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Everything posted by ValKalAstra

  1. Nina's spicy hot takes, aka unpopular opinions: A lot of threads serve only one purpose: Social Drama Fireworks. Everybody knows this. Everybody lights the fuse anyways. Some just want to see the Forum burn and see every thread as an opportunity for the first. They would never agree but - Second Life is actually a fun place with fun people of many different walks.
  2. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/53284985804/in/dateposted-public/ This came about because of a random thought about how there seem to be two types of halloween costumes. Barely naked and barely dressed. So I rephrased it into two types of witches for a twist.
  3. The tech is getting there but it ain't close yet. Most companies learned from the whole Stable Diffusion mess and are keeping things behind closed doors so it's hard to say how good things are but what's out in the open is middling so far. You can generate mesh, yes. However the mesh is a complete and utter mess. You could probably rig it but at the current state of things, it would set SL on fire. https://github.com/threestudio-project/threestudio What works really well is to bake textures onto mesh objects. You could create cool photo backdrops that way. I won't say easily because nothing about manual installs of the tech is easy - but it can be done. You could also create skyboxes rather easily (with say, https://skybox.blockadelabs.com/ and modifying it into the proper projection). There's pleny of AI on the grid already, usually in the form of low effort images though. As someone that does learn and experiment with AI - I get ticked off when I see typical AI mistakes someone couldn't be bothered to fix and then sells it anyway. But that's just me.
  4. So, I've got this vivid memory of being a wee lass, sitting hunched over at school - as you do - and scribbling little hearts, flowers and stars onto any piece of paper I could get my hands on. It was just something I did. I learned a great many things doing that! For example, better hand writing, a bit of drawing, why the bloody hell I was failing in math - but the lesson I did not learn was that apparently, little scribbles were a highway to scam artistry. This is the whole Funny Pen Marker Smell - > Hard drug pipeline again, isn't it? Look, all cheekiness aside - why does the assumption have to be malicious intent? Is the world not angry enough already? People have been scribbling and adding little symbols and what not to their names for decades at this point. It has gone in and out of style so many times that there are multi-generational memes about xxxDarkSonicShadowSlayerxxx style names going around. It's just someone trying to be fancy with their name. Any trick to stand out.
  5. Just a hunch but you probably want to click "Add" instead of "Wear". Wear will switch out the item already in the slot while add will just... well add it. Sometimes clothes end up on the same attachment slot, leading to these types of collisions if you don't click Add.
  6. Confession: I just tried to click the play arrow. I might not be all that smart. Pet Peeve: Baldur's Gate 3 is sooo good. Why is that a pet peeve? Because I ain't getting things done!
  7. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/53255097743/in/dateposted-public/ Presenting the most over-edited picture I've done in ages, maybe ever. DON'T CARE, HAD FUN! My inner artist fatally cringing at the squashed black and white levels, the edit mistakes and the bloody lensflares just adds to the charm. Oh yeah. Tis the witch's vroom.
  8. I've got this! There's only one kind of transformation I can acknowledge! --- "woman with glasses transforming into a cat lady" and maaaaybe a bit of further tweaking.
  9. Like those old black and white silent films. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a Metropolis Photoset somewhere!
  10. Sometimes I'm really into nerdcore. The juxtaposition of boastful tracks mixed with mythology or other nerdy culture just tickles me. Been listening to one song almost on repeat. Maybe because it's just a fun character (to read about, not to meet, the monkey king is a bonafide jackass).
  11. Not for nothing, there's that saying about quiet waters. I can see it. /edit: Oh my god, it happened. I started making double posts too. It's too late now. Don't mourn for me, it's all down hill from here.
  12. It is, isn't it? It was a gift at one of the shop and hop events. Sadly, there's no interior. I think it's meant for a combat sim of sorts. Still, I've been on the lookout for a cool fantasy variant like it since, just to occasionally cruise around with, aye? You're right about the size though. Here's my Avi for scale. I admit. We had a lot of fun with the idea of some random person looking out their window, seeing this absolutely massive monstrosity sail past and going "yup, that's Second Life I guess".
  13. Derendering might be difficult with scripts but I could make a script that would automatically hose them with a spray of water if they come too close, sort of like how some raise stubborn cats. Could even add that psssst, psssst sound.
  14. Always interesting to see what game randomly pops up in Second Life. That one would be the Rutledge Asylum chapter from American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns.
