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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I'd also recommend taking a look at every head that looks interesting to you (Lelutka, Catwa, Akeruka, and a few other head creators have galleries on Flickr), as they're all capable of achieving different looks. It helps if you've got a photo or set style in mind that you want to work from so your shopper/stylist can make good recommendations without you having to try on everything in every store. Give me a sec and I'll post the galleries for you to peek at.
  2. I don't know anyone who does that, personally. You could try the inworld employment section here, but I'm not sure how long it'll take to find someone going that route.
  3. Personal shoppers/stylists do exist, but they tend to charge a fee as the process can take several hours.
  4. Am I scaring you? lol I used to post more in the avatar photo thread, actually, when I took more photos. I'm lazy these days.
  5. You're welcome! For age spots, I use these from Izzie's - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Izzies-Age-Spots-BOM-Omega/21685079 I don't use greying hair much myself. I will use straight up grey or white accents for funsies, though. If not that, then I'm usually wearing some kind of dark reds or ombres or some wild color like yellow or something. My RL hair is black (now featuring grey), which is impossible to dye any other color but black, so I tend to play around with hair color a lot in SL! I also highly recommend finding a good RL model to work from. You can jump into Google Images and search around for a model or work from a celebrity or someone in your preferred age range. From there, try finding a head that can get into her range without too much fiddling and mimics some of her facial features and bone structure. You don't need to make yourself look exactly like her. You just want to target the overall look and styling. A lot of the women I use for my style inspiration are 50+ years old, which doesn't really matter TOO much since heads in SL do skew a bit younger, so getting into the 30s and 40s isn't overly difficult starting from that base. Random examples of looks I've worn using some of my own style icons as inspiration (Missy Elliott, Grace Jones, Björk) - Catwa Queen: Catwa Freya: Catwa Jade:
  6. I believe it's a VCO style, possibly with a little Photoshopping.
  7. For human avatars in the 30s-40s range, I don't use wrinkles. I don't have wrinkles in RL, so they will absolutely not, either! 😂 I don't use any aging layers, either, other than age spots in place of freckles because I love how cute they look on my skin. For me, it's all about head choice, shaping, skin choice, and makeup. The absolute foundation is the head itself. If it starts off looking very young or too round-ish (like Lelutka Prim or Catwa Yuna), I don't even bother. I look for heads that start off with a defined, mature base (Catwa Jade, Catwa Freya, and Catwa Queen are what I've used) and shape very easily on the sliders. From there, I focus primarily on the cheekbones, as those tend to be a bit more prominent in older black women. Once I get a good base to work with, I'll go skin shopping and strongly, strongly prefer skins that provide enough highlight and shading around the cheek area and some flattering shading overall. Many skins come off just too.. flat with too much light, if that makes sense. I like skins that really settle into the face and emphasize certain regions, like the nose, cheeks, eyelids, etc. Once I've got all that set, I play with eyebrows and makeup. I generally go a bit bonkers on the makeup side as I really love dramatic theater/stage makeup at times, and I'm not exactly a standard-looking avatar, so I don't worry too much about keeping things realistic. Hair is the final touch - since I'm generally heavily pierced and tattooed, I favor hairstyles that compliment that (and show off the head tats), and that can throw a few years on if done well. It also probably helps that I take a LOT of style and fashion inspiration from Grace Jones, so I'm always approaching things from that angle.
  8. Exactly right, and at least in my experience, it's often difficult to even find out who exactly these third-parties who will be verifying and storing all this information even are. You usually have to hunt through FAQs or the Privacy Policy or Terms, or sometimes the site's forum or Reddit or something just to find the name. Then you find some fake assurances that your data will be kept secure, but little disclaimers that if you want it deleted for whatever reason, they'll comply IF you're located in a state/region that has specific privacy laws they have to legally follow (like California, the EU, etc.). If the company is located in another country (as is sometimes the case), that will only complicate things. Etc. Etc. Now if it turns out that Second Life's age verification will require less face scan and ID shenanigans and something like a social, I still won't bother. As an independent contractor, I'm careful who I give that out to, as well. I want nothing to do with states like Florida and Texas having a flip-out over somehow realizing in 2023/4 there's adult content on the Internet, and I'm good not volunteering myself for whatever states intend to do with the info of those who access it.
  9. Listening to Xzibit in 2024, apparently! 👀 Yo dawg, I herd you like...
  10. Exactly. Never in a million years. Never in this current climate. As it goes in the U.S., ID verification generally requires uploading a government-issued ID, possibly including taking a selfie with some third-party app the site makes you sign up with. There are all kinds of privacy concerns with that ranging from how personal info is stored/secured, for how long, and how it's used. Age verification may not be quite the same, but there are rumblings about whether or not they want people submitting IDs and/or face scans, so it's possible it goes that way once they figure that part out. I've completely avoided doing this sort of thing for freelance sites that require it - even for sensible, sane purposes. They can get my social and/or a W-9 form, but I'm not playing the selfie game with these sites. I just don't trust third-parties to keep that info secure. Zero chance would I ever do it to access social media or adult content or Second Life.
  11. Omg, the frog. I absolutely need this.
  12. Ehhhhhh, kinda sorta. It's a very complicated term, and one I'm not overly fond of myself. I also don't think it'd apply very well to Second Life, but overall themes such as dealing with stress and minor annoyances and handling challenging situations would. I just find SL to lack many of those, thankfully.
