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Matthieu Quander

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Everything posted by Matthieu Quander

  1. This is great. For those with OL Havanas, this fixes the mismatched roof color as well. I can retire my tinted add-on.
  2. I cannot recall the last time that I did not see a Log Home in the queue. I know they are still releasing new log regions at a fairly efficient pace, rightfully so, apparently.
  3. On to something less polarizing. My partner and I are returning this lovely houseboat, if anyone is looking for one. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Penitent Beach/135/121/22 It's near The Fairgrounds, daily boat parade, and is on a coveted end spot. We are downsizing, but this should be a keeper for someone. I'll be releasing it at 10:30AM SLT sharp. Good luck!
  4. I was using "game" in reference to the Game of Homes, not SL. The process for claiming Linden Homes is set up to make it (un)fair for everyone. Obviously some have figured out ways to increase the odds of successfully claiming preferred locations by throwing an army of alts at the issue and using monitoring strategies that tip them off regarding when to initiate claims in mass. The assumption is that if the alt armies weren't grabbing all of those parcels, that these great locations would be easily obtainable by the casual GOHer. In some cases, it could happen. As Evangeline noted, great parcels can be had if you are patient and cast your net at the right time. For most of us, though, we aren't using enough alts to ensure that we are going to catch those gems. We are more likely to catch the rubbish in the queue that others have cast aside. Obviously the dynamics change depending on how many of a given theme are available, but when there is ample inventory, as there currently is for multiple themes, it's purely about the numbers. I sympathize with those who are genuinely dejected by seeing the same people grab all the best spots, but again, your issue isn't with them (unless they are doing it intentionally to spite you). They are merely using the tools made available to everyone who is willing to pay for a large number of alts. The real problem is with the way the Linden Home process works. I hope they don't change it though, as the result would likely make catching a great location even less likely, not more. I know this won't soothe the hurt feelings that some of you are experiencing, but look at it this way. Would you be willing to pay 10-20 times more for a premium account, and increase the amount of time you spend house hunting by an order of magnitude if it allowed you to choose a specific available parcel? That is essentially what the power GOHers are doing, and even then, they aren't guaranteed to get any specific plot.
  5. As previously stated, I have benefitted from a targeted abandon or two, but I would feel the same way even if I hadn't. Nice parcels that are going to be tossed are often posted in this very thread, and many of the people who list them are willing to try to pass them on to anyone who asks, no strings attached or secret handshakes required. To be very clear, I personally don't like the monopolizing actions of the serious GOHers, but I recognize their validity, and I do think it is somewhat hypocritical for less successful GOHers to complain about it. I know it is frustrating to see the same alt group grabbing all the best spots, but If the usual suspects weren't doing it, it would be someone else...a semi-serious GOHer, a frequent casual player, or even someone who is upset by the status quo. In short, don't hate the player (at least not for this reason), hate the game.
  6. These are spot on comments. I will add that obtaining a desirable Linden Home parcel has always been a game of chance, even for serious GOH players. The impact to your average Bellisserian is minimal, as most may roll a few homes, but are generally happy just to have a Linden Home of their desired theme, period. The people most impacted by the perfectly acceptable actions of the GOH heavyweights are the more casual GOH players. It's simple, really; if you want those choice locations, spend more time and money than the person who is grabbing all of them. Alternatively, you can wait for them to get bored with what they have collected, or try to steal one when they attempt to pass it to a friend, but you will still have to make the time and effort to be aware of the situation. As for act of deliberately using the "Linden Home" name to mislead other GOH players, if that is impacting your ability to grab a parcel you really want, then you were likely already going to miss out on it. It's not something that I would do, but it doesn't impact me at all. For the record, I am a very casual GOHer. I have benefitted in the past from serious players making an effort to pass homes to me, and I have returned the favor when possible, but I mostly just enjoy the occasional "roll and see what you get" experience. I accept the fact that some people have more time and resources than I do, and I don't judge anyone for how they choose prioritize their SL activities. No one is entitled to the perfect parcel. As jealous as some of you are of the people who have claimed many homes that you want, know that there are several others coveting your digs. Have a little perspective. Be thankful for what you have. Remember all of those "forever homes" that you released because the grass is always greener somewhere else.
