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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I agree with the body/head/hair/clothing sentiment here, but you probably could've guessed that seeing as how I spend a good chunk of time as some random thing. I'd rather not log in at all if I had to wear only what was popular. As far as backdrops go, I'm not aware of which creators make theirs no-mod off the top of my head. I am absolutely swimming in backdrops from a bunch of different shops, and most are modify. The tiny handful I own that are no-mod can still be modified, technically, by introducing entirely new items into the scene, which is how I usually get around all that. Drop a prim and create a new floor, do the same for walls, add furniture, etc. etc. You know the drill. Like you said, though, the baked lights and shadows can be an absolute pain, but ehhhh, I manage. Sorta. As for the entire mod vs. no-mod thing, it entirely depends for me on what it is I'm buying. The only time I really dive into it is when it comes to home/garden items, landscaping, and weirdly, food. Decorating and building items, furniture, homes, skyboxes, etc. - I'll strongly favor mod. Food, either way, but I do love mod because I use plenty of it when making accessories for some of my avatars (like foodie antlers - and yes, you can grab yourself a cup of coffee by clicking on them! Imagine my surprise to find out food and drink givers still work when all linked up and attached to my head). Artwork - I buy both, but I do like mod so I can resize. I don't really worry about mod heads or bodies or anything, but the majority of my heads are modify, too. In fact, I think clothing and shoes (and maybe skins?) make up the bulk of my no-mod stuff, and I don't personally need those to be modify. Hell, even my pets are modify. I'm not mad at creators who choose the no-mod route, though. That's their choice and in most cases, it's not really a big deal to me at all and I'll still buy from them. As long as I can continue sticking weird things on my head and customizing my homes/backdrops, I'm good.
  2. Not sure if I've seen eyes exactly like that, but my usual haunts for non-human eyes in general are Samia, ~*By Snow*~ (marketplace), VAIN (marketplace, maybe also in-world), Yoshi, Gloom, Pumec, Emotional Circus, and This Is Wrong. Madame Noir was also a favorite, but I'm not sure if she's still selling those. She moved on to clothing.
  3. If developers worried that much about complaints from their customers (and the many who aren't), nobody would ever do anything interesting or innovative. Besides, most if not all of the ideas floated in this thread aren't even new and have been pretty standard forever. Do these videos even need a new format - nope. Would it help them on YouTube - potentially. They could run a test or two and figure that out fairly quickly. They'd probably be better off contracting that out. They've already got several good video producers who they've featured on their main SL YouTube channel.
  4. In case you haven't peeked yet, there's lots of yummy-looking food in this round of Happy Weekend. I'm trying to ignore that fact as I can't really decorate the way I want to in-world right now (hopefully I can fix my PC next week grrr), but...but...it all looks so GOOD. I swearrrr, when I can get back in there regularly, I'm making a food cottage.
  5. I was going to suggest Ayashi as well, but I think their textures are a bit chunkier. They do have some fluffy styles, though.
  6. Hmmm...try some of these. This if the Christmas balls are optional If you like any of those, they're from VCO and BonBon. Yomi may have something similar. Perhaps Moon, maybe Truth. Edit: Oh, maybe Monso, as well. As for the wings, yeah, they mostly all seem to have that. Jinx does too, I believe.
  7. If you have a picture of the hairstyle you're looking for, we can probably help find that, too. Just going by that description, I'd say maybe Moon or Yomi or VCO. Not sure what you mean by wings with spikes, but you can try Aii and Jinx for wings. Jinx has a bento bat wing set that supports third-party texture appliers.
  8. I've seen some blogs that embed their podcast and include a full written transcript below it. As long as LL also posted the podcast on the community blog, that could work. As for timestamps, there are ways to add those, too.
  9. Hopefully they do. That sounds like a fun idea, but weekly might be a lot. Maybe every two weeks. Monthly could work, too. Likely need a dedicated person or team to handle that.
  10. A full podcast gives them the ability to expand to multiple platforms on web and mobile, though. Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, etc.