  13. Hi there! First, try these two videos. First for Lelutka to get your head working, and second for Legacy Male. Focus on using BOM, as that'll be the easiest way to go. I believe both videos will cover that. From there, ask away if you have more questions!
  14. Frankly surprised they haven't gone into it, if they really haven't yet. It's a widely known trope and one a lot of us struggle with fairly often. I won't go any further with that, though, because that whole concept goes places. Lots and lots of places (you could even follow it into the medical field, if you really wanted to). To keep things related to SL, I'll just say there's nothing in there that could stress me out enough to where I'd even need to employ such techniques. That little red X button is all I need. 😂 But no really - socializing with close friends and photography are great for general stress relief and the bulk of how I use SL these days.
  15. It's something I definitely didn't want to touch in this thread given the places that discussion could go, so instead, I just focused on stress/stress relief in SL in general, but yes. Resilience is not quite a positive thing in my world, for the reasons laid out in those comics. It's definitely stopped me from receiving help in the past when I've wanted it, due to being told by a strong, independent parent that nothing could be soooo bad surely I'd be fiiiiiiine and would be able to handle anyyyyything on my owwwn (ironic, since she herself was a counselor in a field I wasn't personally struggling with, but still - you'd think she'd recognize a cry for help in general, lol). I eventually did manage to get over my normal teen social troubles (wasn't anything serious and fairly routine for that age, but I'm a sensitive sort with general anxiety about everything, so of course I made things out to be worse than they were), but I do regret having to struggle through it on my own when things could've been made slightly easier with a good counselor or someone to talk to. I don't strive to build resilience in Second Life. Why would I? It's a place I go to chill and be around friends I can actually talk to and share advice with. Truthfully, I don't want a whole lot of it in any life. A little is fine, which I already have, but I'm good admitting I can't conquer the world by myself.
  16. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. Thank you!!! I wouldn't necessarily take it as a compliment if someone were to call me that.
  17. Ooooo, I need it. Also, "includes an optional version labeled for vegans." What a boss. That's so awesome.
  18. Oh, I definitely believe that. It all really depends on how safe/threatened they feel and how hungry/desperate they are. Definitely do not recommend getting anywhere near the finding out phase. Cats, on the other hand, are just terrifying. If one of those is close enough for me to see it, I'd assume I'm probably not gonna make it. RIP. I love wildlife from a very safe distance. I'm not about to get up close and personal with any of that stuff without a trained professional by my side (despite how often I joke that my friend should run outside and pet one of the bears, lol - they're so fluffy!).
  19. Serrrriouslyyyy. Super disappointed she didn't. Though to be fair, I think that's more of a grizzly trait. Black bears are a bit more skittish (lucky for everyone, because they seem to be very common if you live up in the mountains/near woods) and can be frightened away. I absolutely love the video I saw months ago of a guy relaxing on his porch, a black bear rolling up next to him without seeing him there, guy looks over and freezes, the bear looks back and freezes, and then it runs away, LOL. Oh here, lol I assume that's a LOT better than having an alligator rolling into your front yard, like living down there in Florida. Peeve: I don't have anything exciting up here where I am. Just a woodpecker doing renovations on occasion, some big crows, and the occasional stray cat. 😂 My friend has vultures, black bears, the cutest frogs, little snakes, etc. where he's at in PA. Jelly.
  20. Yep. It's what they do. They stick em in trees. It's best to leave them alone or call for help if they're in obvious distress. Selfie interventions not required. "In the vast majority of situations, when a mother bear perceives a threat — whether that's a barking dog, people in the area, or otherwise — she will often "tree" her cubs. Black bear cubs are adept climbers from a very young age, scampering high into tree tops to await guidance from their mother on when it's safe to come down." Speaking of which... Peeve: Selfies.
  21. Good point and I do agree with everything you said, but I think a lot of this has to do with needing some sort of assurance that clothing designers will support said unique thing, otherwise, customers won't be too interested. We can look to the furry/anthro market to see how that works out. A furry designer making mods for Maitreya, Jake, Legacy, and Reborn will get more business than one who decides to up and create an entire avatar/body (for example, the Snorka Snake), because now customers are relying on popular clothing/accessory creators to rig for it. Some definitely do, but you can't take your Snorka over to Addams or Seniha or Coco and grab cheap weekend sale items, despite how absolutely adorable it is. We've certainly got uniqueness in the head market (especially the non-human realm), but in order to pull that off, they did have to adopt Evo X. Prior to that, we all had custom maps, which made shopping for skins, hairbases, makeup, and tattoos an absolute pain in the tuckus.
  22. It's infuriating, at any rate. I've been to koala sanctuaries and wildlife preserves with kangaroos and penguins and zoos and a rainforest and never once got the urge to grab something out of a freakin' tree. Never seen anyone even attempt something so stupid in my life. My best friend has a family of black bears who roam around his yard and driveway frequently and he sends me his security cam footage because I love watching them. He would NEVER step foot outside while they're around, let alone approach a cub! Maybe, but then the absolute last thing one should do is grab a cub out of the tree for a selfie, drop it, and chase it.
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