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Matthieu Quander

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Everything posted by Matthieu Quander

  1. Another good suggestion, but didn't help in this case.
  2. I cannot figure out the source of this mysterious pinkish glow along the shoreline of my stilt home. It does not appear to be coming from a light source, as the glow is limited to the water. Changing the environment settings for sky or water has no effect. It is there whether I am on or off my parcel. No other homes near me have the same effect. It's not overly offensive, but I would like to know what is causing it. Any ideas or suggestions for how to figure it out that doesn't require me to completely tear out my house and put it all back one piece at a time?
  3. Every time a person surfs while wearing heels, God kills a dolphin.
  4. The stilts were purposely designed for the doors to be optional. There are doors included in the Content Creation Pack. I really like this option, as it allows for using pocket doors instead of swinging ones, which keeps them functional, but out of the way.
  5. There is actually a stilt currently in the queue, but as noted above, it will get snatched up quickly unless they have released more (I have no reason to think that they have). If you do want to take your chances, you will not end up homeless, as there are plenty of Chalets to be had at the moment.
  6. Homes: Stilt - Havana Log Home - Grand View Houseboat - Evening Star Camper - Sun Valley (with the deck retracted) Traditional - Continental Landscapes: Victorian (wish I liked the homes) Log Home Camper Traditional n/a
  7. All good points, though your initial response did not mention which hypothetical problem you were attempting to solve. Thus if the person actually does want to purchase a Linden houseboat to use on a parcel of their choosing, then you have sent them on a wild goose chase. Of course, your thorough follow-up explanation should prevent that, so problem solved.
  8. Being in the cloud means that there is no longer a practical technical limitation for how many regions can be added, but there is still a financial factor. I won't pretend to know how much adding a bunch of open water regions would cost, but I do know that it wouldn't be free. That doesn't mean that it can't or won't be done, just that being in the cloud does not mean that there are suddenly unlimited free resources.
  9. @Rabid Cheetah Did you respond to the wrong topic? How is resetting the houseboat controller or submitting a ticket going to allow someone to buy a Linden houseboat?
  10. If you want more info, here is a good place to start. It needs updating, as it is missing the two newest themes (Stilt Homes and Chalets), but it may still prove useful.
  11. There is an added benefit to having a new topic, as "Bellisserian" is spelled correctly this time. Thanks for not taking the copy/paste approach, Frigga.
  12. I would prefer that bad forum behavior be met with individual account warnings or suspensions instead of locked threads, but that would likely just lead to a flood of alt accounts joining the fray. It's easy enough to just follow the quoted advice and post with a modicum of civility and common courtesy. I also prefer the thread remain here instead of elsewhere, as it keeps all the forums I follow in one place. As for why we are all here, it's slim pickings at the moment.
  13. Well since you have already asked here and it is a safe departure from some of the other discussions, LittleMe Jewel's advice should solve your issue.
  14. Correct, though the cookware can be purchased with the cooktop pieces or separately as well.
  15. It has been grabbed and re-released again...not by me, I merely have a nearby stilt, and can see it from here. I'm sure someone will love it eventually.
  16. Can you be more specific? Is the issue that you don't see the "Visit this location" popup when you click on a location, or is it that selecting "Visit this location" results in an error or nothing happens? I've had a few bad experiences using that feature with a combination of Firefox and Firestorm. To be more specific, Firestorm would attempt to launch but would open windowed instead of full screen, and it would never get past loading settings. Restoring my settings from a backup resolved the issue temporarily, but after going through this a couple of times I stopped trying. My workaround is to right-click the link, copy it, launch Firestorm manually, and then paste the copied link into the location field on the Firestorm login screen.
  17. I don't think the behavior is motivated by power or greed. I think it is addiction, pure and simple. Give it time. The serious GOH players never hold onto anything for too long.
  18. I'm not sure they will allow anyone but the owner to ever modify parcel settings, but the music issue is easily gotten around with a basic radio script that allows anyone to change the music stream from a "radio" rezzed by the alt owner. In my case, a "radio" is a fully transparent box that I place over the stream changer object of my my choosing (it may actually be a radio, but could also be a phonograph, guitar, or anything else). There are any number of scripts for sale on the MP. I use this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Radio-Station-Script-50/13572950
  19. Caught an interesting houseboat. Square parcel. On the end. Easy access to open water. Releasing in a few minutes. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gaim/45/152/22
  20. Looking forward to seeing how they finish this new area, but the waves are good to go.
  21. I'm dropping an OL stilt at 3:15pm SLT. While it is waterfront, it isn't ideal if you want to rez all of your water vehicles. It's lovely for relaxing on the deck and watching the sunset. OL rez zone outside the front door. OW rez zone just a few houses to the west. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dive In/215/59/23
  22. This is great. For those with OL Havanas, this fixes the mismatched roof color as well. I can retire my tinted add-on.
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