  11. Agree. This is my issue, too. It's on YouTube next to thousands of other dev logs, presentations, showcases, etc. If they were kept internal and simply tossed on the blog or website somewhere, I wouldn't even think to compare them. I like the podcast idea, and those are very, very hot right now.
  12. LOL, actually me. And since we're on the topic...
  13. For me, it's not even about the caretaking aspect at all. Just in my experience, it's very, very rare to find someone who doesn't love pets or animals in general. I don't have anything myself, but the moment I step into a house with a pet, it's mine until I leave. Gimme all the fun times and cuddles and playtime and none of the actual hard work, thanks. Funny enough, I'm the exact same way with kids, lol. 😂 On the very odd chance I meet or see someone who willingly harms an animal (or dislikes them all entirely), I'm immediately put off and wouldn't want to go within ten feet of them. That is very sus and I don't like it. I've known people who don't like being around other people or kids even, but they were nuts about dogs (or cats, or something else). Okay, so, I would've gotten out of the car immediately. Don't care if it meant standing around waiting for an Uber or walking 10 miles down the highway or whatever. Absofreakinlutely not spending another second around someone like that.
  14. Just to clarify, my peeve also includes goats and horses. At any rate, I certainly do not trust anyone who doesn't love dogs and/or cats. Personal principle. One or the other or both. If neither, I'm not trusting your butt worth a damn. In special cases, I'll accept birds, gerbils, hamsters, Guinea pigs, chinchillas, sugar gliders, mice and rats, reptiles and/or amphibians, fish, bunnies, horses, farm animals, and ferrets as substitutes. No excuses, ya gotta love one of those. You don't have to own anything yourself, but ya gotta love em or I want nothing to do with ya.
  15. This is a tough month for animal peeves. Or...pet peeves, if you will. Also, Twitter is so dang broken. No, don't worry, I absolutely love clicking on a hot trend and getting tweets from 2017. 🙄
  16. Never really paid much attention as I never watch the things. Or any videos filmed in SL much at all. There are well-made vids out there, for sure, but the way SL looks in video has always bothered me. The producer could do the most amazing job with editing and the overall production, but the shots within SL itself always ruin it. It just looks sluggish and slow no matter what. It's strange to me as it never looks like that when I'm actually IN there, but it translates SO poorly to video. Also, with discussion vids in particular, the flashing voice chat icons over the heads are so distracting. Same with the name tags. Names could show in a banner at the bottom, like in the video above. I do agree that Minecraft (and other dev presentations - Devolver's are a blast) are a lot more entertaining. Stuff like that, I do watch.
  17. Ummmm, similar ears exist, but mostly attached to a mesh head. There are some separates, though. Group gift from Aii (not sure if still available as a group gift - take a peek at their mainstore) - updated for Evo X. Separate drow ears that were available at the Christmas round of We Love Roleplay. Check in-store to see if they're still available. The above is a spinoff of these, which come with their elf head: None of those are suuuuper long, but they're longer than what's included with other heads.
  18. I wear Andore. Their newest line is the miHD (and the MAX addon) set that was available for a mega discount for group members at one point in time. The MAX addon group discount sale for 1L just ended yesterday, but you can see if they're still available at the shop. Shopping for piercing sets for them can be a little tricky, though, as the naming conventions are easily confused with Leltuka's base ears, but Andore does sell quite a lot of things for them. Other stores do, as well. The ears come in human/human gauge, pixie/pixie gauge, and elf/elf gauge. Another con - their demos cost 1L, but you absolutely need to demo, as some of their older sets come with the ears, some of the newer ones only come with the piercings but were designed for the older L.E.X. set (which should work with miHD, but I haven't tried yet), and some are for Lel heads vs. their own. Another choice is Pumec's old mesh ears, available here as a fatpack - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PUMEC-Mesh-Ears-42-IN-1-SUPER-FATPACK/24325461 With those, you'll get mostly human and a few pixie. The con with Pumec is their earrings/piercings are "baked in," meaning you won't be able to remove/swap them. You'd swap the entire ear instead. Not terrible unless you really don't feel like color matching and positioning numerous pairs of ears. I still wear them from time to time.
