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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I don't think anyone adds piercings or tats to age an avatar considering many people get piercings and tattoos before they hit full-time working age where you basically have to hide all that to avoid negatively impacting the company's image (massive eyeroll).
  2. Hey, I resemble that remark! Not the wannabe part, tho. 😆 Is this a serious request, though? Aging up avatars is something I do quite often just given the fact that base heads always seem to start in the 20s. Sigh.
  3. Keeping in mind I'm 6'6" on a day without massive heels and any need to be taller, avatar height isn't something I would ever even look at to begin with. Tall, medium, short - I can't see that being the sole indicator of anything. Unless your avatar is designed to be a toddler and showing up somewhere inappropriate, it's just not that serious. That said, it would help if you told us (if you haven't already - it's possible I missed it) what age range you're targeting. If you're concerned you look too young, you can age up easily without having to touch your base avatar. I find working with photo references very helpful when I'm making an avatar in a certain age range (for both face/body shaping and fashion/accessorizing).
  4. I'm disappointed it took us 3 pages to get to this joke. I'm also going to be equally disappointed if someone isn't running around SL as Bear Grylls already. That would be such an easy look to put together. Come on, slackers. Make it happen!
  5. Oh I agree. *hugs back* Sometimes, though, one might wonder "am I feeling bra today?," (hell, I ask myself that often in RL and the answer is usually no, lol - glad I work at home, wheeeee) so I can understand why some might be having a difficult time with these new rules. Having something else to worry about (need to cover up, or else!!! *waves TOS around*) is extra weight when you're already struggling with expression and/or identity. I know I used to get very frustrated reading dress rules at school/work. Ugh. Women/girls must do thisss men/boys must do thaaaat. Oh I understand that completely! Some do get very, very attached to their avatar. I've known people I couldn't convince to even pick up a free Lelutka head during Christmas!!! Meanwhile, I could change my ENTIRE appearance (species, gender, outfits, heads, skin, shape included) 5 or more times in a 1-hour session. I'm terrible. 😂
  6. And this is why I'm very, very glad I don't pilot a child or teen avatar in SL. Everything you said here just made me short circuit. 😂 My males would be in the gown/bow/long hair and my females in the shaved head and plaid (I lived in flannels and combat boots and Timbs in the 90s). The middle - anyone's guess - flannels and stiletto heels on a male with long hair and an undercut. And glitter makeup. I'm too fluid for my own good, I tell ya.
  7. Lol, I was going to say. Men (and boys!) shop just as much as we do sometimes. I will say the modesty layers are pretty much what I expected them to be, though I was pleasantly surprised they went for a strapless design for the bras. This is good, at least.
  8. Considering the question is about Second Life, I'm very disappointed in those of you who didn't jump at the chance to hang out with a dadbod-rockin' bear with tummy and butt jiggle physics. I mean come onnnnnnnnnn. Live a little. Sheesh. 😂 And no, I'm not making that up. It exists. If you don't think I'm going to make an avatar like this someday, well... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RB-Bear-Physics/24613953
  9. This is another question that could be brought up at the meeting, though I don't personally think there'd be much wrong with a creator making a skin with a modesty bra that can accommodate a top or gown with a lower cut or cutouts or straps (in the back). As long as the front has full-coverage, of course, like one of those magical bras. Teens do wear prom dresses, after all.
  10. I feel your pain! I always find myself wanting ear piercings for all kinds of fantasy and furry ears (elf is the least of my worries - try finding piercings for mermaid ear fin thinggiemadoohickeys and floppy bunny ears!). Peeve! Pre-mesh, I used to make all my own jewelry and piercings, but now...eehhhhhhh. Not messing with that! I will build my own horns and antlers, though, but none of that needs rigging, so slapping some full perm mesh together for that is a much easier process.
  11. I don't want to delve too deep into off-topic with this (and Scylla's right - perhaps we'd be fine discussing it in its own thread), but I do want to stress that you don't have to worry about violating the TOS at all just by being somewhere. There are G and M-rated LGBTQ+ friendly destinations in the guide, for example.
  12. Okay good. If they do answer that question (and I'm hoping they do - even if it seems obvious, some people are understandably a bit unsure of things right now), it'd be helpful if they add the response to the FAQ, too. In the meantime, I'd tell those asking that the topic will be brought up tomorrow.
  13. This is a very good question, Madi. If you're going to the meeting tomorrow, I'd suggest bringing that up as a question for LL to answer. If you won't be there, perhaps someone else who is going can ask.
