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Matthieu Quander

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Everything posted by Matthieu Quander

  1. Nando beat me to the punch, but I have been working on my Havana Havana for weeks. It's not done, but it never will be. Here are a few glimpses. You can see full sized images on my flickr, or stop by Betelnut and see it up close.
  2. It's not clear whether you are looking for any log home or are specifically wondering when the remaining regions will be completed. I assume since you posed this in the SSP forum, it is the latter, but just in case you merely want a log home, and aren't seeing any on the LP, you need to click the little + sign to see them. If you are actually curious about the SSP regions, only the moles or Lindens know for sure, but here is what I have noticed. Up until the time they started releasing stilts, they were still completing and releasing log regions. I have not made an effort to check for new releases since then, but I have been watching at least some of the SSP regions for renaming, which has not happened. That's not to say that there haven't been any, just that the one's I'm watching haven't changed names. It's harder to track log home releases with there being constant availability, but I know work has been ongoing on the railroad tracks and at least some landscaping, so I'm sure the remaining unfinished regions will be completed "soon."
  3. I didn't want to suffer alone, so you are very welcome.
  4. I completely butchered this. I won't bother correcting the typos, but did want to clarify that it is the OL Havanas with the mismatched roofs. In case you haven't noticed here's a photo. It's only the OL Havanas. All other stilts have uniformly darker roofs.
  5. My GoHs preferences tend to be of the "I'll know it when I see it" variety, but I never seem to actually see it, and when I think I know what I want, I'm never able to get it. It doesn't stop me from trying. For stilts, I want some land, but I do not want to be connected to a pier or on a road. Even though I want some land, I am limited to OW stilts because I prefer the Havana, and the OW Havanas have a light grey main section of roof that upsets my OCD. I also prefer unobstructed views of the water, so I can't have other OW homes on the water side. There are actually a fair number of stilts that meet my picky requirements, but I will find flaws with all of them, ands I'm not lucky enough to get one without help anyway. This morning I got the same exact home three rolls in a row. While I wait to land the perfect home that doesn't exist, I very slowly decorate the one I have, lamenting that fact that my preferred home model doesn't have a bare wall for a bed. I's just as well, as I will spend most of my time on the deck, (mostly) silently judging the décor of my neighbors.
  6. I'm releasing a houseboat. The slip is on an end, and it is currently on the edge of the world, so unobstructed water views until/unless new regions are added. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bilgewater/158/132/23
  7. They are nice, though they are sculpts and not mesh, if that matters to you.
  8. Alternatively, if may want to limit script users to a group, which is the default setting. Set the group for your parcel on the General tab of the About Land settings. All members of your group will be able to use scripts.
  9. Looks like the recent houseboat releases have all been claimed. Campers and log homes can still be had at anytime, but if you are looking for any of the other themes, you will need to keep an eye on the LP, at least until they resume releasing new regions.
  10. To add to this discussion, you can successfully link basic scripted furniture with other items, but I find that it works best if the furniture is not the root. You do not want to attempt this with several pieces, and I typically limit it to simple items, such as chairs, rugs, and such. If you link multiple copies of the same item, it can help to rename one of them, as the sitters can get confused otherwise. Also, think twice about linking items with texture changers. For this scenario, make your texture changes before linking, and delete the script, lest you end up with rug textures on your trees (yes, it has happened). One final warning, beware of linking items that extend beyond your parcel limits. For one, you may be violating the covenant, and as the moles have warned, objects can be returned without warning, possibly resulting in half of your décor disappearing. Additionally, you will not be able to unlink any items from the linkset, should the need arise, unless you move it to where it fully fits within your parcel. This is true even if you are only unlinking a single item that is fully inside your parcel boundaries. This can be a common problem with landscaping where you may have rocks or trees creeping too far beyond your boundaries on multiple sides, making it difficult or impossible to move it to a safe place.
  11. Yes. This is a pet peeve with many of the home themes, but is especially noticeable on the stilts. I would expect OW homes to have rotation options, but I assume there were too many challenges to implement it.
  12. I can't really improve on Cinnamon Mistwood's response, so I will just add a a couple of things. If anything is out of proportion to your actual comments it is because you keep changing your story. This raises suspicion regarding your true motives. You keep repeating that only the Lindens can provide the answers to your questions, yet continue to invite discussion from the general SL userbase, only to dismiss it when it conflicts with your point of view. In short, Trolls with hidden agendas bring out my cantankerous side.
  13. No one is watching maps 24/7. I personally find that a quick glance a couple of times a week at the regions that interest me is adequate to keep up with it. And who cares how many Linden homes are claimed by alts? There is nothing illegitimate or nefarious about one RL person having multiple premium SL accounts. They are all paid for, and get no special advantages. An account is an account is an account. If Bill Gates is spending his retirement by creating 25,000 premium accounts, and claiming 90% of all Bellisseria homes, then so be it (I can use hyperbole too). Again, what is your point? If you want to know how many RL people there are in SL, or specifically in Bellisseria, not even the Lindens can tell you that. One RL person may use multiple email accounts, credit cards, and even IP addresses. Conversely, a single RL household may have multiple people playing in SL using the same email, credit card, and IP address. Even if it were possible to know how many RL people are spending time in SL, why is that your concern?
  14. Groups for people who live or are interested in Bellisseria began being formed as soon as the new areas were known. There are dozens of Bellisseria specific groups pertaining to most interests, almost all of which of full of nice and helpful residents. The search feature is useful for finding groups that appeal to you. Of course, if you don't see one that suits your interests, you can always start your own. Happy grouping!
  15. "Annoying" was my descriptor of choice, but yeah, it's a head scratcher. I understand having that particular window type not open. I'm just confused why they opted to only use that type in the Tortuga when all the other home models have functioning ones. It's hard to please everyone all the time, or me , ever, but at least there is some variety.
  16. It's wonderful how different we all are in what appeals to us. I was initially enamored with the Tortuga because of the open floorplan, but the windows bother me because none of them open.
  17. You are correct that the availability of other themes is tied to the release of stilt homes and house boats, with one exception. Log home regions were still being released with some frequency as recently as a few weeks ago. I expect that to continue as resources permit, as there are dozens of them in various stages of development. This includes some campers as well, though the numbers of those is comparatively insignificant.
  18. What? Why do you need to point out the obvious fact that not everyone wants to live in Bellisseria when your concern was supposedly that, by holding onto a home, you were keeping people from doing that very thing? Anyone who has wanted a new Linden home has been able to get one with a little patience and perseverance, even during the times of scarcest supply. Availability always goes up during a theme release, which is what we are experiencing now. Congratulations on getting a home so effortlessly. If you like it, keep it. If not, you have the option to release it. No one is crying in a corner because they can't find a home in Bellisseria due to you holding onto one that you don't love. If YOU don't want to live in Bellisseria, I don't think anyone will be overly concerned if you opt for one of the many alternatives.
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