  19. LMAO, I know, no worries! It's an age-old debate from the very beginning of tiiiiime!
  20. Oh gosh. I hate this game vs. not-a-game argument so much (nothing against you, Wulfie! Just in general), buuuuuut, perhaps I could chime in with my opinion? My embarrassingly huge Steam, GOG, Epic, Prime, Game Pass, Itch.io, MMO, NES, and C64 libraries are compelling me to ... agree with you on this. 😆 That said... Yeah, SL is very, very close to a multiplayer open-world sandbox game in some ways. Minecraft, Roblox, GMod, let's not talk about Everquest Landmark or Next as I'm still mourning that, with WAY better fashion and a much steeper learning curve - especially for content creation. There are, of course, a LOT of differences, but I can't really fault anyone for making the comparison or coming here from some other open-world sandbox and expecting some things to be similar. I would say it's NOT similar to ones like No Man's Sky or Rust or The Forest or any of those survival/base-building/exploration-focused games, but yeah, closer to the list you provided, sure. I have seen it compared to The Sims, Animal Crossing, GTA Online, EVE, and Runescape for various reasons (everything from community to roleplay to economy to life simulation), but ehhhh, I wouldn't really put it with those myself. It's its own thing, really, BUT someone calling it a game because of XYZ doesn't seem too far-fetched to me overall. More on topic, which I guess is game addictions? Uhhh, yeah you could get addicted to some aspects of SL, sure. Shopping, for one. Loads of people blow tons of cash on in-game item shops in all kinds of games. And back when they existed - casinos, for sure. Wouldn't really throw it into the "grinding and raiding 24/7 so hard I'm missing work" category, though.
  21. Same, and that's all it really is, too. I'd say I'm surprised some find it new or unusual or somehow limiting if I thought they were arguing in good faith, buuuut I know better these days (like the carrying-on about it on Twitter, yeesh, forget all that). I have been toning down and moderating my own colorful language ever since I first learned my first swears (which is probably in the single-digits, as I grew up watching some of the foulest-mouthed individuals in comedy, lol). Can't say that around mom, she'd have a fit (I gave up that personal rule once I hit my teens, though - couldn't hold it in THAT long). Whoops, lemme not tell my sis to !!! her !!!!! !!!! into a raging !!! of !!!! !!!! (despite really, really wanting to). Okay time for school, guess I shouldn't tell my teacher to !! or get caught telling off little so-n-so she's such a !!! !!! with a side of !! !!!!. Grow up, start using the Internet - hey guys, make sure you keep the chat G/PG. Damn, well then I guess I'd better not say !!! and definitely not !!. Hey cool, got my first job, wow my boss is a real !!, but perhaps I shouldn't say that out loud cuz getting fired is a thing. On, and on, and on, and on. I learned this at like 8, and as @Rolig Loon so eloquently said, these are all the same words we've been using forever, so nothing banned on this forum is new to me. Anything perceived to be new is just the result of an atmosphere where we've come to realize that annoying everyone isn't the nicest thing to do, like chats and sites banning discussions of spoilers, for example. Spoiling is not even offensive, but it's really, really obnoxious and will get you muted or yeeted out of some places. Now, catch me outside of moderation, and I've got all kinds of interesting words... 😂
  22. Well said! Fully agree, except there's one little thing... In many cases, they're simply borrowing words that we've been using forever and using them entirely wrong. Quite a bit of Gen Z slang is just AAVE used rather improperly. Excruciatingly improperly. Hella wack, one could say. There are entire Twitter accounts that repost Gen Z tweets that, when translated back to their origins, mean absolutely nothing. Pretty funny, honestly.😂 Many of those words are NSFW, in addition. Ah well, if only they knew what they were saying.
  23. Back on my usual BS today. Jamming to my favorite female deep dubstep producer (not that there are too many of those around).
  24. Of the ones I own - Ford, Alain, Quinn, Kris. Of the ones I don't own (yet?) - Gen, Connor, Yves.
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