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Everything posted by ValKalAstra

  1. Oh, me, me! I've been dabbling in AI stuff too. My first tries were with Midjourney more or less a year ago and when I could no longer afford that - I stumbled accross Stable Diffusion. That has been my go-to and I have spent a lot of time experimenting and playing with it. I've since experimented a lot in trying to bring my looks over into other concepts, such as drawings, paintings etc. So it's not going to be a direct Image 2 Image but rather something created with probably the... 8th or 9th generation of LORA and custom blend models. Either way, some of my experiments with it. As comparison my Avi from SL first. In case someone warrants it, my signature stare in custom sticker form - I need to create more of these! A shot of Anime Nina and vibrant water colour! Nina has played too much Eldenring! And Nina got style - at least in the eyes of the all spooky AI.
  2. Aye. If it still sells or the merchant is still around? There's in my opinion no reason to yank it. Sure there might be some ancient, half broken mess in there but sometimes there's some charm in that. Also I have seen people buy said mess and dance with joy over their purchase. I didn't quite understand it but heck, joy is infectious so let them have it! I've had my fair share of fun in going into obviously old builds and almost looking at it like a virtual archeologist. What could this have been? Which weird religions must this have been made for? Personally, I'll toss a coin to the witcher coder that implements a better way for users to find what they want. Both in world and on the marketplace and let's just say the latest marketplace changes aren't it. I've gone from a frequent marketplace enjoyer to someone that looks at it, groans under a flood of gacha that refuse to be filtered and heads back out.
  3. Well then, feel free to add me as well but you need to hear this and ideally understand this: A graphics card overheating is not only not working okay, it's a suicidal firehazard to not fix it. That's neither a joke, exaggeration or me being an evul gamer grrrrl sneering down at you - that's a genuine safety warning. A GPU is built to sustain heavy loads for an extended amount of time. It is also build with tolerances that some people use to overclock them. Your GPU, by your own words, is both underperforming compared to cards of similar makeup and still punching way past the tolerances by overheating anyway. Block me, ignore me, insult me if you must but bloody hell: Fix your GPU. Do it, please. Clean out the dust. Check the thermal paste. Buy an old cheap one on Amazon. Switch out the fans (probably costs more than just switching the GPU). Do any of these things. If you don't know how, there's people that will help. But hell - A GPU overheating is running so hot that your computer goes "holy hell, fire hazard!!!" and emergency shuts down everything to prevent a quite literal fire. Don't bloody chance it. Period. Don't be like a friend of mine that lost nearly everything because he didn't bother to clean up his dust caked up notebook despite constantly overheating and it caught fire one day.
  4. Much appreciated - shadows and (flipwise, lighting) are my big vulnerability when it comes to my pictures. I always tend to fumble around, not really knowing what I am doing. I can somewhat fake it with modern tech (fake raytracing for bouncelights, etc) but I always fumble in the dark. So I appreciate this, thanks!
  5. Free Membersnip? ... ... I'll see myself out!
  6. Curious Nina is being curious: Yah, that'll do. Perfect amount of corpo nothing speak while telling them to knock it off. As for the topic: Fun fact! Doing that is a popular solution for club owners who want out of the biz, actually. It's this super cool trick they can use. Just build a landing spot, mandatory group and group join fee going four digits. That generally kills a majority of visitors and the rest leaves in due time because "great now folks are still standing around afk but the amount of readable profiles has gone way down, why am I even here?"
  7. I'm reminded how it works on reddit. A user you have blocked can't reply to your posts anymore. It's one of those ideas that's good on paper until you've seen it in action. That function is abused for so many actions done in bad faith it's ridiculous. Two people are having an argument? One blocks the other and gets to do a victory lap, mic dropping the last shot. Want to spread misinformation - just block any prominent member that could debunk you and let the FUD fly until someone else corrects it hours later. By that point, it's been spread far and wide. However not once have I seen it used as a way to stop a fight between two people. It was always a tool to get one up on someone else. No surprise: I'm against the functionality of giving users a tool to dictate how others can interact with a public forum. That's a power reserved for site owners and moderators, not people that overextended in an argument.
  8. I mean if you took what Zalificent said as a threat - then you quite literally just did in fact respond to a threat. Yes I'm fun at parties but you probably wouldn't know, they're for... grown ups. Jokes aside - I wanted to point out that seeing adult content is actually an option that you have to opt in. At least that's how it was for me when I joined give or take two years ago. It was turned off by default, both on the marketplace and in my viewer of choice (Firestorm - I never even touched SL official). Also maybe it's just a bug on my end but when I head to the marketplace not logged in, I can't even select anything above General so - yah. The default does seem to be for adult stuff to be opt-in, rather than opt-out.
