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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. That's kind of hilarious, honestly. I mean, the thought of a furry running around in a speedo, anyway. In practice, that sounds like a nightmare. I don't even know what a younger furry looks like or how it's made, but I'd imagine their skins are already blanked out/PG. Hell, mine mostly are and they're sold as adult. I gotta use BOM layers if I want any detail on there (which I don't, thanks).
  2. Thank you for this, LOL. I jumped the gun and didn't wait for a new thread. Whoops! Also, thank you @brodiac90 for the partial transcript.
  3. Yep. Check brodiac's new thread - he's got the details on that.
  4. Welcome! And now I feel silly, because there's a new thread JUST for that, lmao. I'm sorry.
  5. Sure, sorry! I wasn't sure which thread to even toss it in, but if Chery doesn't mind, I'll just yeet it in here for now. Second Life: Governance User Group meeting (9 May 2024)
  6. Pantera's video has been posted to YouTube already, if you want to take a look at it. The meeting wasn't in voice, though, soooooo...gotta read the screen.
  7. Very welcome! Though now that I know you're going for a cow/human mix, the chest makes perfect sense. Ignore everything I said about that (and what I said about your face, too, honestly). It all works when taken in context. Don't even ASK me how I missed the ears and the cute tag, LOL.
  8. I didn't rate your photo (or anyone's), but lemme see... Okay, sooooo... I'd say the body itself wouldn't tell me much. The oversized chests on some avatars just automatically turn them into not human territory for me (I'm sorry!), which makes them difficult to properly rate. Face-wise, I'd say your eyes are too wide. I typically go for a more closed-eye look. So I'd move the upper eyelids down and the lower up. Mouth/lips could be wider and more even, too. You're cute, though! You don't HAVE to do any of that, and I see above you say you were going for a human/cow hybrid, so I kind of get it now that I've read it. 😄
  9. Oh I totally agree. My point was mainly that you can't solely go by the whole "lollipops/kawaii/Hello Kitty cute = under 18 avatar" thing when determining age at all. I've personally known women in their 40s (maybe older) totally obsessssssssed with stuff like that. And wooo, they do NOT play. The pens...gawd. So many Hello Kitty pens. 🤣 Edit: To clarify, I don't mean you personally, Chery. Just the general you.
  10. Lollipops, teddy bears, and Hello Kitty blankets. Sounds kind of fun to me. Who wants to start a club? We can do tea parties n stuff. More seriously, women over 30 do very much love some of that stuff, too. That's FluffyKawaiiJo, and her YouTube audience is mostly over the age of 25. I wouldn't think there's a single thing off about anyone rocking that look in SL. It's popular on YouTube, Insta, Pinterest, TikTok, and offline (there are tea party events and conventions and whatnot). Guess wut - men wear it, too. Whether or not Governance is familiar with it is a whole other thing. I would assume so by now, given how popular SoKawaiiSundays is.
  11. I could test it. If nobody else has nonconforming avies to contribute after a bit, I can toss one in. Human ones, I promise. 🤣
  12. The thread needs more male and non-binary avies. I'll wait. 😄
  13. All good observations and I agree with a lot of that. I'm not participating in that thread as I don't particularly have much reason to, but I am watching it out of curiosity. I do strongly agree with your point about making older avatars. They're my absolute favorite (and older male avies are so hot omg wait wut), but you almost never see them unless you know where to look - the fantasy and horror community, mostly. Understandable, as it takes a LOT of effort to make one. I've been shopping mine for a very long time.
  14. I gave a real life example of a grown mid-20s man in pigtails and frilly dresses. Also, Snoop (minus the frilly dresses, lol - ahhh, that'd be something). Also, the Bette Davis example only makes me think of kawaii and similar fashion styles, and those are often 30+ year old women wearing all that (big scene both online and off), so...I'm not seeing the connection. Perhaps I'm just desensitized to those looks since it's all so, so common in alternative fashion scenes with all genders, which I spent much of my life immersed in. Not only that, but as a fluid tomboy, frilly things don't automatically make me think of girls at all (mmmm men in poet shirts...wait what were we talking about?). They do make me think of dolls. Some girls (and boys and men and women) do enjoy looking that way, but I found it suffocating and obnoxious. While I don't think BilliJo has much to worry about, I do wonder about people who dress their avatars in different and perhaps unfamiliar fashion styles if public perception is indeed pigtails = little girls and nothing more.
  15. Is that a human only thread? No, I won't post my frog. Thought about it, though. 😄
  16. As I mentioned in that other thread, I don't see pigtails any differently. Maybe it's because I used to know a guy who wore his hair like that. Very tall guy, mid-late 20s at the time, goth, into EGL fashion and wore frills and dresses and makeup. I guess I just don't see why pigtails would be limited solely to children (girls, in particular). But you already know my views on stuff like this. They are absolutely gorgeous, but I just don't have the kind of patience it takes to rock some of them. I used to wear box braids with extensions growing up and I'm not exaggerating when I say it would be a 14+ hour process to put them in. I am thankful I can wear those styles in SL without having to sit still in a chair, so there's that.