  7. It's somewhat futile to post OL abandons right now with so many available, but this is a really premium location, so someone may feel that it is worth rolling through some claims to get it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pennywise/136/64/22 Dropping it within the next few minutes. Good luck.
  8. Make a texture that says that and use it in the parcel settings.
  9. Pennywise OLs are hitting the queue. Most are unclaimed so far.
  10. "Right now" is the important part of Sylvia's response. They are not always available these days, but they have been more often then not when I have looked. In other words, if you go to claim a premium home, and there are no houseboats available, just try again. You will get one eventually.
  11. One thing that I doubt was considered in the original estimates is the phenomenon of people purchasing multiple premium accounts to own homes in multiple themes. GoH was certainly in play in the old regions, as people were always hunting the best locations, but there likely weren't too many people who felt compelled to own multiple Linden Homes long term. Also, most had a favorite theme and stuck to it (Tahoe in my case).
  12. Maybe something to stash in your inventory for those "chalet" homes that on they way.
  13. If other models had the same "feature," then I wouldn't mind so much, but the fact that it is only the Havana, and only the OL Havana to be even more specific, it is clearly a mistake. To someone like me who has maximum OCD about such things, it sticks out like a sore thumb. My partner has an OL Havana. We just slapped a .5LI mesh with a semi-transparent tinted blank texture on it to fix it.
  14. Good. Here's hoping that everyone with an OL Havana takes you up on your offer.
  15. It's probably just this. While anti-climactic, it's better than knowing my décor makes people cry.
  16. I know my décor isn't for everyone, but sad? I'm not fishing for compliments, just confused by this reaction.
  17. You can't stand on that scale with it stashed under the vanity....good thinking. Nice work as always.
  18. Like many of you, I prefer a stilt that is part OW and part OL. It seems that most of these are classified as OL, but some OWs are close enough to be acceptable. I normally prefer a 2-story model for Linden homes, but for the stilts, only the Havana really speaks to me. Due to the roof texture problem, with the OL Havana, I have mostly been looking at OW parcels. Another plus with the OW stilts is that it allows for custom front decks. That may be a detriment to some, but for me, it is a plus, even if the front is a bit limited by how the Havana is "centered" on the parcel. I have been grabbing OLs lately, mostly because OWs haven't been available, and I want to make sure that I don't actually want an OL. So far, I haven't liked anything better than my Betelnut OW.
  19. You may be right about Puddlechurch not being furnished. It was months ago that I was last there. If it wasn't furnished, then most, if not all, of the residents had good decorating tastes with a heavy lean toward Nutmeg items. Perhaps they just like to copy each other, as we often see in Bellisseria.
  20. I think you have identified the problem with Nutmeg, in that many of the pieces appear as though they were designed for photo shoots, and not practical use. You can often disassemble them and use some of the parts, but that often doesn't work so well due to the extreme shadowing of most of the textures (pull off a throw blanket to find a giant black spot on your sofa, for example). I love Nutmeg's aesthetic, but I have to use them sparingly for the reasons discussed, and the fact that most of their items are on the primmy side, not to mention high in triangle count, if that is a concern. There are some furnished residential communities (Elysion, Dirty Pretty, Puddlechurch, and others that I can't recall at the moment), that use a heavy dose of Nutmeg in the décor. You may want to explore them for ideas, though walking around them can be a challenge due to the lag.
  21. Fronds: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/12863-May-11-20-Palm-Tree-Frond-Textures-High-Resolution/2541890 Bark: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Texture-Freakz-8-Bark-Textures-1/4802428 Both had to be tweaked in GIMP.
  22. I've been around and around with this one, struggling to find something that was of reasonable quality and not too much of a contrast from the mole palms. I have tried all of those listed, and several that aren't, but ultimately, I settled on these from 3D Trees (Nadine Reverie), which have been around forever. They are sculpts, not mesh, so if that bothers you, you may want to choose something else. They are low LI, and it is unlikely that anyone is going to use so many as to cause any problems typically associated with sculpts. The only sculpt related issue I have experienced is that they sometimes take a little longer to rez than mesh trees. They are not animated if that is your thing, but they easily could be with a simple script addition. If you use these straight out of the box, you will be disappointed, as they are way too big, and the textures need considerable tweaking. I found some bark and palm frond textures on the MP, and played with both until I could live with the results. Your mileage may vary. Feel free to IM me in world if you'd like to see them in person.
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