  9. For me that was give or take a year ago. Someone in the family combined the trifecta of being easily infected (heavy smoker), not giving a single damn and constantly heading out to socialise. He's fine now! MY sense of taste however noped out after the fifth infection, which funny enough I didn't even feel sick foranymore. Took me til now to get it somewhat back. Can only really taste salt and texture or very strong sweetness. On the upside, it finally forced me to learn cooking after having lived a life of everyone comparing my cooking to flamethrowers. What I meant to say is that I empathise with you. We don't quite notice something properly til it's gone aye?
  10. And here I was ready to counter with this glorious loreal commercial: I'd chip in for poker puns but I'm genuinely blind to what any two cards in the game even mean, so before i accidentally shorthand you, I happily fold!
  11. Well, well - I'll raise you some bubbly ... cpop? Is that actually a thing? Dunno. I raise you with a Hong Kong musician, first debuted in Korea, here singing in English about a Chinese ghost love story. Also most dramatic clothing scene ever.
  12. Some days you just need a bit of bubbly kpop feel good music.
  13. Confession. Sometimes when I am semi zoning to some editing or forum reading, I throw on some video game soundtrack with oomph behind it. Something like the Theme for the Imposter King can turn everything epic. Click. Click. *DA DA DA DAAAAAa - ANGELS START SINGING, THE WORLD ACOUSTICALLY ENDS IN A FINAL STAND* "Yup. That about sums up reddit today." Click. ... Click.
  14. Nina's spicy hot takes, aka unpopular opinions: A lot of threads serve only one purpose: Social Drama Fireworks. Everybody knows this. Everybody lights the fuse anyways. Some just want to see the Forum burn and see every thread as an opportunity for the first. They would never agree but - Second Life is actually a fun place with fun people of many different walks.
  15. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/53284985804/in/dateposted-public/ This came about because of a random thought about how there seem to be two types of halloween costumes. Barely naked and barely dressed. So I rephrased it into two types of witches for a twist.
  16. The tech is getting there but it ain't close yet. Most companies learned from the whole Stable Diffusion mess and are keeping things behind closed doors so it's hard to say how good things are but what's out in the open is middling so far. You can generate mesh, yes. However the mesh is a complete and utter mess. You could probably rig it but at the current state of things, it would set SL on fire. https://github.com/threestudio-project/threestudio What works really well is to bake textures onto mesh objects. You could create cool photo backdrops that way. I won't say easily because nothing about manual installs of the tech is easy - but it can be done. You could also create skyboxes rather easily (with say, https://skybox.blockadelabs.com/ and modifying it into the proper projection). There's pleny of AI on the grid already, usually in the form of low effort images though. As someone that does learn and experiment with AI - I get ticked off when I see typical AI mistakes someone couldn't be bothered to fix and then sells it anyway. But that's just me.
  17. So, I've got this vivid memory of being a wee lass, sitting hunched over at school - as you do - and scribbling little hearts, flowers and stars onto any piece of paper I could get my hands on. It was just something I did. I learned a great many things doing that! For example, better hand writing, a bit of drawing, why the bloody hell I was failing in math - but the lesson I did not learn was that apparently, little scribbles were a highway to scam artistry. This is the whole Funny Pen Marker Smell - > Hard drug pipeline again, isn't it? Look, all cheekiness aside - why does the assumption have to be malicious intent? Is the world not angry enough already? People have been scribbling and adding little symbols and what not to their names for decades at this point. It has gone in and out of style so many times that there are multi-generational memes about xxxDarkSonicShadowSlayerxxx style names going around. It's just someone trying to be fancy with their name. Any trick to stand out.
  18. Just a hunch but you probably want to click "Add" instead of "Wear". Wear will switch out the item already in the slot while add will just... well add it. Sometimes clothes end up on the same attachment slot, leading to these types of collisions if you don't click Add.
  19. Confession: I just tried to click the play arrow. I might not be all that smart. Pet Peeve: Baldur's Gate 3 is sooo good. Why is that a pet peeve? Because I ain't getting things done!
  20. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/53255097743/in/dateposted-public/ Presenting the most over-edited picture I've done in ages, maybe ever. DON'T CARE, HAD FUN! My inner artist fatally cringing at the squashed black and white levels, the edit mistakes and the bloody lensflares just adds to the charm. Oh yeah. Tis the witch's vroom.
  21. I've got this! There's only one kind of transformation I can acknowledge! --- "woman with glasses transforming into a cat lady" and maaaaybe a bit of further tweaking.
  22. Like those old black and white silent films. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a Metropolis Photoset somewhere!
  23. Sometimes I'm really into nerdcore. The juxtaposition of boastful tracks mixed with mythology or other nerdy culture just tickles me. Been listening to one song almost on repeat. Maybe because it's just a fun character (to read about, not to meet, the monkey king is a bonafide jackass).
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