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Matthieu Quander

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Everything posted by Matthieu Quander

  1. To be fair, those homes are on regions that are mostly comprised of land, coastlines notwithstanding. The stilts are mostly over water and sandbars. While some houseboat owners have taken liberties with vegetation that miraculously sprouts from salt water, I'd be disappointed if the moles followed suit.
  2. You can always add vegetation to your parcel to make it feel more lush. I know it's not the same, but you are likely going to spend most of your time on your own parcel, so you may not notice the mole landscaping as much.
  3. Yep. It's a good time to grab a nice Vic or trad. The hoarders are making room for stilts.
  4. It's full of green dots on the map, so it's a pretty safe bet.
  5. Yep. Maybe one of the four models doesn't show on the map as well as the others for some reason, or perhaps they intend to put houseboats in those "empty" squares to truly mix the two themes? I would okay with fewer homes in each region to minimize lag, but more water means less landscaping, so they aren't likely to keep the region LI that low just for kicks. I think there will be more homes than what we can easily see. An extremely unlikely theory is that the less visible plots contain some sort of super-secret underwater housing.
  6. I think we will be seeing increased availability of all home themes as people begin freeing up alts in anticipation of getting a stilt.
  7. You are probably right. Zoomed all the way in, it's not easy to tell what is a house and what isn't...looks like it may be closer to 10-14 homes per region, so in the neighborhood of 1500 new homes. They won't last long, but anyone who checks the queue daily should be able to get one.
  8. 129 regions for just the stilts x roughly 20 homes per region = ~2500 homes.
  9. Jamaica Me Crazy is my favorite.
  10. Releasing this nice waterside traditional. Great sunset views from a Winchester deck. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deer Pass/112/20/0
  11. That probably depends whom you ask. I have asked home owners to let me know if they ever decide to move, and have had others ask the same of me. Whether or not I remember that someone asked to be notified is another matter. There's no harm in asking. The worst that can happen is that they say "no," or they forget you asked.
  12. I'm releasing this unusual marina-facing traditional at 10:10 AM SLT. A lot of mole extras in the generous buffer zone between the parcel and the boats, including a fishing shack, potting shed, double pergolas with butterfly garden, and stone path. Lighthouse views. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quinnberry/128/128/2
  13. I cannot speak for everyone, but I think it is implied that if someone really wants a property, they are welcome to reach out in this thread, IM, or forum DM. People who would rather not be contacted likely aren't posting homes, but I could be wrong. Also, for the uninitiated who may misinterpret your message, "private transfer" simply means that the owner will make an effort to coordinate the release of a home with the person who wants it, thus, increasing the odds of success. There is no way to guarantee that a transfer will be successful, tricks of the trade notwithstanding.
  14. Ah...where's the "I'm confused by the owner action, not the post" emoji?
  15. Of course.it is up to each owner. I was attempting to be funny. Maybe I'll succeed next time.
  16. I got a "confused" reaction to this, so I'll elaborate. All log homes are configured to either face the mailbox, or toward the left if you choose to rotate them. The Grand View model comes with spectacular windows in the great room, ideal for taking in "grand views." Unfortunately, it is rare that a log home owner can actually rotate a Grand View so that the windows allow for the viewing of something worthwhile. In the referenced scenario, the Grand View windows actually could point to the lovely small lake, but the owner prefers the Overlook, which means a forest animal must be sacrificed to appease the log home gods. The worst scenario would be if the new owner actually used the Grand View home, but kept it pointed at at the mailbox. When that happens. no amount of forest animal sacrifices will appease the gods. Sacrificing the owner is the only option.
  17. One of the rare parcels that allows for the Grand View to have a grand view, so naturally the new owner has opted for the Overlook instead. Such is the GoH.
  18. Awesome. You can thank Fay as well, who tossed it to me. It's nice when homes end up in the hands of people who will love them.
  19. There's a lot of activity this morning, with homes of all types being shuffled. I'll be releasing this handsome water facing log home in a few. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Handover/101/134/52
  20. This one fell into my lap this morning. It is a lovely little spot. I'll be dropping it in a few minutes.
  21. Releasing a Kahuna beach front. No grass...all sand. I'll drop it at 11:40 AM SLT sharp. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kahuna/215/220/59
  22. As I have posted in another thread somewhere, the trads, log homes, and Vics all have craftsman elements, and even more so with some of the add-ons that are available. It also is a fairly broad style. For the type of craftsman that I prefer, which is also known as California bungalow, think traditional with mild Asian influences. Some of the most defining characteristics are a roof with a shallower pitch, large columned covered patio at the entrance, and attached pergolas. In looking at the door more closely, it appears to just be a repurposed door from the Vics without the side bits. The exterior trim looks like standard log home trim. The inside looks like Vic or log home trim, walls, and floors. The entry step is what we see on the trads without the brick. So the stucco and rock path are new, and we have no idea what the floor plans and elevations look like.
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