  17. Yeah. I don't think people put that stuff on their avatar to intentionally age them up or down at all. It's more a question of "do I like piercings/tats or nah?" I would be surprised if age entered into the thought process at all. Hair is one of those weird things that may or may not contribute to an avatar's age. I have a ton of styles that could go either way based on the rest of the look. On its own, meaningless, just like height. People do seem to get weirdly caught up on things like ponytails, which is interesting to me. Makes me wonder what they'd think of Bantu knots (worn both by children and adults). Cultural hairstyles almost never enter into convos like that.
  18. Wat. I was talking about SL. And lol at Hot Topic. Not going there, though. Unless you've got some reason to believe child avatars are rockin' Erik Sprague looks in SL, I wouldn't agree that piercings and tattoos are popular among people roleplaying pre-teens here. In the older teens and above crowd, I don't think it contributes much to an avatar's age, though.
  19. Honestly, I used to stick to goth outfits a lot more faithfully in pre-mesh days. Some of the flexi gowns were soooooo pretty! Once things went full mesh, though, I've fallen off that. I do still rock gowns, but I favor much slimmer evening wear. With the way mesh dresses and skirts flip up over our heads when we walk (ugh, don't get me started on that), it's just harder to make those large gowns work. I'll still wear one on occasion, but meeeeeeh. As for piercings, it's funny because I don't have ANY (and no tats either) in RL, but that's solely because I've got no pain tolerance, lol. I'm the most squeamish baby ever. If not for that, I would have a face and head full of piercings. In fact, I have thing for body modification and used to read BME quite a lot back in the day - to the point of wanting full body tats and transdermal and subdermal implants, but I knew I'd never realistically survive that mess if it took me until 18 years old to brave Claire's for my first pair of normal earrings done with a stupid piercing gun. 🤣 I got as far as walking into a tattoo shop and requesting an armband that quickly progressed into "okay, so let's tattoo this entire tarot card design on your back, for a start..." and then chickened out. So guess what? I do that here! And yes, I admit, I'm a bit over the top with it (up to about 12 or 13 rings and studs in my face with another dozen or so in my ears), but that's pretty much how I'd look in RL if I weren't so squeamish. As for age, even combined with height and everything else, I doubt that contributes much to it in either direction, except it's highly, highly unlikely a 10-year-old will have a face full of metal and tattoos all over, so there's that, I suppose.
  20. Agree! And honestly, I don't think you'll ever be able to gather a group of people in one room and all magically agree on what age someone (or their avatar) is. It's just way too subjective. My face every time Paul Rudd trends on his birthday, for instance. To me, that man never ages. Small details do work wonders generally, but we all know people can miss stuff like that, too. I agree with what @brodiac90 said - governance is going to be looking for very obvious cases.
  21. Okay so for just general over 18, there's stuff you could do to emphasize that if you wanted to, but I think you'd be fine as is. I wouldn't worry about it. I could nitpick things, but that's just me being overly picky. Like, there are better bunny ears on the market - bento, that animate and come with a tail that responds to your AO so it bounces and twitches when you walk/run and looks SO CUTE OMG. 😄
  22. Oh, I think I missed this. And Arielle!!! I'll have no more of this goth slander. 😂 There used to be 60+ goths and punks in the clubs I went to in my 20s. My love of goth stuffs surely ain't going anywhere now that I'm older, just as theirs didn't. You stop dat, lmao. At any rate, there's no point debating piercings/tats as BilliJo likely won't be adopting those (unless she wants to, at which point I have suggestionnnnnns), but yeah - 16 year olds get them. 42 year olds get them. 60 year olds get them. Proves nothing about age whatsoever.
  23. Lol, actually to be serious for a second, you did hit on some of the common tricks I use. Brow shape can be HUGE when aging up or down. Skin detail layers and materials, too. Makeup. Fashion very obviously (though I still rock very dark colors because I love those). Accessories like jewelry/held items. Hair can help sometimes as a finishing touch. Overall face shape does make a huge difference, too (for the photo references I use, they all have very prominent cheeks, and I find mimicking that does help quite a bit). I generally start with a photo reference in their 50s and age them down into their 30s. For some reason, that tends to work a lot better for me than starting with a photo of someone who is about 30 years old. Just personal preference. I did grab a head with built-in wrinkles and skin effects and a ton of material styles that I adoooore, but I'm saving it to make some 60+ male and female fantasy avatars.
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