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Fauve Aeon

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Everything posted by Fauve Aeon

  1. Where’s the Stacy though? 😉 From the New Babbage Discord, we have a daily Vocabularium... Brobdingnagian [brob-ding-NAG-ee-uhn] (adj.) -Pertaining to something or someone that is gigantic, huge, enormous etc. -Marked by great size. -Of huge size; gigantic; tremendous. (n.) -An inhabitant of Brobdingnag. -A being of tremendous size; a giant. From Brobdingnag, the imaginary land of giants in Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift First Known Use: 1728 Used in a sentence: "The pills purchased from the quacksalver failed to live up to their promise to bestow upon the gentlemen a certain Brobdingnagian tumescence.” From me: There once was a French lass called ‘Hun’ With a brobdingnagian bum When going through doors She sighed often, ‘Alors’ In the time of the King of the Sun.
  2. I use an orb and lock down my stuff if I don’t want others to enter/use something/interact there. In several of our places, I don’t mind at all, in some I do. I write info in the parcel description. But it really depends on the place. If I’m concentrating on something on my platform or I’m in our suite at the Palace, I don’t like the surprise of someone popping in so the orbs there are fast to notify/kick. Pretty much everywhere on the ground at our places in New Babbage are open and welcome/encourage everyone who is exploring. But damage is on and there are a few, er...surprises? Just to keep it interesting, ofc. The world is really just a dangerous place sometimes. 😉
  3. I was wondering when the antique medical equipment would show up to keep the antiquated medical rumor ‘advice’ company. Seems they are just in time for the patio restaurants in some places to stupidly re-open...as long as they maintain social distancing between the tables, ofc. 😷🤤🤧
  4. I’m so sorry to hear that @Evangeline Ling.
  5. I’m going on a pork roast adventure today. I allowed substitutions in my grocery order for meat because we’re iffy on what’s in stock from day to day and pickup and delivery times are on a 5 day delay here still. So I have a cut of pork I’ve never cooked before. Wish me 🍀 The beef pot roast cubed, marinated and stir fried did turn out well Friday so I’m hoping for 2 for 2.
  6. I thought this too. Unless you really change your look a lot (and most don’t!) why do they need all those heads anyway? Not to say it’s wrong to collect heads if that’s your jam but really, being offended because you can’t have more free heads? Bit ridiculous...
  7. I use both mesh and system and I have a variety of human and non-human avatars. Since I consider my avatar a chameleon and shapeshifter, I’m not hooked on any consistent ‘look’ so I don’t reject things based on that. Most people don’t turn off names over people’s heads so I’m not really super invested in being recognizable as one type or aesthetic. I like to change, wear a look for a while, then completely change again.
  8. I think it’s a harmless indulgence if you are spending hobby money well within your budget on SL for fun. If something is $L250, I ask myself, ‘well...will you get a dollar’s worth of fun or amusement over that thing?’ (USD) A cremation oven is a dandy item in my book. A unique conversation piece for sure. 🤣
  9. For me, it would depend on it being mod with the texture guides available at least and also what it looks like undressed/dressed in other things.
  10. The specific combination of numbers and the information on the style card requires time and work to produce. Spending $1-3 USD on a basic for your look doesn’t seem outrageous. Several people make L$99 shapes as their hobby and business and seem to like it. I don’t see an issue? I make my shapes because I like to but I’d buy one if I liked it a lot or wanted the style card. I also have a few friends who are very bad at shapes so they like to buy theirs. $500 seems to be where people set the cutoff for ‘more than that and it’s too expensive’ for a shape.
  11. 30cm waist to hip difference is quite curvy, I’d try belleza freya and reduce the bust for this look. But agree, demos are your best friend.
  12. We will be waiting patiently, but I’m sorry to hear of your delays. I’m sure it’s beyond frustrating and I hope your shipment comes through for you quickly!
  13. I think the home-made masks are for just that, droplets and physical touching. Not virus prevention. I think it can help but I know some people don’t really think it does. Best refer to trusted experts for expert advice in all cases, agreed. My mask for hobby work is a P100 but good luck getting filters right now if you didn’t already have extras. 😑
  14. Granted, your graphics are maxed now..and the clear view, fast tracking and lack of lag all combine to now show you every little flaw in every object in the world. Can’t unsee... I wish I could go get my nails done. Simple, selfish - yes I know...but I still wish it. It’s a simple pleasure that I miss.
  15. All of which reminds me that I’ve been meaning to catch one of your shows *makes a note*. You can’t escape the accent fans 🤣
  16. Apples to oranges, club owners and landowners with public sims offer you entertainment and a place to explore, I don’t mind seeing a tip jar when someone is actually doing something that may merit a tip.
  17. Making a polite inquiry is a far cry from ‘demanding free stuff’ and complaining/being pushy or rude if this or that creator does or doesn’t offer something on discount or do a giveaway. ‘Are you going to have a sale or special’ is way different from ‘Well so and so is giving away a head, why can’t you?’ Especially in a store group where then the big fans also defend the decision, tempers flare and it makes the whole group chat tense and unpleasant.
  18. I am tired but I pushed through anyway. I cooked a decent amount of both yummy weekend things and meal-prep things for this coming week. I swept the deck and then came inworld for a formal event tonight. It was relaxing and fun. There was an air of normality to it and no one talked ‘illness’ which was really nice!
  19. With all that fondant on, who could say what’s even under it 😂🤣 that hair, good gravy...
  20. A couple of insurance companies are trying to float that in event cancellation cases, we’ll see how it lands. It stinks.
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