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Everything posted by shireena1

  1. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/ Scroll down to the commerce forums, and in that there is employment section.
  2. LL employees may well have alts too! But i do not have proof of that.
  3. This..... Also an alt to test out things you made to sell on the MP, knowing that they will work properly, a main account to own mainland, someone to dance with.
  4. You can wear a bikini on G sims, I have 2 "wet look in Linden Water" ones. P.S. In before the lock.πŸ˜†
  5. If your laptop has the same wifi adapter as your pc box, the wifi would'nt know which one is which.😁
  6. How do i get past this screen when i have downloaded free robux?
  7. Just saying, not advertising it, I have already found some gift vouchers and LaraX things. (and the velociraptor follower is cute too) The link is here! https://fabfree.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/fabfrees-ultimate-guide-to-the-valentine-shop-hop/
  8. I would get instantly banned if i told you what my avatars favorite toy is ..
  9. Gees, I can sort of relate to this, something obvious doesnt always sink in, but it seem to correct when i go away from the pc and come back a bit later, (especially with blender), But patience is a virtue they say.
  10. The "wow starts now" was a windows vista catch phrase actually... but happy holidays to you all anyway!
  11. EDIT... Winter Wonderland 1, I had to put my grafix back to hi setting (from ultra) to keep frame rate acceptable, but I didn't even notice when I went accross a sim border, so thats something. I am really wanting to try firestorm 7 when the stable release comes out.
  12. I am exploring winter wonderland sims, (all 4 of them). I am on SL Viewer 7 with a 8th gen intel and a nvidia 2070 (ultra grafix). Apart from setting the fan to gaming setting, It seem to run fine for me, with very little lag, BUT, its usually the avatars that lag it for me. There is only a handful of avatars the time I am exploring, but if there was 40 or more, that might be another story altogether.
  13. Here is the MP listing https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=βœ“&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=couple+walk+hud I got the "exploring helper HUD" demo to work ok, have not tried any others. Vista Animations might have some couple walkers too... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/9681
  14. I bought a new pc with a newer grafix card, and got a faster net connection, and now my SL is never the same...πŸ˜€
  15. At an event I go to, I am sure 4 or 5 of them are the same person lol, it just sucks a bit if you start a virtual something with someone, and then someone else gets jealous with you, and you find out its the same person...
  16. Actually, i think sunset takes the best pics, but heres a sunrise one.
  17. at least you didnt ask.... A computer that is good for secondlife πŸ˜€ . Try https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ .We don't know what you think is cool.
  18. I got that when I logged in today too, this was in my chat when I logged in, it was not a notecard or I.M. I am fairly sure I have recieved that message in the not so distant past, but on saying that, I get messages like that from Krafties as well. I think all I did to get those was to visit their sim. Personally, I just ignore them, or if I can, block them.
  19. Just wondering, wouldn't most real time virus protections notice it and block it? (assuming that peeps have it in their system of course). I have heard something about some ps.1 powershell files that can cause greif as well.
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