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE, 0.0 ]);
  16. I'm going to vote for a sensor here, though there's several methods that might be considered, depending on the specific circumstances of your setup. In the state_entry event in the script create a repeating sensor: state_entry () { //... the rest of the code. Add: llSensorRepeat ("", "", AGENT, 20.0, PI, 5.0); } This will scan for any avatars within 20 metres, in all directions, every five seconds. Replace the touch_start (or possibly touch_end) event with a sensor event: //touch_start (integer count) //comment out the touch event header and replace it with a sensor event header sensor (integer count) // replace the variable name "count" with the actual variable name used in the original header { //... with any luck the same code as in the touch event will work in a sensor event } I haven't checked that code in-world, so there may be errors. And without seeing the original script, well, who knows... Good luck!
  17. Try using llEscapeURL on the region name part of the SLURL.
  18. And now it's back again. Is a 14 day cycle emerging?
  19. And now it's lost the confirmation dialog again.
  20. It seems to have returned to what I think is meant to be expected behaviour, with a confirmation dialog, just now.
  21. If this is about the "message of the day", you can make it show in your chat by clicking "Message of the day" in the top bar Content menu in Firestorm. A script could be accessing it using HTTP and chatting it out, too.
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