  14. Welcome! Now I'm wondering how I look under Midday. 👀 What's LL trying to say with that, LOL. "Well, if they still look like kids in THAT busted lighting that generally adds 10 years to everyone, then..." 😂 Damn, Scylla, ya beat me to the joke, lmao.
  15. I'm almost sorry that "how old do I look today?" thread got a little borked and disappeared. It would've been amusing to see how that turned out. Maybe LL would've learned some useful data from that, as well (not to trust our judgment, mostly, lol). As for windlight settings, I noticed the FAQ mentioned taking AR snapshots in Midday. I haven't used that setting in a million years (nor do I AR anyone, so there's that), so I have no idea why that would be a thing.
  16. I know, V-Tech stopped supporting Maitreya quite a bit ago. I still use it, though, because some stores don't support Lara Flat but do still carry older stuff they'd made for V-Tech Lara. I swap back and forth based on what I want to wear and where I'm shopping, basically. Lara Flat doesn't have quite as large an inventory as V-Tech did (and LaraX's offerings are even more slim). Especially for skins. I mean technically, Catwa only makes human heads, but I've used mine to create an orc. I've used my very human Maitreya body to create very not human mermaids and creatures. I've worn my living room chandelier on my head as a hat. There's nothing that says someone can't use a body or mod designed for X to create Y.
  17. There's not much difference between Lara Flat and V-Tech at all. I wear both. You could very easily make a teen male (or female) avatar using either one.
  18. Can definitely do it with several, I agree. Both male and female bodies. Legacy also still has current V-Tech clothing being made. Reborn, too, but I don't know if anyone would try working with that.
  19. Urban open world environments - where's Ceka to tell you all about The Division 2... Might also like Cyberpunk 2077. You mean Lelutka elf? Have you tried Andore? Their shop is a bit confusing because they also sell their own ears (miHD is the newest line, the older L.E.X. BOM set, and old earrings that come with included mesh ears), but I believe some of their sets are rigged for Lelutka base ears. I think... 😆 The main downside there is their demos are 1L, and you do kind of want to try stuff on to make sure it's for the right ear set. Lemme check two other shops... Hmm, you're right. I never noticed that. I was going to suggest Kumiho, but they mostly carry for Swallow and Andore L.E.X. gauged ears.
  20. GTA 6. Actually, that brings up a peeve: I never played GTA 5. I dunno man...nothing beats Vice City for me, but it didn't really age all that well, boo.
  21. Ohhh. Yeah, I dunno. My avatars are generally slim, sometimes flat-chested, and very, very tall. I'm mostly a fantasy avatar, sometimes horror/creature/undead/monster, occasionally furry/frog/dragon, and sometimes human male/female/nonbinary. I can't possibly begin to guess where people would place anything I create on the age scale, so I'm not even going to worry about that. I'm only on adult sims these days when shopping and if someone reallllyyyy thinks my undead lich queen looks underage because she's scrawny, her chest is flat, and she has no face at all to judge by, what can ya do, lol. I don't personally think anything negative of flat/petite avatars, though, seeing as how I often pilot one and everyone is very short to me considering how I quite intentionally tower over people (just monster thangs).
  22. Yep, same. I make cute (and maybe terrifying...hmm, gotta add that to the list) doll avatars from time to time, but given the new rules about adult land, I'd never take them out on the town. I'll save them for the photo studio, which is what they're for to begin with. Granted we're at 250 pages in this monster thread, so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it, but who said or implied they hate short slim people? I've seen some claim to hate child avatars, but I assume they meant the ones who are like 5 years old and spam chat with that obnoxious gesture text (I may or may not be guilty of blocking one or two of those myself - I was trying to shop for food and they were distracting me).
  23. There's a lot of assumption and guessing in this, though. I personally don't think the "I'm 18, yo" profile disclaimers mean much of anything at all. If someone were to snap a photo of said avatar doing something very against the rules and it gets posted around the web or whatever, their profile disclaimer won't be making it into the shot. Still a bad look. I think, just for clarity's sake, it's better if LL notes in the TOS or FAQ if the modesty rules are only for the under 12 crowd or includes the 13+, as well. I see no reason why that can't be made crystal clear for us. Oh and clubs on moderate land are risky. LL is advising child (again, does this include older teen?) avatars change to non-child or non-human avatars just to SHOP on moderate land. No way would I risk taking one into a nightclub.
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