  15. Haha, thank you, I'm always appreciative of people wanting to help and those are good suggestions too. The eyes were made in post. I just added cat eyes and tweaked the light a bit. Sadly I tweaked things too much in general because it seems like the cheeky twist of the picture got lost. Here's another angle. The background is a staircase. I moved a pose stand into a vertical position - then additionally rotated the picture so my avatar would seem upright again - but with a 90° flipped background. Then I edited too much and killed the twist by making it hard to make out. Oops!
  16. Got it! Tried my hand at it but something just kept re-arraging my witch senses. https://flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/53244916747/in/dateposted-public/
  17. Probably? I think it would depend on the how and the why. Nothing about my shape or the choice of textures seems all that unique. It's fairly generic. Everything else they could already siphon off with a free HUD so why not use the chance to chat a bit about things? Yah, I think I would.
  18. Cruising around random Sims on a random impulse, after I joked with a friend about having a battleship in my backpack. We went to a Sandbox, found out you could drive it - and went for a drive. Which inevitably ended in a zero second banorb but such is Second Life.
  19. Aye, what @Emma Krokus said. You need a script enabled region for HUDs to work. Sometimes a region can also be lagged to the gills but that shouldn't be a persistent issue.
  20. It was meant to be something humorous, not mean spirited but fair enough. My bad. I'll pull back.
  21. You know there's a meme about german speaking people having a word for everything? Well there's one for THIS. It's called a "Steilvorlage" and you've got no idea how hard I had to fight back the urge to take it
  22. There was a time when the ad thing did work for me (magazines mostly) - which granted, I'm probably the edge case with a niche product there. Still it more or less stopped with the search changes. So aye, need to dive back in and figure out the arcane workings again.
  23. As a customer, I used to be a marketplace shopper. There was just something about late nights chatting with a friend and going through various stores on the marketplace - then grabbing demos to check out together the next day. I've also got some L$ from some sales of my own stuff so it's not like I need to watch my expenses that much. Still, my marketplace shopping time has all but vanished and the primary reason is the search. The changed results are useless to me. I either drown in gachas unless I jump through several hoops... And even then some slip by. Or I drown in two hundred listings of the same shirt, just in different colours. Or I drown in items that still advertise with Fitmesh and flexi. The search results actively fight me. At some point I stopped caring and looking. Now then my perspective as an extreme niche and small scale creator is that there was a point in time when sales just vanished. I've recently blown through an ad budget of 10k L$ for advertising in magazines for my niche and in world billboards where appropriate. I've also done passive advertising by just being present trying to be uplifting and helpful in my niche, figuring some might stumble over my profile pick. The result has been sobering. I have not made back my ad budget. I'm not bitter, I just write it off as supporting cool magazines and communities then but still. I can't help but wonder and then there are moments where I try to optimise my store page. Find out if I can improve some things and that's when I realise the new search doesn't even show my product unless I search for it by full name. Youch. I'm not angry or bitter, just befuddled somewhat. Feel like I'm flailing aimlessly.
  24. Let me snow in with an example too, since I've had a bit of time and some friends to help out. Alright, first the raw image as it came out of SL (just in a higher resolution). I'm overall happy with the picture but there were a few things that irked me: Colours, elbow and mood. I did like the overall lighting of the scene but at some point the light had taken on an oversaturated look and because I was a dingus and ran on the PBR client, I started getting glitches so it wasn't a thing of just taking another shot. I went and adjusted the overall mood of the picture, added some more contrast, an overlay for lens effects I regret in retrospect and then added a seperate layer for the guy's skin as he needed a different adjustment to fit. The elbow (her left) is borked. Limitations of SL. I softened it a bit but the stripes made it hard to do more. Could have done more but I think it's good enough as is for me. Finally - some tweaking using a Lut, some more colour shifting and a vignette effect. Things I should have done more with: The Eiffeltower took on some weird blur artifacts when my PBR client started low-ressing objects (note to self, stop being a dingus and use viewer alpha versions to take your shots). Edit: I got timestamps since the topic was also about time! Start preparations with friend #1 at 18:19 Invite second friend at 19:13 Raw at 20:29 Final picture at 20:51
  25. Okay, there seems to be some confusion. First: Are you sure that Louna's World "Content Giver Script" changes textures in any way? From a quick glance at the marketplace, it seems to be... well... a content giver script. These more or less copy the inventory of an item over towards a recipient. The usual unpacker items. While it's possible, I have never heard of a content giver script changing textures and can't find any mention of that in the store description either. Second: You will need to be able to modify the script you are using, if you are using the right one. llSetTexture is a script command and thus goes into a script. There probably are solutions where you can just feed in the UUID and that should be fine (via notecard whereupon it creates the script or something) - but again, would need to know which script it actually is that you're using.
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