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Matthieu Quander

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Everything posted by Matthieu Quander

  1. That's exactly my point. You may find some examples in Mediterranean countries, but the style wasn't born there, it merely borrowed design elements from there.
  2. It absolutely is an architectural style, with very specific characteristics. I spent most of my life in Texas, and it has always been known as Mediterranean to me, though Spanish Colonial also comes up from time to time. https://www.thespruce.com/what-is-mediterranean-architecture-5072822
  3. If it is claims rather than occupancy then I think this is part of it, but more likely, it is a consequence that the Stilts on Water and on Pier don't become available as often , thus get fewer claims. If it is based on occupancy then perhaps there are considerably fewer of those parcels?
  4. I think this is the answer. There's nothing inherently wrong with the Chalets. The homes simply aren't as appealing as those in other themes. Personally, I think the landscaping and public areas are fine, but it feels more like a vacation destination than a place I would want to live for any meaningful length of time. I think if a windmill home model were added, you might see an uptick in Chalet occupancy, much like we saw when treehouses were added to the Fantasy theme, though too many might ruin the aesthetic of the area or attract an invasion of Don Quixote avatars. The only other thing I can think of would be to rework the entire area as a winter theme, but that likely would not be cost effective.
  5. I would love love love a Santa Fe / Pueblo Revival theme with desert landscaping.
  6. I noticed that. I wonder if they will leave it like that or perhaps fill it with one of the 2-region houseboat sandbars or more stilts?
  7. My guess is that they will release them when the are actually ready, and as always, will not commit to a release date because things happen.
  8. This is true. In my American neighborhood, we all live in treehouses with fluorescent vegetation. Living in a Bellisseria Fantasy home is essentially the same as my RL.
  9. And before anyone educates me on home styles of the Mediterranean, I'm specifically referring to what Americans refer to as Mediterranean. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=587017952&q=Mediterranean+home+style&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjX9L_y4O6CAxWtIUQIHdKoDasQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1920&bih=1065&dpr=1
  10. It's an early Festivus miracle. Looks like that fabled NE passage to the stilts and points beyond may finally be on the horizon.
  11. They already come up occasionally now. I don't see why adding more would make that less likely.
  12. Your responses have clearly all been from a breedables business owner's perspective. The ones telling the OP to AR the person violating the covenant are from an average Bellisseria citizen's point of view. Considering this is the Linden Homes section of the forum, I found the latter to be much more friendly, useful, and on topic. I'm glad there are places in SL where people can live without a restrictive covenant. That means there are fewer people who want to willingly break the rules where I choose to live. Living with a restrictive covenant is a personal choice. No one is infringing on anyone's freedoms. Everyone has the right to live with the covenant or to live where there isn't one. There are always going to be people who don't bother to learn the rules or who blatantly refuse to follow them. That's why the AR system exists, and why Bellisseria residents are encouraged to use it. I don't see the connection with national governments or traditions specific to the United States. As @Rowan Amore stated, there are plenty of places to live in the US with a restrictive covenant...and plenty without. I have happily lived in both, just as I have in SL. The governments of most countries are designed to evolve and permit change over time, and the will of the citizens is certainly part of that process. Change is needed when an entity has outgrown its rules to the point where they have become unjust. The rules pertaining to breedables exist for reasons that have been explained multiple times. Those reasons still exist. They are not unjust, as people have the choice to live elsewhere if they do not wish to abide by them. Most Bellisserians recognize the benefit of having the restrictive covenant, and choose to live there because it exists rather than in spite of it. If we all felt the same as you and your many friends, Bellisseria would be a failure instead of the thriving community that it is.
  13. Exactly my point. Manually checking it before it gets zapped isn't practical.
  14. Would be nice if the buckets told the owner how many candies they gave when they get collected by the great pumpkin in the sky.
  15. sees several new posts in thread. Apparently we have not.
  16. So as long as you adequately hide the fact that you are breaking the covenant, it's okay because at that point a neighbor being nosy is the greater transgression?
  17. I haven't put out any buckets in previous years but I did this time. I did not add them to the list, and judging by the numbers, it does not appear that anyone else has. All are plainly visible and accessible next to the main entrance of the given home model, so it's an interesting study of how many people go looking and where they do so. Log Home - 6 Stilt Home - 9 Houseboat - 15 I would have expected the Stilt to have the fewest visitors, as the regions aren't particularly well suited for traditional walking from house to house, but it has had more than I expected. I'm guessing that because there are quite a few empty Logs that most people do not bother looking for any in that area that aren't on the list. Kudos to the determined trick-or-treaters who have. I'm sure the numbers will trickle up slightly through the end of the event, but probably not much. It appears that most people are sticking to listed parcels for the most part.
  18. This is one of my favorite styles. The challenge would be how to handle the roof. To make it look believable would take more LI than the flat "let the texture do all the work" roofs that they typically use. Those LI would have to be made up elsewhere, likely in landscaping, which might be able to work in a desertscape.
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